LOA for the Real World: 7 Big Fat Clues to Getting What You Want

Jeannette Maw - 2011
    how about you? People everywhere already practice this - not just energy healers and life coaches, but athletes, executives, students, homemakers, leaders, etc. This ebook will help you manage your vibration to get what you want. A few of the things you'll learn in this ebook... 1. The key to effortless manifesting 2. The one time it's ok to ignore the advice you hear again and again from many LOA experts 3. The addiction that prevents you from getting what you want (and how to fix it) 4. You've probably heard that "nothing is more important than that you feel good"... which is true! But I'll tell you when you absolutely must ignore this advice if you want success in your manifesting 5. How to handle manifesting failure 6. And the most powerful habit you can embrace to amp up your manifesting success As someone who has spent over a decade fine tuning my own creation skills and making a living helping others do the same, it's my pleasure to offer you personal insights about where we often get hung up and what to do about it. Love & Miracles - Jeannette Maw Good Vibe Coach

The Clairvoyant's Handbook: A Practical Guide to Mediumship

Amy Hale - 2012
    It describes aspects of the authors journey from a new learner and previous sceptic to a practising medium with all of the highs, lows and difficulties experienced along the way. This is an absolute must for anyone who is trying to develop their clairvoyant abilities or for those who are simply curious about the spirit world. The exercises are so easy to follow - the first down to earth spiritual book with a large dose of humour thrown in.

Mindfulness Without Meditation: Creating Mindful Habits That Actually Stick

Shea Matthew Fisher - 2015
    Do you want the calm, clarity, and focus of mindfulness without the trappings of formal meditation practice? This book will provide you with a set of tips and techniques that can guide you in infusing your daily life, as it already is, with exactly that.

What the Dead Have Taught Me About Living Well

Rebecca Rosen - 2017
    But of course Rebecca’s life is also colored with signs from the other world, with messages that spirits from the Other Side urgently want to share with their loved ones. Just like you, Rebecca can get overwhelmed at times, but she has developed strategies for coping with those feelings and refocusing when she feels herself going off-course. In this book, she shares those exercises, practices like creating a special space for tapping into higher spiritual guidance, how to get “spiritually dressed” in the morning by getting centered and protecting the energetic body, and how to cleanse negative energy from a room.After serving as a psychic medium between the spirit world and our day-to-day world for more than two decades, what Rebecca knows for sure is that the spirit world is always trying to get our attention. They intervene in our lives every day to let us know that our real-life struggles have a rhyme, a reason, and a purpose, and that we’re not alone to figure it all out. Our guides have our backs every step of the way, and What the Dead Have Taught Me About Living Well reveals how to become more in tune with their guidance.

Thank You for Being Such a Pain: Spiritual Guidance for Dealing with Difficult People

Mark Rosen - 1998
    By embracing four fundamental premises and putting into practice the author's many helpful and practical suggestions, you'll acquire the skills and insights necessary for turning around even the most troublesome relationship. What you need to keep in mind is that: (1) nothing in your life happens randomly and your difficulties have a deeper purpose; (2) frustration and even emotional pain are as necessary for your personal and spiritual growth as love and joy; (3) transforming enmity and completing unfinished business may be the most important skills you can learn in life; and (4) when you make an effort to work on your inner self, your outer relationships will be transformed.        This groundbreaking book draws upon state-of-the-art psychological principles and timeless spiritual practices from all traditions. Filled with enlightening exercises and entertaining stories, Thank You for Being Such a Pain will forever change the way you see the difficult people in your life . . . as well as the way you see yourself.

The Feng Shui Bible

Simon G. Brown - 2005
    The idea is simple: to improve any aspect of your life, you must create the right atmosphere to support it. The Feng Shui Bible brings all the strands of this ancient practise into one simple, useable reference. The opening section explains the key concepts of feng shui, chi energy, yin and yang, the five elements and eight trigrams, and illustrates them with real life applications and examples. It also details the basic tools of feng shui - everyday objects like mirrors, plants, and fountains that help the energy in any space flow more easily. The comprehensive Feng Shui Directory explains how these principles can be used to improve every aspect of life - home, relationships, finances, creativity, career, health, and spiritual connection.

Like She Owns the Place: Give Yourself the Gift of Confidence and Ignite Your Inner Magic

Cara Alwill Leyba - 2018
    The truth is that confidence isn't about living up to anyone's expectations--it's about affirming, every day, that you're an effing boss. It's not the result of being skinny, making a six figure salary, finding your dream partner, or drinking a green juice every day. It requires patience, dedication, forgiveness, bravery, and an incredible amount of self-compassion.You've probably read that "confidence is a choice," and while that's true, it's more accurate to say that confidence is a series of repeated choices to accept yourself. To choose pride over insecurity. And to fearlessly show up in the world as the truest expression of yourself.It took me a long time to overcome all the BS. It took me a longer time to develop a rock-solid sense of inner-peace and become intimate with my intuition. To achieve real confidence that lasted longer than a sugar rush.My goal with this book is to share with you how I have arrived here, how I've helped my clients arrive here, and hopefully save you years of pain, shame, and uncertainty. Because, girl, I know how rocky this road can be. I'm going to show you how to block out all the noise around you, and how to free yourself from the opinions and judgment of others. I'm going to teach you how to trust your gut, reclaim your life, and rock what you've got.I'm going to show you how to own the place.

The 30 Day Attraction Experiment: One Man's Quest to Put the Law of Attraction to the Test

James Weaver - 2013
    The author discusses why he chose this experiment, what the experiment entailed, what he attracted, and what he learned during these 30 days. The results are honest and inspiring. This work will be appreciated by those with little to no knowledge of the law of attraction and those well acquainted with this universal law.***Newly edited version uploaded on 10/26/13***

Tapping the Source: Using the Master Key System for Abundance and Happiness

William Gladstone - 2010
    At the same time, these volumes don't offer a practical daily process for attaining your goals-and that's exactly what "Tapping the Source" provides. It teaches a daily method that stimulates the process for manifesting your dreams outlined in "The Secret." These techniques can be applied to any aspect of life, from sex to career to creativity. Just "tap into the source"-daily Manifestation Sessions, each totaling no more than three to five minutes-and live the life you want!What is the MASTER KEY SYSTEM?The genesis of the ideas in "Tapping the Source"-which are a natural extension of the concepts expounded upon in "The Secret"-is Charles Haanel's classic 1912 work, "The Master Key System." Although Napoleon Hill is popularly considered the father of the "law of attraction," a letter from Hill to Charles Haanel, reproduced in "Tapping the Source," thanks Haanel for his illuminating ideas. The letter is dated 1919, 18 years before "Think and Grow Rich" was published.

Through the Open Door: To the Vastness of Your True Being

Eckhart Tolle - 2005
    Through the Open Door is Eckhart's highly anticipated return to audio, featuring new teachings on: Achieving Space Consciousness, learning to focus on the underlying field from which all forms and thoughts arise Refining your alertness to become alive and present with every cell of your body ? The illusions that lead to suffering, spiritual longing, and the need for more time in our lives and how to dispel them. How to discover true liberation beyond the limits of the thinking mind and the little self, and more. Eckhart's listeners often report that they play his recordings time and again in order to experience his unique ability to transport them to a state of awakened consciousness. Now, the legions of fans who turn to this modern spiritual beacon for guidance are invited to follow him Through the Open Door into a new world of vast aliveness.

For Today & Tomorrow: Daily Encouragement

Daisaku Ikeda - 1999
    Great for the newest member and seasoned practitioners. --sgi-usa.org

Vitamin H

Abhishek Vipul Thakkar - 2020
    It aims to elevate the lives of people by fostering inner confidence and strengthening their faith. In a turbulent and chaotic world, people are in dire need of words of motivation and inspiration. Vitamin H provides the much needed therapy which will successfully cure the diseases such as negativity, pessimism, cynicism and envy. It will awaken the dreamer within you and help you achieve the seemingly impossible.

Self-Discipline: Develop Daily Habits to Program Your Mind, Build Mental Toughness, Self-Confidence and WillPower

Ray Vaden - 2019
    Self-discipline is a wonderful thing. It can mean the difference between achieving goals or not achieving goals. It can give a person a greater sense of self-worth. It can allow someone the ability to work harder for a shorter amount of time and accomplish much more than before. Self-discipline can make the process of dropping bad habits in favor of good ones much easier to accomplish.People who have self-discipline are happier in life.They have a greater sense of purpose overall and a greater sense of accomplishment in everyday life. Seeking self-discipline is the best way to a better life.Self-discipline is a goal that will only be accomplished by following a path that will cause a great deal of pain. Walking this path will require a good deal of hard work and dedication because this path is not an easy one to walk. Sometimes, people fall off. Sometimes, the direction of the path needs to be changed. Sometimes, the path needs to be broken up into smaller trips in order to be able to complete the whole journey.Self-control and self-discipline require hard work and serious commitment. If a person is not really serious about the need to develop self-discipline, then it just will not happen. No one can give anyone else self-discipline. It needs to be learned within. However, consider what happens if self-discipline is never developed. Can a person go on in life without ever developing any level of self-discipline? Of course, they can. What they will be missing out on is a lifetime of achievement. They will be giving up all sense of self-worth and self-fulfillment. They will lose out on the ability to replace bad habits with good ones. They will never know the joy of getting rid of addictions and temptations. They will be forever plagued by negative feelings of anger and regret and guilt. They will live their entire lives accomplishing nothing because they lack the necessary self-discipline to accomplish anything. They will not succeed.Of course, it is a purely personal choice. It is possible to live life without accomplishing anything. It is possible to just skate through life devoid of any sense of self-worth and self-love. It is possible to get to the end and never achieve any type of goal. However, what kind of life would that really be?The best way is to begin today to work on personal goals. Start now by deciding which habits are bad and need to be replaced. Make a list of good habits that need to be cultivated. Decide when this new lifestyle will begin--keeping in mind that sooner is better. Write down all the goals that need to be achieved and all the good habits that need to be cultivated. Post this list where everyone can see it.Tell family and friends.Get everyone involved! Most importantly, remember that a successful outcome will be its own best reward!

Crazy Sexy Love Notes: A 52-Card Deck

Kris Carr - 2015
    The fact is, you deserve it. You are a magnificent, radiant being. You are divine. And you are awesome. The sooner you start embracing that and treating yourself accordingly, the sooner your life will begin to unfold with compassion, purpose, ease, health, and vitality.        In this card deck from New York Times best-selling author Kris Carr, featuring gorgeous illustrations by artist Lori Portka, you’ll find gentle, yet powerful reminders to help you care for and appreciate yourself at the deepest level. Let these love notes guide you back home when you lose your way, and remind you to:  Choose love—extend your love to all beings, most importantly yourself.  Nourish yourself—choose healthy, wholesome foods prepared with love.  Notice the blessings—when we take stock of our blessings, we receive more of them.  Be gentle with yourself—you are precious.  Accept yourself unconditionally—let go of who you think you should be and fall madly in love with who you are in this moment.

Life Colors: What the Colors in Your Aura Reveal

Pamala Oslie - 2000
    Pamala Oslie offers a guide to these aura colors and how they correspond to four main personality types. She also describes 12 combination colors and includes a test to determine one's own aura color. With celebrity examples and ways to cultivate new aura colors, this insightful guide can lead to greater self-understanding.