
Aaron Bunce - 2019
    Down on his luck and desperate to make quota, Jacoby happens upon a “cherry rock”. The kind that wouldn’t just meet his quota but put him into a sizeable financial bonus. But there’s a problem. A scan shows a sizeable hollow cavity inside, and company procedures are clear: voids must be drilled and tested for potentially explosive gases. That would mean handing it over to a specialty drilling team, and thus, kissing his payday goodbye. Refusing to hand his financial future away, Jacoby ignores his terminal’s warning and stakes his claim. Except, his saw cuts into more than just rock.Something was inside… something alive. Jacoby quickly learns that some rocks are hiding more than just precious minerals and trace metals. And when some things are set loose, there is no putting them back.Mankind will never be the same.

The Irish Brigade: A Fallen Empire Novel

J.F. Holmes - 2020

Darkling Smiles: Tales of Brightness Darkled

Michaelbrent Collings - 2019
    Tales of lives bright, lives dim. Stories of a universe fallen, where every happiness has its opposite, and every smile will be inevitably darkled... Amazon readers rave: "A fantastic collection" - Heather Escobedo"A Must-Have Book for Michaelbrent Collings fans" - D. Hilton"I was blown away by this collection of stories.""I highly recommend this book to anyone who loves surprise endings and twisted tales." - Jeffrey C."Stories that will haunt your dreams." - Kimberly A"I couldn't put it down." - Shirley"If you enjoy horror, you'll love this book." - Jason"You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll scream! What more can you want?" - E. Taylor

Primeval Waters

William Burke - 2021
    Micah Clarke, his nine-year-old daughter Faye and his assistant Catalina Abril are abducted at gunpoint; forced to join a megalomaniac’s paramilitary expedition down an Amazon tributary ruled by murderous pirates and cannibal tribes. The goal—recover a meteorite capable of providing clean energy for the world. But prehistoric terrors lurk around every bend in the river. Swarms of six-inch titan ants and a seventy-foot Titanoboa tear a bloody swath through the flotilla. Micah is convinced that some unknown intelligence is manifesting these primeval horrors to protect the meteorite’s secrets. To defend his daughter, Micah must battle monsters, pirates and cannibals, all leading to his ultimate confrontation with an ancient force possessing the power of creation, or total destruction… and the doomsday clock is chiming midnight.

Across the Galactic Pond

Christian Kallias - 2018
    His first mission: save a gazillion lives. When young Kevin has a chance encounter with a dying alien, he discovers not only that humans aren't alone in the universe, but that this encounter propels him into the middle of an intergalactic war. Now at the frontlines of a massive, far far away war, he’s sent to the last remaining ship of the losing side. The crew of the ship? All dead. His mission is simple: he must save the good guys from certain doom. From College reject to War Master, Kevin learns he must adapt quickly or billions will die.

The Hunt

Kimberly A Bettes - 2019
    One night. No hope. Damaged property.Mauled animals.Mutilated bodies.There's something on the loose, prowling the dense forests of the Ozarks, leaving a trail of horror and devastation in its wake and striking fear deep in the hearts of all who live there.A monster, they say. A behemoth creature with long teeth and sharp claws.On a cold November night, three men head out into the dark wilderness, searching for the beast, hoping to take it down before it kills again. But as the men are pushed to their limits, they're left wondering if they'll survive the hunt......or will they have to sacrifice themselves in order to save the lives of others?

We Dare

Eric Thomson - 2019
    The Marines of Ghost Squadron are humanity’s foremost black ops specialists who strike without warning and vanish without a trace.  They will do whatever is necessary to protect humanity anywhere in the known galaxy.  With the Commonwealth increasingly unstable thanks to venal politicians, greedy financiers, and power-hungry revolutionaries, they don’t lack for missions.When an undercover Constabulary officer vanishes after uncovering a massive cartel-run human trafficking operation, the Commonwealth’s interstellar police force calls for help from Naval Intelligence.  Because the cartel’s operations could upend the delicate political balance between the older core worlds and the more recently colonized outer star systems, Ghost Squadron gets the job.  Its mission: find the missing Constabulary officer and choke off the growing slave trade bedeviling humanity’s perilous galactic frontier.Ghost Squadron’s commanding officer, Lieutenant Colonel Zachary Thomas Decker, spent the last ten years as a Naval Intelligence agent.  His job was thwarting plots and terminating the Commonwealth’s internal enemies alongside his partner, a trained assassin.  Now, with several hundred of the deadliest Marines ever fielded at his back, Zack Decker will change the course of history and usher in a new era. Humanity's interstellar empire ended in "Ashes of Empire."  Witness its birth a thousand years earlier in Eric Thomson's new series "Ghost Squadron."

The Bug: Complete Season One

Barry J. Hutchison - 2016
    A wave of violence is sweeping Hoon's city, and reports are flooding in that the whole world is rapidly tearing itself apart. As anger and violence gives way to full-blown madness, Hoon finds himself babysitting a group of survivors, who he has reluctantly vowed to protect. But with the madness that's gripping the rest of the world rapidly affecting him, can he get them to safety before he himself becomes their greatest threat? Meanwhile, across the ocean in Boston, two teenage slacker grocery store clerks are discovering that the end of the world isn't as much fun as they'd always imagined, as they are hurled into a desperate battle for survival - and a quest to find and rescue their parents. But the hordes of crazed infected are only the start of the world's problems, and things take a decidedly creepy turn when the true instigators of the violent epidemic come crawling out of the shadows... Because it isn't a virus that ends the world. It's a Bug.

Good Morning Vendemiatrix

H. Paul Honsinger - 2020
    In these labors, there is one friend that they can count on, day in and day out . . . he’s a constant companion in their headsets with the Smack and Crack, Sno Bro, and other music they love, as well offering a seemingly endless stream of friendship and encouragement: the morning DJ on Company Radio Channel D, Robin Whitlake. But, Robin is more than a warm human voice in the endless night, he is a man with a heroic, yet deadly and dangerous secret past that could condemn him to death at any time. Disfigured and aging rapidly, he must work harder and harder to project the youth and vitality that he brings to his broadcasts, all the while wondering when and if his past will catch up with him. On 14 January 2314, it did. A disaster in the mining colony brings the heroic and deadly elements of Robin’s past into sudden collision. Not only must he decide whether to subject himself to possible execution, Robin has to call upon all his professionalism as a broadcaster, the skills he spent decades honing in his former life, and the Morse code abilities of a red-headed, pig-tailed Space Scout named Elaine, in a desperate “Hail Mary” improvisation with thousands of innocent lives hanging in the balance. Good Morning Vendemiatrix is an 8800 word stand-alone novelette set in the “Man of War” universe. Fans of Honsinger’s other work will recognize the setting and be treated to a cameo appearance by a familiar character, while new readers will not find themselves “lost in space.” It is a humorous and exciting piece of shorter fiction written to be enjoyed by all Science Fiction readers.

Horrid High

Payal Kapadia - 2014
    For Mr. and Mrs. Gottin, parenting is an experiment gone badly wrong. So they look for a school where you can dump your kids and forget about them. At Horrid High, everything is downright horrid, from Chef Gretta's cooking to Master Mynus's truly mental maths classes. But Ferg finds four friends with extraordinary skills, and they make a series of startling discovering about their horrid school.Can Ferg and his friends survive Horrid High together? And can they stop Principal Perverse's wicked plans before it's too late? Open the gates of Horrid High and find out!


Hugo Navikov - 2018
     An Above-Top-Secret project brings military brass, elite commandos, ice-drilling experts, and abducted scientists to investigate a 100-mile-long 'gravitational anomaly' half a mile under the West Antarctic Ice Shelf. Their target: a spaceship buried for millions of years, home to a menagerie of alien and prehistoric horrors that could be unleashed on Earth and end every life on it.

Surprise Battle: A Different Outcome

Thomas Trimble - 2020
    He is the Captain of the USS Joseph Kane, a 2015 Virginia Class, Fast Attack Nuclear Submarine. The strange force has taken the boat and all the crew back to 1942 in the middle of WWII. In fact, the Navy Command at the time, not even knowing what a nuclear submarine is, ordered him into the middle of the battles near Guadalcanal during the amphibious landings. Starting with the Battle of Savo Island which in history was a harsh loss of brave Allied sailors. What will the outcome of the new battles be and will this cause the possible paradox in time? Come with Captain Richey and the crew and travel into an Alternate History.

Jurassic Ark

Edward J. McFadden III - 2020
    Led by Brazilian guide Diogo and a contingent of mercenaries, the husband and wife team trek into the jungle to investigate.The trail of dead monkeys leads deep into the rainforest and the group fractures when Mic describes seeing a fifteen-foot spinosaurus prowling the forest. Despite the defections of their guide and two guards, the scientists track the dinosaur in search of answers.The horrors they discover quickly turn their mission to one of survival as the team fights monsters of the past… and the unknown.

Journeys Through TimeSpace

James Talisman - 2021
    Immense obstacles confront both sides as they work to obtain these powerful artifacts.Not only must our young Earth heroes learn new knowledge and skills associated with ancient wisdom traditions, but they must travel to both Earth’s past and future to find the treasures needed to defend their world against a powerful enemy.Explore how these three friends obtain the ability to time-travel and experience the adventures they encounter on their journeys through time. Follow them as they encounter life and death situations from various places in Earth’s past and future. The legendary continent of Atlantis plays an important role as well.Secret Earth organizations are also players in this thrilling adventure. These ancient groups have been adversaries for hundreds of years. Their long-term battle becomes intense as Earth’s fate draws closer.As the clock ticks, can Earth’s defenders succeed, or will the powerful reptilian humanoid leader and his followers achieve their plan for reality across the MultiVerse of time and space?

The Burning Tree: Book 2: Rebirth

Christopher Artinian - 2021