Awaken Healing Energy Through the Tao: The Taoist Secret of Circulating Internal Power

Mantak Chia - 1983
    This book reveals the Taoist secret of circulating Chi, the generative life force, through the acupuncture meridians of the body.

The Lightworker's Source: An Enlightening Guide to Awaken the Power Within

Sahvanna Arienta - 2012
    You know you have a calling but you don't yet know what it is or how to go about finding it. The Lightworker's Source is a much-needed guide for newly awakened or even fully conscious Lightworkers to reveal their authentic selves and find fulfillment in the lives they are destined to live. You will be inspired by true stories of fellow Lightworkers who have awakened to the divine intention of their own lives, and learn practices to enhance your own Lightworker gifts.The Lightworker's Source will help you understand:The signs and symptoms of awakening to your Lightworker roleWhat the "Dark Night of The Soul" is and why it is a Lightworker rite of passageHow to avoid the "One Way Flow," which will create roadblocks to your own happinessHow to use your dreams for guidance and as a gateway to your higher selfThe Lightworker's Source is the practical roadmap to the higher self you've been searching for.

The Way Toward Health: A Seth Book

Jane Roberts - 1997
    There are metaphysical psychosomatic reasons that will manifest illness. When those mental thoughts and beliefs are corrected, changed or amended healing can take place. This book is based on the last two years of the authors life and her hospitalization and death.

Karmic Astrology: Retrogrades and Reincarnation Vol 2

Martin Schulman - 1977
    Schulman presents one of the most radical and unorthodox interpretations of retrograde planets yet published. Disregarding the traditional "good" or "bad" explanations, he gives instead a system which explains the three vibrational moods in which these planets may be expressed. Each planet is discussed thoroughly in all signs and houses. There is also an examination of the esoteric and karmic symbolism begun in Volume 1 of the Series.

Dodging Energy Vampires: An Empath’s Guide to Evading Relationships That Drain You and Restoring Your Health and Power

Christiane Northrup - 2018
    They were born that way. As a result, they carry a tremendous amount of inner light. But they’re also the favored prey of “vampires” who feed off empaths’ energy and disrupt their lives on every level—physical, emotional, and financial.In Dodging Energy Vampires, Christiane Northrup, M.D., draws on the latest research in this exciting new field, along with stories from her global community and her own life, to explore the phenomenon of energy vampires and show us how we can spot them, dodge their tactics, and take back our own energy. You’ll delve into the dynamics of vampire-empath relationships and discover how vampires use others’ energy to fuel their own dysfunctional lives. Once you recognize the patterns of behavior that mark these relationships, you’ll be empowered to identify the vampires in your life too.In these pages, Dr. Northrup opens up a toolbox full of techniques you can use to leave these harmful relationships behind; heal from the darkness they’ve cast over your mind, body, and spirit; and let your own light shine. In the end, you may find yourself healthier, happier, wealthier, and more vibrant than you ever believed possible.

How to Master Lucid Dreaming: Your Practical Guide to Unleashing the Power of Lucid Dreaming

Sean Kelly - 2014
    Grab it while it's practically FREE.Thanks to your support, "How to Master Lucid Dreaming" became a #1 Bestseller in 6 different categories including: Spirituality, Personal Growth, Self-Help. You're missing out on an ABSOLUTELY INCREDIBLE part of your life. It's time to change that. There are a ridiculous amount of techniques online for lucid dreaming. Too many. Enough to overwhelm any beginner and annoy any expert. This book is a journey into mastery of lucid dreaming. No more trying random techniques from forums. It's time to build a sustainable practice and delve into the depths of your consciousness.I've helped thousands of people with lucid dreaming over the past 9 years. It's your turn. What's Included in the Book - The Biggest Obstacle to Lucid Dreaming and How to Overcome It- How to Achieve Anything You Set Your Mind To- How to Use Your Mind as a Rocket Booster Instead of Dead Weight- How to Remember More of Your Life With a Stupidly Simple Practice- The Forgotten Jewel of a Hidden Type of Memory- Why You've Been Doing Reality Checks Completely Wrong (and totally wasting your time)- How to Completely Let Go of Your Stressful Day- How Not To Waste Time With Lucid Dreaming Techniques- The 5 Things Every Good Lucid Dreaming Technique Has in Common- 5 Steps to Mastering Your TechniqueIf you just want to experience lucid dreaming once, then move on, this book isn't for you. But if you want to master lucid dreaming and be able to experience it any time you want, get this book. What are the Benefits of Lucid Dreaming? - Deep personal and spiritual exploration into the nature of consciousness and who you really are- Receive life-changing information from your subconscious- Artistic and creative Inspiration (imagine composing music while flying in the sky with rainbow colored sound streaming all around you...)- Wipe away years of minor depression- FUN! Fun! FUN! Tons of fun- Overcome fears that are holding you back in life- Explore different realms that you'll suddenly have access to- Heal emotional traumas through interacting directly with your subconscious mind- Overcome nasty nightmares that leave you feeling crappy in the morning- Add more hours of actually being ALIVE every day- Shift your entire perspective on life, reality, consciousness and what it's all about- Soar like a bird in the sky, feeling the wind against your skin (one of the most amazing experiences ever) What people are saying about the book "I'm on day 3 of the program today and had my first lucid dream last night! Thank you sooooo much for this book, I am loooving it and soo excited about my own lucid journey!"- Jess Webb"I’ve got LaBerge’s course, Lucid Dreaming Secrets Unveiled by Darius Thomas, Robert Waggoner’s Lucid Dream Workshop, etc. etc...

Magic. You Are It. Be It.

Gary M. Douglas - 2008
    You ARE It. Be It." Gary Douglas and Dr. Dain Heer share processes, tools and points of view that you can use to create consciousness and magic- and change your life in ways you may not even be able to imagine.Magic is about the fun of having the things you desire. In a larger way, magic is about consciousness - not the addendum TO your life, it's consciousness AS your life. You can function from consciousness every moment you're alive. When you do, your life becomes truly magical and there's nothing you can't generate.What are the infinite possibilities?What else is possible?"Magic is all around us, it's something we all generate. What would it take to think differently about the universe, the consciousness and oneness that we all are and the magic that is an intrinsic part of it?"--Gary M. Douglas"The real magic is the ability to have the joy that's possible, the joy that can be generated, the joy that life can be!"-- Dr. Dain Heer

Your Soul's Plan: Discovering the Real Meaning of the Life You Planned Before You Were Born

Robert Schwartz - 2009
    Through compelling profiles of people who knowingly planned the experiences mentioned above, Your Soul’s Plan shows that suffering is not purposeless, but rather imbued with deep meaning. Working with four gifted mediums, author Robert Schwartz reveals the significance of each person’s life plan and allows us a fascinating look into the “other side.”Each personal story focuses on a specific life challenge, organized by type for easy reference. Accessible both to those familiar with the metaphysical aspects of spirituality and to the general reader, the moving narratives that comprise Your Soul’s Plan help readers awaken to the reality that they are transcendent, eternal souls. With this stirring book as a guide, feelings of anger, resentment, guilt, and victimization are healed and transformed into acceptance, forgiveness, gratitude, and peace. Robert Schwartz is also the author of Your Soul’s Gift: The Healing Power of the Life You Planned Before You Were Born, which explores the pre-birth planning of spiritual awakening, miscarriage, abortion, caregiving, abusive relationships, sexuality, incest, adoption, poverty, suicide, rape, and mental illness. There’s also a chapter about the pre-birth planning we do with our future pets. Robert Schwartz is a hypnotherapist who offers general Spiritual Guidance Sessions, Past Life Soul Regressions, and Between Lives Soul Regressions. Visit Robert online at

Shaman, Healer, Sage: How to Heal Yourself and Others with the Energy Medicine of the Americas

Alberto Villoldo - 2000
    In Shaman, Healer, Sage, he draws on his vast body of knowledge to create a practical and revolutionary program based on the traditional healing methods used by these shamans -- methods that, until now, have been inaccessible to most of the world.Villoldo explains that central to shamanic healing is the concept of the Luminous Energy Field that is believed to surround our material bodies. His book teaches us to see and influence the imprints that disease leaves on this field and thereby to heal ourselves and others, as well as prevent illness.Villoldo weaves wonderful teaching stories throughout about the healing power of the energy medicine of the Americas. In one story, Villoldo comes down with pneumonia while in Peru. When antibiotics fail to control the infection, his mentor, the shaman Don Antonio, uses the process of Illumination to remove the toxins that had invaded Villoldo's body. These same shamanic techniques later allowed Villoldo to remove stagnant energy from a young woman whose marriage was suffering due to her past experience with abandonment. With the aid of shamanic work, the woman regained her trust in others, and her marriage was revitalized.This book is rich with ancient wisdom and contemporary techniques we can use to help ourselves and others, as well as with the more advanced methods of master shamans, which are being brought to a wide audience for the first time.

A Practical Guide to Vibrational Medicine: Energy Healing and Spiritual Transformation

Richard Gerber - 2001
    A growing number of pioneering researchers embrace a new view of healing—one expounded by Dr. Richard Gerber in his groundbreaking bestseller, Vibrational Medicine.Now he shows how to put this new way of thinking into practical use, describing the role of consciousness and "thought forms," as well as the benefits of homeopathy, acupuncture, color and light healing, magneto biology, and other therapies. A traditionally trained physician, Dr. Gerber combines scientific evidence with traditional methods from the East and West to unlock our potential for healing ourselves.

The Gene Keys: Unlocking the Higher Purpose Hidden in Your DNA

Richard Rudd - 2011
    This is a highly ambitious and sophisticated system for shaping one's destiny. Based around 64 archetypes, it resembles the I Ching in its vast scope and profound importance, and in the resonant character of its symbolism. The author shows how there are two ways to approach the Gene Keys - the analogue (holistic) way and the digital (detailed) way. It is the combining of both analogue and digital that results in contemplation - the primary pathway into the Gene Keys. Since our beliefs shape our genes, when we change our beliefs, we change the chemistry of our body. The Gene Keys are an inner language whose central purpose is to transform our core beliefs about ourselves, thus raising our lives onto a new level of awareness. The book works alongside state-of-the-art online profiling software.This software will provide instantaneous free profiles known as 'Hologenetic Profiles', which uses astrological data (time, date and place of birth) to generate a unique sequence of Gene Keys that relate to many aspects of your life, including the underlying genetic patterns governing your relationships, your finances, your health and your life purpose. As the reader contemplates the 64 Gene Keys over time and applies their insights in his or her own life, so one's belief system will begin to change and our DNA will actually start to transform the way we think and feel.

Mind Over Medicine: Scientific Proof That You Can Heal Yourself

Lissa Rankin - 2013
    Or it’s just bad luck—and doctors alone hold the keys to optimal health. For years, Lissa Rankin, M.D., believed the same. But when her own health started to suffer, and she turned to Western medical treatments, she found that they not only failed to help; they made her worse. So she decided to take matters into her own hands.     Through her research, Dr. Rankin discovered that the health care she had been taught to practice was missing something crucial: a recognition of the body’s innate ability to self-repair and an appreciation for how we can control these self-healing mechanisms with the power of the mind. In an attempt to better understand this phenomenon, she explored peer-reviewed medical literature and found evidence that the medical establishment had been proving that the body can heal itself for over 50 years.     Using extraordinary cases of spontaneous healing, Dr. Rankin shows how thoughts, feelings, and beliefs can alter the body’s physiology. She lays out the scientific data proving that loneliness, pessimism, depression, fear, and anxiety damage the body, while intimate relationships, gratitude, meditation, sex, and authentic self-expression flip on the body’s self-healing processes.     In the final section of the book, you’ll be introduced to a radical new wellness model based on Dr. Rankin’s scientific findings. Her unique six-step program will help you uncover where things might be out of whack in your life—spiritually, creatively, environmentally, nutritionally, and in your professional and personal relationships—so that you can create a customized treatment plan aimed at bolstering these health-promoting pieces of your life. You’ll learn how to listen to your body’s “whispers” before they turn to life-threatening “screams” that can be prevented with proper self-care, and you’ll learn how to trust your inner guidance when making decisions about your health and your life.

Hear Your Body Whisper: How to Unlock Your Self-Healing Mechanism

Otakara Klettke - 2016
    No doctor’s appointments. No health limitations. Imagine your body to return into shape that is healthiest for it. Without your willpower. Otakara Klettke shares in her book Hear Your Body Whisper, How to Unlock Your Self-Healing Mechanism how she has learned to communicate with her body. From a sick childhood and constant health limitations, the author spent first 20 years of her life often being bound to a hospital or home in bed. When she slowly discovered that there is a way to communicate with her body her life turned around. Hear Your Body Whisper is a result of obsessive research, personal experience, and rediscovering the connection between our body and mind that naturally exists in every one of us. Otakara Klettke separates her mind and soul from her body. She explains that your body is filled with trillions of microorganisms that are responsible for the well-being of your body. By understanding your body’s inhabitants, you can guide them to address acute and chronic diseases. Your body will also settle in the body shape it is meant to be naturally. Mind-body connection has never been so clear! No doctor or healer is able to listen to your body since they do not reside in it. You can and you should! Rooted in science this book offers a mindful way to love, respect and celebrate your body. Using Hippocrates methods and combining them with modern research you can offer your body to reach its potential! Many people understand the importance of loving and respecting their bodies but they are at a loss when it comes to unconditional love. This book is your peace flag that will end the war between your body and your mind. You will not have to follow any specific diet or be prompt to turn into herbivore from an omnivore or the other way around. Hear Your Body Whisper is a positive and loving approach to gain trust in your body which results in returning your body into self-healing mode it is meant to be. In this book you will learn · How to get rid of toxins in your body. · How to switch to organic food without increasing your food budget. · How to meditate. · How to use mindfulness to understand your body’s unique language. · How to ask your body a favor and not gain any weight when you want to feast on big meals. · How to check in with your body to be aware of your health. · How to exercise a few minutes every day and be happy doing it. This book was written on behalf of your body. Nobody is a better adviser for your body than your body itself. It’s your time to hear it!

How to Read the Akashic Records: Accessing the Archive of the Soul and Its Journey

Linda Howe - 2006
    Once reserved for a "spiritually gifted" few, this infinite source of wisdom and healing energy is now available for readers everywhere to answer questions big and small. How can I find freedom from my past? What are my life purposes? With How to Read the Akashic Records, healer and teacher Linda Howe offers the first book of its kind to help navigate these timeless "Records of the Soul." Drawing from more than 15 years' experience with the Akashic Records, Howe teaches us: The Pathway Prayer Process-a "password" for admittance into the Records How to work with your "MTLOs" - your Masters, Teachers, and Loved Ones-for assistance within the Records Insightful tips to glean the most critical information, whether you're reading for yourself, other individuals, or even your pet"The time has come for us to be our own spiritual authorities and access this illuminating, rich source directly," explains Howe. With How to Read the Akashic Records, anyone who desires to read the Records now has immediate access to this valuable life resource. "The Akashic Records contain everything that every soul has ever thought, said, and done over the course of its existence-as well as all its future possibilities. This valuable information can help you with any aspect of your life journey. And because the Records are also a dimension of consciousness, they are available anytime and everywhere." -Linda Howe The universe is alive-and it has a memory just like you. Known as the Akashic Records, this energetic archive of soul information stands ready to lovingly guide you. Once accessible to rare spiritual masters, now the Records are available to anyone-anytime, anywhere. After a lifelong search for truth, master teacher and healer Linda Howe has developed an infallible method for accessing this reservoir of information: the Pathway Prayer Process. By lifting you to a divine level of consciousness, this sacred prayer opens the doors of the Records, where your "soul blueprint"-everything you need to know about your soul's destiny-awaits you. There you will work with your Masters, Teachers, and Loved Ones to cultivate a rich relationship with the Records and ultimately learn to unleash your highest potential. Grounded with the success stories of dozens whose lives have been touched by the Records, this comprehensive guidebook will help you confidently read the Records for yourself-or another-and find inspiration for your own spiritual path. "Accessing the Akashic Records provides an opportunity to align with your soul and develop your own spiritual authority," teaches Linda Howe. Now with How to Read the Akashic Records you can learn to connect with this divine source for infinite joy, inner peace, and fulfillment. Contents Part One: How to Read the Akashic Records Chapter One: An Introduction to the Akashic Records What Are the Akashic Records? Who Uses the Akashic Records, and Why? How Do People Access the Akashic Records? How Will We Access the Akashic Records in This Book? Chapter Two: Guidelines and Ground Rules for Reading the Akashic Records How Should I Prepare to Read the Akashic Records? What Kinds of Questions Work Best in the Akashic Records? What Should I Expect When I Open My Akashic Records for the First Time? What Kinds of Information Will I Get, and How Will I Get It? Chapter Three: The Pathway Prayer Process Understanding the Pathway Prayer Process: Reading for Yourself Reading Your Akashic Records for the First Time The Difference Between the Akashic Records and Intuition Exercise: The Akashic Records and Intuition Common Questions and Concerns about the Akashic Records Receiving the Help of Your Masters, Teachers, and Loved Ones Different Uses for the Akashic Records Chapter Four: Reading the Akashic Records for Others Understanding the Pathway Prayer Process: Reading for Others Tips on Reading for Others Developing an "Altitude of Consciousness" From Initiate to Beginning Practitioner Part Two: Using the Akashic Records to Heal Yourself and OthersChapter Five: Energy Healing in the Akashic Records How Does Energy Healing Occur in the Akashic Records? As An Akashic Reader-Practitioner, What Are My Roles and Responsibilities? The Three Levels of Healing in the Akashic Records How Can I Recognize the Three Levels of Healing? Exercise: The Three of Healing (Working in Your Akashic RecordsExercise: The Three Levels of Healing (Working in Someone Else's Akashic Records) Chapter Six: Healing Ancestral Patterns in the Akashic Records Who Are My Ancestors How Do Souls Join Acestral Lines? What Is My Responsibility to My Ancestors? How Can I Explore My Ancestors and Their Influences on My Life?Exercise: Identify the Divine Intent of Your Lineage Exercise: Explore the Space Between Lifetimes Exercise: Identify and Clear Unwanted Ancestral Influences on the Present Exercise: Healing a Difficult Bond or Tie Chapter Seven: Healing Past Lives in the Akashic Records What Are Past Lives? How Does Past-Life Healing Occur in the Akashic Records? Exercise: Working in the Akashic Records for Past-Life Healing Exploring Positive Past Lives in the Akashic Records Exercise: Exploring Positive Past-Life Experiences Chapter Eight: Life with the Akashic Records The "Absolutes" The Three Nots Final Thoughts on the Akashic Records: The Past, the Present..and the Future"

A Radical Approach to the Akashic Records: Master Your Life and Raise Your Vibration

Melissa Feick - 2018
     Be in the frequency of Oneness and Love Drastically change your life and the lives of others Do readings and healings in the limitless energy of the highest vibration of the Akashic Records Experience a step by step guide to the what, where and how of working in the Akashic Records on the Quantum Field Practical meditations and exercises to help you read and heal in the Akashic Records for yourself and others How to rewrite your Akashic Records and transform your lower vibrational patterns that keep you feeling stuck Transcend your Karmic patterns that keep you experiencing the same issues over and over again Live your life more on purpose and more consciously Discover your gifts and truth of your soul purpose A Radical Approach to the Akashic Records gives you the tools to live a happier life!A Radical Approach to the Akashic Records helps you create a meaningful life of manifestation and creation. Transform all your negative patterns quickly and easily by healing in the Quantum Field of the Akashic Records.Don't wait!Read this book and unlock the benefits of the Akashic Records on the Quantum Field today!