The Year in Tech, 2021: The Insights You Need from Harvard Business Review (HBR Insights Series)

Harvard Business Review - 2020

The Book of YES: The Ultimate Real Estate Agent Conversation Guide

Kevin Ward - 2016
     If you’re tired of the same old sales scripts or if you’ve done away with them all together, I know how you feel because I’ve been there. I was tired of seeing the same B.S.(bad sales) approaches and I wanted something that felt more natural for me. So I started creating my own scripts, for the simple reason that I hated being told, “No.” For me nothing was worse than that feeling of rejection. I was determined to figure out the perfect thing to say in every situation, and how to say it in a way that would cause sellers and buyers to want to say “Yes!” to me every time. This book is the result of that quest. And I’ve broken it in two unique parts so you can spend less time reading it, and more time using the life changing scripts inside. Part 1 will give you the foundation for making the scripts work for you. Not just some of the time, but every time! You’ll master how to inspire sellers to say “YES” to you giving you the magic key to unlock the success you want as a real estate agent. Part 2 Is the actual scripts that allow you to have smooth, choreographed conversations that lead you down the path to more success and more income. included in this section are… Prospecting Scripts for sellers that lead up to the listing appointment. My Unique Listing Presentation Scripts with examples of exactly how to deliver them for maximum impact. The Buyer Scripts that I’ve personally used for years to build my own real estate business from scratch. The Objection Scripts that will show you how to overcome any objection with ease and never be scrambling for words when a client throws you a curveball. In all there are 27 scripts in this book that will show you how to handle any situation, conversation, and objection that might come your way. And each script has been tested, tweaked and perfected. How do I know this? Because I’ve used each and every one of them to close millions of dollars worth of real estate in my nearly 2 decade career. I’ve also taken the time to include things I’ve picked up over my career that will help take you beyond the scripts… How to identify resistance and influence triggers so you can naturally use the right words and phrases that gets more clients saying YES to you. My practice techniques for memorizing and using these scripts to their full impact. You won’t just be pulling words from your memory, you’ll be speaking from the heart so you come across as genuine. The “tiny tweaks” that turn a regular script into something powerful. These seemingly little differences can have a huge impact in the way a prospect or client responds to what you say. The 9 Keys to more powerful conversations that go way beyond just the words you say to a client. I’ve mastered all 9 of these techniques and each one has made a huge difference in how I present myself to clients. The Book of YES is an action guide, not a book of theory. Think of it as YOUR PLAY BOOK for the key conversations you have with sellers and buyers.

WordPress Websites Step-by-Step - The Complete Beginner's Guide to Building a Website or Blog With WordPress

Caimin Jones - 2013
    You won't need to learn any web programming or turn yourself into a computer geek.What is WordPress?WordPress is a powerful publishing tool that's the single most popular way of publishing websites and blogs. It's used by Fortune 500 companies, startups, small businesses, bloggers and non-profits alike to build a professional presence on the web.Because WordPress lets you add and edit content through a web-based admin area, it's easier to use then you might imagine. In fact, you can build a great-looking site without being a web designer or computer geek. You can edit your website design as much as you like and add new features with a few clicks of the mouse, or you can use the default design for an equally professional-looking site.In plain English, this step-by-step book, written by a WordPress expert, helps you buy a domain name, get web hosting and set up WordPress so you can make a beautiful website or blog.Clear explanations and over 55 images of the admin screens and tools mean you can see exactly how to do all this.What you'll learn in WordPress Step-by-Step*How to choose a great domain name and get professional, reliable hosting * How to install WordPress in a few mouse clicks* How to publish posts and pages with correctly formatted text* How to give your website a professional touch by using images and videos* How to customize the design of your site without needing to be a programmer* How to extend your site even further with "plugins" * How to structure your site so you'll get found by Google* How to keep your website secure * How to solve the most common WordPress problems...and more.There's also a free bonus chapter on getting the first visitors to your site.Plus, the book is packed with links to additional resources and free design themes and plugins to help you build a website on a budget.By the time you've read the book you'll have a unique, professional and easy-to-use website to be proud of - and you'll have created it yourself!Important: This book is currently the most up-to-date WordPress book available on Amazon. Some of the older WordPress books were published more than a year ago - a lot has changed since then. This guide describes how to use the latest version of WordPress (3.5).Whether you want to build a simple website for your company or organization, make money with a blog or a full online store, this non-geek guide will get you online quickly.

How To Destroy A Tech Startup In Three Easy Steps

Lawrence Krubner - 2017
    When inexperienced entrepreneurs ask my advice about their idea for a tech startup, they often worry "What if Google decides to compete with us? They will crush us!" I respond that far more startups die of suicide than homicide. If you can avoid hurting yourself, then you are already better off than most of your competitors. Startups are a chance to build something entirely original with brilliant and ambitious people. But startups are also dangerous. Limited money means there is little room for mistakes. One bad decision can mean bankruptcy. The potential payoff attracts capital, which in turn attracts scam artists. The unscrupulous often lack the skills needed to succeed, but sometimes they are smart enough to trick investors. Even entrepreneurs who start with a strong moral compass can find that the threat of failure unmoors their ethics from their ambition. Emotions matter. We might hope that those in leadership positions possess strength and resilience, but vanity and fragile egos have sabotaged many of the businesses that I’ve worked with. Defeat is always a possibility, and not everyone finds healthy ways to deal with the stress. In this book I offer both advice and also warnings. I've seen certain self-destructive patterns play out again and again, so I wanted to document one of the most extreme cases that I've witnessed. In 2015 I worked for a startup that began with an ingenious idea: to use the software techniques known as Natural Language Processing to allow people to interact with databases by writing ordinary English sentences. This was a multi-billion dollar idea that could have transformed the way people gathered and used information. However, the venture had inexperienced leadership. They burned through their $1.3 million seed money. As their resources dwindled, their confidence transformed into doubt, which was aggravated by edicts from the Board Of Directors ordering sudden changes that effectively threw away weeks' worth of work. Every startup forces its participants into extreme positions, often regarding budget and deadlines. Often these situations are absurd to the point of parody. Therefore, there is considerable humor in this story. The collision of inexperience and desperation gives rise to moments that are simply silly. I tell this story in a day-to-day format, both to capture the early optimism, and then the later sense of panic. Here then, is a cautionary tale, a warning about tendencies that everyone joining a startup should be on guard against."

How a Foreign Chocolate won Indian Hearts: The Cadbury Story (Rupa Quick Reads)

Anisha Motwani - 2017
    The remarkable story of the brand that was able to pull off the near-impossible challenge of integrating itself into the food habits of a nation strongly habituated to eating indigenous sweets is recounted here. It is a behind-the-scenes look at the Cadbury Dairy Milk journey in India over the last six decades.

To Catch a Cat: How Three Stray Kittens Rescued Me

Heather Green - 2016
    She loved her work and threw herself into sixty-hour weeks—once walking into a subway pole, getting a concussion, and still going to the office. Her new boyfriend Matt lived across the river in a New Jersey town that had none of the glamour of New York. She liked Matt—a lot—yet she wasn’t sure what to make of weekends in gritty, dilapidated Union City.   But things changed the summer morning Heather discovered a beautiful stray cat and her three black-and-white kittens in Matt’s neighbor’s backyard. When she made eye contact with one of the kittens, she felt something she’d never felt before. She and Matt had to save the little animals. Because if they didn’t, who would?   The crazy world of cat rescue soon drew Heather in. As she and Matt worked together to figure out how to trap, tame, and find homes for their foundlings, she began to question the life she had back in Manhattan. This is the story of how three furry beings taught one woman about love, community, and what truly matters in life.

The Unofficial Author's Guide To Selling Your Book On Amazon: The Top 5 Cheat Sheet for Self Publishing Authors

Richard McCartney - 2016
     This Unofficial Guide unveils many of the hidden secrets to promoting your published book. How can I get my book into the Hot New Releases? How can I get my book to appear along side the Best Sellers on Amazon? How can I pick the best book category for my book, and why are they hidden from me in Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP)? I’m now going to show you the answers. I’m going to tell you what is really going on. This Kindle book is quite literally a cheat sheet, a short cut to your biggest challenge on Amazon: Getting discovered. Get your copy now!

Selling to Win

Richard Denny - 1989
    It gives practical advice on how to:- Get a sale when your service is not the cheapest- Turn your customer into an ambassador- Build a positive attitude- Beat the competition- Close a saleThis is a valuable book, recognized as an effective and powerful sales-improvement guide.

Silver Dolphins: The Emblem of the Enlisted Submariner

Richard Hansher - 2015
    The author doesn't pull any punches describing the good, the bad, the funny and the just plain ridiculous of the Submarine Service. Besides a wealth of information about what it's like to serve on a submarine, you'll meet real life characters like Tongue, Snake and Button Butt John. Did submarines make them rude, crude, and crazy. Or does the Submarine Service act as a magnet for every nut in the Navy? One thing is sure, after two months underwater, and with their back pay in their back pocket, Sub Sailors are as wild as cowboys after a cattle drive. Bar the doors and hide your daughters. Every reader owes it to themselves to use Amazons "Look In" feature to take a peek inside this unique and entertaining book.

The Stock Market: The Market Whisperer - A New Approach to Stock Trading: The Guide to Success and Economic Empowerment

Meir Barak - 2014
    Let me teach you how to break the routine, work less, enjoy the good life you deserve, and become financially independent. I’ll teach you, step-by-step, to become a trader, skilled at creating an ongoing income from the buying and selling of stocks over one trading day or several days or weeks. I’ll share the secrets of traders that have done it before. This is a profession that made me wealthy in just a few years. THE MARKET WHISPERER is an essential guide to stock trading. It is ideal for those with no background or experience, as well as for experienced investors who lack sufficient skills for active stock trading. It will guide you towards becoming financially independent and put you in control of your own destiny

Etsy 101: Sell Your Crafts on Etsy, the DIY Marketplace for Handmade, Vintage and Crafting Supplies

Steve Weber - 2012
    Start your own business selling one-of-a-kind treasures shoppers can't find in regular stores. For crafters, it's a revolution. Never before has it been so easy to start a worldwide crafting business with millions of paying customers -- with no up-front investment --all in an afternoon! If you're a skilled crafter, artist, or antique hunter, you're 90 percent there. Just follow the step-by-step instructions in this book to register at Etsy, photograph and list your items for sale, and rake in the cash. Learn how thousands of Etsy crafters, young and old, have launched their business on a shoestring, usually part-time at home. Customers discover your items because of good old-fashioned word of mouth-with an Internet twist, courtesy of Facebook, Google, and Etsy itself. You'll learn the best tools for making it all work, no computer geekery required. You'll see how to sell more items more quickly, earn more money, and have more fun, spending more of your time doing what you loved in the first place-creating new things, finding new treasures, and meeting lots of new people obsessed with the same stuff as you. Even if you're shy! -- Read easy-to-follow guides for registering on and selling your handcrafted items, vintage finds, or crafting supplies. -- See how crafters like you have built a full-time business from scratch. -- Learn how to price your items to maximize your sales and fatten your profits. -- See how to photograph your items like a pro and avoid the amateur mistakes. -- Learn how to process your Etsy payments and avoid scams. -- Get legitimate tax deductions for your home studio or office, and travel expenses. -- See examples and insider tips from dozens of Etsy's top sellers. -- Learn to use keywords to drive visitors to your Etsy shop. -- Learn techniques for getting word of mouth and "free advertising, and why paid advertising is usually a waste of money. -- Take your business to the next level by attracting wholesalers and retailers. -- License your designs to extend your reach and create more cash. -- Automate your administrative chores with Etsy apps.

A Colorful Way of Living

Barbara Bradley Baekgaard - 2017
    It was 1982 and all the women could see was a succession of drab, bulky suitcases being lugged through the terminal. When they returned home to Indiana, Barbara and her business partner got out a few Simplicity patterns and a Singer sewing machine and set to work. That first year Vera Bradley sold $10,000 worth of their colorful quilted bags. Today, the company has revenue of over half a billion dollars.Barbara Bradley has a message for women: stop second guessing yourself. Your moment of reinvention is right around the corner. Your potential is endless. It’s never too late—or too early—to redesign your work and life and start again. Whatever it is you’re inspired to do, you can build on what you already know, learn something new, and then go for it!In this book, Barbara Bradley shares the values that help her to thrive in business, health, relationships...and in every aspect of her personal and professional life. They include:Following your strengths / Acknowledging passion as a magic ingredient / Making a friend wherever you go / Being fussy; noticing every detail / Keeping the F in Fun / Making your own luck / Creating a home wherever you go / Leaning on your sisters / And remembering always—there’s enough for everyone.

"Headhunter" Hiring Secrets: The Rules of the Hiring Game Have Changed . . . Forever!

Skip Freeman - 2010
    And be advised: Those who are the best prepared to effectively compete in today’s still dynamic job market will have the best chance to be hired for one of these new jobs.Here is another factor to consider in today’s job market: According to LinkedIn, up to 50% of currently employed men and women say they are interested in exploring new career opportunities. Altogether, then, it is estimated that as many as 70 million people are now (or soon will be) competing for a finite number of available jobs.If you count yourself among those who want to explore new career opportunities in today's expanding job market, are you adequately prepared to successfully compete? If not, top professional "headhunter" and best-selling job-hunting book author Skip Freeman can show you how to get prepared and land the job of your dreams!In "Headhunter” Hiring Secrets, Skip shows you how you can adopt and implement the time-tested tactics and strategies he has successfuly used for over a decade in his executive recruiting firm, The HTW (Hire to Win) Group, to turn your job search into a job found!Attesting to the effectiveness of his firm's approach and candidate coaching & preparation is this fact: Whenever candidates The HTW Group presents to hiring company clients go up against candidates either going it alone or being presented by other recruiting firms, The HTW Group candidates walk away with the job offer SEVEN out of TEN times! Using an easy-to-follow, step-by-step approach, Skip shows you how to . . . Avoid the “shadows on the wall” syndrome (saying or doing something during an interview that makes the hiring manager uneasy about your candidacy). ”Lead the Witness,” i.e., the hiring manager, to take the interview in the direction you desire. Ask questions Superstars ask during a job interview. Answer tricky “Gotcha!” questions, e.g., “Tell me about yourself.” “How do you get along with your current boss?” “Why should I hire you?” Close the interview on a high note, making sure you not only stand out from the competition, but also that you stay in the game! And much, much more!Also prominently featured in ”Headhunter” Hiring Secrets are time-tested examples of . . . Job-winning resumes. Targeted, effective cover letters. A wide variety of telephone scripts that actually work. Direct mail letters to use in campaigns.

Nice Bike: Making Meaningful Connections On the Road of Life

Mark Scharenbroich - 2010
    It’s about being a part of a community, knowing that contributions matter and experiencing a greater affiliation with others.The premise begins at the 2003 Harley-Davidson Motorcycle company’s 100 year anniversary celebration. Thousands and thousands of bikers throughout the world attended the event. As a Harley owner stoodproudly by his bike at that event, what two words from a passerby would have made their weekend? “Nice Bike.”“Nice Bike” is more than a casual compliment. It’s the engine that is fueled with the three actions of acknowledging, honoring and connecting with others. Nice Bike can help you with your daily interactions, create more meaningful relationships and add more joy in your journey on the road of life.When you have a better understanding of how to make meaningful connections, you can live a life filled with a greater sense of self worth and accomplishment in your work and in your life. Acknowledge, honor, and connect and you will change the world, one person at a time.

The Inefficiency Assassin: Time Management Tactics for Working Smarter, Not Longer

Helene Segura - 2016
    Her engaging time management program caters to diverse learning styles, offering case studies that allow readers to self-diagnose and zero in on the strategies most appropriate for them. Anyone wanting to streamline workflow and improve productivity can employ her wonderfully doable techniques — for clearing task lists, handling reminder systems, scheduling a variety of priorities, and even managing emails and phone calls. Thanks to Segura’s astute attention to personality, The Inefficiency Assassin meets readers where they are struggling and details quick and easy-to-implement strategies to, as Segura promises, “kick chaos to the curb.”