Recon: The Complete Series

Rick Partlow - 2017
    His mother has his life planned out, with a seat by her side, running the conglomerate. Tyler has other ideas. With the help of a great-grandfather who was a United States Marine when there used to be a United States, Tyler changes his face and his identity, becoming Randall Munroe and enlisting in the Fleet Marine Corps, qualifying for the point of the sword, Force Recon. Plunged into an interstellar war against the relentless Tahni Empire, Munroe is stranded alone on an occupied colony and forced to organize a civilian resistance to the enemy. The year of constant violence and death wears him down, yet sharpens him at the same time. After the war, Munroe once again takes up arms, this time against his will, when his uncle, Andre Damiani, the head of the Corporate Council, blackmails him into leading a special squad of trouble-shooters, eliminating threats to Council business among the criminal cabals in the Pirate Worlds. But the real enemy is still the Council, and Munroe vows to take the fight to them, no matter what the cost.

Ragnar and Juliet

Lucy Woodhull - 2011
    Flash a little cleavage, mix a roofie cocktail, and Juliet has her man right where she wants him: out cold, ready to be swapped for cash.  Her passions are freedom, trashy clothes, and pie -- not necessarily in that order.Hunky alien ship captain Ragnar doesn't deserve torture at the hands of the psychotic king who hired Juliet; he liberated one of William the Nefarious' illegal concubines. Juliet can't ignore such a noble act.  She doesn’t trust men, but this one, with the kindest smile she's ever seen, picks away at her resolve to stay aloof and clothed. He's just so...nice! Crazy she can deal with; sincerity is terrifying.Before she gives in to her irrational urge to get a timeshare with him (and his cute tail), they're caught by the bad guys. Ragnar disappears and abandons her to her disgusting captors -- so much for togetherness. Perhaps he’s not such a saint. Even worse, Nefarious William (who prefers "Bob") has nominated her for Concubine of the Evening. This dubious honor does not thrill her, and only a few hours remain before the king’s mind-altering drugs obliterate her free will.Sexual slavery might not be fatal, but Juliet would rather die. Of course, the third option (run away to a beach and hump Ragnar silly) is the best, if they can live that long.

2287 A.D.

R. Brown - 2015
    tells the story of Ashlyn Parker and Steven Sherrah, the man who is in command of Earth's last surviving starship. He has been struggling to keep the handful of Earth's survivors alive, hiding from the most vicious and powerful enemy humanity has ever known, an enemy that is relentless in his determination to see that every last human is killed.-His life is turned upside down as Ashlyn, a woman genetically engineered to be mentally and physically perfect - the next step in humanity's evolution, awakens from stasis. For her protection, she had been cryogenically frozen when Earth was attacked. Her return is brutal, for she awakens fifteen years later into a post-apocalyptic Earth to find that everyone she had known before is gone, the world destroyed.-From the first moment that her distress signal is received and Steven rescues Ashlyn, his heart is inexplicably drawn to her, as she is to him. Her presence challenges his loyalty to those whom he loves and all that he has ever known. For within Ashlyn, she holds the secret to a shared past that he had never known existed. A past which will take the two of them back 7,000 years.*Can the two of them change the past to preserve their future? As the series unfolds, she will lead Steven on a journey across the stars where they will discover how important humanity truly is.*

Gregor's Run: The Universe is too Small to Hide

Saxon Andrew - 2016
    He’s forced to scrub booster tubes on commercial starships to make enough coins to feed his alcohol addiction in his dirty day-to-day existence. The future looks dark and is getting darker. To make matters worse, he discovers that two very powerful forces are attempting to capture him and he has no clue why. One of them is the Venzel Dragons, who are recognized as the most deadly warriors in the known universe. The other is a secretive organization simply known as the Movement. Gregor just can’t figure out why they’re after him and remaining free is quickly disappearing as an option. He has no choice but to run and try to determine why he is being pursued across the known universe. He has no memory of his childhood or where he was born and before he can make sense of everything, he would need to go back to Earth and find out who he really is. What he finds changes his world completely and learning that his adopted father was assassinated makes him resolve to make the killers pay for their actions. But what could a filthy, alcoholic bum do against the two most powerful forces in the known universe? The answer lies on the forest world of Bellingham and according to the Cartian Database, no one has gone to that planet in more than six hundred years and lived. Gregor’s Run will keep you guessing at all the twists and turns as Gregor struggles to find himself in a universe gone insane. Excerpt: Gregor’s Run Gregor looked around the gathering, “Some of ye give it a go.” A warrior standing next to Gregor shook his head, “I think it’s clear that swords will not go through that thing.” Gregor said loudly, “All of ye agree that swords are useless against this force field.” The warriors all looked at each other and nodded. “Now if that piece of wood inside the force field was holding a blaster and ye were close enough to strike the force field, ye would die. All of ye see that.” Again the warriors looked at each other and were forced to agree with Gregor. Gregor turned and said, “Now, I want the archers to move back ten yards and fire at that piece of wood like it’s an enemy coming to harm ye families. I want ye to move back in case the arrows you shoot bounce off towards ye.” Several male warriors and ten females moved back ten yards and formed a line. Ellie was one of the archers and she lifted her bow and pulled an arrow out of her quiver. The arrow flew toward the target at a speed that was difficult to see but, when it bounced off the force field, everyone saw it penetrate the canoe twenty yards further up the beach. Everyone immediately moved back another ten yards. The archers didn’t give up as easily as the swordsmen. They fired arrow after arrow at the target and arrows were ricocheting in all directions. Finally, all of them stopped firing except for Ellie. Gregor saw the anger on her face and she started screaming as each arrow failed to penetrate the force field. Gregor sighed and saw her frustration getting the better of her. She jumped and slammed her elbows down to her sides as she stamped both feet into the sand. She screamed at the top of her voice and ran toward the force field. Gregor yelled, “NO, ELLIE! STOP!!” Ellie arrived at the force field, jerked the last arrow out of her quiver, and screamed as she threw it at the wooden target. The arrow went through the force field and stuck in the center of the target. Gregor’s mouth fell open as he heard the computer say over the link, “What the hell just happened here!”

Prime Claiming

Monette Michaels - 2014
    And when they meet their mate, they bond for life. Like all Prime males, Lieutenant Zaek Magga had searched forever for his mate…but he never expected her to be a Terran. Unfortunately, no Terran would be prepared for the reality of the carnal bonding process between a Prime male and his chosen mate. He decides to move very slowly. Cheri Stafford never expected to be a Prime warrior’s mate. But she is. At first, she’s thrilled, then…confused. After seeing how other Prime males act with their mates, Cheri doesn’t understand why Zaek is holding her at arm’s length. Doesn’t he want her? He hasn’t even kissed her properly. But when Cheri uses all her womanly wiles to get Zaek to move, she discovers how thoroughly an extremely dominant male warrior will claim his female. Prime Claiming is a short story which takes place during the action in Prime Imperative, Book 3.


Ruth D. Kerce - 2004
    Kerce Book 1 in the Xylon Warriors series Warrior Braden Koll is on a mission to retrieve DNA-compatible women for breeding on the planet of Xylon. His current assignment is to locate an Earth woman-Alexa Sandor-found to be a match, and sexually initiate her into The Lair of Xylon. The lesser problem is she doesn't know anything about The Lair, him, or that she is a Xylon by birth. The greater problem is that, after meeting Alexa, Braden wants this woman for himself, even though the Warrior Council decreed she must mate another. Alexa Sandor is experiencing nightmares about a strange planet and a responsibility she doesn't understand. Now a man, supposedly from that planet, has come to "initiate" her into their society. The sexual ceremony, he explains, is to prepare her for breeding, so she can help produce children to save Xylon from domination by the Egesa-a half-creature, half-humanoid race of Slave Masters. Despite her initial disbelief, this powerful, sexy man captures her heart with his strength and tenderness. He shows her things about herself and her body that she never thought possible. Ultimately, she believes his story, wants to help, and stay by his side forever. But. She needs to find the strength to leave Earth and travel to an unknown planet. If she can't, she will have to turn away from the only man she's ever loved. And her decision will not only affect the future of Xylon, but Earth as well.

Three Feet of Sky

Stephen Ayres - 2012
    with a peculiar talent.After years of destitution, Adam Eden's life is finally on the up. But, whilst out celebrating his recent good fortune, Adam unwittingly chooses death over embarrassment.Awaking in a future of leisure, luxury, and immortality, Adam suffers serious shrinkage and is branded an 'undesirable'. Shunned by family and neighbours for his first-life sins, can he find respect and redemption in this tightly controlled world? Facing a grim eternity, Adam wants out.A randomly chosen day trip changes everything.Though cruel and heartless, they always let you choose your weapon.


M.C.A. Hogarth - 2010
    Hiking up a mountain? She's never hiked. Canoeing back down it at the end? She's not a great swimmer. Dealing with an obnoxious peer who declared himself leader of their expedition? Definitely not in her plan. Meeting the woman who'd become her captain and friend for years to come? Bring it on.


Greg Dragon - 2015
    He is in love with Mika Scheider, an exotic beauty and fellow student in his Robotics class.After learning Mika has a boyfriend, Brad focuses on his own android creation, Tricia, but there's something not quite right--Tricia is just a little too real, a little too not robotic and a whole lot like a human. Brad becomes obsessed with Tricia, never realizing the Pandora's Box he's blown wide open that can destroy them all!Alternate-Cover Edition for ASIN B00RQUS36K


Susan Grant - 2008
    . .Admiral Brit Bandar is the Coalition's greatest starship commander. The outlaw known as the Scourge of the Borderlands taunted her in a galactic game of cat and mouse for years, but she never caught him. Now they're supposed to make peace and serve together on the same starship? Not so easy to do when her sworn enemy turns out to be the only man who can make her remember what it is to feel.Warleader and space pirate Finn Rorkken doesn't care how many medals “Stone-Heart” Bandar has. He's going to show her what it's like to be pursued and caught by a master. Intergalactic peace is on the line, and if she wants his cooperation, she'll have to surrender her heart. Challenge accepted, Admiral.The Borderlands Series:Book #1 WARLEADERBook #2 HUNTING THE WARLORD'S DAUGHTERBook #3 RAIDER BORNThree Borderlands prequels: (The Otherworldly Men Series)Book #1 GUARDIAN ALIENBook #2 ROYAL RECRUITBook #3 CYBORG AND THE SINGLE MOM

The Challenge

Susan Kearney - 2004
    Kahn offers her proof she can't refute: Tessa has been brought forward through time to save Earth by winning an intergalactic challenge. Kahn only has a few weeks to train Tessa to use the psi-abilities he insists she has. He is confident in the success of a time-honored method that uses sexual frustration to bring out her powers, but Tessa is dubious. She's a martial arts expert and can fight her way through anything, but she's never had much luck with emotions.Luckily for Earth, Kahn can be very convincing...

Paper or Plastic

Mackey Chandler - 2011
    He is living in rural Sitra Falls, Oregon trying to deal with hyper-vigilance and ease back into civilian life.When an unusual looking young woman enters his favorite breakfast place he befriends her. Little does he know he'll kill for her before lunch and start an adventure that will take him around the world and off planet.When you have every sort of alphabet agency human and alien hunting for you survival is the hard part. But you might as well get rich too.

A Mere Formality

Ilona Andrews - 2008
    When the new heir to the Reigh throne, Lord Nagrad, demands restitution, the phrase “‘a life for a life” turns the intergalactic calamity into an arranged marriage contract between Lord Nagrad and sharply intelligent diplomatic analyst Deirdre Lebed… and the negotiation of terms becomes anything but formal!Warning: this story is one big dirty joke. There is no actual sex, but there is a lot discussion about it. It was written on a dare. Someone told us that we couldn’t write a short story around one particular phrase, and we did. So I recommend this for people 18+. Because you know, we wouldn’t want to corrupt your minors.


Kate Rudolph - 2016
    The curse of his alien species has put a countdown on his life, and he'll be dead before the month is out. Unless he finds his denya, the only woman in the universe who can save him.Down on her luck and lost in space...Lis Jaynx just wants to go home. Kidnapped from Earth by unknown foes, she's dropped on a inhospitable planet with little food and no hope. She'll do anything to find a ship to take her back to Earth, but Polai is hostile to all alien life, and Lis is running out of places to hide.An unexpected chance...From the moment he sees her, Ru knows Lis is his denya. But she's already wounded and distrustful of aliens, even those who claim they want to help.Will the explosive chemistry between them be enough to topple Lis's fears? Or will their bond break before it even forms, leaving Ru a dead alien walking and Lis all alone in the black of space.(Complete story, no cliffhanger!)

The Crimson Deathbringer

Sean Robins - 2020
    This is just the beginning of Jim's woes, because soon after, his life is thrown into a galactic conflict that threatens the very existence of the human race. Can our heroes save humanity from the wrath of a galaxy-conquering alien fleet? The Crimson Deathbringer seamlessly blends breathtaking action sequences with mischievous humor. If you enjoy a well-written space opera saga, or if you are a Star Wars, Star Trek, or Stargate fan, this book, with its nerve-wracking space battles, memorable characters, formidable antagonist, and Game of Thrones-style shocking twists, is written especially for you. Pick it up and see for yourself!