Book picks similar to
Her Choice to Heal: Finding Spiritual and Emotional Peace After Abortion by Sydna Masse
Your User's Manual: A Guide for Purpose and an Anxiety Free Life in the 21st Century
Anderson Silver - 2018
There are answers to all of these questions and Anderson Silver has compiled teachings from Stoicism and other schools of thought in Your User’s Manual. This refreshing collection not only gives the reader much sought after answers, but also provides the tools for finding purpose, and living an anxiety-free life in the modern world. Meant as a light read that the reader can come back to and meditate on periodically, Anderson has done a wonderful job of condensing fundamental teachings, making Your User’s Manual a straightforward read in answering life’s most pressing questions and recognizing what is truly important.
Organized Simplicity: The Clutter-Free Approach to Intentional Living
Tsh Oxenreider - 2010
It's about what you gain. When you remove the things that don't matter to you, you are free to focus on only the things that are meaningful to you. Imagine your home, your time, your finances, and your belongings all filling you with positive energy and helping you achieve your dreams. It can happen, and Organized Simplicity can show you how. Inside you'll find: A simple, ten-day plan that shows you step-by-step how to organize every room in your home Ideas for creating a family purpose statement to help you identify what to keep and what to remove from your life Templates for a home management notebook to help you effectively and efficiently take care of daily, weekly and monthly tasks Recipes for non-toxic household cleaners and natural toiletry items including toothpaste, deodorant and shampoo Start living a more organized, intentional life today.
What's It Like to Be Married to Me?: And Other Dangerous Questions
Linda Dillow - 2011
In her biblical and entertaining style, she shares the best and worst things she ever did in her forty-seven-year marriage. She also shares responses from her survey of five hundred wives about choices they've made in their relationships.A reflective Bible Study with life changing projects is included. This is not a book about marriage; it is a book about how to live out marriage, day by day and year by year. Readers will come away with hope that they can be the wives they want to be, in a marriage filled with passion, intimacy, and joy
You and Me Forever: Marriage in Light of Eternity
Francis Chan - 2014
It's until death do us part. Then come eternal rewards or regrets depending on how we spent our lives. In his latest book, Francis Chan joins together with his wife Lisa to address the question many couples wonder at the altar: How do I have a healthy marriage? Setting aside typical topics on marriage, Francis and Lisa dive into Scripture to understand what it means to have a relationship that satisfies the deepest parts of our souls. In the same way Crazy Love changed the way we saw our personal relationship with God, You and Me Forever: Marriage in Light of Eternity will radically shift the way we see one of the most important relationships in our life. Jesus was right. We have it all backwards. The way to have a great marriage is by not focusing on marriage. Whether you are single, dating or married, You and Me Forever will help you discover the adventure that you were made for and learn how to thrive in it. 100% of the net profits from You and Me Forever: Marriage in Light of Eternity will go towards providing food, shelter and rehabilitation for thousands of orphaned children and exploited women in partnership with global charities.
The Book of Forgiving: The Fourfold Path for Healing Ourselves and Our World
Desmond Tutu - 2013
If you asked anyone what they thought was going to happen to South Africa after apartheid, almost universally it was predicted that the country would be devastated by a comprehensive bloodbath. Yet, instead of revenge and retribution, this new nation chose to tread the difficult path of confession, forgiveness, and reconciliation.Each of us has a deep need to forgive and to be forgiven. After much reflection on the process of forgiveness, Tutu has seen that there are four important steps to healing: Admitting the wrong and acknowledging the harm; Telling one's story and witnessing the anguish; Asking for forgiveness and granting forgiveness; and renewing or releasing the relationship. Forgiveness is hard work. Sometimes it even feels like an impossible task. But it is only through walking this fourfold path that Tutu says we can free ourselves of the endless and unyielding cycle of pain and retribution. The Book of Forgiving is both a touchstone and a tool, offering Tutu's wise advice and showing the way to experience forgiveness. Ultimately, forgiving is the only means we have to heal ourselves and our aching world.
Hard Questions, Prophetic Answers
Daniel K. Judd - 2004
Judd writes: 'The issues I have selected for inclusion in this book are representative of the difficult questions I have grappled with over the last several years in my work as a professor, a therapist, a bishop, a stake president, and a father.' Those 'hard questions' included: Is divorce the answer to a faltering marriage? Is anger a sin? What justifies and individual or nation to engage in armed conflict? How can I best understand those who are sexually attracted to the same sex? The author shows that the most meaningful answers to all our questions lie in the counsel of prophets and the miracles of the Atonement.Published: April 2004
When God Intervenes: An Extraordinary Story of Faith, Hope, and the Power of Prayer
Dabney Hedegard - 2013
She was diagnosed with cancer and opted to postpone treatment until further along in her pregnancy. This marked the beginning of a ten-year battle against cancer, cardiomyopathy, mitral valve prolapse, pulmonary embolism, acute pneumonia, kidney failure, respiratory failure, and heart failure. In each instance, Dabney was given less than a 30 percent chance of surviving, and twice doctors told her husband, "She'll never make it through the night." But each time the doctors had given up hope, God intervened, miraculously rescuing Dabney from death's doorstep. Part medical drama, part account of divine intervention, Dabney's extraordinary story is a fast-paced, emotional roller-coaster ride that will have you crying one moment and cheering the next. Dabney's journey is an indisputable testament to the undeniable power of prayer.
Confronting Christianity: 12 Hard Questions for the World's Largest Religion
Rebecca McLaughlin - 2019
But even so, the Christian faith includes many controversial beliefs that non-Christians find hard to accept. This book explores 12 issues that might cause someone to dismiss orthodox Christianity--issues such as the existence of suffering, the Bible's teaching on gender and sexuality, the reality of heaven and hell, the authority of the Bible, and more. Showing how the best research from sociology, science, and psychology doesn't disagree with but actually aligns with claims found in the Bible, these chapters help skeptics understand why these issues are signposts, rather than roadblocks, to faith in Christ.
Can Christianity Cure Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder?: A Psychiatrist Explores the Role of Faith in Treatment
Ian Osborn - 2008
Christians who suffer from OCD may grapple with additional guilt, as the undesired thoughts are frequently of a spiritual nature. Yet people may be surprised to learn that some of the greatest leaders in Christian history also struggled with this malady. What did they experience? How did they cope? Were they able to overcome these tormenting, often violent, obsessions? Where did God fit into the picture?Ian Osborn shares the personal accounts of Martin Luther, John Bunyan, and Saint Th�r�se of Lisieux, as well as his own story, in exploring how faith and science work together to address this complex issue.
God's Amazing Grace
J. Bennett Collins - 2011
Collins speaks of what remains to be the most amazing thing that he or anyone else has encountered in a full lifetime. The fact that God would save wicked men and forgive their sins is truly amazing. But the grace of God does not stop there. Our whole life is filled with the manifestation of God's grace to us. Here you will find what grace is and how it affects us who know Christ.
No More Faking Fine: Ending the Pretending
Esther Fleece - 2017
She was known by all as an achiever and an overcomer on the fast track to success. But in silencing her pain, she robbed herself of the opportunity to be healed. Maybe you’ve done the same. When life hurts hard, we often feel pressure—from others and ourselves—to keep it together, suck it up, or pray it away. But Scripture reveals a God who meets us where we are, not where we pretend to be.Esther's journey into healing began when she discovered that God has given us a real-world way to deal with our raw emotions and an alternative to the coping methods that end up causing more pain. It's called lament—the gut-level, honest prayer that God never ignores, never silences, and never wastes. “Lament," Esther says, "is a prayer woven throughout Scripture. But more than a prayer, it is the unexpected pathway to true intimacy with God.”No More Faking Fine is your permission to lament—to give voice to the hurt, frustration, and disappointment you’ve kept inside and silenced for too long. Drawing from deep reserves of biblical study and hard-won insight, Esther reveals how to use God’s own language to draw closer to him as he leads us through any darkness into His marvelous light. Like Esther, you'll soon find that when one person stops faking fine, it gives permission to everyone else to do the same.
Life After Art: What You Forgot About Life and Faith Since You Left the Art Room
Matt Appling - 2013
You might as well do it on purpose.Everyone was an artist, once. But somewhere between kindergarten and now, we lost the confidence to create. We’ve crumbled under the pressure to find our place in the “real, grown-up” world and now see the art room as a happy memory with no real value.Instead of approaching the world with childhood freedom and peace, we fear unmet ambitions. We fear that our lives have little meaning, purpose, or value. We fear that God has a plan for us, but we’re missing it.Yet if we travel back to our seats in the art room, art teacher Matt Appling reminds us of lessons we’ve forgotten, the joy of creating, and the freedom we had to succeed or fail. We can relearn these lessons and practice them to lead the contented, joy-filled, and productive lives that God created us to live.
Forgiving God: A Story of Faith
Hilary Yancey - 2018
Restore and grow your faith as you read about Hilary Yancey's personal journey back to God.Three months into her pregnancy with her first child, Hilary Yancey received a phone call that changed everything. As she learned the diagnosis-cleft lip and palate, a missing right eye, possible breathing complications-Hilary began to pray in earnest. Even in the midst of these findings, she prayed that God would heal her son. God could do a miracle unlike anything she had seen. Only when Hilary held her baby, Jack, in her arms for the first time did she realize God had given her something drastically different than what she had demanded. Hilary struggled to talk to God as she sat for six weeks beside Jack's crib in the NICU. She consented to surgeries and learned to care for a breathing tube and gastronomy button. In her experience with motherhood Hilary had become more familiar with the sound of her son's heart monitor than the sound of his heartbeat. Later, during surgeries and emergency trips back to the hospital with her crying, breathless boy, Hilary reproached the stranger God had become. Jack was different. Hilary was not the mother she once imagined. God was not who Hilary knew before. But she could not let go of one certainty-she could see the image of Christ in Jack's face. Slowly, through long nights of wrestling and longer nights of silence, Hilary cut a path through her old, familiar faith to the God behind it. She discovered that it is by walking out onto the water, where the firm ground gives way, that we can find him. And meeting Jesus, who rises with his scars to proclaim new life, is never what you once imagined.
Rhythms of Rest: Finding the Spirit of Sabbath in a Busy World
Shelly Miller - 2016
Shelly Miller, a sought-after mentor on Sabbath-keeping, shows how even busy people can implement a rhythm of rest into their lives--from small windows of time to a whole morning or day. With encouraging stories from people in different stages in life, Miller shares practical advice for not only finding physical refreshment but also restoring your soul. You will learn:· Simple ways to be intentional about rest· Ideas for tuning out distractions and tuning in to God· How meals and other times with friends and family can be Sabbath experiencesSabbath is a gift from God to be embraced, not a spiritual hoop to jump through. Discover how genuine rest is possible today.Praise for Rhythms of Rest:"Into our culture of chronic tiredness comes a fresh voice in Shelly Miller. This book breaks all your preconceived notions about Sabbath. She makes rest not only obtainable but also the option you'll pick first from a full agenda."-Mark Batterson, New York Times bestselling author of The Circle Maker and lead pastor of National Community Church"Shelly Miller writes from her soul--one that has been seeking rest in the midst of heavy transition and the busyness of life. She shares with honesty and beauty what she has discovered. What you learn will help you love God more deeply."-Margaret Feinberg, author of Live Loved and Fight Back With Joy"I didn't realize how thirsty my soul was for rest until I read this stunning book. Shelly Miller has found a secret door that leads to true rest--a door discovered right in plain sight--and with exquisite prose, she invites you to walk inside. Don't miss this book."-Jennifer Dukes Lee, author of The Happiness Dare and Love Idol"Learning to practice Sabbath has been transformational in my life. It has led me out of striving and simply surviving into deeper grace, joy, and peace. Shelly Miller is extending an invitation straight from the heart of God himself that we all need more than ever in our busy world."-Holley Gerth, Wall Street Journal bestselling author of You're Already Amazing"For a generation fatigued by the abuse of hurry, Shelly Miller casts a hopeful vision of what life could look like if we learned to receive Sabbath as a gift rather than a rule. Rhythms of Rest offers a relieved exhale for the weary, worn-out soul. I'm deeply grateful for this message."-Emily P. Freeman, author of Simply Tuesday: Small-Moment Living in a Fast-Moving World"This book is a labor of love and a gift to all who desire deeper engagement with God's blessing of rest through Sabbath. Weaving personal story with scriptural insight, Shelly writes with a rhythm that gently guides your soul to slow down . . . notice . . . breathe . . . be. Through the years, Shelly has cultivated an online community of faithful friends who practice Sabbath with intentionality. This book brings that community to you and invites you in, with arms wide open."-Deidra Riggs, author of Every Little Thing and One: Unity in a Divided World"Set aside your to-do list. Put off the errands. Ignore the pile of laundry and the dusty mantel. Shelly Miller's Rhythms of Rest offers both a delightful respite and life-transforming wisdom you can't afford to miss. Awaken to the gift of Sabbath--God's invitation to rest in him. Let Rhythms of Rest be your first step in answering yes."-Michelle DeRusha, author of Spiritual Misfit and 50 Women Every Christian Should Know"In Rhythms of Rest, Shelly Miller invites us into more than a Sabbath. She invites us into Jesus' heart. She reminds us that rest is really a state of being: of belonging, of knowing we are loved. In a culture wearied by the rat race, Miller's poetic voice is a much-needed breath of life."-Emily T. Wierenga, founder of The Lulu Tree, a nonprofit based on radical rest, and author of Atlas Girl and Making It Home"Shelly Miller is the rest mentor you didn't even realize you were looking for."-Myquillyn Smith, author of The Nesting Place and co-founder of Hope Writers"Rhythms of Rest is a lyrical, beautiful invitation to experience the peace of heart so many of us desperately crave but can't seem to find. I thought a book on the subject of Sabbath might be a sleeper, but Miller manages to captivate the reader in refreshing and surprising ways. I loved this book!"-Heather Kopp, author of Sober Mercies: How Love Caught Up With a Christian Drunk
The Conviction to Lead: 25 Principles for Leadership That Matters
R. Albert Mohler Jr. - 2012
Albert Mohler became the youngest president in the 153-year history of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. He was the driving force behind the school's transformation into a thriving institution with an international reputation characterized by a passionate conviction for truth. In the process he became one of the most important and prominent Christian voices in contemporary culture.What will it take to transform your leadership?Effective leaders need more than administrative skills and vision. They need to be able to change the hearts and minds of those they lead. Leadership like this requires passionate beliefs that can stand up to pressure from without and within.Now for the first time, Dr. Mohler reveals 25 principles to crystallize your convictions, revolutionizing your thinking, your decision-making, your communication, and ultimately those you lead.