Book picks similar to
Speaking The Truth In Love: The Theology Of John M. Frame by John J. Hughes
An Introduction to Biblical Ethics
David W. Jones - 2013
It differs from moral philosophy in that biblical ethics is distinctively Christian, and it is more specific than Christian ethics proper because it specifically focuses upon the application of the moral law -- as it is revealed in Scripture -- to daily living. Introduction to Biblical Ethics explains the nature, relevancy, coherency, and structure of the moral law as revealed throughout the Bible. In addition to covering the foundational elements of biblical ethics, major issues investigated in this volume include: different types of law in Scripture, the relationship between the law and the gospel, and issues related to the prospect of conflicting moral absolutes. Additionally, after a discussion of ethical methodology, and using the Ten Commandments as a moral rubric, author David W. Jones explores the place of the moral law in the lives of believers. In the final chapters, the events surrounding the giving of the Decalogue are surveyed, and the application of each of the Ten Commandments to Christian living is explored.
Words From the Fire: Hearing the Voice of God in the 10 Commandments
R. Albert Mohler Jr. - 2009
Mohler is a respected voice on the state of our culture (and the church) today. The Ten Commandments speak to current issues today such as the exclusivity of the Christian God, the essence of worship, capital punishment, just war, business ethics and the postmodern definition of truth.
Whosoever Will: A Biblical-Theological Critique of Five-Point Calvinism
David L. Allen - 2010
Baptist leaders offering an alternative to the doctrine s TULIP tenets include Paige Patterson (Total Depravity), Richard Land (Unconditional Election), David Allen (Limited Atonement), Steve Lemke (Irresistible Grace), and Kenneth Keathley (Perseverance of the Saints).The book also includes a series of articles on crucial theological and ministerial issues impacting Calvinism by Bruce Little ( Libertarian Free Will and the Problem of Evil ), Alan Streett ( A Defense of the Public Invitation ), Malcolm Yarnell ( Historical Baptist Ecclesiology and Calvinism ), and Kevin Kennedy ( Was Calvin a Calvinist? ).
The Doctrine of Election
Arthur W. Pink - 2010
In the past, many of the ablest teachers were accustomed to commence their systematic theology with a presentation of the attributes of God, and then a contemplation of His eternal decrees; and it is our studied conviction, after perusing the writings of many of our moderns, that the method followed by their predecessors cannot be improved upon. God existed before man, and His eternal purpose long antedated His works in time. "Known unto God are all his works from the beginning of the world" (Acts 15:18). The divine councils went before creation. As a builder draws his plans before he begins to build, so the great Architect predestinated everything before a single creature was called into existence. Nor has God kept this a secret locked in His own bosom; it has pleased Him to make known in His Word the everlasting counsels of His grace, His design in the same, and the grand end He has in view.
The Mark of the Christian
Francis A. Schaeffer - 1970
Christians have not always presented an inviting picture to the world. Too often we have failed to show the beauty of authentic Christian love. And the world has disregarded Christianity as a result. In our era of global violence and sectarian intolerance, the church needs to hear anew the challenge of this book. Decades ago Francis Schaeffer exhorted, Love--and the unity it attests to--is the mark Christ gave Christians to wear before the world. Only with this mark may the world know that Christians are indeed Christians and that Jesus was sent by the Father. More than ever, the church needs to respond compassionately to a needy world. More than ever, we need to show the Mark.
Work and Our Labor in the Lord
James M. Hamilton Jr. - 2017
--Psalm 128:2 Work has been a part of God's good creation since before the fall--created to reflect his image and glory to the world. What are we to make of this when work today is all too often characterized by unwanted toil, pain, and futility? In this book, pastor, professor, and biblical scholar James Hamilton explores how work fits into the big story of the Bible, revealing the glory that God intended when he gave man work to do, the ruin that came as a result of the fall, and the redemption yet to come, offering hope for flourishing in the midst of fallen futility.Part of the Short Studies in Biblical Theology series.
Judge Not
Todd Friel - 2015
A famine of biblical discernment has led to skinny sheep, fat goats, and a compromised Christian witness.While there are great, godly men who boldly and biblically shepherd their flocks, the majority of evangelical churches have become silly centers. The result? America the beautiful has become America the debauched.In Judge Not, Todd Friel dares to violate Evangelicalism’s first commandment: thou shall not judge. Friel satirically and painfully exposes some of the rot in the underbelly of the contemporary church, and points to a solution to help rescue the church, save souls, and glorify God.Prepare to potentially be shocked, offended, and inspired to do more than just complain about the state of Evangelicalism. This book will enable you to actually do something to put an end to the chicanery that pervades far too many churches.It is time to act, before all of our children are consuming peanut butter a la armpit.
Strange Fire: The Danger of Offending the Holy Spirit with Counterfeit Worship
John F. MacArthur Jr. - 2013
As a movement, it is clearly headed the wrong direction. And it is growing at an unprecedented rate.From the Word of Faith to the New Apostolic Reformation, the Charismatic movement is being consumed by the empty promises of the prosperity gospel. Too many charismatic celebrities promote a “Christianity” without Christ, a Holy Spirit without holiness. And their teaching is having a disastrous influence on a grand scale, as large television networks broadcast their heresies to every part of the world.In Strange Fire, MacArthur lays out a chilling case against the modern Charismatic movement that includes:Rejecting its false prophets.Speaking out against their errors.Showing true reverence to the Holy Spirit.Clinging to the Bible as the inerrant, authoritative Word of God and the one true standard by which all truth claims must be tested.
Believing God
R.C. Sproul Jr. - 2009
R.C. Sproul Jr. challenges Christians to take a second glance at the promises of God in the Bible in order to see anew the grandeur of what God has committed Himself to do for His people. Sproul explores twelve of the most significant promises in Scripture, methodically unpacking each divine pledge. He shows that while Christians may express trust in God’s words, they refuse, in numerous ways, to stake their lives on what He says.In the final analysis, the book functions as a mirror in which every reader with a teachable heart will see how he or she can more fully believe God. All Christians who appreciate careful biblical teaching and heartfelt passion for God will appreciate and benefit from this book.
Hyper-Grace: Exposing the Dangers of the Modern Grace Message
Michael L. Brown - 2014
Claiming to be a new revelation of grace, this teaching is gaining in popularity, but is it true? Or is the glorious truth of grace being polluted by errors, leading to backsliding, compromise, and even the abandonment of faith? Hyper-Grace looks at the major teachings put forth by many adherents of this “grace reformation” and prayerfully compares those teachings with the Word of God, answering questions such as: · How do our sins affect our relationship with God? · What is the relevance of the Old Testament to our faith? · What does Jesus actually have to say about grace? Without watering down the Bible’s true message of grace, Michael Brown gives you the facts, demonstrating the dangers of this seductive message and showing you how to keep from being taken in.
Seeing and Savoring Jesus Christ
John Piper - 2001
But there is a way to know who he is. How? Jesus Christ-the divine Person revealed in the Bible-has a unique excellence and a spiritual beauty that speaks directly to our souls and says, Yes, this is truth. It's like seeing the sun and knowing that it is light, or tasting honey and knowing that it is sweet.The depth and complexity of Jesus shatter our simple mental frameworks. He baffled proud scribes with his wisdom but was understood and loved by children. He calmed a raging storm with a word but would not get himself down from the cross.Look at the Jesus of the Bible. Keep your eyes open, and fill them with the portrait of Jesus in God's Word. Jesus said, If anyone's will is to do God's will, he will know whether the teaching is from God or whether I am speaking on my own authority. Ask God for the grace to do his will, and you will see the truth of his Son.John Piper has written this book in the hope that all will see Jesus for who he really is and will come to enjoy him above all else.
Baptism: Three Views
David F. Wright - 2009
This book provides a forum for thoughtful proponents of three principal evangelical views to state their case, respond to the others, and then provide a summary response and statement. Sinclair Ferguson sets out the case for infant baptism, Bruce Ware presents the case for believers' baptism, and Anthony Lane argues for a mixed practice. As with any good conversation on a controversial topic, this book raises critical issues, challenges preconceptions and discloses the soft points in each view. Evangelicals who wish to understand better their own church's practice or that of their neighbor, or who perhaps are uncertain of their own views, will value this incisive book.
Cornelius Van Til: An Analysis of His Thought
John M. Frame - 1995
Both warm and incisive, it promotes appreciation of Van Til and refinement of his ideas.
Unshakable Foundations
Norman L. Geisler - 2000
There are answers to the most crucial issues of our time, all presented in an easy-to-understand format that helps you remember information for when you'll need it most. Written by Dr. Norman Geisler and Peter Bocchino, Unshakable Foundations is the culmination of more than thirty years of experience teaching apologetics. The information has been refined and sorted to present the truths most critical for today's readers. With clear and direct evidence, the authors help construct a foundation on which readers may stand firm in this changing world. Topics covered include the origin of life, good vs. evil, science and the universe, heaven and hell, and the deity of Jesus. As well, major ethical issues of contemporary society are addressed--from biomedicine to abortion. Uniquely integrating illustrations to clarify abstract concepts, the book is written for anyone seeking comprehensible answers to difficult questions to the faith.