Economics of Small Things

Sudipta Sarangi - 2020
    The book studies the development of familiar cultural practices from India and around the world and links the regular to the esoteric and explains everything from Game Theory to the Cobra Effect without depending on graphs or equations-a modern-day miracle!Through disarmingly simple prose, the book demystifies economic theories, offers delightful insights, and provides nuance without jargon. Each chapter of this book will give you the tools to meaningfully engage with a subject that has long been considered alienating but is unavoidable in its relevance.

The DIY Spud Fit Challenge: A how-to guide to tackling food addiction with the humble spud.

Andrew Taylor - 2016
    In this Spud Fit Challenge DIY guide, featuring twelve super simple (and cheap!) recipes and a variety of mindfulness techniques to help you reset your body and mind, he shows you the how's, what's and why's of his unusual regime - the tale of which went viral and captivated people across the globe. It's a scenario that will be depressingly familiar to all 'experienced dieters': towards the end of 2015, the former elite junior kayaker found himself more than 120 pounds (55kgs) overweight and feeling helpless, frustrated and in despair after yet another failed attempt at losing weight. With a lifetime of fad diets that only ever aimed to treat symptoms behind him, and armed only with the advice of 'the experts' whose discussion always began and ended with the message 'simply' to practise moderation, he had reached an impasse. Why couldn't he do moderation, like 'normal' people seemed to be able to? Sitting on the couch that day having reached his lowest point and not knowing the way out of the black hole that was swallowing his ability to enjoy life, he had that lightbulb moment: he was addicted to food. His mind raced - no other addict would ever be told to practise moderation, they would be told to quit their vice entirely. In that moment he realised that quitting food - or coming as close to it as possible - was the answer. Weeks of research told him that the humble potato, the food that has allowed vast populations to not only survive but to thrive over generations, was the perfect vehicle for his experiment: The Spud Fit Challenge was born! Good health is way more simple than we've been led to believe. There is a food that you can eat in abundance and that food provides you with all the nutrition your body needs to thrive for a long time. A good diet should not involve obsessing over every detail about what you put in your mouth - this does nothing to treat the underlying cause of your troubled relationship with food. This is the Spud Fit Challenge in a nutshell: let simplicity set you free. This guide will provide you with both the mental techniques that have helped Andrew to power through cravings without looking back as well as some ‘Spud Fit approved’ recipes to pique your interest - everything you need to successfully complete your own Spud Fit Challenge.

The Delusion of Passion: Why Millennials Struggle to Find Success

David Anderson - 2016
    A brilliantly written, simple, and practical guide to develop a life that you are truly excited about living!Long DescriptionWe ve all grown up hearing statements that sound like There are more important things in the world than money...follow your passion or When you find your true passion, you'll never feel like you're working a day in your life.In our culture, there is a premium placed on finding our passion, as though somehow once we've found it, our lives will finally start to come together as we've always imagined. We've held onto these beliefs about passion and have made daily and even life-changing decisions based on the principle of following our passion.Is passion important in living a fulfilled life? Absolutely. But as the famous adage goes, It s not the things that you don t know that hurt you... It's the things you think are true that aren t that really mess you up.Unfortunately, there are a number of beliefs we have about trying to find our passion that are creating more questions, frustrations and confusion in our lives. Of course, something in these beliefs must be true (or they wouldn't resonate with us so strongly), but how do we separate fact from delusion? Instead of hoping to find a life of passion, how do we CREATE a life we are passionate about living?The Delusion of Passion: Why Millennials Struggle to Find Success was written to clarify truth from delusion in our commonly held beliefs about passion, and to put people in the driver's seat, creating a life they are passionate about living. It is written for Millennials and by Millennials to help our generation tap into new levels of productivity and intentionality in everything we do, and in our pursuit of personal excellence. Even those not in our generation have gained insights from this book into the Millennial mind, on how to work with Millennials effectively, and helping to clarify their own personal journeys as well.

Balance: How to Invest and Spend for Happiness, Health, and Wealth

Andrew Hallam - 2022

The Art of Psychological Warfare: 51 Principles of Conflict Resolution, Negotiation, Strategy, Office Politics, Career Building, Self Help, & Motivation for Success & Happiness in Business & Life

Mark B. Warring - 2015
    The August 26, 2015 reviewer is correct in that there are some typos and at least one misuse of speech in this first edition and they will be corrected if there is enough interest for me to publish a corrected and expanded second edition. The reviewer suggests you read Mr. Greene's book instead, and while his books are excellent, I view his voice and message as distinctly different than mine.Furthermore, the reviewer admits he did not take the time to fully read my book, which would've only taken him about an hour to do, but still feels he can appropriately label it as "paranoia" with "the author... constantly looking over his shoulder, watching for the boogeyman." Emulating Mr. Greene's poetic and heightened writing style, he states "Where this book is flawed and reeks of amateur, Greene's book is slick and authoritative."I don't think my book is for everyone, because not everyone is willing to honestly evaluate how the self interest of others can, at times, collide with their own self interest. If you want a book with no grammatical errors, that is politically correct, and will not challenge your thinking in any way, then this book is not for you. If, on the other hand, you find the subject matter interesting based on the description below and are open minded enough to have your views challenged, then give this book a try. At present I have lowered the price from $2.99 USD to 99 cents in hopes of generating more interest in the book, and hopefully more balanced reviews.If you know anything about Amazon sales rank and pricing, then you know that very little revenue has been generated from this book. I didn't write and publish this for the money. I did it to challenge you. I humbly invite you to take this journey with me. You've got nothing to lose. Sincerely, Mark B. WarringThis book is not a joke. Psychological warfare is happening all around you regardless of whether you admit or not. Why continue to be an unknowing victim? Why continue to hopelessly wish that the world becomes fair? Why not understand the methods others are using against you so that you can know what your options are to defend yourself? You can be a good person with a strong sense of self while engaging in psychological warfare. And you don't have to lose your mind in the process.This brief book of approximately 10,000 words is about the way the world really works and what you can do about it. It is not a book about being nice to people and actively listening to them. Those books have their place, and I'm not necessarily knocking them, but this book won't waste your time with politically correct tactics that you're already smart, studied, and savvy enough to know about.This is a book about confronting your private thoughts about inevitable conflicts. Some of this book may completely shock you and cause you to confront reality for what it truly is. Think of this book as Lao Tzu meeting Sun Tzu meeting Machiavelli meeting Napoleon Hill and formulating a practical treatise for our time.No matter how little or how much money or power you have, you'll be attacked and exploited. But in the wake of conflict and stress, you can be happy and self expressed, as this is ultimately a book about enjoying life's highest victories. Please join me on this journey. Buy this book now and start reading it. I don't think you'll regret it.

The Leader's Compass: A Personal Leadership Philosophy Is Your Key to Success

Ed Ruggero - 2003
    Most leaders recognize that developing these clearly articulated statements is time well spent; they help keep the organization on track and pointed toward clear goals. A written leadership philosophy, which we call "The Leader's Compass", achieves the same thing on a personal level; it lets people know what you expect, what you value, how you'll act, and how you'll measure performance, with the additional benefits of making the workplace less stressful and more productive. And, like a compass, it helps to keep you, the leader, on course".

Over The Top: How The Internet Is (Slowly But Surely) Changing The Television Industry

Alan Wolk - 2015
    Given the intricacies of the industry, it's also going to be the most resistant to change. Alan Wolk, an industry veteran and longtime analyst and observer, lays out how the television industry is adapting to the digital era, explaining what's really happening in a tone that will appeal to laypeople and insiders alike. In the first section, Wolk takes us through how the industry works today, focusing on how the various players actually make money and who pays who for what. The next section deals with the changes that are taking place in the industry today–everything from time shifting to binge viewing to cord cutting–and how those changes are starting to create some seismic shifts. In the final section, Wolk reveals his predictions for the future and what the industry will look like in ten years time. Andrew Wallenstein, co-editor-in-chief of Variety says "Alan Wolk is one of the most insightful observers writing about the media business today. There's no better expert to help you navigate the confusing, complicated nexus of TV and the Internet." David Zaslav, President and CEO of Discovery Communications says "Alan Wolk has a deep understanding of the complex nature of television today… this is a fantastic primer of the business and one of the most educated perspectives on the future of our rapidly evolving industry."

The Book on Making Money

Steve Oliverez - 2017
    In The Book on Making Money, he reveals what he learned while successfully hitting this goal for seven years in a row, growing his annual income to more than $1 million. Walking readers through the steps he took to reach his goal, Oliverez shows how they can apply the same techniques to greatly increase their own income, whether they work for someone else or run their own business. Oliverez spells out his disagreements with the traditional wisdom that tells young adults to go to school, get good grades and find a safe, steady job - advice that has left many Americans with tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars in student loans, credit card debt or mortgages on homes they can't afford. He also assaults the idea of saving one’s way to wealth as absurd and counterproductive, using his own experience of trying to save money while poor as an example. Instead of promoting an austere lifestyle of clipping coupons and spending as little as possible, he shows how those habits can actually prevent people from becoming wealthy. Perhaps your goal is to create passive income, launch a startup or make money investing in the stock market. Maybe you're still an employee and you want to learn how to write a better resume, ask for a raise, and budget so you can get out of debt. This straight-forward guide will teach you how money works and give you the tools to achieve financial freedom.

Hack the Entrepreneur: How to Stop Procrastinating, Build a Business, and Do Work That Matters

Jon Nastor - 2015
    I have been starting and running businesses for the past 13 years. My entrepreneurial journey began with multiple businesses offline, but in 2011 I discovered the 'internet as a business' and decided that I would never work offline again. By 2012, I was running a successful software company from my laptop, travelling the world with my wife and daughter, and playing drums in a punk rock band. I had the freedom to work when and where I wanted and had achieved the 4 Hour Work Week, but I had the desire to do something meaningful. Up until now, I had spent a large portion of my life picking the brains of entrepreneurs that had walked the entrepreneurial path before me and I wanted to share what I had learned -- entrepreneurs are not born, they are created through mindset, hard work, and a desire to do meaningful work. 200+ interviews and over 1.2 million downloads later and I want to give you the best hacks. That's exactly what this book will give you. I love how the internet has changed mine and my family's life and I cannot wait to help you start, build, and grow your very online business. The entrepreneurs and experts you will learn from (plus 40 more inside!) How to stop struggling with failure, with Seth Godin, best selling author. It is all about overcoming each obstacle as it hits and not giving up, with Brian Smith, founder of UGG Boots. Most things in life fail - it's okay, with James Altucher, entrepreneur and bestselling author. True success comes from having a ton of failures and then learning from them, with Nellie Akalp, founder of CorpNet. Entrepreneurs are not born, they're made, with Landon Ray, founder of OntraPort. Why you need to become the CEO of your own business, with Brian Clark, cofounder of Rainmaker Digital. You have to learn to love what you do, versus trying to do what you love, with Kate Matsudaira, founder of PopForms. The best way to be wrong, with with Chris Brogan, founder of Owner Media. Let your challenges become your super powers, with Dominic Johnson-Hill, founder of Plastered Tshirts. Choosing the path of unpredictability, with Jon Stein, founder of Betterment. Who should read this book Are you stuck and don't know what to do next? In this book, Jonny will be your personal mastermind, coach, and mentor as he gives your the guidance and kick in the ass you need today. Do you want to control your destiny? If you want to design a lifestyle that puts you in control of your time and income, this book is for you. Do you want to do work that matters? If you want to work on projects that make a real impact and have meaning to you and others, this book will let you discover your true value. Want the freedom to travel? If the idea of working on your business while traveling the world makes you smile, digital entrepreneurship and Hack the Entrepreneur is for you. What's Inside 1. Getting Started There are similar obstacles we all face or have faced when getting started in business. Once we've broken through and started, we all wish we could've started sooner. Now you can. 3.

How Successful People Think Differently

Akash Karia - 2013
    In How Successful People Think Differently you will learn:•Why successful people say “I don’t” instead of “I can’t”•Why successful people never suppress their desires - and what they do instead•How successful people think smart•The “if-then” strategy that triples your chances of achieving success•The type of thinking that makes successful people successful in the first place•Why The Secret is setting you up for failure•The wrong (and the right) way to visualize your goals (this alone will be worth the price of the book!)•The right (and the wrong) type of thinking that either sets up you up for success or failure•Simple, and sometimes surprising, success principles to help you achieve your goals•And a lot more...Based on Intensive Scientific Research: Learn the Science of SuccessIn the last 100 years, science has made remarkable progress in unlocking the secrets behind successful people. Science has uncovered just how successful people think differently and how successful people think smarter than the rest of us. Unfortunately, a lot of this great, life-changing research is hidden inside dense, boring, hard-to read academic literature. Fortunately, I’ve gone through that research for you - and in this success booklet, you’re going to be getting access to life-changing tools and strategies that are scientifically-proven to help you achieve your personal and career goals, whatever they may be.Simple, and Sometimes Surprising Secrets of SuccessA lot has been written about goal setting, achievement and success. A lot of this advice sounds good but is not very useful, such as “Never give up. Think positive. Take risks”. This short and fun ebook provides you with practical tools that you can use to change your thinking and change your life.Just One Idea...Learn the science of success, and apply the success principles in this book to set and achieve your own goals, whatever they may be. Some success principles will provide validation of what you already think to be true (but didn’t have proof for), whereas other principles will surprise. Here’s the promise: All these principles are simple to apply, and if you apply them to your life, you will begin to experience more success in all areas of life. How do I know? Because I have proof (inside!) Just one idea in this book might be the inspiration and the spark of change you are looking for...just one idea can change your life.

Chess: How to Play Chess: For (Absolute) Beginners: The Journey to Your Empire Begins Here

Maxen Tarafa - 2015
     Many Chess books for beginners will overload you with information about openings, tactics, forks, history, notation, and lot of other things beginners don’t need to know and don’t understand. That might work for some people. But in this highly anticipated prequel to the Conquer your Friends series, I’m going to SHOW you how you can play the game of Chess AND WIN in a heinously short amount of time. Hi, my name is Maxen Tarafa, and I’m a Skill Artist. Most teachers struggle to show beginners how to play Chess because they forget what it’s like to start from the beginning. I specialize in working with beginners, post-beginners, and casual players, and now I’ve broken down the specific needs of the (absolute) beginner. You see, I believe Chess belongs to regular people who enjoy playing Chess with their friends or at home, not in the hands of “experts” who use incomprehensible terminology and notation. After working with several beginners, I realized their greatest struggle is not just remembering how the pieces move, but seeing the board beyond where the pieces physically sit. I’m going to show you how to play Chess using step-by-step images with arrows and interactive exercises Who is this book for? Perhaps, you’ve never played Chess but you’ve always wanted to learn and never had the chance. Or maybe, you’ve already learned how to move the pieces, but you need an easy, straight-forward refresher. Or perhaps, it’s time to show your son or younger brother how to play Chess and you want to review the basics, so you can make sure you nail the questions beginners commonly miss. Whether you’re brand new to Chess or you just want to pass the tradition down, this book is for you. In this book, you’ll learn how to: Quickly and confidently move each piece from Pawn to King Set up the board from memory quickly and correctly every…single…time Use my step-by-step method for commanding the puzzling Knight Harness the power of your own mind to visualize the board and gain an edge over your opponent Learn the little-known reason why most beginners lose and how to use it to your advantage Employ a three-question checklist to ensure you don’t lose your pieces for no good reason Blow your opponent’s mind! Predict your opponent’s strategy three moves ahead and stop their plan before they’ve even tried it I’ve taught beginner Chess players from age 5 to age 35 and beyond, anyone can learn and now’s your chance to finally learn the ancient game of Kings and Conquerors! Don’t miss your chance! Join the casual Chess revolution today!

F#ck Content Marketing: Focus on Content Experience to Drive Demand, Revenue & Relationships

Randy Frisch - 2019
    Truly effective companies (and marketers) create content experiences, drawing the customer into an immersive infinite scroll that mirrors the consumer experience of Netflix, Spotify, and other billion-dollar brands.Randy Frisch will push you to rethink how you approach content for complex buyer journeys. The current mindset is all about volume-the more content created, the better. But the reality is that almost 70 percent of content created within an organization is never used, and there's little point investing in content marketing if you're not leveraging the assets you create.In this book, Frisch unpacks the Content Experience Framework, arming your organization to deliver personalized experiences that leverage your content to engage your audiences at scale-as well as identify and ramp up the key players in your organization who need to own this process.

Beyond the Bricks: The inside story of how 9 everyday investors found financial freedom through property

Rob Dix - 2014
    Through long-form interviews with them we learn exactly how they did it, what their lives are like now, and what they recommend to anyone just starting out.Of course, "success" is a relative term. During the book you'll meet people ranging from Mark, who amassed a portfolio worth millions, to Serena, whose few houses saved her family from financial ruin. And along the way you'll meet Kim, who was unstoppable prior to the credit crunch, nearly lost everything, and found an innovative way to stay afloat.The day-to-day life of a property investor isn't necessarily what you'd expect either. Fast cars and exotic holidays are represented... but so too are sprinting in pursuit of rent cheques, pottering around in a dressing gown all day, and helping a tenant with cancer by driving her to hospital appointments.This book is less of a "how to" than a "how you could". It won't give you one formula for success, but many practical ideas and inspiring examples that you can use to craft your own property investment story.With all jargon clearly explained, this book will be an educational and entertaining read for those who are yet to get started, as well as a rich source of new ideas for more experienced investors.Praise for "Beyond The Bricks" "Put this on your list of property must-reads" - Property Tribes, Book of the Month"A compelling read" -"These stories will entertain and inspire you all the way through to the end" - Your Property Network magazine

Simple Thinking: How to remove complexity from life and work

Richard Gerver - 2016
    You'll learn how to expand your mind and understand your true potential through the power of thinking simply, while stripping back the jargon and digging to the core of any obstacle in your way. Let's be honest, life is full of unnecessary complexity and it's left most of us confused, angry and disenfranchised. This book will help you to remove the baggage, cut through the clutter and begin your smooth path to success. Learn how to: Live and act with resiliency, authenticity and passion Learn to trust your instincts again and see the world through new eyes Recalibrate your thoughts, behaviours and actions Declutter your mind, streamline your day and be successful at life Simple wisdom, simply shared, is personal development unplugged – and when you begin peeling back the layers to expose the heart of the problem, you become well-equipped to devise a simpler, yet more effective solution. Simple Thinking will help you in achieving this state of clarity and confidence.