Book picks similar to
Love For The Messenger Muhammad ‎‫ﷺ‬ by Shaykh Nur al-Din ‘Itr


رياض الصالحين

يحيى بن شرف النووي
    Covering every aspect of Islamic belief and moral conduct, it selects approximately 2000 hadith from the six major collections: Bukhari, Muslim, Abu Dawood, Tirmidhi, An-Nasai and Ibn Majah. It serves as an excellent hadith primer and daily reader. Wide range of topics: sincerity of purpose, spending in the way of Allah, rules of fasting, seeking knowledge, attending funerals and safeguarding the Qur'aan. Arabic text as well as English translation are presented here in this handsome hardcover two volume set.Riyad-us-Saliheen comprises of about 2000 ahadiths in 372 Chapters and 19 Sections: The Book of Good Manners - The Book about the Etiquette of Eating - The Book of Dress -The Book of the Etiquette of Sleeping, Lying and Sitting, etc.- The book of Greetings - The Book of Visiting the Sick - The Book of Etiquette of Traveling - The Book of Virtues - The Book of I'tikaf - The Book of Hajj - The Book of Jihad - The Book of Knowledge - The Book of Praise and Gratitude to Allah - The Book of Supplicating Allah to Exalt the Mention of Allah's Messenger (PBUH) - The Book of the Remembrance of Allah - The Book of Du'a (Supplications) - The Book of the Prohibited Actions - The Book of Miscellaneous Ahadith of Significant values - and The Book of Forgiveness.رابط التحميل:

الطب النبوي

ابن قيم الجوزية - 1998
    It is a magnificient work that is a treasure for every Muslim household. Although it was written by the author, Ibn Al-Qayyim, over six hundered and fifty year ago, it is an extremely timely work for our generation in which health and natural health care products have become an important aspect of the lives of so many.The author presents the guidance of the Prophet (Peace be upon him) in dealing with variety of health issues, including treatment of the Qur'an and Sunnah are the main sources of Islamic lifestyle, it only stands to reason that they should likewise be referred to in the matters of health as he presents verses of the Qur'an, and statements of the Prophet (Peace be upon him) as his main reference in these issues of health and medicines. The final chapters of this work include an extremely beneficial glossary of remedies, herbs, foods and other natural substances that aid in the journey towards better health.Healing with the medicine of the Prophet (Peace be upon him) is an invaluable reference guide for the Muslims of every land and every generation. May Allah bestow His mercy and blessing upon the author, Ibn Al-Qayyim, for surely his work will be cherished thorughout time.***Arabic Below:"كتاب الطب النبوي يتضمن فصول نافعة في هديه صلى الله عليه وسلم في الطب الذي تطبب به، ووصفه لغيره حيث يبين الكاتب فيه الحكمة التي تعجز عقول أكبر الأطباء عن الوصول إليها، أما مضمونه فقد جاء على النحو التالي: تقسيم الأمراض، ومراتب الغذاء، أنواع علاج النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم للمرض، العلاج بالأدوية الطبية، هدي النبي صلى الله في الطاعون وعلاجه، داء الاستسقاء وعلاجه، علاج الجرح، علاج عرق النسا، هدي النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم في علاج الصداع والشقيقة وأسباب الصداع وفوائد الحناء، هدي النبي في العلاج العام لكل شكوى بالرقية الإلهية... هدي النبي في علاج الأورام والخراجات التي تبرأ بالبط والبزل... هدي النبي في علاج الكرب والهمّ والغمّ والحزن، هدي النبي في إصلاح الطعام الذي يقع فيه الذباب... الخ"

The Bezels of Wisdom

Ibn Arabi
    The Bezels of Wisdom was written during the author's later years and was intended to be a synthesis of his spiritual doctrine. Bezel means a setting in which a gem, engraved with one's name, is set to make a seal ring. The setting in which Ibn Al-'Arabi has placed his spiritual wisdom are the lives of the prophets. It was in Damascus that he had the vision that prompted him to write this book. He describes it in his preface: "I saw the Apostle of God in a visitation…He had in his hand a book and he said to me, 'This is the book of the bezels of Wisdom; take it and bring it to men that they might benefit from it.'"The book portrays the wisdom of love through Abraham, of the unseen through Job, of light through Joseph, of intimacy through Elias and so on. Ibn Al-'Arabi invites us in these pages to explore the inner spiritual meanings of the Quran, its heartful meanings. In one of his poems he stated, "Love is the creed I hold: wherever turns His camels, Love is still my creed and faith."

Sea of Faith: Islam and Christianity in the Medieval Mediterranean World

Stephen O'Shea - 2006
    For all the great and everlasting moments of cultural interchange and tolerance--in Cordoba, Palermo, Constantinople--the ultimate "geography of belief " was decided on the battlefield. O'Shea vividly recounts seven pivotal battles between the forces of Christianity and Islam that shaped the Mediterranean world--from the loss of the Christian Middle East to the Muslims at Yarmuk (Turkey) in 636 to the stemming of the seemingly unstoppable Ottoman tide at Malta in 1565. In between, the battles raged round the Mediterranean, from Poitiers in France and Hattin in the Holy Land during the height of the Crusades, to the famed contest for Constantinople in 1453 that signaled the end of Byzantium. As much as the armies were motivated by belief, their exploits were inspired by leaders such as Charles Martel, Saladin, and Mehmet II, whose stirring feats were sometimes accompanied by unexpected changes of heart.

Race for Paradise: An Islamic History of the Crusades

Paul M. Cobb - 2014
    The story of how this group of warriors, driven byfaith, greed, and wanderlust, created new Christian-ruled states in parts of the Middle East is one of the best-known in history. Yet it is offers not even half of the story, for it is based almost exclusively on Western sources and overlooks entirely the perspective of the crusaded. How didmedieval Muslims perceive what happened?In The Race for Paradise, Paul M. Cobb offers a new history of the confrontations between Muslims and Franks we now call the Crusades, one that emphasizes the diversity of Muslim experiences of the European holy war. There is more to the story than Jerusalem, the Templars, Saladin, and theAssassins. Cobb considers the Arab perspective on all shores of the Muslim Mediterranean, from Spain to Syria. In the process, he shows that this is not a straightforward story of warriors and kings clashing in the Holy Land, but a more complicated tale of border-crossers and turncoats; ofembassies and merchants; of scholars and spies, all of them seeking to manage a new threat from the barbarian fringes of their ordered world. When seen from the perspective of medieval Muslims, the Crusades emerge as something altogether different from the high-flying rhetoric of the Europeanchronicles: as a cultural encounter to ponder, a diplomatic chess-game to be mastered, a commercial opportunity to be seized, and as so often happened, a political challenge to be exploited by ambitious rulers making canny use of the language of jihad.An engrossing synthesis of history and scholarship, The Race for Paradise fills a significant historical gap, considering in a new light the events that distinctively shaped Muslim experiences of Europeans until the close of the Middle Ages.

The Crisis of Islamic Civilization

Ali A. Allawi - 2009
    Buffeted by powerful adverse currents, Islamic civilization today is a shadow of its former self. The most disturbing and possibly fatal of these currents — "the imperial expansion of the West into Muslim lands and the blast of modernity that accompanied it" — are now compounded by a third giant wave, globalization.These forces have increasingly tested Islam and Islamic civilization for validity, adaptability, and the ability to hold on to the loyalty of Muslims, says Ali A. Allawi in his provocative new book. While the faith has proved resilient in the face of these challenges, other aspects of Islamic civilization have atrophied or died, Allawi contends, and Islamic civilization is now undergoing its last crisis.The book explores how Islamic civilization began to unravel under colonial rule, as its institutions, laws, and economies were often replaced by inadequate modern equivalents. Allawi also examines the backlash expressed through the increasing religiosity of Muslim societies and the spectacular rise of political Islam and its terrorist offshoots. Assessing the status of each of the building blocks of Islamic civilization, the author concludes that Islamic civilization cannot survive without the vital spirituality that underpinned it in the past. He identifies a key set of principles for moving forward, principles that will surprise some and anger others, yet clearly must be considered. (20090327)

Mohammed The Greatest

Ahmed Deedat - 2011
    It is in that spirit that I would like to convey my feelings on our beloved Prophet Mohammed, may the peace and blessings of Allah forever be upon him.I was not born into the Muslim faith and had many of the same views that many Westerners hold today. The very first time I read about the life of the last Prophet of God, it literally brought me to tears. I had read Napoleon Hill's book " Think and Grow Rich", and in the chapter entitled Persistence, Napoleon Hill says the story of Prophet Mohammed ( PBUH ) is one of the greatest examples on the power of Persistence known to man. This sparked my curiosity and I began reading as much material as I could about the Great man, and the life he led, and this led to my conversion to Islam in 1974. My hope and aim was to give a glimpse into what I found in hopes that others would come to love him and what he stood for, as much as I do. Being a Westerner I know how many view the Religion of Al-Islam and to you I would say, don't let your hatred blind you to the truth. We as human beings were given minds as thinking rational beings, we owe it to ourselves to examine even contrasting views. Don't Measure anyone through anyone's eyes but your own. Many are so full of hate towards Muslims and Islam, they have never even bothered to read about the life of the Last Prophet to the world, or the Q'uran, the last revealed word of God. The sad part is, Mohammed ( PBUH ) is not just the Prophet of Islam, but he is the last Prophet of God to the world, in a long succession of Prophet's that have lived on this earth, from Adam to Mohammed ( Peace be upon them both ). To quote brother Maulana Muhammad Ali " The real conviction is that God comes to man not by the belief that there is a God in the outer world, but by the realization of the Divine within himself".~ John Milton Lawrence ~

Politics of Piety: The Islamic Revival and the Feminist Subject

Saba Mahmood - 2004
    Unlike those organized Islamist activities that seek to seize or transform the state, this is a moral reform movement whose orthodox practices are commonly viewed as inconsequential to Egypt's political landscape. Saba Mahmood's compelling exposition of these practices challenges this assumption by showing how the ethical and the political are indelibly linked within the context of such movements.Not only is this book a sensitive ethnography of a critical but largely ignored dimension of the Islamic revival, it is also an unflinching critique of the secular-liberal principles by which some people hold such movements to account. The book addresses three central questions: How do movements of moral reform help us rethink the normative liberal account of politics? How does the adherence of women to the patriarchal norms at the core of such movements parochialize key assumptions within feminist theory about freedom, agency, authority, and the human subject? How does a consideration of debates about embodied religious rituals among Islamists and their secular critics help us understand the conceptual relationship between bodily form and political imaginaries? Politics of Piety is essential reading for anyone interested in issues at the nexus of ethics and politics, embodiment and gender, and liberalism and postcolonialism.

Good Muslim, Bad Muslim: America, the Cold War, and the Roots of Terror

Mahmood Mamdani - 2004
    In this brilliant look at the rise of political Islam, the distinguished political scientist and anthropologist Mahmood Mamdani brings his expertise and insight to bear on a question many Americans have been asking since 9/11: how did this happen? Good Muslim, Bad Muslim is a provocative and important book that will profoundly change our understanding both of Islamist politics and the way America is perceived in the world today.

The Islamic Republic of Australia

Sami Shah - 2017
    The answers are both multitudinous and surprising, resulting in a fascinating multi-faceted and entertaining portrait of Islam in Australia today.

Islam's Quantum Question: Reconciling Muslim Tradition and Modern Science

Nidhal Guessoum - 2009
    Whether they think of the evolutionary proofs of Darwin or of spectacular investigation into the boundaries of physics conducted by CERN's Large Hadron Collider, most people assume that scientific enquiry goes to the heart of fundamental truths about the universe. Yet elsewhere, science is under siege. In the USA, Christian fundamentalists contest whether evolution should be taught in schools at all. And in Muslim countries like Tunisia, Egypt, Pakistan and Malaysia, a mere 15% of those recently surveyed believed Darwin's theory to be "true" or "probably true." This thoughtful and passionately argued book contends absolutely to the contrary: not only that evolutionary theory does not contradict core Muslim beliefs, but that many scholars, from Islam's golden age to the present, adopted a worldview that accepted evolution as a given. Guessoum suggests that the Islamic world, just like the Christian, needs to take scientific questions -- quantum questions -- with the utmost seriousness if it is to recover its true heritage and integrity. In its application of a specifically Muslim perspective to important topics like cosmology, divine action and evolution, the book makes a vital contribution to debate in the disputed field of "science and religion."

The Koran: A Very Short Introduction

Michael A. Cook - 2000
    In this Very Short Introduction, Michael Cook provides a lucid and direct account of the significance of the Koran both in the modern world and inthat of traditional Islam. He gives vivid accounts of its role in Muslim civilization, illustrates the diversity of interpretations championed by traditional and modern commentators, discusses the processes by which the book took shape, and compares it to other scriptures and classics of thehistoric cultures of Eurasia.About the Series: Combining authority with wit, accessibility, and style, Very Short Introductions offer an introduction to some of life's most interesting topics. Written by experts for the newcomer, they demonstrate the finest contemporary thinking about the central problems and issues in hundredsof key topics, from philosophy to Freud, quantum theory to Islam.

Hezbollah: A Short History

Augustus Richard Norton - 2007
    Hezbollah isn't a simple terrorist organization--nor is it likely to disappear soon. Following Israel's war against Hezbollah in the summer of 2006, the Shi'i group--which combines the functions of a militia, a social service and public works provider, and a political party--is more popular than ever in the Middle East while retaining its strong base of support in Lebanon. And Hezbollah didn't merely confront Israel and withstand its military onslaught. Hezbollah's postwar reconstruction efforts were judged better than the U.S. government's response to Hurricane Katrina--not by al-Jazeera, but by an American TV journalist. In Hezbollah, one of the world's leading experts on Hezbollah has written the essential guide to understanding the complexities and paradoxes of a group that remains entrenched at the heart of Middle East politics.With unmatched clarity and authority, Augustus Richard Norton tells how Hezbollah developed, how it has evolved, and what direction it might take in the future. Far from being a one-dimensional terrorist group, Norton explains, Hezbollah is a "janus-faced" organization in the middle of an incomplete metamorphosis from extremism to mundane politics, an evolution whose outcome is far from certain. Beginning as a terrorist cat's-paw of Iran, Hezbollah has since transformed itself into an impressive political party with an admiring Lebanese constituency, but it has also insisted on maintaining the potent militia that forced Israel to withdraw from Lebanon in 2000 after almost two decades of occupation.The most accessible, informed, and balanced analysis of the group yet written, Hezbollah is essential reading for anyone who wants to understand the Middle East.

Islam after Communism: Religion and Politics in Central Asia

Adeeb Khalid - 2006
    Arguing that the utopian Bolshevik project of remaking the world featured a sustained assault on Islam that destroyed patterns of Islamic learning and thoroughly de-Islamized public life, Khalid demonstrates that Islam became synonymous with tradition and was subordinated to powerful ethnonational identities that crystallized during the Soviet period. He shows how this legacy endures today and how, for the vast majority of the population, a return to Islam means the recovery of traditions destroyed under Communism.Islam after Communism reasons that the fear of a rampant radical Islam that dominates both Western thought and many of Central Asia’s governments should be tempered by an understanding of the politics of antiterrorism, which allows governments to justify their own authoritarian policies by casting all opposition as extremist. Comparing the secularization of Islam in Central Asia to experiences in Turkey, the former Yugoslavia, and other secular Muslim states, the author lays the groundwork for a nuanced and well-informed discussion of the forces at work in this crucial region.

Allah: A Christian Response

Miroslav Volf - 2011
    In a penetrating exploration of every side of the issue, from New York Times headlines on terrorism to passages in the Koran and excerpts from the Gospels, Volf makes an unprecedented argument for effecting a unified understanding between Islam and Christianity. In the tradition of Seyyed Hossein Nasr’s Islam in the Modern World, Volf’s Allah is essential reading for students of the evolving political science of the twenty-first century.