Sophie's Fish

Ann Edwards Cannon - 2012
    What does a fish eat for dinner? How do you give him a bath? What kind of stories does he like? Pitch-perfect humor and wonderfully detailed, quirky illustrations make this a refreshingly funny and imaginative picture book.

How Do Dinosaurs Say I Love You?

Jane Yolen - 2009
    Even when little dinosaurs are naughty, it's important to remind them that no matter what they do, they are always loved. In this book, readers will laugh aloud as parents cope with the typical antics of childhood, but in the end, hugs and kisses show your little one how much you care.

Jasper & Ollie

Alex Willan - 2019
    On your mark, get set . . . WAIT! As Jasper races ahead--crashing into the mailman, speeding past the ice cream truck--Ollie takes his sweet time, pausing to admire a butterfly, smell a daisy, and help the mailman pick up his letters!


Emily Gravett - 2011
    Every night, baby dragon Cedric loves his mom to read his favorite dragon book. He wants to hear it over and over again until the exhausted mom falls asleep...

Hairy Maclary: Five Lynley Dodd Stories

Lynley Dodd - 1996
    She is enormously popular for her rhyming stories of the unforgettable HAIRY MACLARY and his friends. She worked as a teacher before beginning to write her own books in 1974.Read all the Hairy Maclary and Friends books by Lynley Dodd!Hairy Maclary's Bone; Hairy Maclary Scattercat; Hairy Maclary's Caterwaul Caper; Hairy Maclary's Rumpus at the Vet; Slinky Malinki; Hairy Maclary's Showbusiness; Slinky Malinki, Open the Door; Sniff-Snuff-Snap!; Schnitzel Von Krumm Forget-Me-Not; Slinky Malinki Catflaps; Slinky Malinki's Christmas Crackers; Hairy Maclary's Hat Tricks; Scarface Claw; Schnitzel Von Krumm, Dog's Never Climb Tress; Hairy Maclary, Sit; Hairy Maclary and Zachary Quack; Magnet Fun with Hairy Maclary; Hairy Maclary, Shoo; Hairy Maclary and Friends Little Library; Slinky Malinki, Open the Door; Slinky Malinki Early Bird; Where is Hairy Maclary?; Sticker Fun with Hairy Maclary; My Cat Likes to Hide in Boxes

Leap Back Home to Me

Lauren Thompson - 2011
    But luckily, his mama is always there to catch him when he comes home. As the leaps get bigger, the frog gets braver—and before he knows it, he’s soaring out to the moon and beyond! Brought to life with touching text from New York Times bestselling author Lauren Thompson and vibrant watercolor illustrations from Matthew Cordell, this loveable little frog will hurdle his way into your heart. Come leap along, and see what it’s like to shoot for the stars...and always have a landing pad ready to catch you.

Mog the Forgetful Cat

Judith Kerr - 1970
    Mog always seems to be in trouble because she is such a very forgetful cat. She forgets that she has a cat flap and she forgets when she has already eaten her supper. But one night, when an uninvited visitor turns up at the house, Mog's forgetfulness comes in very handy!

Kitty Cat, Kitty Cat, Are You Waking Up?

Bill Martin Jr. - 2008
    Will Kitty Cat make it out of the house in time for school? Adorable pastel illustrations rendered in watercolor paints and colored pencil bring Kitty Cat so close you'll want to reach out and touch her!The author and illustrator of Kitty Cat, Kitty Cat, Are You Waking Up? have donated this book to the Worldreader program

Run Wild

David Covell - 2018
    Intrigued, the boy runs out after her, leaving his shoes (and phone) behind, and into a world of sunshine, dewey grass, and warm sand. Filled with the pleasures of being alive in the natural world, Run Wild is an exquisite and kid-friendly reminder of how wonderful life can be beyond doors and screens.

How Did That Mouse Get In Our House

Reid Kaplan - 2020
    But How?The farm animals watch as he scampers across the barnyard. But look out for the cat! Can our little friend make it all the way to the house?Join along in the fun, and find out how that mouse got in our house!

Numbers!: Take the Dog Out

Lynne Dempsey - 2014
    Along the way, add, subtract, and count the dog bones. "Numbers!: Take the Dog Out would be a great book to add to any young child’s library. I can definitely see parents reading this to their kids and teachers reading it to their students for years to come." - Cheryl Schopen, Readers’ Favorite"Count up, count down, add and subtract all in one beautiful little package. This should be a welcome addition to any toddler's library." - Judge, 2nd Annual Writer's Digest Self-Published eBook Awards"Good choice for a group story time or a sit-on-a-lap story time to search for the hidden bones. Kids who already know Coco, will be excited to see this new adventure and look forward to the next." - Kristin Fernitz, Director Strasburg-Heilser Library

Nothing Can Frighten a Bear

Elizabeth Dale - 2016
    The bears set out to make sure there aren’t any monsters but, as they vanish one by one, it looks like Daddy Bear might not be so brave after all!

The Ugly Five

Julia Donaldson - 2017

Cami Kangaroo Has Too Many Sweets

Stacy C. Bauer - 2018
    In fact, she can't stop thinking about them. Even after Mommy catches her eating from a bucket of ice cream, she still finds ways to sneak them. Will she ever be able to listen? Cami Kangaroo is funny, uplifting story about the importance of honesty and following the rules, even when you don’t want to. It’s a relatable picture book with adorable, whimsical illustrations. Readers will find silly, memorable characters who inspire honesty, self-control and responsibility. Ideal for children ages 2-8 and reminiscent of the Berenstein Bears books, this is the first book in the Cami Kangaroo and Wyatt Too series .Cami Kangaroo Has Too Many Sweets makes an excellent gift for birthdays and baby showers. Perfect for toddlers, preschool, kindergarten, first grade, second grade and third grade. Attention teachers: enjoy FREE dental health lesson plans with your purchase! Available on Stacy C. Bauer's website.

The Slug Prince

Michael M. Farnsworth - 2015
    That's not how the story goes. But this slug is convinced he is royalty. He can prove he is. Oh, sure. All he needs is a kiss, of course. And he'll beg and plead with readers to give him one. But who would kiss a slug? This little slug may be trickier than he looks, though. This hilarious book will have your children all in giggles. They'll simply love the surprise ending that not even Mommy or Daddy will see coming.