Best of


Mog the Forgetful Cat

Judith Kerr - 1970
    Mog always seems to be in trouble because she is such a very forgetful cat. She forgets that she has a cat flap and she forgets when she has already eaten her supper. But one night, when an uninvited visitor turns up at the house, Mog's forgetfulness comes in very handy!

The Wump World

Bill Peet - 1970
    The Pollutians invade the Wump World and turn the green meadows into a concrete jungle.

The King Who Rained

Fred Gwynne - 1970
    Full color.

The Tiny Seed

Eric Carle - 1970
    One by one, many of the seeds are lost -- burned by the sun, fallen into the ocean, eaten by a bird. But some survive the long winter and, come spring, sprout into plants, facing new dangers -- trampled by playing children, picked as a gift for a friend. Soon only the tiniest seed remains, growing into a giant flower and, when autumn returns, sending its own seeds into the wind to start the process over again. Eric Carle's eloquent text and brilliant collages turn the simple life cycle of a plant into an exciting story, a nature lesson, and an inspiring message of the importance of perseverance.

Perfect the Pig

Susan Jeschke - 1970
    The adventures of Perfect the pig begin when his wish for a pair of wings is granted.

The Blah

Jack Kent - 1970
    Because Billy feels like a Blah, he creates an army of Blahs with which to play.

The Seamstress of Salzburg

Anita Lobel - 1970
    As Anna added more flowers, flounces, ribbons, and plumes to the rich ladies' fancy dresses, the dresses became so heavy that everything began coming apart at the seams.


Martha Alexander - 1970
    Kate is not very happy with the doll she gets for Christmas until she finds out it does everything a doll is supposed to do.

Lisa and the Grompet

Patricia Coombs - 1970
    When she stops to rest in the forest, she accidentally sits on the front lawn of a tiny, furry grompet! The grompet tells Lisa how sad he is that no one loves him enough to tell him what to do. Lisa is delighted to take the little creature home and order him around, and the grompet is happy to have a new home with someone who really cares. Lisa discovers that obeying her parents is a lot easier now that she has a special someone to boss around too!

Animals Should Definitely Not Wear Clothing

Judi Barrett - 1970
     ...because a snake would lose it, a billy goat would eat it for lunch, and it would always be wet on a walrus! This well-loved book by Judi and Ron Barrett shows the very youngest why animals' clothing is perfect...just as it is.

Tops and Bottoms

Lesley Conger - 1970
    A lazy goblin and an industrious farmer match wits in this rollicking adaptation of a Northamptonshire folk tale.

Roberto & the Bull

Syd Hoff - 1970

Mr. Bear and the Robbers

Chizuko Kuratomi - 1970
    Bear offers to help three rabbits moving furniture out of a cottage not realizing, until it is almost too late, that they are robbers.

When the Drum Sang: An African Folktale

Anne Rockwell - 1970
    An African girl sang so sweetly that a wicked Zimwe abducted her and put her in his drum.

When He Comes Again

Mirla Greenwood Thayne - 1970
    Thayne walks a small boy through the Christmas story, explaining the significance of traditions such as the Christmas tree and star, and then links Christmas to when Christ comes again.

The House That Jack Built

Rodney Peppé - 1970
    A cumulative nursery rhyme about the chain of events that started when Jack built a house.

The Wizard of Oz

Carol Joan Drexler - 1970

The Everywhere Cat

William Corbin - 1970
    Illustrated by Consuelo Joerns.

The Girl and the Goatherd: Or, This and That and Thus and So

Evaline Ness - 1970
    What is the advantage in being the most beautiful girl if you can't be happy too? Better to be ugly and happy.

The Round Sultan and the Straight Answer

Barbara K. Walker - 1970
    The sultan could not lose weight until the hamal told him his fate.

Sticky Stanley

Troll Books - 1970
    His fingers were sticky so he stuck to the wall; he stuck to the chair, he stuck to the floor, he stuck to everything and everyone.

Hattie, the Backstage Bat

Don Freeman - 1970
    But as the play opens, she can'tresist the chance to join in the fun--and make a grand entrance as the play'snew star. Illustrated.


Mildred Kantrowitz - 1970
    On the day Maxie stays in bed because she thinks her dull routines are of no use to anyone, she discovers how many people rely on her performing them.

They Lived Like This in Ancient Persia

Marie Neurath - 1970

The Lazy Young Duke of Dundee

William A. Wise - 1970
    No one could see much value in the star gazing of the Lazy Young Duke of Dundee until it saved his run-down kingdom from war.

They Lived Like This: The Vikings

Marie Neurath - 1970

Legend of the Saints

Ann Petry - 1970

This Is Raggedy Ann

Western Publishing Company Inc. - 1970
    This book for toddlers describes the use of the eyes, ears, nose, mouth, hands, and feet with drawings of Raggedy Ann.

Sir Abner and His Grape Pickers: Matthew 20:1-16 for Children (Arch Book)

Janice Kramer - 1970

Uncle Bumble

Jenny Williams - 1970
    An old man moves from the hustle and bustle of the city to the country where he finds life with the animals even more hectic.

Gladys Told Me to Meet Her Here

Marjorie Weinman Sharmat - 1970
    Setting out to find the tardy Gladys (""When people are lost, it's terrible if nobody looks for them""), Irving reflects on her selflessness and her staunchness. But as time passes, he wavers--""Maybe she won't show up until next winter. . . . And she'll find me stuck inside a big icicle. Then she'll be sorry."" And remembers his own unselfishness--""I let her name my goldfish Barbara even though it's a boy."" ""Say, maybe Gladys is looking for me right now. . . . Gladys will offer a reward for finding me. . . . I think I'll go back to where I was supposed to meet Gladys""--who's waiting with an outstretched popsicle. In their own words, Marjorie Sharmat's small fry are all there--and in Edward Frascino's Central Park they could be anywhere too busy to notice them. - Kirkus Review

The Winter Child

Lee Wyndham - 1970
    A Russian couple wanted a child so much that they made one out of snow.

The Wrong Side Of The Bed

Edward Ardizzone - 1970

Saint-Saëns' Carnival of the Animals

Keisuke Tsutsui - 1970
    Fantasia Pictorial Stories from Famous Music seriesAn elderly Camille Saint-Saëns finds inspiration for his composition in the behavior and voices of various animals.

The Pretzel Hero: A Story of Old Vienna

Barbara Rinkoff - 1970
    Recounts how the pretzel maker's apprentice helped save Vienna from the Turks in 1529.

A Kiss for a Warthog

Wende Devlin - 1970
    But Quimby had one thing that Oldwick didn't: a warthog for their zoo. The Mayor of Quimby couldn't let this situation continue, and ordered a warthog from Africa. But when the warthog arrives, she refuses to leave the ship until someone gives her a welcoming kiss.

A Sparrow's Magic

Maria Niklewiczowa - 1970
    None of the forest animals are willing to help each other until the sparrow teaches them the value of kindness.Translated from Suzume No Mahou.

Friday Night Is Papa Night

Ruth A. Sonneborn - 1970
    Friday night is the family's special night because Papa joins them, but this week Papa doesn't come home as usual.