Shamanism: Archaic Techniques of Ecstasy

Mircea Eliade - 1951
    Writing as the founder of the modern study of the history of religion, Romanian emigre--scholar Mircea Eliade (1907-86) surveys the practice of Shamanism over two & a half millennia of human history, moving from the Shamanic traditions of Siberia & Central Asia--where Shamanism was first observed--to North & South America, Indonesia, Tibet, China & beyond. In this authoritative survey, Eliade illuminates the magico-religious life of societies that give primacy of place to the figure of the Shaman--at once magician & medicine man, healer & miracle-doer, priest, mystic & poet. Synthesizing the approaches of psychology, sociology & ethnology, "Shamanism" will remain for years to come the reference book of choice for those intrigued by this practice.

Mother Earth Spirituality: Native American Paths to Healing Ourselves and Our World

Ed McGaa - 1990
    Ed McGaa has walked this path so that all people may live in harmony."Samie Sams, Hancoka Olowanpi, author of Midnight Song: Quest for the Vanished Ones"Ed McGaa is one of the first persons who can write about 0glala religion in the first person because he has lived it. For years anthropologists have hoped a Native American would portray that society from the inside out. Ed McGaa has. It's about time."William K. Powers, author of 0glala Religion"Fascinating as well as inspiring reading. Ed McGaa makes an excellent spiritual guide and intellectual teacher . . . The information stimulates the mind, the drawings delight the eye, and the ideas soothe the spirit."Jack Weatherford, author of Indian Givers"Profound and insightful . . . Mother Earth Spirituality will be of great importance to those of us, both 'rainbow' and non-Indian people, who walk over land in search of a deeper spiritual life . . . For us, this book is an invaluable guide showing us how to do it."Fred Alm Wolf, Ph.D., author of Taking the Quantum Leap

Sidewalk Oracles: Playing with Signs, Symbols, and Synchronicity in Everyday Life

Robert Moss - 2015
    Through this book of games and enchanting stories, you’ll learn how to monitor the play of coincidence and the symbolic resonance of incidents in daily life in order to tap into the deeper logic of events, receive extraordinary counsel, and have wonderful fun.You will be invited to become a kairomancer: someone who is poised to catch the messages in special moments when synchronicity is in play — and to take action to seize the opportunities those moments present. To be a kairomancer, you need to trust your feelings as you walk the roads of this world, to develop your personal science of shivers, and to recognize in your gut and your skin that you know far more than you hold on the surface of consciousness.This is a way of real magic, which is the art of bringing gifts from a deeper world into this one. Follow it, and you will put a champagne fizz of enchantment into your everyday life.

Spirit of the Witch: Religion & Spirituality in Contemporary Witchcraft

Raven Grimassi - 2003
    He explores the spiritual element of the rituals, practices, and beliefs of Witchcraft, and how these elements apply not only to the seasons of nature, but also to the mystical seasons of the soul.Literate and positive, Spirit of the Witch examines the oral tradition of Witches, as well as the cultural, literary, anthropological, and historical roots of Witchcraft. Revealed within these pages is the fascinating secret life of the Witch-guardian of the sacred mysteries, channel of magical forces, and keeper of the doorway between worlds.

Celtic Religion in Pre-Christian Times

Edward Anwyl - 1906
    It will be used in reference to those countries and districtswhich, in historic times, have been at one time or other mainly of Celticspeech. It does not follow that all the races which spoke a form of theCeltic tongue, a tongue of the Indo-European family, were all of the samestock. Indeed, ethnological and archaeological evidence tends toestablish clearly that, in Gaul and Britain, for example, man had livedfor ages before the introduction of any variety of Aryan or Indo-Europeanspeech, and this was probably the case throughout the whole of Westernand Southern Europe. Further, in the light of comparative philology, ithas now become abundantly clear that the forms of Indo-European speechwhich we call Celtic are most closely related to those of the Italicfamily, of which family Latin is the best known representative. Fromthis it follows that we are to look for the centre of dissemination ofAryan Celtic speech in some district of Europe that could have been thenatural centre of dissemination also for the Italic languages. From thiscommon centre, through conquest and the commercial intercourse whichfollowed it, the tribes which spoke the various forms of Celtic andItalic speech spread into the districts occupied by them in historictimes. The common centre of radiation for Celtic and Italic speech wasprobably in the districts of Noricum and Pannonia, the modern Carniola,Carinthia, etc., and the neighbouring parts of the Danube valley. Theconquering Aryan-speaking Celts and Italians formed a militaryaristocracy, and their success in extending the range of their languageswas largely due to their skill in arms, combined, in all probability,with a talent for administration. This military aristocracy was ofkindred type to that which carried Aryan speech into India and Persia,Armenia and Greece, not to speak of the original speakers of the Teutonicand Slavonic tongues. In view of the necessity of discovering a centre,whence the Indo-European or Aryan languages in general could haveradiated Eastwards, as well as Westwards, the tendency to-day is toregard these tongues as having been spoken originally in some districtbetween the Carpathians and the Steppes, in the form of kindred dialectsof a common speech. Some branches of the tribes which spoke thesedialects penetrated into Central Europe, doubtless along the Danube, and,from the Danube valley, extended their conquests together with theirvarious forms of Aryan speech into Southern and Western Europe. Theproportion of conquerors to conquered was not uniform in all thecountries where they held sway, so that the amount of Aryan blood intheir resultant population varied greatly. In most cases, the familiesof the original conquerors, by their skill in the art of war and acertain instinct of government, succeeded in making their own tongues thedominant media of communication in the lands where they ruled, with theresult that most of the languages of Europe to-day are of the Aryan orIndo-European type. It does not, however, follow necessarily from thisthat the early religious ideas or the artistic civilisation of countriesnow Aryan in speech, came necessarily from the conquerors rather than theconquered. In the last century it was long held that in countries ofAryan speech the essential features of their civilisation, theirreligious ideas, their social institutions, nay, more, their inhabitantsthemselves, were of Aryan origin.

The Pictorial Key to the Tarot

Arthur Edward Waite - 1910
    This pictorial key contains a detailed description of each card in the world's most popular 78-card Rider-Waite tarot deck, along with regular and reversed meanings.

Atlantis Beneath the Ice: The Fate of the Lost Continent

Rand Flem-Ath - 2012
    Reveals how the earth's crust shifted in 9600 BCE, dragging Atlantis into the polar zone beneath miles of Antarctic ice. Examines ancient yet highly accurate maps, including the Piri Reis map of 1513, which reveals a pre-glacial Antarctica. Shows how myths of floods and disaster from around the world all point to a common source. In this completely revised and expanded edition of When the Sky Fell, Rand and Rose Flem-Ath show that 12,000 years ago vast areas of Antarctica were free from ice and home to the kingdom of Atlantis, a proposition that also elegantly solves the mysteries of ice ages and mass extinctions, the simultaneous worldwide rise of agriculture, and the source of devastating prehistoric climate change. Expanding upon Charles Hapgood's theory of earth crust displacement, which was championed by Albert Einstein, they examine ancient yet highly accurate world maps, including the Piri Reis map of 1513, and show how the earth's crust shifted in 9600 BCE, dragging Atlantis into the polar zone where it now lies beneath miles of Antarctic ice. From the Cherokee, Haida, and Okanagan of North America to the earliest records of Egypt, Iran, Mexico, and Japan, they reveal that ancient myths of floods, lost island paradises, and visits from advanced godlike peoples from all corners of the globe all point to the same worldwide catastrophe that resulted in Atlantis's demise. The authors explain how the remaining Atlanteans, amid massive earthquakes and epic floods, evacuated and spread throughout the world, resulting in the birth of the first known civilizations. Including rare material from the archives of Charles Hapgood, Albert Einstein, and Dwight D. Eisenhower, the Flem-Aths explain how an earth crust displacement could happen again in the future, perhaps in correspondence with high solar activity. With new scientific, genetic, and linguistic evidence in support of Antarctica as the location of long-lost Atlantis, this updated edition convincingly shows that Atlantis was not swallowed by the sea but was entombed beneath miles of polar ice.The fascinating truth about Atlantis leads to a chilling conclusion about the environmental catastrophe that destroyed it. Now you can find out how the forces that shattered the first great civilization on Earth can happen again, bringing the end of the world to us all.Contents:Memorandum for the President --Adapt, migrate, or die --The wayward sun --Atlantis in Antarctica --The lost island paradise --Aztlan and the polar paradise --Atlantean maps --Embers of humankind --The ring of death --Broken paradigm --Finding Atlantis --City of Atlantis --Why the sky fell --Appendix. A global climatic model for the origins of agriculture and the sequence of pristine civilizations.Previous edition: published as When the sky fell. London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1995.,

Math for Mystics: From the Fibonacci Sequence to Luna's Labyrinth to the Golden Section and Other Secrets of Sacred Geometry

Renna Shesso - 2007
    Whether you were the king's court astrologer or a farmer marking the best time for planting, timekeeping and numbers really mattered. Mistake a numerical pattern of petals and you could be poisoned. Lose the rhythm of a sacred dance or the meter of a ritually told story and the intricately woven threads that hold life together were spoiled. Ignore the celestial clock of equinoxes and solstices, and you'd risk being caught short of food for the winter. Shesso's friendly tone and clear grasp of the information make the math "go down easy" in this marvelous book.BONUS: This book has over 100 illustrations! Click on the Google Preview link to get a glimpse.Excerpt from Math for Mystics: “It’s our collective malaise: Post-Traumatic Math Disorder.“Yet despite how we personally feel about mathematics, our distant ancestors willingly used numbers as pathways into the great patterns of Nature, avenues to understanding the Universe and their own place in it. Many ancient cultures had specific gods and goddesses they credited with inventing mathematical skills. With the aid of divine inspiration and assistance, humans nourished this numerical invention, continually pushing their skills and seeking greater clarity of expression. “Our starting point may seem like a Zero. But for now, before looking at numbers and math, let’s simply see it as a circle. No matter what our spiritual practice, we each live within the circle of creation, each within the circle—the cohesiveness—of our own form...” From John Michael Greer, Grand Archdruid, Ancient Order of Druids in America and author of The Druidry Handbook:“As thoughtful as it is readable, Renna Shesso’s Math for Mystics is the book I wish I had when I first started trying to make sense of the mathematics that underlie so much of modern magic and traditional occult lore. Not the least of its virtues is the way it makes magical number theory accessible even to those who think they don’t like or can’t handle math. It provides a first-rate introduction to a fairly neglected branch of magical lore.”

The Element Encyclopedia of Birthdays

Theresa Cheung - 2007
    The Element Encyclopedia of Birthdays couldn't be simpler to use -- just turn to the page of your birthday and discover the secret to exactly who you are, based on a unique combination of astrology, numerology, tarot, colour theory and psychology. This combination of approaches provides a uncannily accurate profile for each birthday of the year. But you don't just get an indepth personality profile, you get practical advice and guidance on what to do to maximise the opportunities that life throws your way: / Find out what your greatest challenges are and how to solve them; / Discover your best side (as well as your dark side) and how to make the best of both; / Every birthday has its own unique Luckmaker -- find out what yours is so that you can arm yourself with good luck every day! / The book reveals your lucky numbers, lucky days, planets, tarot cards, and favourable days of the month; / Find out who those special people are that you are drawn to, and the special years in your life that will be significant; / Discover your career and life goals, how to manage love and relationships, and how to maximise your health. This compelling reference book gives you insight into your own profile, and you'll also be quickly turning the page to find out all about your friends, family, lovers and colleagues too!

Ancient Ways: Reclaiming the Pagan Tradition (Llewellyn's Practical Magick Series)

Pauline Campanelli - 1991
    In each culture, independent ways to honor the Goddess and God and watch the turning of the wheel of the year have developed. In "Ancient Ways" by Pauline Campanelli, you will learn many of those ideas and techniques, enhancing your magick and your ties to Pagan ancestors. The book follows the flow of growth in the world that is linked to the Pagan festivals. It begins with Imbolc (February 2) and continues with the solstices and equinoxes, as well as the cross-quarter holidays such as Lammas, Samhain, and Yule. Each festival has a chapter dedicated to it, and each chapter is filled with folklore, history, and traditions that will make your heart sing. For example, in the section on Samhain (October 31) you'll learn about traditional Halloween party favors and how to use a tambourine to help contact spirits. You'll discover information about cats and why they became associated with Witches. You'll also learn where the association of this festival with bats and owls came from. And of course the book explains the pumpkin and the Jack-o'-lantern. There's even a recipe for pumpkin bread. "Ancient Ways" explains how this holiday is actually considered the third or final harvest. You'll learn how apples are involved with the holiday and how they can be used for healing. Other topics here include how to use a pendulum, channeling, and mediumship; a brief history of important dates in Witchcraft; and how to use magick mirrors and crystal balls. This type of information is included in every chapter of this book. You'll also learn charms and spells, numerology and folk arts, as well as traditional myths and legends. With this book you will expand your knowledge of Paganism and enhance and add to your practices. It is a book you will use again and again.

The Red-Haired Girl from the Bog: The Landscape of Celtic Myth and Spirit

Patricia Monaghan - 2003
    Pat Monaghan has studied and taught many integrated studies in poetry, science, mythology, feminist spirituality, environmental studies, chaos theory, and religion. All of these disciplines inform her writing, but none distract from the poetic story-telling or the mystical lore she encounters and then conveys. Her journey takes her to a churchyard with a fountain representing St. Bridget, perhaps a Christian representation of the Celtic goddess of water, fire, and transformation, called Brigit. Monaghan describes spiral petroglyphs and ancient sacred caves, bogs and woods where fairies have played their tricks on humans, and water falls that became sacred spots. The stories instruct and teach, as Monaghan points to ways that these myths still reveal the truths of human life, and the contradictions of love and hate, mother and seductress, harmony and struggle that are embodied in women’s lives — in all of human existence.

Witchcraft: Theory and Practice

Lore de Angeles - 2000
    With more than three decades of experience she has learned how to bring the teachings alive, combining modern with ancient, so you can better understand the true potential and depth of Witchcraft.Within the pages of this book you will find the secrets and techniques to become a Witch. These can be divided into three categories: philosophical disciplines, spiritual beliefs, and practical techniques. Each part gets a focus in this book.In the first section, you will:Learn meditation and how it can be used for ritual Discover the secrets of visualization, telepathy, and personal power Use the self-analysis techniques to discover who you are and never walk in anyone's shadowIn the second section you can:Uncover the essence of the God and Goddess Discover the festivals of Witchcraft Learn how to make and use the tools of Witchcraft Understand how to do rituals, including the rite of self-initiationAnd in the final section, you'll:Practice psychic protection, shapeshifting, and banishing Master astral projection Learn to interpret omens This really just barely covers some of the information you will find revealed in these pages. Written in a style that is clear and concise, this book will add to your knowledge of Witchcraft. Whether you are new to the Craft or have been practicing for some time, Witchcraft: Theory and Practice will impart wisdom that will fascinate and entice. You will be using this book for many years to come.

Astrological Houses

Dane Rudhyar - 1972
    Rudhyar explains their meaning as "fields of experience". 20th anniversary publication.

Northern Mysteries and Magick: Runes & Feminine Powers

Freya Aswynn - 1998
    They comprise a powerful system of divination and a path to the subconscious forces operating in your life. Northern Mysteries & Magick is the only book of Nordic magick written by a woman, and it is the first to offer an extensive presentation of rune concepts, mythology, and magical applications inspired by Dutch/Friesian traditional lore.Also unique in this book is the inclusion of the feminine Mysteries of the North. You'll learn how they are represented in the runes. You will see how each of the major deities of Northern Europe still lives in the collective consciousness of people of Northern European descent.- A complete analysis of the Elder Futhark Runes and their meanings - How to use the runes for divination including several rune spreads - Using the runes in magick - Rune charms and power sigils - Shamanic drumming and chanting - Profiles of the eight major Gods - The Northern Feminine mysteries featuring four major goddessesThe first edition of this book was considered a classic. Now, revised and expanded, Northern Mysteries & Magick is one of the most amazing and important books ever on the Runes and the magick of Northern Europe.

If Women Rose Rooted: The Power of the Celtic Woman

Sharon Blackie - 2016
    Somewhere along the line, she realised, she had lost herself - and so began her long journey back to authenticity, rootedness in place and belonging. In this extraordinary book of myth, memoir and modern-day mentors (from fashion designers to lawyers), Blackie faces the wasteland of Western culture, the repression of women, and the devastation of our planet. She boldly names the challenge: to reimagine women's place in the world, and to rise up, firmly rooted in our own native landscapes and the powerful Celtic stories and wisdom which sprang from them.A haunting heroine's journey for every woman who finds inspiration and solace in the natural world.