Book picks similar to
When Silence Speaks: Spiritual Way of the Carthusian Order by Tim Peeters


The Quotidian Mysteries: Laundry, Liturgy and Women's Work

Kathleen Norris - 1998
    Definitely not "for women only." +

I'm Sorry, I Love You: A History of Professional Wrestling

Jim Smallman - 2018

Abandonment to Divine Providence

Jean-Pierre de Caussade - 1861
    For de Caussade, living in the moment meant having a complete trust and faith in God, for God's will defined and guided all things. The practical advice contained in his guidebook for the faithful was originally a series of letters written for the Nuns of the Visitation of Nancy, meant to help them navigate the confusing and difficult work of spiritual enlightenment, and comes together here in two distinct parts, one for the theoretical foundations of abandoning oneself to the present moment and one with practical advice on how to live such a life. Though a departure from the standard Christian perspective, Abandonment to Divine Providence remains a deeply spiritual work with a message that many Christians may find freeing and inspiring.

The Rewards of Fasting: Experiencing the Power and Affections of God

Mike Bickle - 2005
    We fast to encounter God more and to change the world! Done in the right spirit, fasting increases our receptivity to God's voice and His Word. Jesus called His disciples to fast so as to encounter Him as the Bridegroom God (Mt. 9:15).This book explores the rewards and delights that come to those who fast, and is designed to equip believers to embrace the discipline, grace, and joy of fasting, that they might more fully encounter Jesus as their heavenly Bridegroom.

The Listening Life: Embracing Attentiveness in a World of Distraction

Adam S. McHugh - 2015
    People talk past each other, eager to be heard but somehow deaf to what is being said. Listening is an essential skill for healthy relationships, both with God and with other people. But it is more than that: listening is a way of life. Adam McHugh places listening at the heart of our spirituality, our relationships and our mission in the world. God himself is the God who hears, and we too can learn to hear what God may be saying through creation, through Scripture, through people. By cultivating a posture of listening, we become more attentive and engaged with those around us. Listening shapes us and equips us to be more attuned to people in pain and more able to minister to those in distress. Our lives are qualitatively different―indeed, better―when we become listeners. Heed the call to the listening life, and hear what God is doing in you and the world.

Sacred Fire: A Vision for a Deeper Human and Christian Maturity

Ronald Rolheiser - 2014
    In this new book, Rolheiser takes us on a journey through the dark night of the senses and of the spirit. Here, we experience the full gamut of human life, pleasure and fervor, disillusionment and boredom. But, as Rolheiser explains, when we embrace the struggle and yearning to know God we can experience too a profound re-understanding to our daily lives. "What lies beyond the essentials, the basics?" Rolheiser writes. "Where do we go once some of the basic questions in our lives have been answered, or at least brought to enough peace that our focus can shift away from ourselves to others? Where do we go once the basic questions in our lives are no longer the restless questions of youthful insecurity and loneliness? Who am I? Who loves me? How will my life turn out? Where do we go once the basic question in life becomes: How can I give my life away more purely, and more meaningfully? How do I live beyond my own heartaches, headaches, and obsessions so as to help make other peoples' lives more meaningful? The intent of this book is to try to address exactly those questions: How can we live less self- centered, more mature lives? What constitutes deep maturity and how do we reach that place? And, not unimportantly, what constitutes a more adult, Christian discipleship? What constitutes a truly mature following of Jesus?" As the poet Rainer Maria Rilke suggests, "Live the questions now." In "Sacred Fire," Rolheiser's deeply affecting prose urges us on in pursuit of the most holy of all passions--a deep and lasting intimacy with God.

The Noonday Devil: Acedia, the Unnamed Evil of Our Times

Jean-Charles Nault - 2015
    The word "sloth," however, can be misleading, for acedia is not laziness; in fact it can manifest as busyness or activism. Rather, acedia is a gloomy combination of weariness, sadness, and a lack of purposefulness. It robs a person of his capacity for joy and leaves him feeling empty, or void of meaningAbbot Nault says that acedia is the most oppressive of demons. Although its name harkens back to antiquity and the Middle Ages, and seems to have been largely forgotten, acedia is experienced by countless modern people who describe their condition as depression, melancholy, burn-out, or even mid-life crisis.He begins his study of acedia by tracing the wisdom of the Church on the subject from the Desert Fathers to Saint Thomas Aquinas. He shows how acedia afflicts persons in all states of life-- priests, religious, and married or single laymen. He details not only the symptoms and effects of acedia, but also remedies for it.

The Jesuit Guide to (Almost) Everything: A Spirituality for Real Life

James Martin - 2010
    Ignatius of Loyola, the founder of the Society of Jesus, this book will help you realize the Ignatian goal of “finding God in all things.” Filled with relatable  examples, humorous stories, and anecdotes from the heroic and inspiring lives of Jesuit saints and average priests and brothers, The Jesuit Guide to Almost Everything will enrich your everyday life with spiritual guidance and history.

God Tells the Man Who Cares

A.W. Tozer - 1970
    This book contains 39 of his incisive editorials designed for people who take time to listen to God. Titles include "The Responsibility of Leadership", "Divisions Are Not Always Bad" and "Pragmatism Goes to Church".

Sacred Pathways: Discover Your Soul's Path to God

Gary L. Thomas - 1996

Holy Rosary

Josemaría Escrivá - 2002
    Josemaría in this pocket book of meditations on the mysteries of the Rosary, is a continuous act of faith, hope and love, of adoration and reparation. He reveals the secret of overcoming monotony and routine when praying the Rosary, and portrays each Mystery with illuminating eyes of faith — helping you become absorbed in contemplation when you pray to Our Lady. This handsome book is small enough to carry with you everywhere and use whenever you have a moment to spend with Our Lady. The new Mysteries of Light are included in this edition.

The Sacred Echo: Hearing God's Voice in Every Area of Your Life

Margaret Feinberg - 2008
    Listen for His Echo.”When God really wants to get your attention, he doesn’t just say something once.He echoes.He speaks through a Sunday sermon, a chance conversation with a friend the next day, even a random email. The same theme, idea, impression, or lesson will repeat itself in surprising and unexpected ways until you realize that maybe, just maybe, God is at work.According to author Margaret Feinberg, the repetitive nature of a sacred echo gives us confidence that God really is prompting, guiding, or leading. The sacred echo reminds us to pay close attention – something important may be going on here. The sacred echo challenges us to prayerfully consider how God is at work in our life as well as in the lives of those around us. The sacred echo is an invitation to spiritual awakening.Margaret writes, “I want a relationship with God where prayer is as natural as breathing. If God is the one in whom we are to live and move and have our being, then I want my every inhale infused with his presence, my every exhale an extension of his love.”If that’s your desire too, let Sacred Echo be your guide to a deeper, more rewarding relationship with the God of the universe.

A Testament of Devotion

Thomas R. Kelly - 1941
    Plainspoken and deeply inspirational, it gathers together five compelling essays that urge us to center our lives on God's presence, to find quiet and stillness within modern life, and to discover the deeply satisfying and lasting peace of the inner spiritual journey. As relevant today as it was a half-century ago, A Testament of Devotion is the ideal companion to that highest of all human arts-the lifelong conversation between God and his creatures.I have in mind something deeper than the simplification of our external programs, our absurdly crowded calendars of appointments through which so many pantingly and frantically gasp. These do become simplified in holy obedience, and the poise and peace we have been missing can really be found. But there is a deeper, an internal simplification of the whole of one's personality, stilled, tranquil, in childlike trust listening ever to Eternity's whisper, walking with a smile into the dark."

Can We Talk to God

Ernest Shurtleff Holmes - 1992
    The excessive materialism of the late 20th century has proven an inadequate substitute for God. As we have acquired more things, we have developed an ever-growing emptiness. Even the popular media today are telling us there is a great hunger for the inner peace that comes from prayerful communion with a higher power. "Can We Talk to God?" offers readers a framework for prayer that is compatible with traditional religion, yet moves beyond it in the recognition of a divine presence within each person. This book sets forth the teaching of Ernest Holmes, called Science of Mind, which is a synthesis of the greatest ideas of religion, science and philosophy. Originally published in 1934 as The Ebell Lectures on Spiritual Science, it is as fresh and profound today as it was then, offering readers answers to such important questions as: What is the nature of God? What is our relationship to God? How do we communicate with God? What is the secret of spiritual power? Where is humanity headed? How can a prayer be used to help ourselves and others?Many readers wonder, Can I talk to God? This beautiful book answers with a resounding YES!, and shows readers the way. The method of prayer it teaches will open the door to healthier, happier living.

Discovering Our Spiritual Identity: Practices for God's Beloved

Trevor Hudson - 2010
    At the end of each chapter is a set of questions which are ideal for discussion with one or two spiritual friends or a small group. This practical and winsome book covers topics such ashearing and speaking with God growing in spiritual friendship practicing stewardship of our work and play learning discernment approaching our death and the world beyond living now in the kingdom of God Wherever you may find yourself along the Way, a real and vital spirituality awaits you in these pages.