Best of
Interior Freedom
Jacques Philippe - 2002
Without this discovery we will always be restricted in some way and will never taste true happiness. Author Jacques Philippe develops a simple but important theme: we gain possession of our interior freedom in exact proportion to our growth in faith, hope, and love. He explains that the dynamism between these three theological virtues is the heart of the spiritual life, and he underlines the key role of the virtue of hope in our inner growth. Written in a simple and inviting style, Interior Freedom seeks to liberate the heart and mind to live the true freedom to which God calls each one.
The Weight of a Mass: A Tale of Faith
Josephine Nobisso - 2002
The baker writes “One Mass” on a scrap of paper and places it on his scale to determine how much bread it is worth. To his and the entire town’s surprise, nothing in the shop, not even the gigantic wedding cakes made for the king, outweighs the simple piece of paper representing the true worth of a mass. Luminous old-world watercolor paintings grace the interior of the book and gold foil artwork lends an air of solemnity and sacred beauty to the story. This has been a best-selling children's book since it was first published. It us often made into plays for catechises, or used in homilies, and read on YouTube, and on private sites and channels.
Holy Rosary
Josemaría Escrivá - 2002
Josemaría in this pocket book of meditations on the mysteries of the Rosary, is a continuous act of faith, hope and love, of adoration and reparation. He reveals the secret of overcoming monotony and routine when praying the Rosary, and portrays each Mystery with illuminating eyes of faith helping you become absorbed in contemplation when you pray to Our Lady. This handsome book is small enough to carry with you everywhere and use whenever you have a moment to spend with Our Lady. The new Mysteries of Light are included in this edition.
Four Witnesses: The Early Church in Her Own Words
Rod Bennett - 2002
Four ancient Christian writers--four witnesses to early Christianity --left us an extensive body of documentation on this vital subject, and this book brings their fascinating testimony to life for modern believers. With all the power and drama of a gripping novel, this book is a journey of discovery of ancient and beautiful truths through the lives of four great saints of the early Church--Clement of Rome, Ignatius of Antioch, Justin Martyr, and Irenaeus of Lyons.
GET US OUT OF HERE!! Maria Simma Speaks With Nicky Eltz
Nicky Eltz - 2002
"Dear reader, What you are now holding is a most interesting book. The world beyond is speaking. It is offering advice, asking for help, and giving answers. It exists and speaks about life - our life here and of possible consequences of our behavior. It tells us that it is not the same to be humble, loving, good, merciful, loyal and honest as it is to be proud, loveless, bad, merciless, betraying and dishonest. At death this is not forgotten but rather remembered in total clarity. Not only is the punishment, or better yet the cleansing, spoken about; but also the length of this cleansing and so very much more!! ...all personal doubts disappeared once I too had met and spoken with Maria Simma. She is true..." Fr. Slavko Barbaric, OFM Published By: The Medjugorje Web -
God and the World: A Conversation with Peter Seewald
Benedict XVI - 2002
'Creation itself', he said, 'bears within itself an orderedpattern from which we can understand the ideas of God and even theright way to live.
First Comes Love: Finding Your Family in the Church and the Trinity
Scott Hahn - 2002
Rather than burdening the reader with difficult or arcane references and arguments, he writes of familiar feelings and situations and allows the theology to unfold naturally. In First Comes Love, Hahn turns his attention to the search for a sense of belonging, revealing the intimate connection between the families men and women create on earth and the divine family, the Holy Trinity. Delving into the Gospels, Hahn shows that family terminology--words like brother, sister, mother, father, and home--dominates Jesus' speech and the writings of His first followers, and that these very words illuminate Christianity's central ideas. As he explores the fatherhood of God, the marriage of the Church to Christ, and the all-enveloping role of the Holy Spirit, Hahn deepens readers' understanding of the sacraments, teaches them how to create a family life in the image of the Trinity, and demonstrates the ways in which the analogy of the family applies to every aspect of Catholicism and its practices--from the role of "father" embodied by the ancient patriarchs and contemporary parish priests, to the comfort and guidance offered by the brothers and sisters who comprise the Communion of Saints, to the nurturing embrace of Mary, the mother of all Christians. Through real-life examples (both humorous and compassionate) and quotations drawn from the Scriptures, Hahn makes it clear that no matter what sort of family readers come from--no matter what sort of "dysfunction" they have experienced--they can find a family in the Church. Reaching out to newcomers and to lifelong Christians alike, First Comes Love is an invitation to discover a true home in the divine.From the Hardcover edition.
On the Most Holy Rosary: Rosarium Virginis Mariae
Pope John Paul II - 2002
This historic apostolic letter from Pope John Paul II broadens the traditional pattern of the rosary to include the mysteries of light-five reflections on Christ's public ministry between his Baptism and his Passion.
Life-Giving Love: Embracing God's Beautiful Design for Marriage
Kimberly Hahn - 2002
Have you discovered it? Hahn offers a fresh but deeply rooted perspective on the true meaning of marital love and its implications for a number of significant issues: natural family planning, contraception, infertility, abortion, sterilization, and miscarriage. She draws from Scripture and Church teachings as well as poignant personal experiences from dozens of families who share their stories.
Prayer Primer: Igniting a Fire Within
Thomas Dubay - 2002
Dubay answers many questions on prayer. Why pray? Why vocal prayer is important and yet should be limited? What contemplation is and is not. How to pray with Scripture. Prayer in a busy life. Pitfalls and problems. How do you even get started? Where and how to begin? Assessing progress. Growing in depth. All of these subjects, and more, are clearly and concisely explained for citizens of this 21st century. A Servant Book.
Marcel Lefebvre: The Biography
Bernard Tissier de Mallerais - 2002
Critics have said of the original French edition: "magisterial," "well-researched, serious, and honest," "reveals unsuspected facets. A very complete work," "a rich, important contribution to contemporary religious history," "a literary event," "a landmark." Influential French traditional Catholic publisher Jean Madiran said, "...the fruit of several years of considerable labor. The book is rich in documentation, often unpublished, and in many theological observations." Marcel Lefebvres (1905-91) career saw him make a meteoric rise through the ranks. At age 42, this missionary priest was appointed bishop in Senegal by Pope Pius XII. One year later, he was named as the Holy Sees Apostolic Delegate for French-speaking Africa. In 1962 he was elected Superior General of the 5,000-member Holy Ghost Fathers. Pope John XXIII made him an Assistant to the Papal Throne and a member of the Preparatory Commission for the Second Vatican Council. In 1968 he felt obliged to resign from his post as Superior General, and on November 1, 1970, he founded the Society of St. Pius X in Ecne (Switzerland) with canonical approval. He gradually became well-known throughout the world because of his adherence to the "Latin Mass," his opposition to some of the innovations of Vatican II (1962-65), and his disagreements with Pope Paul VI. After the Vatican sanctioned him and the Society, he celebrated a "forbidden Mass" in Lille, France (1976), before 10,000 Catholics and 400 journalists, an event that brought him and his convictions international status. In 1988 he made headlines again when he consecrated four bishops without the permission of Pope John Paul II
Heresy of Formlessness
Martin Mosebach - 2002
Woods Jr., historian and N.Y. Times national best-selling author: “…One of the rare ‘must-read’ books about the Latin Mass. It lays bare the obtuseness of those who would treat the immemorial Roman rite as a text in need of editing.” The Heresy of Formlessness The Roman Liturgy and Its Enemy By Martin Mosebach German writer Martin Mosebach is as famous in his country as Tom Wolfe is in ours. So when he wrote a book about the destruction of the old Latin Mass, Church leaders and the secular world took note. His view of the new rite of Mass in force since Vatican II goes deeper than any other yet published. Mosebach sees the normative Mass today, precisely because it is at the core of Catholic life for most souls, as the tragic product of wholesale manipulation and compromise with the world, from its gestures and rubrics (or lack of them) to its bad translations and committee-invented prayers. But he does not stop with his evaluation of the new Mass. He defends the old, and summons fellow Catholics to drop their prejudices against it, embrace it as their forefathers did, and restore it to its proper place in the Church. Excerpts from the Mosebach tour de force: On ‘refurbishing’ old churches: “No one who really believes in the power of…prayer would be so reckless as to scorn and wreck something that has been sanctified by prayer.” On the net result of the changes at Mass: “To put it crudely, the liturgy disappeared, and what did the congregation see in its place? A ‘presider’ in billowing garments, his mouth opened in joyful song.” On his rediscovery of the old Latin Mass after being away: “…I was fulfilling the most important duty of human existence…and I was doing this for all the others who did not
Key To The Doctrine Of The Eucharist.
Anscar Vonier - 2002
Written to give lay Catholics a better understanding of the Eucharist, this book is recognized as a modern spriritual classic. In remarkably clear and straightforward language, it takes the reader step-by-step into the deepest mysteries of the Eucharist--a religiously exhilarating journey into the heart of the Christian faith.
My Brother Pier Giorgio: His Last Days
Luciana Frassati - 2002
In his final days, his Christian character was revealed in an extraordinary way-his devotion to friends and family, his longing to marry the girl he loved, his concern for the poor, and above all his acceptance of God's will. In the end, his family was astonished by the huge multitude that formed his funeral procession-finally realizing that Pier Giorgio was destined to belong to the whole world. Recounted with incredible detail and love. No one will come away from reading this book unchanged.
Life in Christ: A Spiritual Commentary on the Letter to the Romans
Raniero Cantalamessa - 2002
Paul's Letter to the Romans. It is therefore neither an exegetical commentary nor a theological treatise, but goes straight to the heart of what animated the Apostle when he wrote this letter. His aim was not to give the Christians of Rome - and the Christians of later generations - a difficult text on which to exercise their critical wisdom but rather to impart a spiritual gift to them so that they would be strengthened and mutually encouraged by each other's faith.At the beginning of the third millennium a new phenomenon is spreading through the Christian Churches which can only be the work of the Holy Spirit. Up to now Christians of different denominations have proclaimed Jesus Christ mainly in competition and rivalry with one another, thus compromising our testimony in the eyes of the world. Why should we not grasp this unique occasion to start proclaiming together with brotherly love our common belief in Christ, which is far more important than what still separates us? Pope John Paul II has espoused this project and has expressed the wish that all Christians take this opportunity for fruitful cooperation in the many areas which unite us; these are unquestionably more numerous than those which divide us."Life in Christ is a contribution to the realization of this project. Father Cantalamessa has made the most of the insights and riches present in each one of the three main Christian traditions: Catholic, Orthodox, and Protestant, avoiding those points not commonly shared by all believers in Christ, or at least by the majority of them. The Letter to the Romans lends itself to this aim because it deals with the basics of the Christian faith, leaving all the rest aside. It is the ideal basis for that "Common Witness" which is becoming more and more central to ecumenical dialogue. This is, therefore, a first and "partial" attempt to present a spirituality and a proclamation corresponding to the new grace of understanding and unity given to the Christians in the second half of this century.Chapters are "Loved by God!" "all Have Sinned," "The Righteousness of God Has Been Manifested!" "He Was Put to Death for Our Trespasses," "He Was Raised for Our Justification," "God Did Not Spare His Own Son," "Let Not Sin Reign in Your Mortal Bodies!" "The Law of the Spirit Which Gives Life," "The Spirit Intercedes for Us," "Let Love Be Sincere," "Don't Think Too Highly of Yourselves," "By One Man's Obedience," and "Let Us Put on the Armor of Light."Raniero Cantalamessa, OFM Cap, is a past professor of the history of Christian origins at the Catholic University of Milan and a member of the International Theological Commission. He is preacher to the papal household and the author of The Mystery of Pentecost, Easter in the Early Church; The Eucharist: Our Sanctification; The Mystery of God's Word; The Holy Spirit in the Life of Jesus; Jesus Christ, The Holy One of God; Mary, Mirror of the Church; The Mystery of Christmas; and The Mystery of Easter published by The Liturgical Press."
In Love with the Church
Josemaría Escrivá - 2002
These homilies contain magnificent reflections on the Church and on the layperson's role in the Church, written in Saint Josemaria's attractive and compelling style. This book offers the reader and opportunity to grow in love for the Church and to learn how to serve her more faithfully, guided by a saint whose own love for the Church was truly remarkable.
Thirsting For God: The Spiritual Lessons Of Mother Theresa
Lou Tartaglia - 2002
She was living proof that one person, filled with love, purpose and determination, can make a difference -- and touch the entire world, What was the spiritual sustenance that kept Mother Teresa going day in and day our? What were the beliefs and principles she lived by? How did she overcome the fear and anxiety that plagues us all from time to time? And how can we acquire her qualities?"Thirsting for God: The Spiritual Lessons of Mother Teresa" is a rare and precious glimpse into Mother Teresa 's private thoughts, and spiritual insights. This is a practical blueprint for creating a life of deeply authentic spirituality, according to her example.
The Foundations for Centering Prayer and the Christian Contemplative Life: Open Mind, Open Heart; Invitation to Love; The Mystery of Christ
Thomas Keating - 2002
It initiates the reader into a deep, living relationship with God. Keating gives an overview of the history of contemplative prayer in the Christian tradition, and step-by-step guidance in the method of centering prayer. Special attention is paid to the role of the Sacred Word, Christian growth and transformation, and active prayer.Invitation to Love: The Way of Christian Contemplation is the natural next step. In Open Mind, Open Heart, Father Keating presents the beginning of a process of spiritual growth. In this book, he outlines and explains the actual stages of this process, tackling questions such as: How will it affect my life? Where does it lead us spiritually? What obstacles will I encounter along the way? Why is it necessary? How does it work?Also following upon Open Mind, Open Heart, presenting a profound formation in Christian prayer, Mystery of Christ demonstrates the contemplative dimension of Christian worship. Here Father Keating recovers the deeper sense of the liturgical year and shares a theological and mystical perspective on the major feasts of the annual cycle. The reader is immersed in the wonder of faith in the mystery of Christ and of the unique nature of God's action and presence in and through the liturgy of our lives.
The Great Façade: The Regime of Novelty in the Catholic Church from Vatican II to the Francis Revolution
Christopher A. Ferrara - 2002
Ferrara brings the original work up to date with six new chapters addressing what Bishop Athanasius Schneider has called "the fourth great crisis" in the history of the Catholic Church. The additional chapters chronicle the attempts at ecclesial restoration by Benedict XVI and the "Francis revolution" following Benedict's mysterious resignation--including Francis's tumultuous Synod on the Family and his radical reform of the process for determining matrimonial nullity, leading to what some call "Catholic divorce" and a threat of schism on the magnitude of the Lutheran revolt of the 16th century. This new look at the 50 years following the Second Vatican Council is sure to provoke discussion and debate among Catholics concerned about the state of their Church."There is no doubt in my mind that The Great Façade has been prophetic in the broader scriptural sense of the term. Its authors saw that Catholicism was under obvious assault, that the consequences of its rout would be dreadful, and that their failure to take up arms against a sea of enemies would be a punishable dereliction of duty. Those new to the crisis in the Church as well as old soldiers seeking to recharge intellectual batteries can make use of the book's succinct outline of the modernist positions in matters of faith and morality that so swiftly rode to dominance on the back of the Second Vatican Council."--JOHN RAO, author of Black Legends and the Light of the World"One of the most important books of the post-conciliar era, The Great Façade has earned the right to share the top shelf with such masterworks as the trilogy of Michael Davies, Romano Amerio's Iota Unum and von Hildebrand's The Devastated Vineyard. As the original publisher of this magnum opus, I am delighted that Angelico Press has brought out a new edition in which Mr. Ferrara provides six additional chapters documenting the rapid advances of 'the regime of novelty' following what he calls The Benedictine Respite. With its almost literally up-to-the-minute analysis of 'the Francis Revolution,' this work is now more important than ever."--MICHAEL MATT, Editor, The Remnant"The second edition of The Great Facade tells the story of the crumbling veneer obscuring the glorious Catholic Church, updated to the very eve of its publication. This book is a necessity for anyone who senses the failure of the attempts of neo-Catholics to cover over the cracks in this crumbling edifice of post-conciliar innovation. As always, Chris Ferrara narrates his case against the viruses of novelty and their neo-Catholic apologists with painstaking documentation and a lively and witty style."--BRIAN M. MCCALL, author of To Build the City of God"God is the Most Real Being. In contrast, the note of today's Church often seems unreality--happy talk, avoiding issues, one-sided rhetoric masking self-contradiction and dubious projects. For a while it seemed that repeated disaster might be bringing back a certain sobriety, but no such luck. In such a setting, The Great Facade is more necessary than ever as a spirited brief against the fantasies of recent decades, and an appeal to Catholics and the Church to return to what they have been, in order to become what they most truly are."--JAMES KALB, author of Against Inclusiveness"This long awaited second edition documents the 'regime of novelty' up to the present moment. It contains the most comprehensive analysis of Pope Francis's tumultuous pontificate to date."--JOHN VENNARI, Editor, Catholic Family News"[S]uperb--best analysis of the present, parlous state of the Church I have read.... A marvel of clear, careful argument, and utterly persuasive.
The Priest in Union with Christ
Réginald Garrigou-Lagrange - 2002
Garrigou-Lagrange, O.P. expounds in a disciplined manner upon the specific holiness of the priesthood and the supernatural fruitfulness of the priestly apostolate. Steeped in Sacred Scripture, St. Thomas Aquinas and other traditional Catholic sources, the author presents the classic Catholic traditions on the priestly vocation traditions which many seminarians and young priests today may have never even heard of. Impr. 264 pgs, PB
Pastoral and Occasional Sermons
Ronald Knox - 2002
This volume combines both skills as it is a collection of his homilies on all the important themes of the spiritual and moral life, and on his favorite saints, men and women of history who were inflamed with the love of Christ.In his always descriptive, profound and witty style, Knox covers a very wide variety of pastoral themes for Christian living and growth in spiritual perfection. Themes such as The Fatherhood of God, The Sermon on the Mount, The Gifts of God, The Triumph of Suffering, The Divine Sacrifice, and dozens more. In his occasional sermons on saints and Christian heroes, he shows how these heroes of history struggled with many of the same spiritual battles that modern believers encounter daily, and overcame them with faith, courage, character and virtue. These are the shining witnesses of the truth and charity we all seek to emulate.
Amazing Grace for Those Who Suffer: 10 Life Changing Stories of Hope and Healing
Jeff Cavins - 2002
These true stories will make you laugh, make you cry, and show you the power of God's healing grace. Ten stories address the age-old question of why a good God would allow people to suffer and how good can come out of evil. An inspirational collection of heart-wrenching and heart-warming sagas of people who have endured great hardship and have discovered hope and healing through God's amazing grace.
A Journey with Jonah: The Spirituality of Bewilderment
Paul Murray - 2002
As the author demonstrates in this compact and readable book, the Book of Jonah emerges as perhaps the most profoundly Christian of all the books in the Hebrew Bible, and the book that speaks with the most telling resonance for our own age. The Book's message is a serious and compelling one.
Praying in the Presence of Our Lord with Fulton J. Sheen
Michael Dubruiel - 2002
Traces the history of American anti-Catholicism, looks at examples of modern prejudice, and examines the aims of anti-Catholic forces.
Ceremonies of the Liturgical Year: A Manual for Clergy and All Involved in Liturgical Ministries
Peter J. Elliott - 2002
It makes people holy through words, music, action and signs. The Eucharist is intended to be the most powerful means of union with our God, with the saints in heaven and with each other, and is to be a foretaste of the praise of God given in joy by the saints in heaven. As we move through the whole of the year, the Church is united with the mysteries of Christ's earthly life so as to come closer to her Lord and Saviour.Monsignor Peter Elliott provides scholarship and many years' experience and love of the liturgy. His previous work Ceremonies of the Modern Roman Rite has helped many people to celebrate our liturgy with attention and devotion. This present work is a guide to the most important moments of the Church year from Advent and Christmas to Holy Week, Corpus Christi and to the Solemnity of Christ the King. His book has been a long-awaited guide to those who wish to celebrate the events of the Church year with dignity, devotion, and deep faith.
The Human Wisdom of St Thomas: A Breviary of Philosophy from the Works of St Thomas Aquinas
Josef Pieper - 2002
Thomas, preferring that the reader should encounter them, "on his own". His work has been one of selection, in which he has sought to assemble such passages as will provide an introduction to the form and design of the whole Thomistic system.Yet he has so ordered his texts as to impress upon the reader a special feature of St. Thomas's thought, what he calls its double aspect: St. Thomas sees the whole scheme of reality ordered and penetrable by reason; yet the mystery of Being itself remains: "The effort of human thought has not been able to track down the essence of a single gnat."Josef Pieper, one of the most highly regarded Thomistic philosophers of the twentieth century, wrote numerous philosophical works including Leisure: The Basis of Culture, Guide to Thomas Aquinas, Only the Lover Sings and many more.
The Privilege Of Being A Woman
Alice von Hildebrand - 2002
Dr. Alice von Hildebrand characterizes the difference between such views as based on whether man's vision is secularistic or steeped in the supernatural. She shows that feminism's attempts to gain equality with men by imitation of men is unnatural, foolish, destructive, and self-defeating. The Blessed Mother's role in the Incarnation points to the true privilege of being a woman. Both virginity and maternity meet in Mary who exhibits the feminine gifts of purity, receptivity to God's word, and life-giving nurturance at their highest.
Holy Bible: Revised Standard Version, Ignatius Catholic Bible, Brown/ Tan
Stampley - 2002
At only 4.5”x 6.5”, it’s easy to pack when on the move, yet features readable type, along with other special features including: • Pacific Duvelle Brown • Gold-gilded pages • Silk ribbon marker • Presentation section • "Dei Verbum" document • Special prayers and devotions • Beautiful gift box • Bonded leather covers • Handsome, top-quality compact edition of very popular RSV Catholic Bible, also known as “The Ignatius Bible”. • The many special features make this Bible a great gift. • Compact size permits easy personal reading, at home or on the go.keywords: bibles, compact, brown, RSV
The Book of Peace: Finding the Spirit in a Busy World
Lucinda Vardey - 2002
Through simple prayers, meditations and insights, it offers us all a guide on the path to peace, whatever our faith, and speaks of the simple truths that transcend all boundaries. Warm, profound and yet very practical, The Book of Peace will provide a tremendous source of inspiration for you or someone you love. It is brimming with timeless messages for us all.
An Invitation to Prayer
Pope John Paul II - 2002
"An Invitation to Prayer" stands as an eloquent testimony to Pope John Paul II's message of peace and love -- a powerful collection that invites us to actively participate in prayer as a duty, a privilege, and an infinite source of comfort and hope.
Rediscover Catholicism
Matthew Kelly - 2002
At a time when many Catholics are disillusioned, questioning their faith, and filled with doubts about the relevance of Catholicism in the modern world, the voice of one man cries out to the world's largest faith community with a clarity that is rare and inspiring.
Pope John Paul II
Peggy Noonan - 2002
In an age fairly rich with heroes, Pope John Paul II is truly the great man of the past century -- a man who personally confronted all that century's tragedies, from Nazism to Communism. And now, in old age, he wrestles with materialism, "the culture of death, " and new scandals that could, on his leaving, tear the church in two.This pope is also a paradoxical figure -- an intellectual animated by confidence and joy, a poet and playwright, a supporter of freedom who decries its abuse, a tough political gamesman, and a mystic convinced that the bullet that nearly killed him was directed away from his heart by the hand of the Mother of God.Here, bestselling author Peggy Noonan brings her sharp observations, acute sensibility, warmth, and wit to the life of this pope, and shows the personal impact his journey has had upon her and millions of others throughout the world. Written with heart and depth, this book is a heartening celebration of a man whose life teaches us perhaps the greatest lesson of all: how to live.
Sermon in a Sentence: A Treasury of Quotes on the Spiritual Life from St. Therese of Lisieux
John P. McClernon - 2002
Therese, carefully arranged by the major virtues of the Christian life. The quotes are arranged and classified by the virtues represented in the classic 15 decade Rosary. The Rosary mysteries provide us a mosaic of virtues for the spiritual life, a ladder for advancing in holiness and in the love of God.