Book picks similar to
Exodus: An Exegetical Commentary by Victor P. Hamilton
Ephesians: An Exegetical Commentary
Harold W. Hoehner - 2002
He now brings that experience to bear on this important work.He begins with a helpful introduction to the letter of Ephesians in which he addresses issues of authorship, structure and genre, historical setting, purpose, and theology. At the end of the introduction, the author includes a detailed bibliography for further reading. Hoehner then delves into the text of Ephesians verse by verse, offering the Greek text, English translation, and detailed commentary. He interacts extensively with the latest scholarship and provides a fair and thorough discussion of every disputed point in the book.Pastors, students, and scholars looking for a comprehensive treatment on Ephesians will be interested in this commentary. Hoehner's interaction with the latest scholarship combined with his detailed exegesis will make this new commentary the only resource they will need to consult.
The Book of Isaiah, Chapters 1-39
John N. Oswalt - 1985
Oswalt's two-part study of the book of Isaiah for the NICOT series, this commentary on chapters 1û39 combines theological acumen, literary sensitivity, philological expertise, and historical knowledge to present a faithful and accurate reading of one of the Old Testament's most important books. In the introduction to this work, Oswalt considers Isaiah's background, unity of composition, date and authorship, canonicity, Hebrew text, theology, and problems of interpretation, and he offers a select bibliography for further research. Oswalt also provides substantial discussions of several issues crucial to the book of Isaiah. He notes, for example, that scholars often divide Isaiah into three divisions, with chapters 1–39 addressing Isaiah's contemporaries in the eighth century B.C., chapters 40–55 presupposing the exile of the sixth century, and chapters 56–66 presupposing the eventual return from exile. While taking this scholarship into account Oswalt defends the unity of the prophetic book and argues convincingly that the whole book can be attributed to the Isaiah of the eighth century. The commentary proper, based on Oswalt's own translation of the Hebrew text, provides pastors, scholars, and students with a lucid interpretation of the book of Isaiah in its ancient context as well as an exposition of its message for today.
The Prophecy of Isaiah: An Introduction Commentary
J. Alec Motyer - 1993
Now, after over three decades of studying and teaching Isaiah, Alec Motyer presents a wealth of commentary and perspective on this book. His emphasis is on the grammatical, historical, structural, literary and theological dimensions of the text. Though based on the Hebrew text, his exposition easily accomodates readers without a working knowledge of biblical Hebrew. And he writes with an interest in Isaiah's meaning for Christians today. Along the historical timeline on which the Isaianic prophecies are strung, Motyer finds three central and recurring themes: the messianic hope, the motif of the city and the theology of the Holy One of Israel. Moreover, he argues, the Isaianic literature is organized around three messianic portraits: the King (Isaiah 1-37), the Servant (Isaiah 38-55) and the Anointed Conqueror (Isaiah 56-66). Preachers, teachers and serious Bible students of all types will find this commentary a wise, winsome and welcome guide to the prophecy of Isaiah. It may easily be the best one-volume evangelical commentary on Isaiah available today.
An Exposition of Hebrews (Arthur Pink Collection)
Arthur W. Pink - 1954
Where its teachings are believed, understood, and embodied in the life, ritualism and legalism (the two chief enemies of Christianity) receive their death blow. In no other book of Scripture are the sophistries and deceptions of Romanism so clearly and systematically exposed. So fully and pointedly are the errors of Popery refuted, it might well have been written since that satanic system became established. Well did one of the Puritans say, "God foreseeing what poisonous heresies would be hatched by the Papacy, prepared this antidote against them."▶ CONTENTS1. Introduction2. The Superiority of Christ over the Prophet3. Christ Superior to Angels4. Christ Superior to Moses5. Christ Superior to Joshua6. Christ Superior to Aaron7. Infancy and Maturity8. Apostasy9. The Twofold Working of the Spirit10. The Two Classes of Professors11. Two Christians Described12. Christian Perseverance13. The Anchor of the Soul14. Melchizedek15. The Priesthood Changed16. Judaism Set Aside17. The Perfect Priest18. The Two Covenants19. The Typical Tabernacle20. The Contrasted Priests21. Eternal Redemption22. The Mediator23. The New Testament24. The Great Sacrifice25. The Typical Sacrifice26. The Divine Incarnation27. Christ's Dedication28. The Perfecting of the Church29. Sanctification30. Access to God31. Christian Perseverance32. Apostasy33. The Apostates' Doom34. The Path of Tribulation35. The Saving of the Soul36. The Excellency of Faith37. The Faith of Abel38. The Faith of Enoch39. The Faith of Noah40. The Call of Abraham41. The Life of Abraham42. The Faith of Sarah43. The Perseverance of Faith44. The Reward of Faith45. The Faith of Abraham46. The Faith of Isaac47. The Faith of Jacob48. The Faith of Joseph49. The Faith of Moses’ Parents50. The Faith of Moses51. The Faith of Israel52. The Faith of Rahab53. The Faith of the Judges54. The Achievements of Faith55. The Pinnacle of Faith56. The Family of Faith57. The Demands of Faith58. The Object of Faith59. A Call to Steadfastness60. Divine Chastisement61. A Call to Steadfastness62. A Call to Diligence63. A Call to Examination64. A Warning against Apostasy65. The Inferiority of Judaism66. The Superiority of Christianity67. The Call to Hear68. The Passing of Judaism69. The Establishing of Christianity70. The Kingdom of Christ71. The Final Warning72. Brotherly Love73. Marriage74. Covetousness75. Contentment76. Motives to Fidelity77. The Heart Established78. The Christian's Altar79. Christ Our Sin Offering80. Outside the Camp81. The Christian's Sacrifices82. Christian Rulers83. A Good Conscience84. Praying for Ministers85. The Apostle's Prayer86. Divine Exhortations87. Spiritual Freedom88. Conclusion89. Other Books▶ AUTHORArthur W. Pink was born in Nottingham England in 1886, and born again of the Spirit of God in 1908 at the age of 22.
Survey of the Old Testament
Paul N. Benware - 1988
Benware also helps readers understand God's covenant promises to Israel.
Faith on Trial: Psalm 73
D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones - 1965
Asaph reveals his own 'no-holds-barred' feelings and leads us step by step from near-despair to final assurance. For this reason it has always appealed to preachers and counsellors. An excellent book for those struggling with, or wondering about, injustice in the world.
Andreas J. Köstenberger - 2004
KOstenberger's new commentary on the Gospel of John draws on extensive research and engages the best of contemporary scholarship, yet provides a readable study that will be beneficial to students, pastors, and scholars.After considering the historical context of the letter as well as its relation to other New Testament writings, KOstenberger turns to his exegetical work. An introduction to each exegetical unit is provided along with the author's own translation of the Greek text. In the course of his verse-by-verse comments, KOstenberger incorporates references to other ancient writings that help explain the book's theological, cultural, and social context. Where appropriate, he draws upon the work of other commentators and provides extensive notes for further reading and research.
Exodus Old and New: A Biblical Theology of Redemption
L. Michael Morales - 2020
Michael Morales examines the key elements of three major redemption movements in Scripture: the exodus out of Egypt, the second exodus foretold by the prophets, and the new exodus accomplished by Jesus Christ. We discover how the blood of a Passover lamb helps us grasp the significance of Jesus' death on the cross, how the Lord's defeat of Pharaoh foreshadowed Jesus' victory over Satan, how Israel's exodus out of Egypt unfolds the meaning of the resurrection, and much more.The second volume in the ESBT series, Exodus Old and New reveals how Old Testament stories of salvation provide insight into the accomplishments of Jesus and the unity of God's purposes across history.Essential Studies in Biblical Theology (ESBT), edited by Benjamin L. Gladd, explore the central or essential themes of the Bible's grand storyline. Taking cues from Genesis 1-3, authors trace the presence of these themes throughout the entire sweep of redemption history. Written for students, church leaders, and laypeople, the ESBT offers an introduction to biblical theology.
Paul's Letter to the Romans (The Pillar New Testament Commentary
Colin G. Kruse - 2012
In this Romans commentary Colin Kruse shows how Paul expounds the gospel against the background of God's sovereign action as creator, judge, and redeemer of the world. Valuable "additional notes" on important theological themes and difficult texts -- such as Paul's discussion of same-sex relationships, the salvation of "all Israel," and the woman Junia, who was "well known among the apostles" -- further connect Romans to contemporary issues. Throughout his commentary Kruse expertly guides readers through the plethora of interpretations of Romans, providing a reliable exposition of this foundational epistle.
The Message Of 2 Timothy
John R.W. Stott - 1973
Guard the Gospel;: The message of 2 Timothy (The Bible speaks today) [Paperback]
Introduction to the Old Testament Pentateuch
Herbert M. Wolf - 1991
You will learn how these books reveal God's character and requirements for a relationship with Him.
Philippians For You: Shine With Joy as You Live by Faith
Steven J. Lawson - 2017
Written by Paul from his prison cell, it calls us to rejoice together as we shine gospel hope in a generation that does not know Christ. Dr Steven Lawson brings his trademark faithfulness, precision and passion to this wonderful letter.
How to Read the Bible Book by Book: A Guided Tour
Gordon D. Fee - 2001
Helps people read the Bible as a whole; and even when the whole is narrowed to whole books, helps readers to see how each book fits into the grand Story of the Bible.
Commentary on the New Testament Use of the Old Testament
G.K. Beale - 2007
This volume will be an immensely useful resource for all kinds of study of the New Testament."—Richard Bauckham, University of St. Andrews"Every scholar would profit by having a copy of this thorough and judicious work on his or her desk. The authors have collected for us an immense amount of material and insight in a relatively short space, and many of us will be grateful for their efforts. This commentary is a profound witness to the unity of the Testaments in the mystery of Christ."—Francis Martin, Sacred Heart Seminary"Finally a volume that surveys the use of the Old Testament in each book of the New Testament. Written by top-tier scholars with unsurpassed expertise in New Testament exegesis, these essays model sound engagement with Scripture that quotes Scripture. This excellent collection is a must-read for all who wish to understand how the New Testament writers understood and used their Bible. This long-awaited volume deserves to become a standard text that will hopefully launch a new stage of fresh work in biblical research."--Karen H. Jobes, Wheaton College"More than a generation ago, C. H. Dodd and a few other scholars began sowing the seeds of a new and fruitful approach to reading Scripture, by studying the New Testament writers' use of Old Testament texts. The present commentary thus represents the harvest of decades of research into the relationship between the Old and New Testaments. By carefully observing various factors, ranging from the textual to the theological, each contributor shows how the New Testament writers were not only careful readers of the Old Testament but also profound theologians themselves. The scholars on this superb team assembled by Beale and Carson distill many new and remarkable insights for exegesis and theology, all of which serve to demonstrate the explanatory power of this approach for the present and the future. This landmark volume should prove to be an invaluable resource for both the church and the academy--for pastors, teachers, and students alike, whether Protestant or Catholic--and for anyone wanting to go deeper into the heart of sacred Scripture. Indeed, Beale and Carson are to be thanked and congratulated for a momentous accomplishment."--Scott Hahn, Franciscan University of Steubenville"Finally we have a work that examines the use of the Old Testament in the New Testament and covers the entirety of the New Testament in a single volume. Pastors, students, and scholars will profit from the careful attention to both the Old and New Testament contexts in which the citations occur, and they will be enriched by the theological depth represented in this important book."--Thomas R. Schreiner, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary"Few areas of New Testament study are as often discussed as the New Testament's use of the Old. There has long been a need for a careful case-by-case treatment, since the use we see in the New Testament is so varied and diverse. This commentary meets that need admirably. It is thorough yet concise, clear yet detailed. All will be led into helpful reflection on this important area of study. Well done to the editors and authors of this useful and unique commentary."--Darrell L. Bock, Dallas Theological Seminary
The Book of Proverbs, Chapters 1-15
Bruce K. Waltke - 2004
Written by eminent Old Testament scholar Bruce Waltke, this two-volume commentary is unquestionably the most comprehensive work on Proverbs available.Grounded in the new literary criticism that has so strengthened biblical interpretation of late, Waltke's commentary on Proverbs demonstrates the profound, ongoing relevance of this Old Testament book for Christian faith and life. A thorough introduction addresses such issues as text and versions, structure, authorship, and theology. The detailed commentary itself explains and elucidates Proverbs as "theological literature." Waltke's highly readable style -- evident even in his original translation of the Hebrew text -- makes his scholarly work accessible to teachers, pastors, Bible students, and general readers alike.