Best of
Amplified Bible
Anonymous - 1965
No working knowledge of Greek or Hebrew is required—just a desire to know more about what God says in his Word. With its unique system of brackets, parentheses, and italics, the Amplified Bible defines and expands key words and phrases right in the text. Verse by verse, the deeper meaning behind the message of Scripture unfolds as you read. This Bible features other study tools to help you to more clearly understand God’s Word:• Uses a unique system of punctuation, italics, references, and synonyms to unlock subtle shades of meaning as found in the original Bible languages• Footnotes provide concise historical and archaeological information and devotional insights, plus hundreds of references to select sources and authors• Introductions and outlines for every Bible book • Bible reading plan• Bibliography of the sources cited in the study notes• Glossary of the most frequent amplifications in the text• Comprehensive concordance with 25,000 entries• 8 pages of full-color maps• Double-column format• Presentation page
Spiritual Depression: Its Causes and Cure
D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones - 1965
Martyn Lloyd-Jones, each originally delivered at Westminster Chapel in London, carefully and compassionately analyzes an undeniable feature of modern society from which Christians have not escaped -- spiritual depression."Christian people," writes Lloyd-Jones, "too often seem to be perpetually in the doldrums and too often give this appearance of unhappiness and of lack of freedom and absence of joy. There is no question at all but that this is the main reason why large numbers of people have ceased to be interested in Christianity."Believing the Christian joy was one of the most potent factors in the spread of Christianity in the early centuries, Lloyd-Jones not only lays bare the causes that have robbed many Christians of spiritual vitality but also points the way to the cure that is found through the mind and spirit of Christ.
Faith on Trial: Psalm 73
D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones - 1965
Asaph reveals his own 'no-holds-barred' feelings and leads us step by step from near-despair to final assurance. For this reason it has always appealed to preachers and counsellors. An excellent book for those struggling with, or wondering about, injustice in the world.
Biography of James Hudson Taylor
F. Howard Taylor - 1965
His unbreakable faith in God during a life dedicated to reaching China's millions with the Gospel has been a lasting inspiration to many.
The Power of Positive Praying
John R. Bisagno - 1965
By His life and His lips our Lord's constant fellowship with the Father pointed to the necessity of ours. But Jesus didn’t pray merely as an example to us. For thirty-three years, He lived as a man, tempted in all points like as are we. He prayed because He had to pray. He prayed because He must. In this 50th anniversary edition of The Power of Positive Praying, Dr. Bisagno expands this classic work with eight new chapters on prayer. If the Son of God prioritized prayer, how more must we? And His prayers were answered as will be ours, if like Him we pray in His Will, in His Word and in Faith. For that’s the power of positive praying.
Sensei: The Life Story of Irene Webster-Smith
Russell T. Hitt - 1965
Abraham Lincoln's Daily Devotional
Paul F. Crouch Sr. - 1965
All Scripture quotations are from the King James Version of the Bible.
Jesus and Logotherapy
Robert C. Leslie - 1965
PrefaceExploring height psychology: the temptations of Jesus: Lk 4:1-13Mobilizing the defiant power of the human spirit: Zacchaeus: Lk 19:1-10Finding the personal life task: the rich young ruler: Mk 10:17-22Filling the existential vacuum: the Samaritan woman: Jn 4:4-27Resolving value conflicts: the paralyzed youth: Mk 2:2-12Actualizing the self in responsible commitment: Simon the Pharisee: Lk 7:36-50Realizing creative values: Peter: Mt 16:13-19; Lk 22:31-34, 54-62Realizing experiential values: Mary & Martha: Lk 10:38-42Realizing attitudinal values: the Bethesda invalid: Jn 5:2-15Restoring man's dignity: the Gerasene demoniac: Mk 5:1-20Exercising man's freedom: Jesus as servant: Jn 13:3-5, 12-16NotesIndex
Out of the Jaws of the Lion
Homer E. Dowdy - 1965
It deals with the fate of Congo missionaries during the rebellion that followed the withdrawal of United Nation forces from that country. The narrative gives intimate details of the experience of the missionary group, mingling what appears to be well-substantiated fact with material that could be known only by an eye witness or participant, and dialogue and description of interior feelings that can only be accepted as fictional reconstruction of the scenes and events. The result makes for vivid, even stirring, reading, but leaves the reader guessing as to where the facts end and the fiction begins.