Patients at Risk: The Rise of the Nurse Practitioner and Physician Assistant in Healthcare

Niran Al-Agba - 2020
    As corporations seek to save money and government agencies aim to increase constituent access, minimum qualifications for the guardians of our nation’s healthcare continue to decline—with deadly consequences. This is a story that has not yet been told, and one that has dangerous repercussions for all Americans.

Medicine Dog: K9s, Stem Cells, and an Amazing Tail of Recovery

Júlia Szabó - 2014
    Diligently researching how to restore his quality of life, she discovered Vet-Stem, a service that provides cutting-edge regeneration therapy for pets, using stem cells harvested from animals' own tissue. Just hours after receiving IV and intra-joint injections, Sam began aging backward--which left Julia wondering why this simple, effective treatment was not available for humans.            Julia suffered from chronic inflammatory bowel disease, and after witnessing Sam's astonishing recovery, she set out on a curious quest: to be treated like a dog by a doctor as competent as her vet! After a four-year wait, Julia became the first American to be successfully cured of a perirectal fistula with stem cells derived from her own fat. With this amazing true story of how a pack of shelter dogs she rescued from death row came to save her life, Julia hopes to inspire and inform readers about exciting healthcare options available to them and their cherished animal companions.

Memoirs of a Former Fatty: How one girl went from fat to fit

Gemma Reucroft - 2016
    I was also so chronically unfit that I couldn’t manage more than one flight of stairs without getting seriously out of breath. I was eating my way to a whole host of health problems and my knees were knackered. Now nearly four years on, I am over 80lbs lighter and a whole heck of a lot fitter. I’m now training to be a Personal Trainer so that I can help other people like me. This is why I have written this book. Along the way I learned a lot, and came up with some ideas of my own about how and why people lose weight….or don’t. This is my story.

The Truth About Statins: Risks and Alternatives to Cholesterol-Lowering Drugs

Barbara H. Roberts - 2012
    Now, the Director of the Women’s Cardiac Center in Providence, Rhode Island uses case studies and anecdotes to discuss the uses, misuses, dangers, and benefits of statins, enabling you to make informed decisions on how and when to use them.  Including information on when statins help and when they don’t, common side effects, gender differences and drug use, as well as tips and recipes that promote heart health, The Truth About Statins is a timely and invaluable tool for improving cardiovascular health and helping you meet your lipid-lowering goals.

Happily Ever After: My Journey with Guillain-Barr Syndrome and How I Got My Life Back

Holly Gerlach - 2012
    In less than three days, she was paralyzed and could no longer breathe on her own. She was diagnosed with Guillain-Barre syndrome, a rare autoimmune disorder that occurs when the body's immune system mistakenly attacks part of the nervous system. She was admitted to the hospital, where she spent two and a half months in the intensive care unit on a ventilator. She couldn't move, she couldn't speak, and worst of all, she couldn't hold her newborn daughter. She felt like her life was over as she couldn't be the mother that she had always wanted to be. As the weeks went on, the paralysis began to wear off. And once she was able to breathe on her own again, she started on her road to recovery. With intense physiotherapy, she learned how to use her muscles again and eventually how to walk again. She was determined, and worked hard, and after a long four months in the hospital, she was able to reach her goal of getting back to her husband and daughter. Holly Gerlach shares her inspirational story, where she faced the most terrifying and challenging experiences of her life. The book follows her entire journey, starting with the beginning symptoms, through the many months she spent in the hospital. The story continues on well past her release from the hospital, where she fought to regain her independence and eventually got her life back.

Changing Normal: How I Helped My Husband Beat Cancer

Marilu Henner - 2016
    Within days of their first meeting in 2003, they were planning a life together, and soon they were inseparable as Michael became ever more integrated into Marilu’s family. But after only months they were thrown the ultimate curveball: Michael was diagnosed with bladder cancer, and then lung cancer. Marilu refused to lose the love of her life so easily. With the knowledge she had gained on her own health journey, chronicled in several of her bestselling books, Marilu set about finding a path for Michael that would use the best of Eastern and Western medicine to beat his cancers and return Michael to optimal health. Michael eschewed most traditional treatments and with Marilu’s help—aided by knowledgeable and sympathetic doctors—he forged his own path. In this moving and informative book, Marilu tells the story of their fast-paced romance and how this contrasted with the day-to-day battle for Michael’s life. Michael tells the story from his point of view: the search for the cause of his cancer, the mental anguish he felt as he realized how responsible he was for his condition, the physical and mental hardships that he had to overcome, and the triumph of love that made it all worthwhile. Not a “how-to” book in the traditional sense, Changing Normal is a book of empowerment, a call for all those facing similar challenges to take responsibility for their lives, to search for the causes of their illness and address them directly. Written with an engaging voice, a sense of humor, and life-changing wisdom, Changing Normal is a personal and touching look at how Marilu and Michael faced down a cancer diagnosis and came out the other side happier, healthier, and more in love than ever.

My Patients and Me: Fifty Years of General Practice

Jane Little - 2017
    She knew instantly that her decision to work in general practice was the ‘biggest and worst mistake of her life’. Fortunately, however, this did not deter her from continuing in general practice, and this fascinating memoir (spanning half a century) is testament to her resilience and professionalism, as well as her pragmatic and charismatic personality. She shares real stories about real people in this intriguing book. Some stories are truly heart-breaking and will have you reaching for the tissues (such as the times when she has lost patients, and encountered and supported abused children and rape victims). But it isn’t all serious. There are lots of light-hearted and heart-warming moments too, such as the stories about Jessie-dog – her bodyguard when she made home visits, and the time when she helped a large (and desperately in need) family to get rehoused, and her time as a country GP. She also recalls with honesty and candidness, the prejudice and unimaginable pressure she had to contend with, as a young female GP in the 1960s. As well as a plethora of fascinating stories, experiences and case studies, this book also gives us, as 21st Century readers, a glimpse into the rapid changes in general practice and the NHS in general. Whether you’re in general practice, or you’re a medical professional, or you have a penchant for all kinds of autobiographies/memoirs, you will find this a thought-provoking and captivating book that’s impossible to put down. Take a peek at the ‘Look Inside’ feature now and be prepared to be instantly intrigued.

Don't Blame Fat

Bryan Walsh - 2015
    But new science reveals fat isn't what's hurting our health. This Spotlight Story from TIME explores America's antifat obsession and how it is impacting our health.

The Hashimoto's Cookbook and Action Plan: 31 Days to Eliminate Toxins and Restore Thyroid Health Through Diet

Karen Frazier - 2015
    Karen Frazier has been living with Hashimoto’s for more than 20 years. She knows firsthand how hard it is to give up gluten, corn, soy, and dairy—inflammatory foods that also happen to be staples of the standard American diet. She also knows that it is possible to enjoy eating again because she’s doing it, and she can help you, too.With The Hashimoto’s Cookbook and Action Plan, you will find:• Clear explanations of the causes and symptoms of Hashimoto’s• A guide to the most common dietary triggers• A month-long action plan to eliminate problem foods, broken down into a 3-day cleanse and a 3-week meal plan• Shopping lists for the entire month so you buy only what you need for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks• Over 125 recipes in all, including a chapter of reintroduction recipes Prescription medicine is not the only hope or answer for Hashimoto’s. Start cooking with The Hashimoto’s Cookbook and Action Plan and feel for yourself how food really can be thy medicine.

Case Files: Family Medicine

Eugene C. Toy - 2006
    Case Files: Family Medicine reviews 60 high-yield family medicine cases, each with USMLE-format review questions and clinical pearls that highlight key concepts. In this score-boosting resource, you'll find must-know family medicine cases in an interactive and memorable format written by experienced educators.

Adventures of a Surgical Resident

Philip B. Dobrin - 2010
    This is the story of a surgeon in training and his adventures during the years of his residency.

Dr. John Sarno's Top 10 Healing Discoveries

Steve Ozanich - 2016
    John E. Sarno was the greatest pain physician in the world. Dubbed by Forbes as "America's Best Doctor," he changed the medical paradigm with his keen observations in healing. He then changed the world forever with his courage in publishing those findings to the general population. In this small book, TMS author and health researcher Steve Ozanich has captured the essence of Dr. Sarno's vast body of work into an easily readable and understandable form. This book is a countdown-list in descending order of the most impactful of Dr. Sarno's observations on health and society.

Save Your Gallbladder and what to do if you've already lost it

Sandra Cabot - 2013
    A book to help everyone affected by disease of the gallbladder or bile ducts.If you are having gallbladder problems, whether you have already lost it or not, this book tells you what to do. Gallbladder disease can be painful and frightening, which explains why many people are rushed off to surgery to have their gallbladder removed. Is this the best thing to do? Are we panicking? These decisions are complex and serious and thus it takes an expert in liver and gallbladder problems like Dr Sandra Cabot to help you make sense of it.Your gallbladder is precious and supports optimal digestion and absorption of nutrients and some people have complications after surgery, some people still have the same pain after surgery some people never feel well after having their gallbladder removed.Thankfully, Dr Cabot has written this book to help you and your doctor make the best decisions.In most cases there are safe natural alternatives that can help you to save your gallbladder, dissolve stones and restore healthy gallbladder and liver function.In this book you will find the following information:Types of gallbladder disorders covered in this bookRisk factors for gallbladder diseaseSymptoms of gallbladder dysfunctionSymptoms of a gallbladder attackThe natural treatment of gallstonesThe seven essential strategies for treating gallbladder disease1. Keep the bile fluid and keep it moving - ie. prevent bile stasis and bile sludge2. The best foods and herbs for the gallbladderRaw vegetable juice for the gallbladderGreen goodness soup for the gallbladderRaw beetroot salad for the gallbladder3. Keep your bowel moving and avoid constipation4. Take the right nutrients necessary for healthy bile5. Reduce cholesterol6. Avoid problem foods and fix your digestionCoeliac disease and gallstonesFood allergies and gallstones7. Eat the right fatsFirst aid remedies for easing the pain of a gallbladder attackTo flush or not to flush: when is it safe and appropriate to do a gallbladder flush?Safe and effective gallbladder flushGallbladder remedies cheat sheetsummary of the most important pointsBasic structure and function of the gallbladderWhat goes wrong - why do gallstones form?Thick and stagnant bile - a recipe for stone formationDiagnosis of gallbladder diseaseBlood testsWhat if it’s not your gallbladder after all?The conventional medical treatment of gallstonesNon-surgical medical treatments for gallstonesSometimes it has to go!Signs and symptoms that indicate your gallbladder should come outOther conditions affecting the gallbladder or bile ducts.95Gallbladder conditions during pregnancyHow to live well without a gallbladderStrategies for maintaining good health without a gallbladderRecipes and Food IdeasSuper Quick Shopping

Hormones, Health, and Happiness: A Natural Medical Formula for Rediscovering Youth

Steven F. Hotze - 2005
    Unlike the prevailing medical approach of treating individual symptoms with the familiar 'anti' drugs - such as antibiotics, antihistamines, and antidepressants - Dr Hotze addresses the underlying causes of poor health. Built around a regimen of biologically identical hormones and other natural treatments, Dr Hotze's model will help you obtain and maintain health and wellness naturally so that you can enjoy a better quality of life. In this book you are shown how to reach and maintain optimal cell, tissue, and organ functioning so that you will feel at your peak physically, mentally, and emotionally. After your twenties, your hormone levels have already peaked and begun a slow, inexorable decline that may cause you to lose energy and gain weight. You may experience mood problems or have difficulty with thinking, concentration, and short-term memory. Your immune system is likely to become less efficient, leaving you vulnerable to infectious diseases. Dr Hotze reveals how you can restore hormones to their optimal levels using natural, biologically identical hormones in a safe, effective way that preserves vitality as you mature. In his eight-point treatment program, Dr Hotze addresses the entirety of your wellness: airborne allergies, food allergies, yeast overgrowth, low thyroid function, natural hormone replacement, treatment of adrenal fatigue, nutritionally balanced eating, and vitamin and mineral supplementation. He reveals how most illnesses are due to poor dietary habits and nutrition, lack of exercise, allergic disorders that weaken the immune system and make it more prone to infection, yeast overgrowth due to overuse of antibiotics, an imbalance and decline in the body's production of thyroid and sex hormones, and stressed adrenal glands. All of these factors can be addressed safely, effectively, and naturally without drugs.

Laughing IS Conceivable: One Woman's Extremely Funny Peek into the Extremely Unfunny World of Infertility

Lori Shandle-Fox - 2012
    uncertain of the outcome. It uses humor to de-stress infertility sufferers, their families and medical teams. It's relief for those who feel they just can't deal with infertility one minute more and that nobody truly understands. It's a fun and cheap gift for those friends and relatives who still don't "get it". It's a glimpse over the reception desk and at the other end of the examination table for medical professionals and their staffs who meet and treat infertile patients every day.It also has been widely read by those who know nothing or care nothing about infertility but enjoy the humor in life's daily angsts that we all can relate to.