Looking for Lovely: Collecting the Moments that Matter

Annie F. Downs - 2016
    And I want you to feel beautiful and confident as you do.” But how? When the enemy whispers lies that you are not smart enough, pretty enough, or rich enough? Or you are too dumb, too loud, too quiet, too thin, too fat, too much or not enough? What if you don’t have what it takes to be who you really want to be? In Looking for Lovely, Annie F. Downs shares personal stories, biblical truth, and examples of how others have courageously walked the path God paved for their lives by remembering all God had done, loving what was right in front of them, and seeing God in the everyday—whether that be nature, friends, or the face they see in the mirror. Intensely personal, yet incredibly powerful, Looking for Lovely will spark transformative conversations and life changing patterns. No matter who we are and what path God has us on, we all need to look for lovely, fight to finish, and find beautiful in our every day!

Of Mess and Moxie: Wrangling Delight Out of This Wild and Glorious Life

Jen Hatmaker - 2017
    Women have been demonstrating resiliency and resolve since forever. They have incredibly strong shoulders to bear loss, hope, grief, and vision. She laughs at the days to come is how the ancient wisdom writings put it.But somehow women have gotten the message that pain and failure mean they must be doing things wrong, that they messed up the rules or tricks for a seamless life. As it turns out, every last woman faces confusion and loss, missteps and catastrophic malfunctions, no matter how much she is doing "right." Struggle doesn't mean they're weak; it means they're alive.Jen Hatmaker, beloved author, Big Sister Emeritus, and Chief BFF, offers another round of hilarious tales, frank honesty, and hope for the woman who has forgotten her moxie. Whether discussing the grapple with change ("Everyone, be into this thing I'm into! Except when I'm not. Then everyone be cool.") or the time she drove to the wrong city for a fourth-grade field trip ("Why are we in San Antonio?"), Jen parlays her own triumphs and tragedies into a sigh of relief for all normal, fierce women everywhere who, like her, sometimes hide in the car eating crackers but also want to get back up and get back out, to live undaunted "in the moment" no matter what the moments hold.

Christlike Parenting: Taking the Pain Out of Parenting

Glenn I. Latham - 1999
    Thus the importance of "being of good cheer"; of what we say and how we say it; of creating a safe, noncoercive environment in the home where children are taught not only good behavior but also good values. Dr. Latham's suggestions are simple, scriptural, and amazingly effective. Parents have used his unique combination of Christian principles and behavioral science to handle everything from backtalk and profanity to children who threaten violence - and the results have been described as miraculous.

The Child Whisperer: The Ultimate Handbook for Raising Happy, Successful, Cooperative Children

Carol Tuttle - 2012
    You wonder what on Earth to do, so you get advice, read books, watch videos, ask the internet. And still, something's missing.You need a plan that addresses your child's needs, not everyone else's. Why couldn't children come with a handbook?Turns out, children are born with a handbook—they are the handbook.In The Child Whisperer, bestselling author Carol Tuttle explains that children tell their parents every day exactly how they need to be parented. They tell their teachers exactly how they need to be taught. Children are trying to tell adults who they are so they can be recognized and treated in a way that honors them uniquely. The Child Whisperer reveals that the key to raising happy, healthy, cooperative children lies in understanding and responding to a child's inner nature. Children's true natures are written in the shape of their faces and expressed daily in their appearance, body language, tone of voice, and choice of words. Your child's unique laugh, cry, joys, worries, and even tantrums speak volumes about they type of parenting they need. And you'll learn exactly how to offer it by reading The Child Whisperer. This simple but unique approach actually makes parenting more intuitive, fun, cooperative, and most importantly—customized to your individual child.The Child Whisperer will give you the tools to: - Have a happier, more cooperative child, using less discipline - Foster more confidence and natural success in your child - Repair trouble parent/teen relationships - Reconnect with your adult childrenThe Child Whisperer teaches how to read unsaid clues that children naturally give every day, and shows how parenting, teaching, coaching, and mentoring children can be an even more intuitive, cooperative experience than ever.Join the conversation and learn how to become a child whisperer too: http://thechildwhisperer.com/

Simplify: A Guide To Caring For The Soul

Carolyn J. Rasmus - 2006
    Life starts to feel out of control. Learning to simplify our lives is much more than avoiding phone calls and trimming hectic schedules; more than cleaning closets or paring down possessions. Based on the premise that the most destructive aspect of stress is what it does to us spiritually, the author outlines eight principles--using each letter of the word SIMPLIFY--to keep us from becoming so distracted by trivial commmitments that our spiritual view is dulled. With these eight principles as a guide, we can engance our ability to choose our priorities, remain calm amidst the daily chaos of life, and focus on things that really matter.

Parenting the Strong-Willed Child: Fortifying Our Youth and Healing Our Prodigals

Kevin Hinckley - 2008
    As a bishop, counselor, and parent. Kevin Hinckley has watched the painful process of rebellion occur over and over as he has worked to help those who are scarred by sin come back. From a foundation of gospel-based concepts and clinical experience, he identifies things parents can do to avoid the heartache of rebellion and offers help and hope to parents of children who have already strayed. Sharing experiences from other parents, he shows how to teach children to rely on divine guidance as they confront the challenge of growing up in a world that seems bent on their destruction. This book presents practical solutions and profound insights that will help any parent fulfull this most sacred of all responsibilities.

Covenant Hearts: Marriage and the Joy of Human Love

Bruce C. Hafen - 2005
    Satan is ever striving to blur and contort the truth; modern society is experiencing a shifting toward a culture of divorce. In a way that no other book has, this book provides an eternal perspective about marriage. Noting that marriage can be the most sanctifying — yet the most demanding — experience of our lives, Elder Hafen observes that marriage is "the home room of the earth school our Father created to give his children a place to learn and grow. Families are the laboratories where we test and develop our religion." See through the confusion in our society and create an environment in which human love overcomes all opposition and lasts forever.

Give Them Grace: Dazzling Your Kids with the Love of Jesus

Elyse M. Fitzpatrick - 2011
    And we want to be good parents. But what exactly do we mean by "good?" And is "being good" really the point?Mother-daughter team Elyse Fitzpatrick and Jessica Thompson contend that every way we try to make our kids "good" is simply an extension of Old Testament Law--a set of standards that is not only unable to save our children, but also powerless to change them.No, rules are not the answer. What they need is GRACE.We must tell our kids of the grace-giving God who freely adopts rebels and transforms them into loving sons and daughters. If this is not the message your children hear, if you are just telling them to "be good," then the gospel needs to transform your parenting too.Give Them Grace is a revolutionary perspective on parenting that shows us how to receive the gospel afresh and give grace in abundance, helping our children know the dazzling love of Jesus and respond with heartfelt obedience.

To Draw Closer To God: A Collection Of Discourses

Henry B. Eyring - 1997
    Eyring explains some of the ways we can claim these promises. In his thoughtful, spiritual style, he discusses such topics as learning to hear the Lord's voice, choosing to be good, overcoming trials of faith, strengthening the family, surrendering to Christ, and helping others draw closer to the Lord. Elder Eyring writes, "Yield your heart unto God. Ask him what it is he would have you do. Know that he will have prepared a way for you to do it, even under great difficulties. Ask him how he would have you share what you have with others, and you will feel his love. He lives and he loves you. He wants you to come home again." If you would like to have the Spirit of the Lord with you more often, if you would like to feel closer to your Father in Heaven and have him be closer to you, you'll appreciate the insights and messages in this collection of inspiring discourses

All Moms Go to Heaven

Dean Hughes - 2005
    After a few weeks of drying tears (sometimes his own), changing diapers, and watching Sesame Street, Dean came to understand what mothers really do and why they're so important. In this thoughtful and often hilarious book, you'll find plenty to ponder and to laugh about.

Grace-Based Parenting

Tim Kimmel - 2004
    They've tried the countless parenting books on the market, but many of these are strident, fear-based books that loving parents instinctively reject, while still searching for direction.Now Dr. Tim Kimmel, founder of Family Matters ministries, offers a refreshing new look at parenting. Rejecting rigid rules and checklists that don't work, Dr. Kimmel recommends a parenting style that mirrors God's love, reflects His forgiveness, and displaces fear as a motivator for behavior. As we embrace the grace God offers, we begin to give it-creating a solid foundation for growing morally strong and spiritually motivated children.Releasing in an affordable trade paper edition, this revolutionary book presents a whole new way to nurture a healthy family.

On Becoming Baby Wise: Giving Your Infant the Gift of Nighttime Sleep

Gary Ezzo - 1993
    On Becoming Babywise brings hope to the tired and bewildered parents looking for an alternative to sleepless nights and fussy babies. The Babywise Parent Directed Feeding concept has enough structure to bring security and order to your baby's world, yet enough flexibility to give mom freedom to respond to any need at any time. It teaches parents how to lovingly guide their baby's day rather than be guided or enslaved to the infant's unknown needs. The information contained within On Becoming Babywise is loaded with success. Comprehensive breast-feeding follow-up surveys spanning three countries, of mothers using the PDF method verify that as a result of the PDF concepts, 88% breast-feed, compared to the national average of only 54% (from the National Center for Health Statistics). Of these breast-feeding mothers, 80% of them breast-feed exclusively without a formula complement. And while 70% of our mothers are still breast-feeding after six months, the national average encourage to follow demand feeding without any guidelines is only 20%. The mean average time of breast-feeding for PDF moms is 33 1/2 weeks, well above the national average. Over 50% of PDF mothers extend their breast-feeding toward and well into the first year. Added to these statistics is another critical factor. The average breast-fed PDF baby sleeps continuously through night seven to eight hours between weeks seven and nine. Healthy sleep in infants is analogous to healthy growth and development. Find out for yourself why a world of parents and pediatricians utilize the concepts found in On Becoming Babywise.

One Hundred Birds Taught Me to Fly: The Art of Seeking God

Ashley Mae Hoiland - 2016
    Ashley Mae Hoiland bids us follow her down “the hallowed and well-trodden path between the heart and mind,” where glimpses of godliness are discovered in rainstorms, bus rides, temples, and mountains. As a Latter-day Saint, Hoiland explores the complexities of faith in everyday life where laughter and creativity matter as much as faith, hope, and charity.

Habits of Happiness

Wendy Ulrich - 2013
    Happiness is not just a feeling we happen upon, but a skill set we can develop.

Visions of Glory: One Man's Astonishing Account of the Last Days

John Pontius - 2012
    Visions of Glory is a mesmerizing and fascinating read that you will not be able to put down.