Theonomy in Christian Ethics

Greg L. Bahnsen - 1977
    It also teaches that since the fall it has always been unlawful to use the law of God in hopes of establishing one's own personal merit and justification. Commitment to obedience is but the lifestyle of faith, a token of gratitude for God's redeeming grace. Jesus said, "if you love Me, you will keep My commandments" (John 14:15). Moreover, we will strive to teach others to observe whatever He has commanded us (Mart. 28:18-20). Such healthy and necessary moral standards are surely not burdensome to the believer who bows to Christ as the Lord (1 John 5:3).Theonomy views God's laws directing moral behavior to be a reflection of His unchanging character; such laws are not arbitrary, but objectively, universally, and absolutely binding. It is God's law that "you are to be holy because I am holy" (1 Peter 1:16, citing Leviticus). The law may not be criticized or challenged by us. It is "holy, righteous and good" (Rom. 7:12). This moral law was revealed to Israel in oracles and ordinances, but even the Gentiles show the work of the law upon their hearts and know its ordinances from the natural order and inward conscience (Rom. 1:32; 2:14-15). Who, then, is under the authority of God's law? Paul answers "all the world" (Rom. 3:19).The law revealed by Moses and subsequent Old Testament authors was given within a covenantal administration of God's grace which included not only moral instruction, but gloriously and mercifully "promises, prophecies, sacrifices, circumcision, the paschal lamb, and other types and ordinances delivered to the people of the Jews, all foresignifying Christ to come" (Westminster Confession of Faith VII.5). God's revelation itself teaches us that New Covenant believers, who have the law powerfully written on their hearts, no longer follow the foreshadows and administrative details of the old covenant. They are obsolete (Heb. 8:13), having been imposed only until the time when the Messiah would come (Heb. 9:10; Col. 2:17). Theonomy teaches, then, that in regard to the Old Testament law, the New Covenant surpasses the Old Covenant in glory, power, and finality.Theonomy also teaches that civil rulers are morally obligated to enforce those laws of Christ, found throughout the Scriptures, which are addressed to magistrates (as well as to refrain from coercion in areas where God has not prescribed their intervention). As Paul wrote in Romans 13:1-10, magistrates—even the secular rulers of Rome—are obligated to conduct their offices as "ministers of God," avenging God's wrath against criminal evil-doers. They will give an account on the Final Day of their service before the King of kings, their Creator and Judge.

Kingdom Come: How Jesus Wants to Change the World

Allen Mitsuo Wakabayashi - 2003
    Christianity is not merely about isolated individuals going to heaven. It's about God transforming the entire world and making things right. Sicknesses will be healed, sins will be forgiven, injustice will be eradicated, and all creation will be redeemed. But this is not merely a distant future. It's happening now through what Jesus came to establish--the kingdom of God. Allen Wakabayashi reawakens you to the world-changing reality of the kingdom of God. With clear, biblical insight, he unpacks what Jesus proclaimed about the good news of the kingdom and spells out the implications for you today. Focusing on the kingdom of God will revolutionize how you live out your faith, how you think about your world and how you explain the good news about Jesus. Ultimately, understanding yourself as a citizen of the kingdom will empower you to be one of God's change agents in the world. God is at work to restore everything to be the way he intended it to be, and you can be a part of what he is doing! Get a glimpse of the kingdom coming, and experience his will being done--on earth as it is in heaven.

Ten Universal Principles: A Brief Philosophy of the Life Issues

Robert J. Spitzer - 2011
    But not everyone accepts the same religious premises or recognizes the same spiritual authorities. Are there public arguments--reasons that can be given that do not presuppose agreement on religious grounds or common religious commitments--that can guide our thoughts and actions, as well as our laws and public policies?In Ten Universal Principles: A Brief Philosophy of the Life Issues, Jesuit Father Robert Spitzer sets out, in a brief, yet highly-readable and lucid style, ten basic principles that must govern the reasonable person's thinking and acting about life issues. A highly-regarded philosopher, Father Spitzer provides an intelligent outline for thinking and talking about human life. This book is a powerful tool for persuasively articulating and effectively inculturating a prolife philosophy.

Praying Hyde, Apostle of Prayer: The Life Story of John Hyde

E.G. Carre - 1982
    If you wish to learn to pray effectively, you can have no better example than the life of John Hyde."One of the results of reading this book will be the enlistment of many and better intercessors." -- J. Pengwern Jones"We take our stand near the prayer closet of John Hyde, and are permitted to hear the sighing and the groaning, and to see the tears coursing down his face, to see his frame weakened by foodless days and sleepless nights, shaken with sobs as he pleads, 'O God, give me souls or I die!'" --Francis A. McGaw

Who Are You to Judge?: Learning to Distinguish Between Truths, Half-Truths, and Lies

Erwin W. Lutzer - 2003
    . .” —Dr. R. C. Sproul, founder, Ligonier MinistriesCan I judge without being judgmental?We live in a world that tolerates everything but judgment. What we don’t realize is that right judgment is the key to right living. Who Are You To Judge? is Lutzer’s word to a culture that hates being told how to live and to a church called to purity.After explaining the difference between judging and being judgmental, Lutzer guides Christians in discerning various critical issues, including miracles, matters of doctrine, and godly engagement with entertainment and culture.With a passion for biblical truth and intolerance for lies, Lutzer is compelling and gut-honest. Who Are You to Judge? calls us to not only embrace the truth, but also to live according to it, speaking the truth in love to a world so desperately in need of both.

When You Pray: A Practical Guide to an Orthodox Life of Prayer

L. Joseph Letendre - 2017
    Praying consistently seems almost impossible. Too often and too easily, prayer becomes a burden: one more item on an already overcrowded to-do list. Failing to pray becomes a source of guilt and stress as we must once again admit our inconstancy and procrastination to our father confessor. Yet, our Lord said, “Come to me, all of you who are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. My burden is easy and my yoke is light” (Matt. 11:30). The purpose of this book, then, is not to add to the burden, but to ease it by distilling the advice and experience of those who pray.

The Reflective Life: Becoming More Spiritually Sensitive to the Everday Moments of Life (Reflective Living Series)

Ken Gire - 1998
    How do we, like Mary, create "pauses" in our days to hear what the Savior has to say to us? How do we make time for the things that ultimately matter? Ken Gire unlocks the door to change by introducing us to a centuries-old tradition--reflective living.

Maximizing Your Effectiveness: How to Discover and Develop Your Divine Design

Aubrey Malphurs - 2006
    This book helps readers match who they are--their unique spiritual gifts, passions, temperament, talents, and leadership style--with the ministry area for which God designed them. A practical guide, it takes dedicated Christians step by step through the process of reaching their full potential for Christ's kingdom. This new edition of Maximizing Your Effectiveness puts multiple tools, inventories, and worksheets in the hands of readers to empower them to minister according to God's unique design and purpose for their lives.

Competing Spectacles: Treasuring Christ in the Media Age

Tony Reinke - 2019
    Maybe we don't want to ask it. But viral videos, digital images, and other spectacles surround us in every direction--competing for our time, our attention, our lust, and our money. So we let our lazy eyes feed on whatever comes our way. As a result, we never stop to consider the consequences of our visual diet on our habits, desires, and longings.Journalist Tony Reinke asked these hard questions himself--critiquing his own habits--and now invites us along to see what he discovered as he investigated the possibilities and the pitfalls of our image-centered world. In the end, he shares the beauty of a Greater Spectacle--capable of centering our souls, filling our hearts, and stabilizing our gaze in this age of the digital spectacle.

3 Words That Will Change Your Life: The Secret to Experiencing the Joy of God's Presence

Mike Novotny - 2020
    Ready for it?"God is here."It may sound obvious at first, but truly understanding these three words is the key to more happiness, less boredom, more rest, less rush, more love, less drama, more peace, less fear.A deeply satisfying life doesn't require a sabbatical, a mission trip, or a New Year's resolution. As long as God is glorious enough and near enough, you can enjoy the life that is truly life--not just the cheap substitutes we've settled for.This book will help you move from just enjoying the good moments in life to worshiping the God who is right here, right now. This movement will exponentially increase your happiness, peace, and contentment. It will allow you to shake off the guilt and shame of sin and see yourself as God sees you. Learn how to recognize God's impact on your life and find the joy he's been waiting to give you.

"But God...": The Two Words at the Heart of the Gospel

Casey Lute - 2011
    To understand these two words as they are used in Scripture is to understand the gospel. This book focuses on nine of the most important appearances of this key phrase, drawing in numerous other passages of Scripture and in the process unfolding the magnificent drama of God's sovereign grace-from his mercy on Noah to our security in a resurrected Savior. Taken together, this collection of brief Bible expositions provides a big-picture overview of the consistent way in which God has chosen to save sinners. It has always been by his might, his power, his grace, and his initiative. James Montgomery Boice wrote that "If you understand those two words-'but God'-they will save your soul. If you recall them daily and live by them, they will transform your life completely."

Watchfulness: Recovering a Lost Spiritual Discipline

Brian G. Hedges - 2018
    Matthew 26:41 Are you watchful in your Christian life? Although watchfulness is not as familiar as spiritual disciplines like meditation, prayer, and fasting, it is just as necessary for a healthy spiritual life. Scripture exhorts all Christians to be watchful, regardless of their station and season in life. In Watchfulness, Brian Hedges provides a fresh look at the what, why, how, when, and who of watchfulness, drawing principles from Scripture and instruction from believers of the past who have understood this discipline and written about it. Designed for reflection, self-examination, and personal application, with "Examine and Apply" questions at the end of each chapter, this book will chart your course toward greater watchfulness, increased holiness, and deeper communion with the triune God.

Jesus, Bread, and Chocolate: Crafting a Handmade Faith in a Mass-Market World

John Joseph Thompson - 2015
    We care about how things are made. We want to invest in our neighbor, not a distant executive. We choose to spend more for responsibly produced, locally sold, higher quality chocolate than for the Hershey bar we enjoyed a few years ago. The popularity of farmers markets, bakery bread, house concerts, craft-brewed beer, and boutique coffee shops reflects this renewed interest in important premodern ethics, but is there a deeper truth here to be discovered by people of faith? Might these distinctly earthy things possess a uniquely biblical flavor amidst a culture of automation and excess?

Why Grace Changes Everything

Chuck W. Smith - 1994
    It's a word we all love to hear, but do we really know what it means? Without it, our lives are dry and dusty, but when grace comes, it transforms our lives into something rich and beautiful.

The Vertical Self: How Biblical Faith Can Help Us Discover Who We Are in An Age of Self Obsession

Mark Sayers - 2010
    The Bible contains a radically different way of understanding our identity. The path that God has chosen for us to discover who we really are is the path of holiness. The most exciting thing is that this path is not for otherworldy saints, rather it is a path of earthy, gutsy holiness. It's a path that is not about basing your life on this world or of shunning your desires. Instead, it is about bringing your hopes, your dreams, your brokenness, your desires, your humanness under the Lordship of Christ. By doing this we don’t just discover a new way of living out our faith, we discover a liberating, revolutionary, life-embracing way of being truly human.