God in Our Midst: The Tabernacle and Our Relationship with God

Daniel R. Hyde - 2012
    The answer, according to Daniel R. Hyde, is an emphatic yes.In God in Our Midst: The Tabernacle and Our Relationship with God, Hyde shows that the tabernacle narratives have much to teach us about God Himself, about sin, about redemption in Christ, and about how we are to live for God today. Above all, by interpreting these narratives according to solid hermeneutical principles and New Testament revelation, Hyde shows that these passages reveal Christ.Ultimately, Hyde says, it is good to read the tabernacle narratives because they are part of our family history. We need to read and meditate on that history because we have the same God, the God who told His old covenant, “I will dwell in your midst,” and who tells us that Christians are the true tabernacle, the dwelling place of God under the new covenant (Eph. 2:22).

James for You

Sam Allberry - 2015
    James For You makes clear its teaching and applies its challenges to the experiences of everyday Christians as Sam Allberry brings his clarity, wisdom and humor to every page. You can read through this book as a normal book]] work through it as part of your daily Bible-reading routine]] or use it to help you teach this letter, whether in small groups or from the pulpit.

Matthew for Everyone: Part One, Chapters 1-15

Tom Wright - 2002
    Making use of his true scholar's understanding, yet writing in an approachable and anecdotal style, Wright captures the urgency and excitement of Matthew's Gospel in a way few writers have.Tom Wright has undertaken a tremendous task: to provide guides to all the books of the New Testament, and to include in them his own translation of the entire text. Each short passage is followed by a highly readable discussion with background information, useful explanations and suggestions, and thoughts as to how the text can be relevant to our lives today. A glossary is included at the back of the book. The series is suitable for group study, personal study, or daily devotions.

Biblical Theology in the Life of the Church: A Guide for Ministry

Michael Lawrence - 2010
    Capitol Hill Baptist Church associate pastor Michael Lawrence contributes to the IXMarks series as he centers on the practical importance of biblical theology to ministry. He begins with an examination of a pastor's tools of the trade: exegesis and biblical and systematic theology. The book distinguishes between the power of narrative in biblical theology and the power of application in systematic theology, but also emphasizes the importance of their collaboration in ministry. Having laid the foundation for pastoral ministry, Lawrence uses the three tools to build a biblical theology, telling the entire story of the Bible from five different angles. He puts biblical theology to work in four areas: counseling, missions, caring for the poor, and church/state relations. Rich in application and practical insight, this book will equip pastors and church leaders to think, preach, and do ministry through the framework of biblical theology.

Joy at the End of The Tether: The Inscrutable Wisdom of Ecclesiastes

Douglas Wilson - 1999
    Douglas Wilson's fresh, lucid treatment of this wonderful book, enables us to see that its message is not a confused riddle but an incisive indictment of "the wisdom of this world." We learn that what we can "modernity" is simply a term for men sinning in old ways with new toys and tools. There is truly nothing new "under the sun;" man's problems today are exactly what they have been since the Fall. And the answer to man's problem is just as old, yet forever new - "the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom."

Jesus Through Middle Eastern Eyes: Cultural Studies in the Gospels

Kenneth E. Bailey - 2007
    Bailey examines the life and ministry of Jesus with attention to the Lord's Prayer, the Beatitudes, Jesus' relationship to women, and especially Jesus' parables. Through it all, Bailey employs his trademark expertise as a master of Middle Eastern culture to lead you into a deeper understanding of the person and significance of Jesus within his own cultural context. With a sure but gentle hand, Bailey lifts away the obscuring layers of modern Western interpretation to reveal Jesus in the light of his actual historical and cultural setting. This entirely new material from the pen of Ken Bailey is a must-have for any student of the New Testament. If you have benefited from Bailey's work over the years, this book will be a welcome and indispensable addition to your library. If you are unfamiliar with Bailey's work, this book will introduce you to a very old yet entirely new way of understanding Jesus.

The Book Of Revelation Made Easy

Kenneth L. Gentry Jr. - 1999
    1:3). Cutting through traditions that cloud the clear message of Revelation, Dr. Gentry draws from over 20 years of expertise in the historical and Biblical background of the book to present the surprisingly easy to understand meaning of Revelation. Free yourself from fiction and end your fears of Revelation today.

Textual Commentary on the Greek New Testament

Bruce M. Metzger - 1971
    A companion to the United Bible Societies Greek New Testament with discussion of textual problems based on the critical apparatus in the UBS 4th edition.

Revelation: Four Views: A Parallel Commentary

Steve Gregg - 1997
    Four parallel columns present the information you need on these key views, and inform you about outstanding commentators on the book of Revelation. No other book gives such extensive coverage of how the church has understood Revelation over the centuries. The four-column format makes this an easy read for lay people, pastors, and scholars alike. This is a wonderful addition to any Bible study resource library. Features include:Convenient, one-volume formatFour parallel columns for easy comparisonComplete coverage of the major interpretations of RevelationExtensive coverage of the place of Revelation in church history

A Guide to Biblical Hebrew Syntax

Bill T. Arnold - 2003
    The growing demands on theological education have made it difficult for students of the Hebrew Bible (or Old Testament) to master the intermediate-level skills required to interpret the syntax of the Bible's original language. A Guide to Biblical Hebrew Syntax defines the fundamental syntactical features of the Hebrew Bible, and illustrates each feature with at least one example, extracted from the Bible itself and accompanied with English translation.

More Than Conquerors

William Hendriksen - 1905
    Bible scholars will appreciate it thoroughness and the distinctive approach. Dr. Hendriksen adopted very definite and sane principles of interpretation and clearly and consistently applied them throughout. The result is a straightforward and understandable exposition of the Book of Revelation.

The Drama of Scripture: Finding Our Place in the Biblical Story

Craig G. Bartholomew - 2004
    "The Drama of Scripture" is an introduction to the basic story line and theology of the Bible. In considering the biblical story, the authors emphasize the unity of the whole, viewing the Bible as a drama in six acts--creation, sin, Israel, Christ, church, and new creation. Two overarching themes tie the biblical story together--covenant in the Old Testament and kingdom in the New Testament. Throughout, the authors suggest, God is revealed through the story and calls us to participate in his drama.

The Letters of John

Colin G. Kruse - 2000
    Colin Kruse introduces the important issues involved in interpreting the Johannine letters, gives verse-by-verse comments, and provides extensive discussion of John's major theological themes, including the real humanity of Christ, atonement, the role of the Spirit, Christian assurance, the meaning of koinonia, Christian love, and eternal life. Designed both for serious students and for general readers of the Bible, the PILLAR NEW TESTAMENT COMMENTARY volumes seek to make clear the meaning of the text of Scripture as we have it. The scholars writing these volumes interact with the most important, informed contemporary debate yet avoid undue technical detail. Their ideal is a blend of rigorous exegesis and exposition, scholarship and pastoral sensitivity, with an eye alert both to biblical theology and to the contemporary relevance of the Bible.

Continuity and Discontinuity: Perspectives on the Relationship Between the Old and New Testaments

John S. Feinberg - 1988
    But we sometimes differ on how to relate the messages of the Old and New Testaments. Without a basic understanding of this crucial matter, it is difficult to know how to use the Testaments to formulate either doctrine or practice.For example: Was Israel the OT Church--are OT promises to God's national people fulfilled in the church today? Or, is Mosaic Law binding on believers now--are twentieth-century Christians to obey the Ten Commandments, including sabbath observance?In this book, thirteen noted evangelical theologians discuss, fairly but clearly, the continuity/discontinuity debate in regard to six basic categories: theological systems, hermeneutics, salvation, the Law of God, the people of God, and kingdom promises.Covering much more than the differences between Covenant Theology and Dispensationalism, this work of distinguished evangelical scholarship will fuel much profitable study and discussion.

The Misery of Job and the Mercy of God

John Piper - 2002
    His riches destroyed, his family taken, and his own body afflicted. We can only imagine the depth of his loss and pain. Yet as we ponder Job's misery, do we see the threads of God's mercy throughout it? We will all face suffering at some point in our lives; it is inescapable. But what makes calamity endurable is not that God shares our shock, but that through every flame of pain and flood of fear His sovereign goodness sustains us. John Piper's interpretive poem and the stunning photography of Ric Ergrenbright remind your heart of the unshakable fact that God governs all things for His good purposes. Allow your eyes to see life--to see God--in new and powerful ways. And let your spirit rest, knowing that the Lord is not only sovereign, but sweet.