Book picks similar to
Walking in Victory: Experiencing True Sanctification and Holiness through God's Grace by Dennis McCallum
Baffled to Fight Better
Oswald Chambers - 1917
With great insight, Chambers discusses the myths of self-sufficiency and eternal optimism, revealing their inadequacy when faced with the destruction of all the humankind values.
The Vision: A Two-In-One Volume of the Final Quest and the Call
Rick Joyner - 2000
Now both books are available in this value-priced omnibus edition.In "The Final Quest" Rick Joyner writes about visions and prophetic experiences that unfold the last battle between light and darkness. This book is a call for all Christians to take a stand for truth and righteousness in these troubled times."The Call" continues the message, offering a picture of the dawning of the day of the Lord and urging Christians to seize the opportunity to witness for Christ in the last days.This two-in-one book is an exhortation for Christians to live in a manner worthy of the call of God and an inspiring vision of the wonderful plans God has in store for His people.
Living Prayer
Anthony Bloom - 1974
Before becoming a monk he was a physician who worked with the French Resistance during World War Two. His writings have attracted an ever-growing audience in this country and in England, where he is also noted for his radio and television appearances. During the years since its initial appearance, LIVING PRAYER has become a spiritual classic. Among the many topics covered here are the problem of praying honestly, meditation and worship, and how to discard false images of ourselves and of God. In LIVING PRAYER Metropolitan Anthony tells us, as few writers can, how to begin and sustain the life of prayer.
Money and the Prosperous Soul: Tipping the Scales of Favor and Blessing
Stephen K. De Silva - 2010
DeSilva offers a unique, prophetic/supernatural approach to handling money. This respected charismatic leader combines financial philosophy, biblical truth, supernatural deliverance, and prophetic teaching, and also offers related practical and prophetic exercises throughout each chapter.Money and the Prosperous Soul will help every believer struggling with lack to overcome wrong thinking and destructive cycles and learn the biblical and supernatural principles of success. Free online resources make this a perfect resource for small group classes and self-study.
Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus
Jean Croiset - 1789
It is intended to instruct the faithful, and satisfy their pious desires. There might, perhaps, have been some reason to fear, at the very outset, that the mere title of Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ, however it might attract many persons to read this book, might also deter many others. Arrested by the first words, they might be led to form an inaccurate idea of the devotion. To remove this difficulty, it has been thought well to explain in the beginning, what is understood by devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ. Experience has proved, that there is no one, who, after seeing in what it consists, does not agree, that it is reasonable, solid, and most useful, for our salvation, as well as for our perfection
The Complete Green Letters
Miles J. Stanford - 1983
Stanford have been loved by many people for the insight they provide into true spirituality. Now for the first time all five titles are available in one volume, the complete
Jesus Is the Question: The 307 Questions Jesus Asked and the 3 He Answered
Martin B. Copenhaver - 2014
In the Gospels Jesus asks many more questions than he answers. To be precise, Jesus asks 307 questions. He is asked 183 of which he only answers 3. Asking questions was central to Jesus' life and teachings. In fact, for every question he answers directly he asks--literally--a hundred. Jesus is the Question considers the questions Jesus asks--what they tell us about Jesus and, more important, what our responses might say about what it means to follow Him. Through Jesus' questions, he modeled the struggle, the wondering, the thinking it through that helps us draw closer to God and better understand, not just the answer, but ourselves, our process and ultimately why questions are among Jesus' most profound gifts for a life of faith. A game-changer of a book.
God's Eye View: Worshiping Your Way to a Higher Perspective
Tommy Tenney - 2002
The higher we go, the smaller our problems seem. Tenney also teaches the Principle of Magnification: The closer you get to something, the bigger it appears. In other words, worship not only "shrinks" our problems; it also magnifies God in our lives and to others.Worship doesn't really change our problems; it just minimizes their influence over us as we focus on God. He doesn't promise to remove all of our circumstances, but God does assure us that in His presence and from His perspective--we can see things as they really are and not how they appear to be.In the book of Revelation John was instructed to "behold the Lion," but from an earthly perspective John saw only the Lamb. The heavenly perspective reveals that the Lamb is the Lion, the babe of Bethlehem is the "ancient of days," and the dragon is really a weakened lizard. God's eye view is higher than man's.Higher than a bird's eye view, higher than a man's eye view is God's eye view.
The Four Teresas
Gina Loehr - 2010
Thérèse of Lisieux, Teresa of Avila, Teresa Benedicta of the Cross, and Mother Teresa—who wouldn't want these women as friends and guides? Lively, determined, devout but never passive, they were all straight-shooters with an abundance of common sense. They were also deeply in love with God, clinging to him with a tenacity that freed them to do the impossible. Using the Great Commandment as her guide, Gina Loehr focuses on how each of these women lived out one particular aspect of the command to love God with heart, mind, and soul and neighbor as self. Practical tips offer suggestions on how to be like the Teresas and points for reflection drive the lessons home. These friends of God will help you become, as they were, expert in living out Christ's perfect law of loveThe audio edition of this book can be downloaded via Audible.
Praying the Right Way
Chris Oyakhilome - 2004
But He'll hear and answer only when you're 'PRAYING THE RIGHT WAY.' Discover the secrets and principles of effective prayer in this concise, yet comprehensive book by Chris Oyakhilome and rid yourself of any wrong mindsets, doctrines, perceptions, practices and prayers that may have clogged the wheels of your prayer life.
I Want to Live These Days with You: A Year of Daily Devotions
Dietrich Bonhoeffer - 2005
Organized under monthly themes, these prayers, sermons, meditations, letters, and notes offer readers a new glimpse at how Bonhoeffer understood the meaning of faith and discipleship. Featuring selections from classic works such as The Cost of Discipleship and Letters and Papers from Prison, this set of writings follows the church year, making it ideal for year-long devotional use by readers seeking to be challenged and enlightened by Bonhoeffer's call to find God at the center of their lives.
"But God...": The Two Words at the Heart of the Gospel
Casey Lute - 2011
To understand these two words as they are used in Scripture is to understand the gospel. This book focuses on nine of the most important appearances of this key phrase, drawing in numerous other passages of Scripture and in the process unfolding the magnificent drama of God's sovereign grace-from his mercy on Noah to our security in a resurrected Savior. Taken together, this collection of brief Bible expositions provides a big-picture overview of the consistent way in which God has chosen to save sinners. It has always been by his might, his power, his grace, and his initiative. James Montgomery Boice wrote that "If you understand those two words-'but God'-they will save your soul. If you recall them daily and live by them, they will transform your life completely."
Two Hours to Freedom: A Simple and Effective Model for Healing and Deliverance
Charles H. Kraft - 2010
Yet what happens if we continue to be plagued with spiritual and emotional problems, and the intimacy we long for with Christ seems elusive?What we need, says inner healing expert Charles H. Kraft, is deep-level healing: healing for our whole person--spirit, body, mind, emotions and will. Using a simple, proven process, refined through 25 years of successful ministry, Kraft leads readers step by step through deep-level healing.Once you experience true freedom, you will find the intimacy with Jesus that you desire, and you'll be equipped to help others find this freedom as well.
Faith Is Not a Feeling: Choosing to Take God at His Word
Ney Bailey - 2002
Deeply grieved by the loss, survivor Ney Bailey embraced a journey of faith that led her to a life-changing truth: No matter how things look and no matter how we feel, God is in control.In Faith is Not a Feeling, Ney reveals how life’s tragedies and challenges lead each of us to an important decision about how we will relate to God. Building on a foundation of experiences all believers can relate to, this well-loved speaker and teacher shows how you can take advantage of the endless opportunities life provided to deepen your trust in the Lord. Faith is Not a Feeling has taught hundreds of thousands of people how to choose to believe God’s promises over their own personal feelings. Now you, too, can discover the secrets that will allow you to face painful experiences with a measure of objectivity, use your feelings to take you to God, and experience true peace in the midst of failure and trials. Best of all, you will learn how to obediently and confidently take God at His word as you never have before.
The Benjamin Generation
Joseph Prince - 2008
However, few are aware that we are also the Benjamin Generation. For just like Benjamin was the youngest and final son of Jacob, this generation will be God's last and final one before the rapture. This book draws on Old Testament symbols to bring forth prophetic revelations of God's move in these last days.