Best of
The Philokalia, Volume 1: The Complete Text
G.E.H. Palmer - 1983
First published in Greek in 1782, then translated into Slavonic and later into Russian, The Philokalia has exercised an influence in the recent history of the Orthodox Church far greater than that of any book apart from the Bible. It is concerned with themes of universal importance: how man may develop his inner powers and awake from illusion; how he may overcome fragmentation and achieve spiritual wholeness; how he may attain the life of contemplative stillness and union with God."This excellent English translation, which takes into account the latest scholarly research into the original works, represents a major 'gift' from the wise men of the East. The fluency of the literary style of this translation and the practical understanding which these writings reveal for the spiritual predicaments facing each Christian in every generation brings the book well within the range of the ordinary reader who seeks spiritual counsel. The complete Philokalia covers the period from the fourth to the fifteenth century. Volume One . . . takes us up to the eighth century and is thus the common heritage of Orthodox and Catholics." - Chrysostom
The Practice of Godliness
Jerry Bridges - 1983
Learn more about the character of God as you grow a deeper relationship with Him. Establish the foundation upon which godly character is built and continue by developing maturity and pursuing holiness. A Discussion Guide is also available separately (ISBN 9780891094982).
Crisis of Conscience
Raymond Franz - 1983
Raymond Franz, former member of the governing body shares his true account in an honest, unbiased manner of his experience of his life as a Jehovah's Witness and the events that led up to his formal resignation from the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society.
Loving God
Charles W. Colson - 1983
For those who have wondered whether there isn’t more to Christianity than what they have known—and for those who have never considered the question—Loving God points the way to faith’s cutting edge. Here is a compelling, probing look at the cost of discipleship and the meaning of the first and greatest commandment—one that will strum a deeper, truer chord within even as it strips away the trappings of shallow, cultural Christianity. “Looking for the complete volume on Christian living? This is it. And the title sums it up. If you desire life deep, rich, and meaningful, then it is simply Loving God.” Joni Eareckson Tada President, Joni and Friends
Run with the Horses: The Quest for Life at Its Best
Eugene H. Peterson - 1983
His writing is filled with humor and self-revelation, insight and wisdom, helping to set a course for others in the quest for life at its best.
Understanding the Anointing
Kenneth E. Hagin - 1983
New Birth, Holy Spirit, and Corporate anointing. Students of the Word will find is required reading to understand the sweeping move of God that is coming upon the world.
Who Is Jesus?
R.C. Sproul - 1983
Some say He was a cunning fraud, while others say He must have been out of His mind. In many cases His story is altered to suit the fancies of those seeking to make Him an ally for a host of militant causes.However, as Dr. R. C. Sproul points out in this Crucial Questions booklet, there is compelling evidence that Jesus was something more-that He was, in fact, God in the flesh. By wrestling with the biblical titles for Jesus and the accounts of His life and ministry, Dr. Sproul unfolds the scriptural portrait of Jesus, the Son of God.
The True Vine
Andrew Murray - 1983
Find out in these inspiring pages how you can...Dwell in God’s rich loveReceive answers to your prayersWeather life’s difficult stormsEstablish unbroken communion with ChristReplace fear and doubt with lasting peaceRest in God’s secure protectionProduce eternal resultsThe fullness of God’s merciful loving kindness awaits you. You can come through life’s greatest difficulties safely, and every longing of your heart can be satisfied. Discover that, as you daily abide in the Vine, your branch will grow and bloom, enriched by the nourishing presence of the Lord.
Now and Then: A Memoir of Vocation
Frederick Buechner - 1983
Spiritual and autobiographical reflections on the author's seminary days, early ministry, and writing career.
The Old Testament Pseudepigrapha, Vol. 1: Apocalyptic Literature and Testaments
James H. Charlesworth - 1983
Some of these sources may be lost forever, but many have come to light in modern times. Known as the pseudepigrapha, they are made available here in English translation.
The Restoration of Christian Culture
John Senior - 1983
It explores the importance of religious knowledge and faith to the health of a culture, provides a historical sketch of the change in cultural and educational standards over the last two centuries, and illustrates how literary and other visual arts either contribute to a culture or conspire to tear it down. Compared to a series of sermons, this analysis explains that there is a continuing extinction of the cultural patrimony of ancient Greece, Rome, medieval Europe, and the early modern period of Western civilization, owing to the pervasive bureaucratization, mechanization, and standardization of increasing materialism.
Original Blessing
Matthew Fox - 1983
Maverick theologian Matthew Fox provides a daring view of historical Christianity and a theologically sound basis for personal discovery of spiritual liberation.In this revolutionary work, Fox shows how Christianity once celebrated beauty, compassion, justice, and provided a path of positive knowledge and ecstatic connection with all creation.
Growing Strong in the Seasons of Life
Charles R. Swindoll - 1983
Chuck Swindoll offers 144 devotional readings that take you through each season of the year, challenging and encouraging you to discover what's truly important in your own life. Take time to deepen your roots in the soil of God's love and grace. Growing Strong in the Seasons of Life is a devotional companion that helps you grow closer to God through every season of life, in every condition of the heart.
Holy Bible: New King James Version
Anonymous - 1983
Choose the perfect gift for any celebration in life-from graduation, confirmation, and awards to family and friendships-with Thomas Nelson's "Gift Edition" Bible. Select from a variety of colors and bindings, all featuring bright, clean, and easy-to-read pages. Personalize your gift with the recipient's name on the cover for a Bible that will be cherished for years to come. Give the gift of God's Word . . . beautiful meaning, quality craftsmanship, and a timeless treasure.Additional features include: In-text subject headings Translation footnotes Word of Jesus in red One-year Bible reading plan God's answers to man's concerns Parables of Jesus Miracles of Jesus Illustrated dictionary-concordanceThe New King James Version-More than 60 million copies sold in 30 years
Forgiveness and Jesus: The Meeting Place of 'A Course in Miracles' and Christianity
Kenneth Wapnick - 1983
It first discusses the principles of A Course in Miracles, specifically focusing on the dynamics of the ego and the meaning of forgiveness. Next, the teachings of Christianity are presented in the light of these principles, with the person of Jesus also discussed in depth. Throughout, special attention is given to the application of the Course's principles to important areas in our lives such as injustice, anger, sickness, sexuality, and money.
Idols for Destruction: The Conflict of Christian Faith and American Culture
Herbert Schlossberg - 1983
This analysis of current events examines the wrong beliefs America has held supreme--idols that are to blame for our nation's decay--and suggests how our culture can be healed.
What Happened From The Cross To The Throne
E.W. Kenyon - 1983
He was an author in tune with the Spirit of God. He doesn't give the reader alot of fluff or opinion but instead he backs up every statement with the Word of God. This book is deep and yet very understandable, it is modern and yet a classic. This book will unveil to you the cross in all its glory and open the veil of the Holiest of Holies unto you. Read it slowly... because this book unveils great understanding of who Jesus is and what he still doing for the believer. He is our Great High Priest!This thrilling book is an unveiling of the unveiling Pauline Revelation, and shows what God did in Christ from the incarnation until He sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on High. Long hidden truths are revealed which will thrill and astound you. The church has never fully understood the spiritual significance of what happened when Christ died on the cross, was buried and rose again on the third day. All that the average Christian has seen is the physical suffering of Christ. Few realize the deep truths that are given us in the Pauline Revelation. Until God revealed these truths to Paul, no one understood why Christ came... why the death on the cross was necessary... no one knew what happened during those three days that his physical body lay in the tomb before the resurrection. Even the disciples, who had walked with Jesus, did not fully realize who He was, why He came, what He was to suffer and what they were to gain by His suffering. They did not know what happened on the cross, or during the three days and nights before His resurrection, but we must know of these three days, for this is the thing that will build faith into us. These vital truths must be known by every child of God if he or she is to live an overcoming life.
New Creation Realities:
E.W. Kenyon - 1983
It is the "inward man", it is the re-created spirit; it is the part of man with which God deals. It is really an unveiling of what we are in Christ today; of what He says we are; what He has made us to be in His great Redemptive work. The Pauline Epistles must ever stand as the work of a super-genius or a divine revelation. It lets us into the inner secret of God's mighty purpose in the Incarnation. The four Gospels give us the earth walk of the Master, but the Pauline Epistles give us a revelation of what happened on the cross, what followed during the three days and three nights until Christ was raised from the dead. We get the living picture of the entire substitutionary work of Christ. It is the legal background of our Redemption. This challenging book should be studied by every earnest student of the Word.
Exegetical Fallacies
D.A. Carson - 1983
Updated explanations of the "sins" of interpretation teach sound grammatical, lexical, cultural, theological, and historical Bible study practices.
Discerning the Mystery: An Essay on the Nature of Theology
Andrew Louth - 1983
This book examines the influence of the Enlightenment on theology, arguing that its legacy did not profoundly affect the importance of tradition; that the ways of older theology hold a surprising relevance; and that the unity between theology and spirituality is once again discerned.
The Origins of the Christian Mystical Tradition: From Plato to Denys
Andrew Louth - 1983
Andrew Louth aims to redress the balance. Recognizing that the intellectual form of this tradition was decisively influenced by Platonicideas of the soul's relationship to God, Louth begins with an examination of Plato and Platonism. The discussion of the Fathers which follows shows how the mystical tradition is at the heart of their thought and how the dogmatic tradition both molds and is the reflection of mystical insights andconcerns. This new edition of a classic study of the diverse influences upon Christian spirituality includes a new Epilogue which brings the text completely up to date.
Balcony People
Joyce Landorf Heatherley - 1983
Others are in your "basement" doing exactly the opposite. This book is about being a "balcon
Force of Faith
Kenneth Copeland - 1983
Discover the difference between the physical laws of this world and the precepts that govern our spiritual lives. Learn what four major forces of power are born into the human spirit at the moment we accept Jesus Christ as our Savior. The unique and powerful Bible-based teaching by Kenneth Copeland is sure to guide you into a better understanding of The Force of Faith.
By Little and by Little: Selected Writings
Dorothy Day - 1983
Winner of the Christopher Award, this collection highlights the work and vision of a challenging and inspiring religious figure of recent history -- a woman whose tireless efforts to live Christ's gospel among the poor gave her unparalleled insights into the meaning of the over-used term "social justice".Jim ForestThere is no better introduction to (the writings of) Dorothy Day or any book that better reflects the wide borders of her interests, the depth of her soul, and her skill as a writer.
Naming the Powers: The Language of Power in the New Testament
Walter Wink - 1983
It is one of those words that everyone understands perfectly well until asked to define it. Our use of the term 'power' is laden with assumptions drawn from the contemporary materialistic worldview. Whereas the ancients always understood power as the confluence of both spiritual and material factors, we tend to see it as primarily material. We do not think in terms of spirits, ghosts, demons, or gods as the effective agents of powerful effects in the world. Thus a gulf has been fixed between us and the biblical writers. We use the same words but project them into a wholly different world of meanings. What they meant by power and what we mean are incommensurate. If our goal is to understand the New Testament's conception of the Powers, we cannot do so simply by applying our own modern sociological categories of power. We must instead attend carefully and try to grasp what the people of that time might have meant by power, within the linguistic field of their own worldview and mythic systems. I will argue that the principalities and powers are the inner and outer aspects of any given manifestation of power. As the inner aspect they are the spirituality of institutions, the within of corporate structures and systems, the inner essence of outer organizations of power. As the outer aspect they are political systems, appointed officials, the chair of an organization, lawsin short, all the tangible manifestations which power takes. This hypothesis, it seems to me, makes sense of the fluid way the New Testament writers and their contemporaries spoke of the Powers, now as if they were these centurions or that priestly hierarchy, and then, with no warning, as if they were some kind of spiritual entities in the heavenly places.-from the Introduction
The Way to God and How to Find It
Dwight L. Moody - 1983
I have embodied in the little book a considerable part of several addresses which have been delivered in different cities, both of Great Britain and my own country. God has graciously owned them when spoken from the pulpit, and I trust will none the less add his blessing now they have been put into the printed page with additional matter. I have called attention first to the Love of God, the source of all Gifts of Grace; have then endeavored to present truths to meet the special needs of representative classes, answering the question, “How man can be just with God,” hoping thereby to lead souls to Him who is “the Way, the Truth and the Life.” The last chapter is specially addressed to Backsliders—a class, alas, far too numerous amongst us. With the earnest prayer and hope that by the blessing of God on these pages the reader may be strengthened, established and settled in the faith of Christ, CONTENTS. Chapter I. “Love that passeth Knowledge” Chapter II. The Gateway into the Kingdom Chapter III. The Two Classes Chapter IV. Words of Counsel Chapter V. A Divine Saviour Chapter VI. Repentance and Restitution Chapter VII. Assurance of Salvation Chapter VIII. Christ All and in All Chapter IX. Backsliding Illustrated Hyperlinked Chapters
Man, Woman, and the Meaning of Love: Gods Plan for Love, Marriage, Intimacy, and the Family
Dietrich von Hildebrand - 1983
He corrects mistakes some Christian authors make about marital sexuality, details the unique profundity of sexual desire, warns you about wrong approaches to sex that can destroy a marriage, explains the meaning of the conjugal act (it's much more than mere satisfaction of desire), and shows why modesty and purity are important even within marriage. He even reveals how to tell genuine from false love, and how the true lover regards his beloved's shortcomings!
Hebrews MacArthur New Testament Commentary
John F. MacArthur Jr. - 1983
His absolute supremacy overshadows all else and demands the worship and allegiance of every individual. With eternity at stake, how one responds to Jesus Christ is the most important decision a person can ever make.Join John MacArthur as he explains each verse in a way that is both doctrinally precise and intensely practical.The MacArthur New Testament Commentary series comes from the experience, wisdom, and insight of one of the most trusted ministry leaders and Bible scholars of our day. Each volume was written to be as comprehensive and accurate as possible, dealing thoroughly with every key phrase and word in the Scripture without being unnecessarily technical. This commentary will help to give a better, fuller, richer understanding of God's Word, while challenging the reader to a vibrant personal spiritual walk.A great resource for pastors, teachers, leaders, students, or anyone desiring to dig deeper into Scripture
How to Enjoy the Bible: 12 Basic Principles for Understanding God's Word
E.W. Bullinger - 1983
In this classic book on Bible study, biblical scholar E.W.Bullinger provides a handbook for discovering, understanding, and enjoying the Bible's truths.
His Name Shall Be Called Wonderful
Kenneth E. Hagin - 1983
Understand the beauty of Gods Love.
Thru the Bible with J. Vernon McGee, Volume V, 1 Corinthians - Revelation
J. Vernon McGee - 1983
Used books may not include companion materials, may have some shelf wear, may contain highlighting/notes, may not include CDs or access codes. 100% money back guarantee.
The Best of Peter Marshall
Peter Marshall - 1983
Senate chaplain, spoke with sharp wit, sparkling imagery of words, and passionate zeal. Contained here are selected messages from his books, sermons and prayers.
Patrology, Vol 1: The Beginnings of Patristic Literature
Johannes Quasten - 1983
The monumental classic collection that studies the ancient Christian writers and their teachings about the early Church.
Interceding Christian
Kenneth E. Hagin - 1983
Hagin says, He leads the believer into a knowledge of intercessions, encour-ageing him to experience all that God has for him in this area. The Word to become keen interrcessor
Dare to Prosper!
Catherine Ponder - 1983
An Invitation From the Author; Chapter 1. Dare To Prosper!; Chapter 2. Substance - Key to Prosperity; Chapter 3. A Master Plan For Success; Chapter 4. Tithe Your Way To Prosperity. CATHERINE PONDER is considered America's foremost prosperity author. She had been writing on the subject for more than 20 years. She has written more than a dozen books, which include such best sellers as THE DYNAMIC LAWS OF PROSPERITY, and her series on "The Millionaires of the Bible." She is a minister of the nondenominational Unity faith -- long known as "the pioneer of positive thinking" -- and Dr. Ponder has been described by some as "the Norman Vincent Peale among lady ministers." She has served in Unity Churches since 1956, and heads a global ministry, the nondenominational UNITY CHURCH WORLDWIDE, with headquarters in Palm Desert, California. She is listed in WHO'S WHO and THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF DISTINGUISHED CITIZENS.
Daily Office Book: Two-Volume Set
The Episcopal Church - 1983
Gold edges and ribbon markers complete this set, designed for frequent use. (two volumes, 3,296 pp)The Daily Office Lectionary is on a two-year cycle, designated as Year One and Year Two. This selection of passages of Scripture are used when the Daily Office is read. The Daily Office includes remnants of the monastic Offices and it includes the services of Daily Morning Prayer, Daily Evening Prayer, Noonday Prayer, Evensong, Daily Evening Prayer, and Compline. The Daily Office Lectionary has not been updated in the past fifty years. It is very different from the Revised Common Lectionary. Since the Daily Office is used every day, the user reads through more Scripture in a period of time, therefore this reading cycle requires only two years to complete while the Sunday Eucharistic Lectionary in the Revised Common Lectionary, only being read on Sundays is on a three year cycle.
In Search of Guidance: Developing a Conversational Relationship with God
Dallas Willard - 1983
A "paradox" concerning divine guidance --Guidelines to guidance --Never alone --Our communicating cosmos --The still small voice and its rivals --The Word of God and the rule of God --Redemption through the Word of God --Knowing the voice of God --Guidance and beyond : a life more than guidance.
Thru the Bible Vol. 2: Joshua through Psalms
J. Vernon McGee - 1983
It includes Dr. McGee's insightful study of each book of the Bible with in-depth, paragraph-by-paragraph discussions of key verses and passages. Purchase the entire five-volume set or collect them individually as your study progresses.
The Intercession of Rees Howells
Doris M. Ruscoe - 1983
In the first two chapters she explains how she met Rees Howells, the effect he had on her spiritual guidance and how he himself met with God and came to understand the need for intercession.
Patrology, 4 Vols
Johannes Quasten - 1983
It is the first work of its kind written originally in English. The first volume appeared in 1950. Reviewers were unanimous in heaping praise upon the publication and looking upon it as a breakthrough in studying the Fathers of the Church. To arouse interest in the works of the Fathers, the author provides numerous excerpts in English. These are thought of as samples that, by giving readers a taste of the beauty and sublimity of the Patristic writings, may tempt them to take in hand the original and get their own impression of it, or, if that is too much for them, at least to read it in good translation. Only this, if achieved, will put readers close to Patristic literature, because only then do they sense the atmosphere of Christian antiquity and begin to penetrate its world. The author's experiences as a university professor prompted him to adopt this device. The selections are designed to also show the development of theology in the early centuries and to illustrate the approach of the Fathers to the deposit of faith.
10 Basic Steps Toward Christian Maturity: Leaders Guide
Bill Bright - 1983
The product of many years of extensive development, testing and revision.
That Strange Divine Sea: Reflections on Being a Catholic
Christopher Derrick - 1983
Meditations with Hildegard of Bingen
Gabriele Uhlein - 1983
Here is an excellent introduction to her words.
Into the Whirlwind: The Future of the Church
John Shelby Spong - 1983
Harper Study Bible-NRSV
Anonymous - 1983
In-text book outlines Book introductions Study notes on every page Index to study notes Cross-references 14 maps and charts Concordance Family record pages 8 pages of color maps Shrink-wrapped 2,112 pp.
A Place Apart: Monastic Prayer and Practice for Everyone
M. Basil Pennington - 1983
But is the peace from contemplation beyond the reach of the person in the world struggling with noise of today's life? A new book of practical spirituality, A Place Apart shows how the peace and serenity of an abbey can be achieved despite the noise and busyness of today's world. A leading American spiritual writer and Trappist monk, Father Basil Pennington shows how, step by step, the spirituality of monasticism can be converted for use in daily life.
Heavenly Highway Hymns: Shaped-Note Hymnal
Stamps-Baxter Music Company - 1983
The Silence of Jesus
James Breech - 1983
Includes a new Preface from the author.
Some Reasons Why I Am a Freethinker
Robert G. Ingersoll - 1983
Revival: Principles to Change the World
Winkie Pratney - 1983
The book uses stories from previous visitations of the Holy Spirit to illustrate fundamental spiritual laws that can change a generation. The book contains biographical sketches of most great revivalists. Luther, Calvin, Wesley, Edwards, Finney, and Moody are just a few of the important personalities featured in the book. Historical material from the world's greatest revivals is also included. With a captivating literary style, Pratney takes the reader from the Reformation to the Jesus Movement, detailing timeless principles that both brought and maintained revival. His extensive research uncovers vital truths that make the lessons of the past relevant to today's men and women on a quest for a fresh visitation of God. This book is a must for every student of revival history and those who hunger for revival in their generation.
The Old Testament Writings: History, Literature, Interpretation
James M. Efird - 1983
The literary, critical, and historical problems of the Old Testament are discussed but only to provide help in understanding the faith of the Bible. This very enjoyable and readable book offers a step-by-step approach to comprehending the Old Testament and is designed for the lay reader, the Bible student, seminary introductory courses, and church schools.This is a complementary text to The New Testament Writings. Both volumes offer a comprehensive understanding of the Bible, making them valuable resources for education, growth, and faith.
Into the Copper River Valley: The Letters and Ministry of Vincent James Joy, Pioneer Missionary to Alaska
Vincent James Joy - 1983
The Complete Green Letters
Miles J. Stanford - 1983
Stanford have been loved by many people for the insight they provide into true spirituality. Now for the first time all five titles are available in one volume, the complete