Irish Witchcraft from an Irish Witch
Lora O'Brien - 2004
It succeeds where many books have failed-fulfilling the longing for real Irish Witchcraft, while crafting the delicate balance between learning from the past and weaving a modern system based on truth and respect. Lora O'Brien is a genuine Irish Witch, making no claims of "fraudulent family traditions"-she is simply a woman who walks her path and shares her experiences, working closely with her heritage and land in a contemporary setting.Irish Witchcraft From an Irish Witch explores the past:Providing an investigation of the Witches' place in Irish mythology.Looking at Witchcraft and magic by examining the customs connected with the Sidhe.Examining historical evidence of the Witch trials that swept across the isle.And the present and beyond by:Working with Irish deities, landscapes, energies, and antiquities.Examining the wheel of the year, with its festivals, cycles, and seasons of Irish culture.Looking at ritual progression through a Witch's life: magical training, physical growth.Providing alternatives to the traditional stages of a child's life in modern Irish culture.
Practical Magic: A Beginner's Guide to Crystals, Horoscopes, Psychics, and Spells
Nikki Van De Car - 2017
Clear introductions on trending topics, like herbal tonics and astrological charts, are paired with home remedies, hands-on instructions, and suggested rituals in a chic, stylish format that will capture the imaginations of good witches of all ages.
The Elements of Ritual: Air, Fire, Water & Earth in the Wiccan Circle
Deborah Lipp - 2003
When you finish reading The Elements of Ritual, you'll know what each step of the circle-casting ceremony means, why it's there, and what it accomplishes. You'll learn several alternative approaches to each step, and you'll be empowered to write your own effective ceremonies using sound magical, theological, and pragmatic principles.Advanced, sophisticated Witchcraft philosophy and practice Delves further into the theology and theory of every phase of ritual, along with practical how-tos and how-not-tos, and much esoteric, hard-to-find information Every step of ritual has at least two sample scripts, including an avant-garde example Provides detailed instructions for writing your own ritual Includes meditations on the deeper meanings of each phase of ritual
The Kitchen Witch
Soraya - 2011
To the kitchen witch, every recipe is like a little spell bringing hte opportunity to create love and positive energy in the home and for loved oens. This year-round guide to seasonal recipes and rituals for all the pagan festivals will be invaluable to Wiccans wishing to celebrate the good things that are given to us by the land. The Kitchen Witch follows the eight pagan festivals: Samhain, Yule, Imbolc, Ostara, Beltane, Litha, Lammas and Mabon. Dyring these festivals bith, life, death, rebirth and union are celebrated. The celebrations involve sharing food with loved ones or friends. Eacho f the eight festivals has delicious recipies using a variety of seasonal foods and items commonly found in most kitchens. There is also information on herbs, plants, spices, flowers and essential oils that you can use for spell or circle work, and homemade lotions and potions. Soraya is a Reiki Teaching Master, white witch and an internationally renowned author and professional psychic.
Horns of Power: Manifestations of the Horned God
Sorita d'Este - 2008
Our ancestors often envisaged their gods as anthropomorphic beings who encapsulated this wild essence. Today the gods of the bull, the ram, the goat and the stag still hold tremendous power and are invoked at rituals by a new priesthood who continue to seek the wildness of nature and the inspiration that it holds. These deities transcend the safe and known boundaries of human structure, sometimes even luring us across the threshold of the known into the unknown worlds beyond. This unique anthology brings together the work of more than twenty people, including that of dedicated scholars and modern day mystics. Through their written and artistic contributions they illustrate some of the many manifestations of the Horned God. A true cornucopia of both insightful and well researched essays takes us from the well known Celtic Cernunnos and the legend of Herne the Hunter, to the goat-footed Greek Pan, the lesser known Slavic Veles and Egyptian Khnum. Horned serpents, unicorns, the tale of the Battle of the Bulls in the Irish Tain Bo Cuailnge, the Welsh Gwyn Ap Nudd and the faery Puck are all also considered. Then a wild hunt as we journey with the mystics who share their own experiences of the gods of the wildwood and untamed beasts. Each story is as different as the person who experienced it - and each illustrating in its own unique way a Horned God who is wild, unpredictable, loving - and at heart a trickster. For those who wish to dare a bit more than others, visionary meditation journeys to explore the mysteries of Cernunnos and Gwyn Ap Nudd are included. Horns of power would of course be nothing without the horns of beauty of the feminine divine, and in the final section of this anthology the reader is presented with works exploring horned goddesses, such as the lunar horned Hekate, Selene and Artemis and the antlered Elen. Whether through the mysteries of their existence, the vast scope of their influence or the endurance of their survival through to the modern day, each contribution provides a window into the wonders and mystery of the enduring magick of the horned gods."
A Grimoire for Modern Cunning Folk: A Practical Guide to Witchcraft on the Crooked Path
Peter Paddon - 2010
until now.In this Book Peter Paddon - Magister of Briar Rose and host of the popular Crooked Path podcast - covers his particular path of Witchcraft from scratch. He goes over the basics of his personal Path, along with examples of alternatives from other traditions, covering philosophy, lore and practical techniques.The Crooked Path is a way of Crafting based on experiencing the Mysteries of Ancestors and the Sacred Landscape first-hand, and Peter guides the seeker through the basics with competence and humor.
The Morrigan: Meeting the Great Queens
Morgan Daimler - 2014
This book is an introduction to the Morrigan and several related goddesses who share the title, including Badb and Macha. It combines solid academic information with personal experience in a way that is intended to dispel the confusion that often surrounds who this goddess was and is. The Morrigan is as active in the world today as she ever was in the past but answering her call means answering the challenge of finding her history and myth in a sea of misinformation, supposition, and hard-to-find ancient texts. Here in one place, all of her basic information has been collected along with personal experiences and advice from a long-time priestess dedicated to a goddess who bears the title Morrigan.
The Encyclopedia of Witches and Witchcraft
Rosemary Ellen Guiley - 1989
This encyclopedia aims to dispel such notions, with a comprehensive guide to witchcraft throughout history and around the world.
The Way of the Shaman
Michael Harner - 1980
Ten years after it was first published, this is still the leading resource and reference for all those interested in cross-cultural and current forms of shamanism: now with a new introduction and a list of current shamanic resources.
The Pictorial Key to the Tarot
Arthur Edward Waite - 1910
This pictorial key contains a detailed description of each card in the world's most popular 78-card Rider-Waite tarot deck, along with regular and reversed meanings.
A Practical Guide to the Runes: Their Uses in Divination and Magic
Lisa Peschel - 1989
This ancient oracular practice has been rediscovered in the twentieth century as we try to simplify our complicated existence.A Practical Guide to the Runes provides in a concise manner:• Complete descriptions of the 25 runes in divination• Four rune layouts• Instructions for making runes and accessories• Meanings and uses of the runes in magick• Step-by-step guidelines in carving runes and creating talismans• Charging of talismans• Differences between bindrunes and runescriptsTake charge of your life to make the choices and changes you desire.
Bonewits's Essential Guide to Druidism
Isaac Bonewits - 2006
This is a book that belongs in the library of every modern Druid, regardless of their particular path or style of Druidism.
The Master Book of Herbalism
Paul V. Beyerl - 1984
In his sincere and gentle manner, Paul brings over 15 years experience as he writes about: the medicinal use of herbs, including illustrations of plants easily found in the wild; history and religious lore with specific background information on individual herbs; herb gathering and storage the magickal way; the herbalist as a magickal practitioner; incenses, oils, amulets, elixirs, balms and fluid condensers including detailed information on how to create them; herbs and their relationship with gemstones, etc.; herbal links with astrology and the tarot; rituals; the use of herbs in seasonal festivals, initiations, handfastings, purifications, etc. Over 50,000 sold!
Witchcraft Today
Gerald B. Gardner - 1949
Commemorating its 50th anniversary is an expanded edition of the first Wicca book, by the father of the Pagan renaissance.
Shadow Magick Compendium: Exploring Darker Aspects of Magickal Spirituality
Raven Digitalis - 2008
Exploring the shadow self is not only safe, it's necessary for balance and healing. The author of Goth Craft invites you down a unique magical path for navigating inner and outer darkness and harnessing the shadow for spiritual growth.Shadow Magick Compendium sheds a positive light on this misunderstood and rarely discussed side of magical practice. There are ritual meditations for exploring past experiences, dispelling harmful behavior patterns, and healing a fractured soul. Learn how to safely fast and perform other methods of self-sacrifice, invoke a deity into yourself (godform assumption), get in touch with your Spirit Animal, take advantage of the Dark Moon and eclipses, and perform a unique ritual with your television for a new perspective on society. From astral journeys to sigils to dark herbs, you'll find an array of magical techniques to navigate the shadows and mysteries of yourself and the world at large.