Best of
Omm Sety's Egypt: A Story of Ancient Mysteries, Secret Lives, and the Lost History of the Pharaohs
Hanny El Zeini - 2006
Omm Sety’s EGYPT contains never-before-seen episodes from her life, and important, previously unknown details of Egyptian history. “Omm Sety was a controversial character... an example of a soul so consumed with a purpose that it focused the arc of her life - not in one incarnation only, but in at least two. She knew things she could not have known without some extraordinary extension of consciousness."– Stephen A. Schwartz, Director of Research, Rhine Research Center, Durham, North Carolina and author of Opening to the Infinite "With access to Omm Sety's secrets, diaries and riveting private conversations, the authors navigate this explosive material with elegance, sincerity, and sympathy. Readers may have trouble putting this book down once they start it."– John Anthony West, author of The Serpent in the Sky
History and Lore (Our Troth, #1)
Kveldúlf Hagan Gundarsson - 2006
First published in 1993 but out of print for years, Our Troth is back in print, featuring updates and additions from its original compiler, Kveldulf Gundarsson, and from many other Heathen writers, all edited by well-known author Diana L. Paxson. Volume 1 covers the history and lore of Heathen religion, from its deepest Stone Age roots to its flowering today, with information on the Gods, Goddesses, and other beings that receive honor and worship, and the ethics of being Heathen.
Living the Troth (Our Troth, #2)
Kveldúlf Hagan Gundarsson - 2006
First published in 1993 but out of print for years, Our Troth is back in print, featuring updates and additions from its original compiler, Kveldulf Gundarsson, and from many other Heathen writers, all edited by well-known author Diana L. Paxson. Volume 2 covers the Heathen holy year, lore and rites for the major holidays, and ways to work Heathenry into every facet of life. It includes an extensive glossary and reading list for further study.
Trickster, My Beloved: Poems For Laufey'S Son
Elizabeth Vongvisith - 2006
Despite his unpopularity with some heathens, the number of his worshipers grows every year. This collection of twenty-seven poems, written by a dedicated loki's-woman, portrays some common and uncommon aspects of his character, his relationships to other deities, and how a relationship with this most misunderstood norse god may be as deeply fulfilling and meaningful as it may sometimes be nerve-wracking.
Pagan Spirituality: A Guide to Personal Transformation
Joyce Higginbotham - 2006
Picking up where their critically acclaimed first book Paganism left off, bestselling authors Joyce & River Higginbotham offer intermediate-level instruction with Pagan Spirituality.Respected members of their communities, the Higginbothams describe how to continue spiritual evolution though magick, communing, energy work, divination, and conscious creation in a pleasant, encouraging tone. Learn how to use journaling, thought development, visualization, and goal-setting to develop magickal techniques and to further cultivate spiritual growth. This book serves to expand the reader's spiritual knowledge base by providing a balanced approach of well-established therapies, extensive personal experience, and question-and-answer sessions that directly involve the reader in their spiritual journey.
The Northern Dawn
Stephen E. Flowers - 2006
Many such ideas are perennial aspects of Germanic culture that deep-culture which gave rise to the English, Scandinavian as well as German nations. Such ideas have continually remanifested themselves when called upon to renew and inspire the world to which they belong. The Northern Dawn is a history of the persistent reemergence of these ideas despite continuous anti-cultural efforts to destroy them by adherents of medieval and modernistic repression. These concepts include personal freedom and responsibility, tribal solidarity, heroic virtues, and the search for the mysterious both out in the world and within the human soul. At this point in time no culture is perhaps more misunderstood than the Germanic one. Yet this is the culture which lies at the very root of the dominant "western" world today. Much of the disfunction in the modern world can be traced to misunderstanding and misuse of the cultural root upon which it is based. A new look at this foundation and the historical trials and tribulations it has underdone will lead to a greater understanding of our world today. Additionally, we trust that this understanding will lead to a new dimension in cultural healing as the light of the northern dawn breaks once more to illuminate our sleepy minds. Covered in this volume are the basic authentic cultural values and defini tions of essential theoretical terms, the history of Christianization of the Germanic tribes, and the preservation of cultural features in the Middle Ages throughout the Germanic world. As a consistent feature of the volumes in this series, a full spectrum of cultural aspects are systematically treated: law and politics, literature, religion and myth, language, as well as material culture. This volume of The Northern Dawn is the first in a projected three volume series. These volumes will put into intellectual and historical perspective the age-old struggle to reawaken perennial Germanic and Indo-European values.
The Jotunbok: Working with the Giants of the Northern Tradition
Raven Kaldera - 2006
However, few have written about the Giants of those worlds and the Gods who number among them--Loki, Hela, Fenris, the World Serpent, and others--until now. The Jotunbok--the first book in the Northern-Tradition Shamanism series--is a collection of the wisdom, ways and tales of the Giants and their Gods, told by those who revere and work with them.
The Pathwalker's Guide to the Nine Worlds
Raven Kaldera - 2006
Written as a travelogue and etiquette-primer for would-be worldwalkers, and centered around the author's experiences on a nine-day walking tour of the Nine Worlds, this is the first book of its kind ever published.
Llewellyn's 2007 Magical Almanac
Llewellyn Publications - 2006
This year''s edition emphasizes daily magic and features a dazzling array of articles (over fifty in all) on air magic, banishing rituals, Beltane recipes, color magic, earth magic, fire magic, household rituals, kitchen witchery, magical gardening, signs and sigils, water magic, and more! Look for the Moon''s sign and phase, along with incense and color correspondences, to help you maximize the potential of your workings. There''s also a handy list of Pagan holidays and festivals around the world-allowing you to celebrate a new tradition nearly every day of the year.
Spirit of the Wheel Meditation Deck
Jody Bergsma - 2006
Whether you choose a single card or perform one of several spreads described, Spirit of the Wheel guides you with gentle prophecies and prayers along the spirit pathways toward self-discovery.
Bonewits's Essential Guide to Witchcraft and Wicca
Isaac Bonewits - 2006
This is a encyclopedia of witchraft and Wicca, providing a history of belief and ritual practices of Neopagan Witches, an overview of the evolution and central tenets of modern Paganism and advice on rituals, poetry and magical ethics.
HEKATE: Keys to the Crossroads - A collection of personal essays, invocations, rituals, recipes and artwork from modern Witches, Priestesses and ... Goddess of Witchcraft, Magick and Sorcery.
Sorita d'Este - 2006
Hekate is one of the most fascinating Goddesses of the Ancient World. Loved, feared, hated and worshipped by people throughout history, the Witch Goddess of the Crossroads, facing three-ways, with her three faces, remains an image of power and awe in the modern world today, amongst those who understand and respect her power. This book "Hekate: Keys to the Crossroads" brings together the experiences and perceptions of more than twenty modern day Witches, Priestesses and Priests all of whom work with this awesome Greek Goddess in the UK today. Through their essays, rituals and artwork they present a unique view into the realms of this multi-faceted and popular Goddess. Part I - Hekate's History, Myths & Powers Here author and Priestess, Sorita D'Este, presents a detailed and comprehensive study of the history, myths and powers of Hekate. This invaluable section offers the reader insights to some of the roles, relationships and powers Hekate held in the Ancient World. Part II - Hekate's Witches This section contains essays by sixteen Witches, Priestesses and Priests who work with Hekate on a regular basis. Each contribution is as unique as the person who wrote it, clearly illustrating through both their differences and similarities that the many faces presented by Hekate in the ancient world continue on today in the twenty-first century. Hekate is a Goddess of transformation, initiation, childbirth, death and rebirth. She is the Mistress of Magick, Witchcraft and Sorcery. She is the key-bearing Goddess of Night who illuminates the paths through the mysteries with her bright torches, guarding the entranceways and guiding travellers through the realms of Heaven, Earth and Sea. Powerful and respected by Gods and mortals alike, she has the power to bestow gifts and blessings upon those who call upon her with honour and truth. Part III - Recipes, Rites & Rituals A collection of modern invocations, pathworkings, incense and food recipes, together with a group mystery play of the Abduction of Persephone by Hades in which Hekate plays a key role. Combining the best of research with a wide range of experiences this compact volume opens doorways in to many of Hekate's realms. It is a unique journey - enchanting, funny, scary, magickal and daring, challenging and informative. Whether you find yourself agreeing or disagreeing with the perceptions you will find within, one thing is certain: there is always more to learn and experience when it comes to Hekate
The Enchanted Cat: Feline Fascinations, Spells and Magick
Ellen Dugan - 2006
Examining cat mythology and folklore from around the world and sprinkled with enchanting cat quotes from famous feline admirers throughout the ages, The Enchanted Cat is a must-read for any magickal cat fancier.Witches, Pagans, and other magick-minded folks will love the dozens of charms, spells, and meditations included for working with feline power. A naming ceremony, lists of magickal cat names and correspondences, and spells and charms for your cat's collar are just a sampling of the feline-friendly magick inside. Cat astrology, tarot, and even a discussion of feline feng shui make The Enchanted Cat a uniquely magickal exploration of our enduring fascination with the feline mystique.Winner of the 2007 Coalition of Visionary Resources Award for Best Magick/Shamanism Book
Dark Moon Rising: Pagan Bdsm & the Ordeal Path
Raven Kaldera - 2006
Today many Pagans are discovering this path, by accident or by design. Simultaneously, many practitioners of secular BDSM are finding themselves having spiritual experiences in the middle of their most secular scenes. This book explores the crossover points between both these communities and practices, a cross-section which is growing steadily, baring controversial articles on topics as diverse as sacred pain, bondage, hook suspension, cathartic Pagan ritual, the spirituality of dominance and submission, and being the slave of the Gods. With contributions by noted authors and activists in both communities, and stunning photography by artist and Shibari-Do master Bridgett Harrington, this book is an awe-inspiring gateway into the Realm of the Underworld. and back again.
Creating Circles and Ceremonies: Rituals for All Seasons And Reasons
Oberon Zell-Ravenheart - 2006
For more than 30 years, Oberon and Morning Glory have traveled widely throughout the worldwide magickal community--participating in gatherings, conducting workshops, and creating rituals for groups large and small. They have met and made Magick with the leaders of many traditions: Celtic Shamanism, British Dianic, Italian Strega, Welsh Witchcraft, Faerie Trad, Ceremonial Magick, Ozark Druidry, the New Reformed Order of the Golden Dawn (NROOGD), Hinduism, Native American tribes, Greek and Egyptian mythology, and the futuristic Church of All Worlds. Here, in one easy-to-read volume, is their collection of chants, invocations, circle-castings, quarter-callings, spells, and ceremonies. It is also a "kit" to use to assemble your own rituals, for any season or reason: Book I presents a basic ritual outline. Each element is followed by numerous examples which may be "plugged in" to customize your own ceremony. Book II gives numerous examples of actual ceremonies: Esbats (full Moons) and special occasions; Rites of Passage; Mysteries and Initiations; spells and consecrations. These can be adapted and modified as needed for any size group--from small family gatherings in your living room, to huge outdoor celebrations involving thousands of people. Book III provides an assortment of full rituals and ritual elements for celebrations of the eight great seasonal festivals called the Wheel of the Year. Versions of these have been commemorated for millennia in most traditional cultures of the Northern Hemisphere; and today are universal throughout the worldwide Pagan community.
Companion for the Apprentice Wizard
Oberon Zell-Ravenheart - 2006
Unlike his first best-selling book, Grimoire for the Apprentice Wizard which focused on the lessons one must learn to become a Wizard, Oberon focuses on taking you to the next level by putting those lessons to use with hands-on magickal training.Chapters are based on the Departments of Oberon's Grey School of Wizardry:AlchemyBeast MasteryCeremonial MagickCosmology and MetaphysicsDivinationHealingLifewaysLoreMathemagicksMetapsychicsNaturePerformance MagicPracticeSorceryWizardryWortcunningInside you will find materials and exercises from the vaults of the Grey School, and instruction from the faculty. Step-by-step instructions are provided for:How to make a Wizard's wandHow to make your own runesHow to make a pocket sundialHow to make and use a firebowHow to make the milky way galaxyHow to make your own amulets and talismansPotions for all purposesHow to conjure illusions and create special effectsAnd many other amazing projects…Companion for the Apprentice Wizard also includes a number of hand-drawn, full-page diagrams of magickal objects to copy, cut out, and assemble, including:Spinners for psychokinesisA Planetary Hour CalculatorThe Mariner's AstrolabeA winged dragonA model of the mystic pyramidA model of Leonardo da Vinci's Ornithopter
Family Wicca: Pratical Paganism for Parents and Children
Ashleen O'Gaea - 2006
Now it's the 21st century's best reference for the still growing number of neo-Pagan parents who want to introduce their children to the principles of their religion. Like Ashleen's other books, it's written from her perspective as a Wiccan, but it's easy for other pagan traditions to "translate" and use, too. In Family Wicca, priestess, wife, and mother Ashleen O'Gaea offers encouragement, shares her own family's experiences, discusses real-life challenges and how to deal with them, and provides a wealth of simple rituals and inexpensive projects that will enhance your family's life in every way.
A Mystic Garden: Working with Soil, Attending to Soul
Gunilla Norris - 2006
Gunilla Norris shares with us a year’s time in her New England garden, and shows that all she observes there illuminates the sacredness of the everyday.
The Way Of The Green Witch: Rituals, Spells, And Practices to Bring You Back to Nature
Arin Murphy-Hiscock - 2006
Arin Murphy-Hiscock offers spellcraft and ritual to the green witch, as well as guidelines for living in today's modern world.
Roman Religion Cult Diana at Aricia
C.M.C. Green - 2006
From its archaic beginnings in the wooded crater beside the lake known as the 'mirror of Dianea' it grew into a grand Hellenistic-style complex that attracted crowds of pilgrims and the sick. Diana was also believed to confer power on leaders. This 2007 book examines the history of Diana's cult and healing sanctuary, which remained a significant and wealthy religious center for more than a thousand years. It sheds light on Diana herself, on the use of rational as well as ritual healing in the sanctuary, on the subtle distinctions between Latin religious sensibility and the more austere Roman practice, and on the interpenetration of cult and politics in Latin and Roman history.
Karmic Healing: Clearing Past Life Blocks to Present Day Love, Health, and Happiness
Djuna Wojton - 2006
Unresolved issues can manifest as pain or illness as well as blocks to personal fulfillment and accomplishment. Often, these issues are karmic carryovers from other lifetimes. It is part of our soul'¬?s mission to heal them in order to grow.In KARMIC HEALING, hypnotherapist Djuna Wojton outlines a four-step plan for recognizing karmic patterns to heal the body, mind, and spirit and truly live in the present. Drawing on more than twenty years of experience in past-life therapy, she provides detailed strategies for fine-tuning your psychic senses, retrieving past-life baggage, clearing karmic clutter, healing family and romantic relationships, and undertaking a spiritual makeover. Going beyond standard regression therapy, she explains how to resolve past-life issues using a variety of holistic treatments, including visualization, meditation, flower essences, yoga postures, tarot cards, collages, drawing, and more. Djuna also shares inspiring stories from her clients who have overcome addiction, physical pain, nightmares, anxiety, marital problems, and other karmic blocks.Using the techniques of karmic healing, you'¬?ll learn to recognize and overcome destructive emotional patterns and self-defeating attitudes to gain clarity, achieve goals, improve relationships, and align with your greater purpose.
The Way of Four Spellbook: Working Magic with the Elements
Deborah Lipp - 2006
Many different magical methods and styles are covered, including spell structures that are closely aligned with each element--handwritten spells for Air magic, soaking and bathing spells for Water magic, sex magic for the element of Fire, and burial and planting magic for Earth spells.In her friendly and forthright way, Deborah Lipp gives detailed information on the essence of a spell, including the meaning of intention, the difference between target and goal, the use of interconnection, sources of power, magical focus, and much more.
Bonewits's Essential Guide to Druidism
Isaac Bonewits - 2006
This is a book that belongs in the library of every modern Druid, regardless of their particular path or style of Druidism.
Freyja, Lady, Vanadis: An Introduction to the Goddess
Patricia M. Lafayllve - 2006
Using original source material, extant writings, and scholarship the author builds an image of the goddess as she may have appeared to her followers in pre-Christian Northern Europe. Patricia Lafayllve then uses the knowledge she has compiled to speculate on aspects of modern worship of this complex deity.
The 13 Moon Oracle: A Journey Through the Archtypal Faces of the Divine Feminine
Ariel Spilsbury - 2006
In the spirit of her mentors Jean Houston and Joseph, master crone Ariel Spilsbury will be your guide. You will learn to access the holographic, nonlinear mind to invoke the archetypal inner world of the goddess using these finely crafted oracular tools of guided meditation, sacred cards, and a 13-moon casting board-a lucid roadmap for awakeners and mythmakers. This lavishly produced oversized kit includes 39 Oracle cards, a casting board, a 200-page guidebook, 4 CD mythic journeys into the 13 Temples of the Divine Feminine, and a silk pouch with 3 throwing tokens.
Avalonia's Book of Chakras: A Practical Manual for Working with Your Chakras Using Aromatherapy, Colours, Crystals, Mantra and Meditation to Work With, Balance and Heal with Your Body's Natural Energy Centres.
Sorita d'Este - 2006
Improve your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health... Take control of your spiritual path by using your energy efficiently... This practical manual contains: * Detailed information on the seven major chakras. * Information on the major nadis (energy channels) of the body and the Kundalini serpent power. * Simple techniques for using aromatherapy, crystals, incense, mantras and meditation for working with the major chakras to stimulate or unblock them individually. * Rare information on the minor chakras with insights on how to incorporate some of them into meditations. * Exercises for opening, closing and balancing the chakras, and working with them in an elemental context. * A creative visualisation exercise using the wish-fulfilling tree found in the Hrit minor chakra. * The connection between the goddess image of the Sri Yantra and the chakras. The chakras are energy centres in our subtle bodies. The word chakra comes from the Sanskrit language and translates as wheel or disk, a reference to the fact that our chakras each spin at a particular frequency when they are in harmony with our physical bodies. By learning how to balance our chakras, we can improve our health, take positive control of our emotions and enhance our spiritual wellbeing.
Labyrinths for the Spirit: How to Create Your Own Labyrinths for Meditation and Enlightenment
Jim Buchanan - 2006
Examples range from classic Greek and medieval designs to patterns used in Native American basketry, as well as the author's distinctive creations, which push the boundaries of the form. Connecting the spiritual aspects of walking the labyrinth to the creative act of construction, the guide offers illustrated instructions for making more than 20 different labyrinths.
Shaman's Wisdom: Reclaim Your Lost Connection with the Universe
Tony Samara - 2006
Based on the clear laws of nature in both the material and energetic dimensions, the shaman's world reflects 5,000 years of Huachuma philosophies of harmony and oneness—as shown through totem animals, elements of nature, physical archetypes, and energy postures. His experiences offers possibilities for deep healing in all aspects of life, including well-being, relationships, and child rearing, and his ideas are presented as simple, profound wisdoms that are palatable and beneficial to other seekers without requiring additional shamanic experience.