Human Caused Global Warming

Tim Ball - 2016
    It explains how it was a premeditated, orchestrated deception, using science to impose a political agenda. It fooled a majority including most scientists. They assumed that other scientists would not produce science for a political agenda. German Physicist and meteorologist Klaus-Eckart Puls finally decided to look for himself. Here is what he discovered. Ten years ago I simply parroted what the IPCC told us. One day I started checking the facts and data—first I started with a sense of doubt but then I became outraged when I discovered that much of what the IPCC and the media were telling us was sheer nonsense and was not even supported by any scientific facts and measurements. To this day I still feel shame that as a scientist I made presentations of their science without first checking it.…scientifically it is sheer absurdity to think we can get a nice climate by turning a CO2 adjustment knob. This book uses the same approach used in investigative journalism. It examines the Who, What, Where, When, Why, and How.

Palestinian Walks: Forays into a Vanishing Landscape

Raja Shehadeh - 2008
    He enjoys nothing more than heading out into the countryside that surrounds his home. But in recent years, his hikes have become less than bucolic and sometimes downright dangerous. That is because his home is Ramallah, on the Palestinian West Bank, and the landscape he traverses is now the site of a tense standoff between his fellow Palestinians and settlers newly arrived from Israel. In this original and evocative book, we accompany Raja on six walks taken between 1978 and 2006. The earlier forays are peaceful affairs, allowing our guide to meditate at length on the character of his native land, a terrain of olive trees on terraced hillsides, luxuriant valleys carved by sacred springs, carpets of wild iris and hyacinth and ancient monasteries built more than a thousand years ago. Shehadeh's love for this magical place saturates his renderings of its history and topography. But latterly, as seemingly endless concrete is poured to build settlements and their surrounding walls, he finds the old trails are now impassable and the countryside he once traversed freely has become contested ground. He is harassed by Israeli border patrols, watches in terror as a young hiking companion picks up an unexploded missile and even, on one occasion when accompanied by his wife, comes under prolonged gunfire. Amid the many and varied tragedies of the Middle East, the loss of a simple pleasure such as the ability to roam the countryside at will may seem a minor matter. But in Palestinian Walks, Raja Shehadeh's elegy for his lost footpaths becomes a heartbreaking metaphor for the deprivations of an entire people estranged from their land.

Documents on the Rape of Nanking

Timothy Brook - 1999
    What ended in one atrocity began with another: the savage military takeover of China's capital city, which quickly became known as the Rape of Nanking. The Japanese Army's conduct from December 1937 to February 1938 constitutes one of the most barbarous events not just of the war but of the century. The violence was documented at the time and then redocumented during the war crimes trial in Tokyo after the war. This book brings together materials from both moments to provide the first comprehensive dossier of primary sources on the Rape.Part 1, "The Records," includes two sources written as the Rape was underway. The first is a long set of documents produced by the International Committee for the Nanking Safety Zone, a group of foreigners who strove to protect the Chinese residents. The second is a series of letters that American surgeon Dr. Robert Wilson wrote for his family during the same period. These letters are published here for the first time.The evidence compiled by the International Committee and its members would be decisive for the indictments against Japanese leaders at the International Military Tribunal for the Far East in Tokyo. Part 2, "The Judgments," reprints portions of the tribunal's 1948 judgment dealing with the Rape of Nanking, its judicial consequences, and sections of the dissenting judgment of Justice Radhabinod Pal.These contemporary records and judgments create an intimate firsthand account of the Rape of Nanking. Together they are intended to stimulate deeper reflection than previously possible on how and why we assess and assign the burden of war guilt.Timothy Brook is Professor of Chinese History and Associate Director of the Joint Centre for Asia Pacific Studies, University of Toronto, and is coeditor of Nation Work: Asian Elites and National Identities and Cultureand Economy: The Shaping of Capitalism in Eastern Asia, both published by the University of Michigan Press.

How To Eat To Live: Book 1

Elijah Muhammad - 2011
    For example, Moses taught his people, when they were slaves in Eygpt, not to eat the unclean food of the Pharaoh. Daniel, too, resolved not to defile himself with the king's meat and drink. Having complete faith inAllah, he challenged those who ate the "king's rich food" to a test. After the ten-day testing period, Daniel and his followers were far healthier than were the followers of the king. The law given to Moses and followed by Daniel istoday being followed by Messenger Muhammad and his people. They, like Moses and Daniel, reject the swine, the prized dish of America. They, like,Moses and Daniel, enjoy excellent health and a pleasing appearance. If you want good health, follow Messenger Muhammad's rules as they are outlined in this book. Remember his teaching, which is supported by the scriptures:"A sound mind dwelleth in a sound body."Since the creation of the white race, man has fallen from spiritual and physical correctness. Adam ignored God's instructions of what to eat, eating everything that delighted the eyes and that was desired. To give life to the dead and to restore the proper life of his people, Allah has chosen Messenger Muhammad to teach and instruct us on physical well-being. As the Holy Qur'an says (21 :7): "And We sent not before thee any but men to whom we sent revelations; so ask the followers of the Reminder if you knownot. Nor did We give them bodies not eating food." Even more clear are the words to the followers of the Last Messenger-Prophet. The Ummi whom they find mentioned in the Torah and the Gospel. He enjoins them good and forbids them evil, and makes lawful to them the good things and prohibits for them impure things."Throughout scripture there are conflicts and confusion over which foods are proper and which are not. As in the past, the confusion can be resolved only by listening to the instructions of divine men. Only by following the teachings "OfMessenger Elijah Muhammad can we learn Allah's Will.Let us accept this good from the table of knowledge which Messenger Elijah Muhammad is offering. Let us not be like Judas who so often ate with Jesus and then left his table to betray him. We now have the opportunity of eatingwith a Divine man of God as the disciples ate with Jesus.Remember the teaching of Messenger Elijah Muhammad as related in the Holy Qur'an (2:168): "0 Men, eat the lawful and good things from what is in the earth, and follow not the footsteps of the devil. Surely he is an openenemy to you." If you follow this teaching and practice the rules set before you in HOW TO EAT TO LIVE, you can attain good health and a long life.John Ali, Former National SecretaryMuhammad Mosques of IslamThe Nation of Islam

My Name Is Iran

Davar Ardalan - 2007
    Her American grandmother's love affair with an Iranian physician took her from New York to Iran in 1931. Ardalan herself moved from San Francsico to rural Iran in 1964 with her Iranian American parents who barely spoke Farsi. After her parents' divorce, Ardalan joined her father in Brookline, Massachusetts, where he had gone to make a new life; however improbably, after high school, Ardalan decided to move back to an Islamic Iran. When she arrived, she discovered a world she hardly recognized, and one which demands a near-complete renunciation of the freedoms she experienced in the West. In time, she and her young family make the opposite migration and discover the difficulties, however paradoxical, inherent in living a free life in America.

The Woman Who Fell from the Sky

Jennifer Steil - 2010
    The author, who had been a senior editor at The Week in New York, recounts her year in Yemen teaching journalism to the staff of The Yemen Observer in Sana'a, the capital, where she now lives.

Modi, Muslims and Media

Madhu Purnima Kishwar - 2014

St. John Feet, Fins and Four Wheel Drive

Pam Gaffin - 1994
    John, Virgin Islands. It tells you exactly where to go, how to get there, and what to do and see when you arrive. It contains everything you need to know about the St. John's beaches and hiking trails, as well as its confusing system, of roads, foot-paths and goat-trails. Recommended by Caribbean Travel and Life and by many St. Johnians since locals are NOT on vacation and can't always take time off from work to be a tour guide for their guests. Best Selling St John Guidebook since 1994. Updated in 2009.

Koolaids: The Art of War

Rabih Alameddine - 1998
    Clips, quips, vignettes and hallucinations, tragic news reports and hilarious short plays, conversations with both the quick and the dead, all shine their combined lights to reveal the way we experience life today in this ambitious novel.

Revelation, Rationality, Knowledge and Truth

Mirza Tahir Ahmad - 1998
    The underlying theme of the book is that the belief in a divine power, the Creator, is not in contradiction with the acceptance of scientific rationale.

Mohammed The Greatest

Ahmed Deedat - 2011
    It is in that spirit that I would like to convey my feelings on our beloved Prophet Mohammed, may the peace and blessings of Allah forever be upon him.I was not born into the Muslim faith and had many of the same views that many Westerners hold today. The very first time I read about the life of the last Prophet of God, it literally brought me to tears. I had read Napoleon Hill's book " Think and Grow Rich", and in the chapter entitled Persistence, Napoleon Hill says the story of Prophet Mohammed ( PBUH ) is one of the greatest examples on the power of Persistence known to man. This sparked my curiosity and I began reading as much material as I could about the Great man, and the life he led, and this led to my conversion to Islam in 1974. My hope and aim was to give a glimpse into what I found in hopes that others would come to love him and what he stood for, as much as I do. Being a Westerner I know how many view the Religion of Al-Islam and to you I would say, don't let your hatred blind you to the truth. We as human beings were given minds as thinking rational beings, we owe it to ourselves to examine even contrasting views. Don't Measure anyone through anyone's eyes but your own. Many are so full of hate towards Muslims and Islam, they have never even bothered to read about the life of the Last Prophet to the world, or the Q'uran, the last revealed word of God. The sad part is, Mohammed ( PBUH ) is not just the Prophet of Islam, but he is the last Prophet of God to the world, in a long succession of Prophet's that have lived on this earth, from Adam to Mohammed ( Peace be upon them both ). To quote brother Maulana Muhammad Ali " The real conviction is that God comes to man not by the belief that there is a God in the outer world, but by the realization of the Divine within himself".~ John Milton Lawrence ~


Savindra Singh
    and M.A. (Geography): Scholarships. highest national scholarship of Governemtn of India: Appointment-Geography Departemnt, Allahabad University, 1966: Present Status-Prof & Head of the Department of Geography: Foreign Visits-U.K. 1985, Germany 1989, Netherlands 1989. Contents : Nature of Geomorphology Fundamental Concpets in Geomorphology Theories of Landform Development Climatic Geomorphology and Morphogenetic Regions Constitution of the Earth's Interior Continents and Oceans Theory of Isostasy Rocks Earth's Movement Structural Geomorphology Plate Tectonics Vulcanicity and Landforms Mountain Building Weathering and Massovement Hillslope Cycle of Erosion, Rejuvenation and Polycyclic Reliefs Denudation Chronology, Erosion Surfaces and Peneplans Drainage Systems and Patterns Morphometry of Drainage Basins River Valleys, Graded River and Profile of Equilibrium Channel Morphology Fluvial Geomorphology Karst Geomorphology Coastal Geomorphology Arid and Semiarid Geomorphology Glacial Geomorphology Periglacial Geomorphology Regional Geomorphology Applied Geomorphology Anthropogenic Geomorphology References Index

A Muslim's Romantic Journey

Kitty Crackers - 2013
    All her life she kept herself pure for her faith and her future husband. Although having never had experienced love, and occasionally doubting whether she will, Safia feels herself growing impatient being single. She then sends her family to search for 'the one.' Trusting her family, she decides to say yes to the first person her family finds for her. She believes she will get married and face all her problems with her husband by her side. Is it really as simple as that?Yusuf feels a void in his heart. He tries to deny it, but he knows his mother's not proud of him. He knows she wishes he could be a little more modern like his brother. He wanted his family to find him a wife while he could focus on his deen (faith), but his idea of a wife clashes with his mother's. Seeing that his family were struggling to find him someone he likes, he decides to take matters into his own hands. But is he rushing into decisions without thinking?

Islamku Islam Anda Islam Kita: Agama Masyarakat Negara Demokrasi

Abdurrahman Wahid - 2006
    All aspects of human life related to Islam in Indonesia; collected articles of Abdurrahman Wahid, former Indonesian President.

Collector Bro: The Quixotic 'Thallals' of a Civil Servant

Prasanth Nair - 2021
    An untold one that played out in the district of Kozhikode when a young IAS officer took charge as the District Collector in 2015. Over the next two years, he led the district and transformed the very concept of public administration with the use of social media, public consultation, usage of technology, volunteerism and public participation in governance. The two year tenure of 'Collector Bro' in Kozhikode transformed the landscape and narrative of district administration and communication with the citizens forever.Within a couple of months, 'Collector Kozhikode' Facebook page became a trendsetter in Kerala, and the most followed district administration page in India. It still is. With initiatives like Compassionate Kozhikode, Operation Sulaimani, Savari Giri Giri, Kozhipedia, Freedom Café, Yo Appooppa and Tere Mere Beach Mein, IAS officer Prasanth Nair, who was the District Collector of Kozhikode at that time, ushered in a new language of governance that endeavoured to bridge the gap between the district administration and citizens through the optimal employment of social media. The District Collector descended from the colonial ivory towers and mingled as one amongst the common man, totally dismantling the hierarchical stereotypes that the society was used to.This book traces the story of how exactly this happened and how and why the public responded so overwhelmingly to such an initiative. It also chronicles how these experiences transformed the young officer also - from a hesitant public speaker to a crowd-puller, from an introvert to a seemingly extrovert energetic leader. For the first time, the emotional roller-coaster of events that re-shaped the attitude and language of engagement by District administration is narrated with all the inside-stories. Straight from the horse's mouth. The author however takes pains not to take centre-stage in the book and manages that somewhat with wit and self-deprecating humour. This book has got nothing to do with government; but it is all about governance, life and compassion. At one level it is a collection of case-studies, the most readable and engrossing ones, narrated with fun and illustrations. At another level it is a chronicle of a personal journey of a compassionate administrator. This is not a typical arrogant bureaucratic ‘I did this’ book, but an ‘I went through this’ book. Not a high-horsed motivational ‘you can do it’ book, but a book that makes you think and prioritise what you want to do in life.As Dr. Shashi Tharoor says in the foreword, a must read for all civil servants, civil-service aspirants, students of public administration and all citizens who dream for a better tomorrow.