The RN Course Book

Kaplan Test Prep - 2012
    This books is a companion text to Kaplan NCLEX-RN Comprehensive On-Site, Anywhere and On-Demand Courses.

Brew Ware: How to Find, Adapt Build Homebrewing Equipment

Karl F. Lutzen - 1996
    Karl E. Lutzen and Mark Stevens guide you through the best tools for all your brewing needs, from DIY homemade versions of commercial brewery equipment to simple devices that make brewing easier and safer. Learn which gadgets and gizmos work best for measuring, mashing, bottling, kegging, and more. With the proper tools close at hand you’ll save both time and money, leaving you free to focus on enjoying your homebrewed beers.

Garden Guide - A No Nonsense, No PhD, No Fuss Guide to Great Gardens with Hand-Holding How To's for Beginners and Straightforward Instruction for Advanced Gardeners

Sarah Olver - 2013
    But if we’re being honest, when it comes to gardening, most of us have no idea where to begin. Additionally, in these economic times, who can afford to hire an expert to come in and do the job for us? That said, regular folks all across North America and Europe are returning to the soil, shovels in hand. With the help of this book, there is absolutely no need to fly blind into the world of green thumbs, perennials, and herbs.The name—Garden Guide: A No Nonsense, No PhD Guide to Great Gardens with Hand-Holding How To’s for Beginners and Straightforward Instruction for Advanced Gardeners—truly says it all. Indeed, this book is the hand-holding garden guide that will walk even the most timid novice right through the gardening process from beginning to end. In addition to straight forward, practical advice in everyday language, you will love the stories and anecdotes Olver shares from her fifteen years of backyard, organic gardening adventures. Easy and entertaining, you‘ll probably read this book in one sitting, but you’ll reference it for years to come. The beauty of Garden Guide is that Olver divides her advice into two sections: Beginning Gardeners and Advanced Gardeners. No matter what your skill level, there are simple explanations, tips, and tricks that will walk you through every aspect of the garden process. Garden Guide features details such as:•Everything you need to know about location, from sunlight to drainage to selecting just the right spot•How to understand soil types, how to amend and condition them•pH levels and soil testing broken down in simple terms•Step by Step guide for planning your PERFECT garden no matter where the location•Fertilizing made manageable with explanations for all those numbers and organic alternatives •Composting broken down so you can start immediately•Pests obliterated with loads of organic suggestions•The basics of garden maintenance from deadheading to dividing perennials•Loads of helpful website suggestions for purchasing plants online, getting ideas, locating county extension offices, perennial databases and so much more.•Gardening terms are defined in language you will both understand and rememberIf you have time to read only one book on gardening, this is the book to choose. Short enough not to feel like an encyclopedia and just long enough to wet your gardening appetite, Olver has woven basic garden science and practical ideas for everyday people into each page. With her warm, inviting, no-nonsense instruction, you will be amazed how simple and doable gardening really is. Not only will it thoroughly educate you in basic gardening, Garden Guide will send you well on your way toward beautiful perennials gardens and leave you inspired and hungry to begin planting in your own patch of earth.

Kindle Fire How To

Michael Gallagher - 2011
    This guide will take you step-by-step with all of the Kindle Fire’s features including setup, navigating each tab, play music and videos, read eBooks, and download and use apps.Each chapter contains detailed instructions complete with screenshots, tips, tricks, and shortcuts to quickly get up to speed and more. Additionally, this guide shows you how to and where to receive FREE books, music, videos, and apps you can immediately start using on your Kindle Fire: you may never pay another cent for Kindle content again – download this guide to your Kindle Fire today!Michael Gallagher is the author of several bestselling Kindle “how-to” guides, and his title “Free Kindle Books and How to Find Them” has been the #1 Kindle reference guide for over two years, garnering #53 and #72 on the Top 100 Kindle bestseller lists for all Kindle book titles in 2010 and 2011, respectively. His “Kindle Books and Tips” blog has been the #1 bestselling subscription blog in the Amazon Kindle Store since 2010. You can visit his author page on the Amazon website at

Illustrated Cabinetmaking: How to Design and Construct Furniture That Works

Bill Hylton - 1998
    Woodworkers of any skill level will benefit from more than 1,300 crisp and detailed drawings that explain classic solutions to age-old problems, such as hanging a drawer, attaching a tabletop, and pegging a mortise. Covering hundreds of pieces of furniture, including kitchen cabinets, dining tables, desks, bookcases, and chests, readers will unlock the mysteries of legs, moldings, separate braces, and dozens of other subassemblies.

OneNote: OneNote User Guide to Getting Things Done: Setup OneNote for GTD in 5 Easy Steps (OneNote & David Allen's GTD (2015))

Jack Echo - 2015
     Would you like to capture your thoughts and to-do's so they don't ALWAYS run loose and rampant in your mind?Would you like to significantly improve your efficiency and productivity so you free up YOUR time?Or maybe you'd like to reduce your stress AND still get more DONE. If so, you've found the right book!Unless you've been living under a rock for the past 13 years you would have heard about David Allen's "Getting Things Done" (GTD) System detailed in his New York Times Bestseller Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-free Productivity. Jack Echo has built upon the same best-selling productivity principles in the newly revised 2015 GTD system by providing a comprehensive guide on how to integrate these principles with OneNote (a free digital note-taking software developed by Microsoft). Through integration of the two systems you have the added benefit and ability to note-take wherever you are without a pen and paper whilst supercharging your productivity in all your daily activities.No matter how technologically illiterate you may be, this guide will walk you step by step on how to set up the GTD system in OneNote within 30 minutes by following the diagrams and 5 simple steps laid out for you. If you aren't familiar with the GTD productivity system by David Allen, Jack has you covered as he explains the foundations of the productivity system. Inside You'll Discover... What the 2015 GTD System Is and WHY It Significantly Improves Your Productivity What OneNotes All About and How to Easily Navigate the Features The #1 Thing You MUST Avoid for Enhanced Productivity The Answer to the Ever Eluding Question: OneNote or EverNote?! How to Set OneNote Up Rapidly in 5 Savvy Steps Why OneNote and GTD Form the Dream Team 6 Productivity Hacks & Tricks with OneNote that Will Make You a Productivity Ninja Integration of OneNote with Other Software 7 Lucrative Lists to Stress-free Productivity How to Use OneNote with GTD to Decrease Stress and Get More Done in Less Time The Core Principles of the GTD System Results from Studies Done by Cognitive Scientists on Productivity and the Implications It Has On You Three Reasons Why Things Are Always on Your Mind PLUS: How to Get Six Free Bonus eBooks Inside... What are you waiting for?Times ticking! Get more out of your TIME and EFFORT today by making the smartest investment you could possibly make. An investment in yourself , your future and your productivity. Scroll up NOW and Buy with 1-Click!

Chainmail Made Easy: Beginner's Guide in 7 Easy Steps!

Jeff Baker - 2012
    Chain mail, also known as chainmail, maille, or chainmaille is a great hobby for any age that doesn't involve just making armor.You can make almost anything from chainmail. Below are just a few examples of what you can make:• Jewerly (Bracelets, Necklaces, Anklets, Earrings, Rings)• Clothing (Bikini tops, Belts, Shirts, Ties)• Art• Armor• Inlays (pictures in your maille)• And much, much more!In this beginner's book you'll learn the following:• A short history of chain mail• Different rings used and the kinds of metals• How to open and close rings correctly• Tools used like pliers and different kinds• An overview of the family of chainmail weaves• How to weave 7 of the more common, simpler weaves shown in 3D graphics• Resources for purchasing rings and tools3 Starter Projects:• Women's Choker Necklace• Men's Flat Bracelet• Pouch or Dice Bag Chainmail is neither difficult to learn nor expensive. All it takes is a willingness to try something new no matter your age, education, or income! Scoll up and click the "Look Inside" feature on the top left hand side of this page to see what's included in this book.A Personal Note From The Author:This beginner's guide blends 10 years of my personal experience chainmailling. When I first started chainmailling, I knew nothing about it except what I'd seen online or in movies; chainmail armor. Not very exciting for the average person but the idea of weaving metal rings into something I could create without any special skills appealed to me. I stumbled across The Ring Lord, a site that sells all kinds of rings in all kinds of sizes, colors, and metals, and I was hooked!Now ten years later after creating all sorts of projects from maille, some things I wouldn't have thought possible, I wanted to share what I've learned with someone just starting out. This first volume is not meant to cover everything about chainmailling nor does it include dozens of projects. It's meant for someone who's never mailled before or who's only dabbled a little but now wants a simple-to-follow guide with clear instructions and pictures on how to get started mailling immediately with the most common weaves applied to a couple starter projects.

Aromatherapy and Essential Oils For Beginners: How To Improve Your Life With Aromatherapy and Essential Oils

Brian Night - 2014
    Its user base has expanded exponentially as more people are using aromatherapy to treat both acute and chronic stages of illness or disease. More and more people are turning to regular use of aromatherapy to help boost their immune system and improve their overall health. Others are using essential oils to improve skin and hair health as well as a source of natural cleaning around the home. The benefits and uses of aromatherapy are endless and the aromatherapy community continues to come up with new and innovative recipes. This book will cover: The top essential oils for beginners Essential oils for improved hair Essential oils for skin rejuvenation Essential oils massage Essential oils for stress relief and much, much, more! So download today and learn of these remarkable healing techniques as we explore essential oils that can offer numerous benefits to your mental and physical well-being.

Beagles For Dummies

Susan McCullough - 2006
    They're cute, compact, fun-loving, and great with kids. (Not to mention those soulful eyes!) But their sense of humor, independence, and stubborn nature isn't for everyone. So whether you're thinking about getting your very own Snoopy-dog, or if you've already opened your heart and home to one, Beagles for Dummies answers important questions like: What are Beagles supposed to look like and how should they behave? Should I choose a puppy or an adult dog? Male or female? How do I correct my Beagle's behavior problems? What do I need to do to survive my Beagle's puppyhood? How can I Beagle-proof my house to keep him (and my stuff) safe? What should I teach my Beagle to do? How do I teach him? What health problems is my Beagle likely to have when he's young? How about when he grows up--or gets old? Life with these little hounds can lead to years of merriment, entertainment, and love--but if you think Beagles are just another hound dog, think again! Whether you want to know everything there is to living with a Beagle, or just want to skip to a relevant subject (like how to keep him out of the hamper), Beagles for Dummies gives you everything you need to choose and raise your Snoopy soul mate.

DSLR Photography for Beginners: Best Way to Learn Digital Photography, Master Your DSLR Camera & Improve Your Digital SLR Photography Skills

Brian Black - 2013
    From enthusiasts to those who have just been introduced to the beautiful world of photography, knowing the craft and equipment is essential. This little comprehensive guide for beginners will take you on an amazing journey of discovering how wonderful Digital Photography is and how mesmerizing the art can be. From the advantages of SLR and the importance of shutter speed, to the types of lenses and the significance of good lighting, you will soon be on your journey to capturing the most stunning pictures and a kaleidoscope of dazzling sights to be eternalized. Technology is ever changing and now with Digital Photography, the world can be seen in vivid colors through your art. Begin your journey right here, right now.

The Minimalist Woodworker: Essential Tools & Smart Shop Ideas for Building with Less

Vic Tesolin - 2015
    Yet, for it's increasing popularity, there are many crafters who don't engage in woodworking because they falsely believe you need a large workshop and a full-blown collection of tools and equipment. The Minimalist Woodworker is about eliminating this myth. To enjoy woodworking, all you need is a few essential tools, a little bit of space, and the desire to make something with your own two hands. The Minimalist Woodworker is about making woodworking clean and simple - from the tools and the workspace to the easy-to-follow instructions. It eliminates the fears and excuses as it demystifies the craft. Written by Vic Tesolin, aka the Minimalist Woodworker, a woodworker and woodworking instructor, The Minimalist Woodworker is a stress-free approach for the hobbyist that emphasizes the destination is actually the journey. Beginning with an understanding of the minimalist mindset, The Minimalist Woodworker quickly details how to make a small space productive and outlines the most efficient tools for a woodworker. Each piece of equipment is explained and instructions on how to use are provided. Techniques for keeping them sharp and maintained are also explained. Once space and tools are covered, seven projects are presented: a saw bench and matching saw horse, a Nicholson-style workbench, a shooting board/bench hook, a shop mallet, and a small hanging cabinet. Each project not only develops woodworking skills, but also outfits The Minimalist Woodworker's small shop. With step-by-step instruction, photos and illustrations, and an easy-going voice, The Minimalist Woodworker offers a stress-free point of entry into the life-long craft of woodworking.

Prepared: The 8 Secret Skills of an Ex-IDF Special Forces Operator That Will Keep You Safe - Basic Guide

Roy Shepard - 2017
    Our world is truly strange that so many good and helpful people find themselves preyed upon by the criminal elements. In case of an emergency or a catastrophe those odds may become even worst. My name is Roy Shepard and I’m a former IDF (Israeli Defense Forces) Special Forces Operator. During my military service, I took part in countless missions behind enemy lines and later trained young cadets as a Master Sergeant. I specialize in weapons training, stealth and camouflage, and Krav-Maga. I’ve been in active reserve duty for the past 20 years and spent much of that time formulating and implementing defense strategies and drills in military bases all over Israel. Highly trained in martial arts, I specialize in Judo, Jiu-Jitsu, Aikido, and Russian Systema—with both hand-to-hand combat and melee weapon handling. I am also an expert marksman with both close-quarters and long-range weapons. The IDF is one of the most effective militaries in the world with proven strategies and tactics that have kept Israel safe for the last 70 years. The harsh reality is that Israel is a small country surrounded by hostile nations that have been intent on destroying it since it was formed in 1948. The IDF has defended Israel in eight full-out wars and fended off many incursions and terrorist attacks. The skills that I’m about to share with you are the same ones used by the IDF Special Forces Operators to stay safe in hostile situations and will allow you to do so as well. Be it fending off a mugger in a dark parking lot or surviving a post-catastrophe scenario. The reality is that we are always only moments away from danger and knowing the exact step-by-step response can be the difference between life, injury, or even death. Using the knowledge in this book you will learn how to avoid, escape, or survive numerous dangerous situations using minimal effort. The number one thing you must remember is that being efficient can save your life. If you don’t take steps to conserve your energy, you will get tired very quickly and may lose the battle. Professional fighters can hold a full combat event for a few seconds and after that they rely solely on technique to survive and accomplish the mission. This book will teach you eight of the most effective techniques to stay safe: 1. Situational awareness 2. Tactical relocation 3. Planning for emergencies 4. Survival self-defense 5. Team roles 6. Communications 7. Fitness 8. Survival tools I look forward to seeing you as part of our community at Prepper Legend and hope you enjoy this book at least as much as I enjoyed writing it. And above all else stay safe! Your friend always, Roy Shepard

101 Secret Hiding Places | Hide What You Don't Want Found! (Survival Guide Series)

George Shepherd - 2015
    In other cases, whatever it is you’re intending to protect may be highly confidential information that requires increased security. A hollow book just won’t do. This book isn’t hollow; in it, we will discuss various hiding places, from the simple and straight forward to the complex – a place to hide your cash from your light-fingered roommate or a place where your family heirlooms may be safe from the most cunning of jewelry thieves. We will also look at secret hiding places specific to travel, as tourists are often a prime target for petty theft or burglary. The use of secret hiding places isn’t limited to hiding items of value; hiding places can also be used to conceal weapons. Carrying a weapon on your person at all times will allow you to defend yourself should the need arise, without provoking suspicion in your assailant or making those around you feel threatened. We’ll provide a few methods by which to hide both valuables and weapons on your person. Learn how to hide your treasures, items and documents securely: 1) In Your Home 2) On The Road 3) When You're Traveling 4) From Hackers/Cyber Thieves and more...

Hand Tools: Their Ways and Workings

Aldren A. Watson - 1982
    Crammed with practical information, it is the next best thing to looking over a craftsman's shoulder as he works with his tools, asking questions and getting straight answers in plain language, seeing how each tool is held and manipulated to get the best work out of it. From bit brace, chisel, and mallet to saws, specialized planes, drawknife, and spokeshave, Aldren Watson describes in detail the actions of the tools basic to good woodworking. All the procedures are explicitly illustrated with handsome line drawings, and an appendix gives plans and dimensions for making a workbench and other necessary pieces of shop equipment.

Japanese Woodworking Tools: Their Tradition, Spirit and Use

Toshio Odate - 1984
    A complete guide to the tools used by a shokunin, or master Japanese craftsman, this book is ideal for both beginning and professional woodworkers.