Getting Started with AWS: Deploying a Web Application

Amazon Web Services - 2014
    Using AWS, you can develop applications quickly and then deploy them to a cloud environment that scales on demand. And with several AWS deployment services to choose from, you can create a deployment solution that gives you the right mix of automation and control. This documentation is offered for free here as a Kindle book, or you can read it online or in PDF format at

Google Hacks: Tips & Tools for Finding and Using the World's Information

Rael Dornfest - 2003
    But few people realize that Google also gives you hundreds of cool ways to organize and play with information.Since we released the last edition of this bestselling book, Google has added many new features and services to its expanding universe: Google Earth, Google Talk, Google Maps, Google Blog Search, Video Search, Music Search, Google Base, Google Reader, and Google Desktop among them. We've found ways to get these new services to do even more.The expanded third edition of Google Hacks is a brand-new and infinitely more useful book for this powerful search engine. You'll not only find dozens of hacks for the new Google services, but plenty of updated tips, tricks and scripts for hacking the old ones. Now you can make a Google Earth movie, visualize your web site traffic with Google Analytics, post pictures to your blog with Picasa, or access Gmail in your favorite email client. Industrial strength and real-world tested, this new collection enables you to mine a ton of information within Google's reach. And have a lot of fun while doing it:Search Google over IM with a Google Talk bot Build a customized Google Map and add it to your own web site Cover your searching tracks and take back your browsing privacy Turn any Google query into an RSS feed that you can monitor in Google Reader or the newsreader of your choice Keep tabs on blogs in new, useful ways Turn Gmail into an external hard drive for Windows, Mac, or Linux Beef up your web pages with search, ads, news feeds, and more Program Google with the Google API and language of your choice For those of you concerned about Google as an emerging Big Brother, this new edition also offers advice and concrete tips for protecting your privacy. Get into the world of Google and bend it to your will!

My Kindle Fire (My...)

Jim Cheshire - 2011
    With this book you will learn how to tap into every Kindle Fire feature, including many of the hidden ones not discussed in other books. From setting up your Kindle Page, managing your music, watching movies, and downloading content - this book covers everything. The task based full-color format allows you to quickly and easily find the exact task you want to accomplish and walks you through it in a delightfully concise and visual manner. My Kindle Fire makes it easy for you to:• Master all the basics, fast: reading, playing, watching, browsing, and more• Tweak your Kindle Fire for quicker access and longer battery life• Sample best-seller book chapters for free• Mark up any eBook with highlights, notes, and bookmarks• Convert your personal documents for use on Kindle Fire• Discover Calibre, a powerful eBook management tool• Control even the largest music libraries• Get instant answers from Wikipedia, and from Kindle Fire’s built-in dictionary• Listen to personalized Internet radio stations created just for you• Use your Kindle Fire as a digital photo frame• Prevent unwanted subscription charges• Set up any email account to work on your Kindle Fire• Explore any web content with Amazon’s innovative Silk browser• Use Amazon Cloud to get your stuff anywhere—even if you left your Kindle at home• And much much more…Unlike many other guides which might only briefly mention or skip over some very import Kindle Fire features My Kindle Fire covers everything. Here are just a few of the things you'll find in My Kindle Fire that aren't covered in other guides: • Full coverage of Calibre, a free application for Mac or PC that helps manage your eBook library• A large number of walkthroughs for managing music playlists, including how to use cloud playlists. • How to reinstall multiple apps at once in case you reset your Kindle Fire. • Step-by-step walkthroughs on configuring all types of email accounts. • Coverage on handling attachments in your email application. • Importing contacts from your existing email application or cloud service and how you can export your contacts in order to back them up. • How to use Copy and Paste on the Kindle Fire. • How to use social networking integration with Facebook and others. • Walkthroughs on using the Gallery app, Pandora, Audible, and other popular apps. • Shows you how to access files on other computers in your house right from your Kindle Fire.

SEO 2013 & Beyond: Search Engine Optimization Will Never Be The Same Again

Andy Williams - 2012
    Panda was designed to remove low quality content from the search engine results pages. The surprise to many were some of the big name casualties that were taken out by the update. On 24th April 2012, Google went in for the kill when they released the Penguin update. Few SEOs that had been in the business for any length of time could believe the carnage that this update caused. If Google's Panda was a 1 on the Richter scale of updates, Penguin was surely a 10. It completely changed the way we need to think about SEO. On September 28th 2012, Google released a new algorithm update targeting exact match domains (EMDs). I have updated this book to let you know the consequences of owning EMDs and added my own advice on choosing domain names. While I have never been a huge fan of exact match domains anyway, many other SEO books and courses teach you to use them. I'll tell you why I think those other courses and books are wrong.The EMD update was sandwiched in between another Panda update (on the 27th September) and another Penguin update (5th October).Whereas Panda seems to penalize low quality content, Penguin is more concerned about overly aggressive SEO tactics. Stuff that SEOs had been doing for years, not only didn't work any more, but now can actually cause your site to be penalized and drop out of the rankings. That’s right, just about everything you have been taught about Search Engine Optimization in the last 10 years can be thrown out the Window. Google have moved the goal posts. I have been working in SEO for around 10 years and have always tried to stay within the guidelines laid down by Google. This has not always been easy because to compete with other sites, it often meant using techniques that Google frowned upon. Now, if you use those techniques, Google is likely to catch up with you and demote your rankings. In this book, I want to share with you the new SEO. The SEO for 2013 and Beyond.

MCSE Self-Paced Training Kit (Exams 70-290, 70-291, 70-293, 70-294): Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Core Requirements

Dan HolmeMelissa Craft - 2003
    Maybe you re going for MCSA first, then MCSE. Maybe you need to upgrade your current credentials. Now, direct from Microsoft, this set brings together all the study resources you ll need. You get the brand-new Second Edition of all four books: for Exam 70-290 (Managing and Maintaining a Windows Server Environment), 70-291 and 70-293 (Network Infrastructure), and 70-294 (Active Directory). What s new here? Deeper coverage, more case studies, more troubleshooting, plus significant new coverage: Emergency Management Services, DNS, WSUS, Post-Setup Security Updates, traffic monitoring, Network Access Quarantine Control, and much more. There are more than 1,200 highly customizable CD-based practice questions. And, for those who don t have easy acess to Windows Server 2003, there s a 180-day eval version. This package isn t cheap, but there s help there, too: 15% discount coupons good toward all four exams. Bill Camarda, from the August 2006 href=" Only

Brand Strategy 101: Your Logo Is Irrelevant - The 3 Step Process to Build a Kick-Ass Brand

Michael R. Drew - 2013
    No really, it is. Let me explain.It turns out that drooling dogs and ringing bells are far more important than a logo (thank you Pavlov).Sure, successful businesses have logos--easily recognizable logos. Playboy, McDonald's, Coke. But there's far more to their success than bunny ears, golden arches or a certain shade of red. Stripped of all the marketing lingo, branding is pretty simple: Your brand is all the associations that come to mind when your potential customers see or hear your name.Whether your focus is on personal branding or on branding your company culture--you've got to have more than a fancy logo and edgy color scheme to create brand stickability (you know, a brand your customers can't get out of their heads).Well, there’s a process to capturing attention and getting your foot in the door of your customers’ minds. Here's a taste of some of the personal branding advice you'll find in this book:You must become the first solution your customer thinks of when they have a problem you can solve. How?The first step is to figure out what your audience cares about. What keeps them up at night? What problems can you help them solve? From there, you need to apply these three steps:1) Frequency2) Repetition3) AnchoringIn this e-book, we’ll show you how to figure out what your customers really want. Then we will show you how to apply these three steps to help you become the trusted resource that comes to mind first when your customer’s itch needs to be scratched.Is real and authentic branding going to happen overnight? Probably not. But ask yourself this: Do you want short-term results that lose effectiveness? Or are you willing to invest a bit more time and effort to create long-term results that get better and better?If you're looking for a branding book that promises a quick fix, this isn't the book for you. But if you want to create a brand that sticks like superglue--read this book!Go ahead and let the wimps and whiners have the get-rich quick schemes that fizzle and fall flat like a wet firework. You want to ignite a branding bonfire.

The Escape Manifesto: Quit Your Corporate Job. Do Something Different!

Escape the City - 2013
    BE BRAVE AND START SOMETHING YOU LOVE.Does this sound familiar... You tick all the right boxes; school, university, corporate career. You have a sensible profession, a fancy job title, proud parents, decent salary, pricey holidays…but there’s a nagging feeling that something isn’t quite right? A realisation that you’re not completely fulfilled? Surely you should be as happy as Larry – are you being ungrateful? HELL NO. You want a different life – no spreadsheets, no commute, no late nights at the office. But if not that…then what? That is exactly what Escape The City are here to do – show you what other options are open to you.Escape The City is a community based website built around a simple concept: there is more to life than doing unfulfilling work in big corporate companies. The online platform is designed to help corporate professionals find exciting jobs, start their own businesses, and go on big adventures. The Escape Manifesto is here to support, inspire and encourage us all to make big and brave transitions in our lives.• Examines the reasons why so many people are unsatisfied with the corporate world• Explores the alternatives and the common barriers to achieving your dreams• Advice and support for making the transition to something new and developing a strategy for work and life• Contains tons of real-life examples of people who have made the leap

Email Etiquette: Netiquette in the Information Age

David Tuffley - 2011
    While there have been attempts to establish one standard or another as the default, there is no common agreement. So beware people telling you there is one right way, they are assuming too much. As a general rule though, netiquette involves the same principles as plain old etiquette -- basic courtesy, respect and ethics. Treat people the way you would want to be treated yourself. By following the principles outlined below, the recipient of your email will be more likely to read and act, if not be favorably impressed by your message:Subject line to summarise the message. Make the Subject line summarise the body of the e-mail. Ask yourself, 'will the recipient(s) know what this e-mail is about'. For example, Instead of Subject: Exam, say Subject: Location of 1508INT Exam, 23 July 2011.Don't assume the recipient knows the background. Include enough contextual information at the beginning of the e-mail for the recipient to know what the matter is about. If in doubt, put background information in. For example, don't say can I have an extension for my assignment?, instead say I refer to the CIT3622 assignment 1 that I handed in late. I was ill and have a doctor's certificate. May I ask for an extension on the basis that I was too ill to do it on time?Keep it concise. Keep messages brief and to the point, but not so brief that it causes the problem outlined in the previous point. This includes deleting any irrelevant text when an email has been back and forth several times. No-one wants to scroll down through pages of text in order to reach the message they want to read. If the sense of the email will be lost by deleting that text, however, leave it in.Reply within 24 hours. Try to reply within 24 hours, less if possible. In fact, get in the habit of replying immediately -- it is the polite thing to do, and the recipient will appreciate a prompt reply. It also makes you look efficient. The longer you leave it to reply, the more likely you will forget or have too big a log-jam of unanswered email.Allow time for a reply. E-mail messages are not usually required to be answered immediately, though it is good practice if you do. Before sending a reminder, allow some time for a response, some times even a few days. Not everyone is online 24 hours a day.Use the BCC field when sending bulk email. If you're sending email to a whole list of people, put their email addresses in the BCC field. That way, the privacy of the recipient is respected, and spammers cannot harvest the email addresses for their dastardly purposes.

Rule the Web: How to Do Anything and Everything on the Internet--Better, Faster, Easier

Mark Frauenfelder - 2007
    But aren't you curious about what else the Web can do for you? Or if there are better, faster, or easier ways to do what you're already doing? Let the world's foremost technology writer, Mark Frauenfelder, help you unlock the Internet's potential--and open up a richer, nimbler, and more useful trove of resources and services, including:EXPRESS YOURSELF, SAFELY. Create and share blogs, podcasts, and online video with friends, family, and millions of potential audience members, while protecting yourself from identity theft and fraud.DIVIDE AND CONQUER. Tackle even the most complex online tasks with ease, from whipping up a gorgeous Web site to doing all your work faster and more efficiently within your browser, from word processing to investing to planning a party.THE RIGHT WAY, EVERY TIME. Master state-of-the-art techniques for doing everything from selling your house to shopping for electronics, with hundreds of carefully researched tips and tricks.TIPS FROM THE INSIDERS. Mark has asked dozens of the best bloggers around to share their favorite tips on getting the most out of the Web.

I can start your business: Everything you need to know to run your limited company or self employment - for locums, contractors, freelancers and small business

Russell Smith - 2015
    Covering such topics as: Whether you should be a limited company or self employed? What part of business finances do you really need to understand and which parts can you ignore. Whether you become VAT registered. When your tax is due and how much it will be. Setting up bank accounts. Getting paid by your customers. Managing your cash flow. Getting your pricing right. Russell Smith has worked with over 400 clients all across the UK and is a national expert on small business tax and accounts. His clients include doctors, dentists, psychologists, web-designers, musicians, marketing agencies, IT contractors, artists, graphic designers and many more. Russell Smith is the only chartered accountant in the world to blog every day - you can find it at Russell also has a YouTube channel where he releases weekly 2 minute finance basics: There is also a free tax, accounts and profit review with customised action plan worth £200 for readers of this book.

How to Start a Blog Today: A Free Step-by-Step Beginner’s Guide to Create a Blog in 20 minutes

Scott Chow - 2017
    The entire process is explained in simple, easy to understand terms, so you can create a great blog without any technical knowledge. First, you will learn the basic process of WordPress blogging, which is the free software your blog will be built with. Once that is done, you will move on to customization of your new blog. The book then ends with chapters on promoting your blog and blogging for profit. In addition, the author offers additional support and updates through his website, free of charge.

The Guru's Guide to Transact-Sql

Ken Henderson - 2000
    Beginners and intermediate developers will appreciate the comprehensive tutorial that walks step-by-step through building a real client/server database, from concept to deployment and beyond -- and points out key pitfalls to avoid throughout the process. Experienced users will appreciate the book's comprehensive coverage of the Transact-SQL language, from basic to advanced level; detailed ODBC database access information; expert coverage of concurrency control, and more. The book includes thorough, up-to-the-minute guidance on building multi-tier applications; SQL Server performance tuning; and other crucial issues for advanced developers. For all database developers, system administrators, and Web application developers who interact with databases in Microsoft-centric environments.

MCSA/MCSE Self-Paced Training Kit (Exam 70-270): Installing, Configuring, and Administering Microsoft Windows XP Professional

Walter Glenn - 2005
    Work at your own pace through a system of lessons, hands-on exercises, troubleshooting labs, and review questions.The Readiness Review Suite on CD, featuring advanced technology from MeasureUp, provides 425 challenging questions for in-depth self-assessment and practice. You can choose timed or untimed testing mode, generate random tests, or focus on specific objectives. You get detailed explanations for right and wrong answers--including a customized learning path that describes how and where to focus your studies.Maximize your performance on the exam by learning how to: Perform an installation or upgrade, including remote deploymentConfigure and customize the desktop environmentAdminister disks, device drivers, printers, file systems, and other resourcesManage TCP/IP networking and support remote and mobile usersMonitor, troubleshoot, and tune system performanceNEW!--Administer security settings and services, including the advances in Windows XP Service Pack 2Readiness Review Suite on CD Powered by MeasureUpYour kit includes: NEW--Fully reengineered self-paced study guide with expert exam tips. NEW--Readiness Review Suite featuring 425 questions and multiple testing options. NEW--Case scenarios and troubleshooting labs for real-world expertise. NEW--120-day evaluation version of Windows XP Professional software with Windows XP Service Pack 2.NEW--eBook in PDF format. NEW--Microsoft Encyclopedia of Security eBook. NEW--Microsoft Encyclopedia of Networking, Second Edition eBook.For customers who purchase an ebook version of this title, instructions for downloading the CD files can be found in the ebook.

Google+ for Business: How Google's Social Network Changes Everything

Chris Brogan - 2011
    Top social media consultant and Google+ early adopter Chris Brogan shows business people how to leverage its immense potential before their competitors even realize it's there.

GRE: What You Need to Know

Kaplan Test Prep - 2012