Book picks similar to
A Refuge from the Storm: The Priesthood, the Family, the Church by Boyd K. Packer
Holy Places: True Stories of Faith and Miracles from Latter-Day Temples
Chad S. Hawkins - 2006
Holy Places includes more than sixty faith promoting stories with accompanying artwork from temples around the world, including the most recent temples in Ghana, Manhattan, Newport Beach, and Nigeria. Based on more than a decade of personal interviews and in-depth research, each story in this beautiful volume conveys a sense of God's hand in the important work of temples and the faith of Church members as they seek to perform that work. Families will love this treasured collection of stories documenting the faith and miracles associated with the most holy places on Earth.
Glimpses Beyond Death's Door
Brent L. Top - 1993
Rich with scripture and the words of modern prophets. A positive, upbeat tone to death as being, certainly for the faithful Church member, the beginning of a beautiful and happy life. Enlightening and exciting. While emphasizing that we must examine these accounts carefully and perhaps critically because conclusions must conform to Church doctrine—since doctrine comes only from the standard works and modern prophets—the authors say, "We were amazed at the similarities and consistencies between near-death accounts and the doctrines of the restored gospel." The reader accordingly will be fascinated with the discussion on what the NDE's report: A "being of light" who greeted them in the spirit world; one's sense of having a perfect, vitalized spirit body; the rapid, graphic review of one's mortal life; seeing populated cities of dazzling brilliance; meeting with loved ones; communication by thought transference; spirits in radiant white robes; an intense, dynamic light that does not hurt the spirit eyes; travel at phenomenal speeds; all levels of beauty and brilliance in the different realms and conditions; expanded comprehension and memory powers; gorgeously beautiful scenery and vegetation. All this and much more in an environment which NDE's describe as all-encompassing, ineffable light and love.
Prophecy, Key to the Future
Duane S. Crowther - 1962
This book is throughly researched-its scope is far-reaching and its evidence is reliable. The research in this book will help all who read it to prepare for the events to come. With over 450,000 copies in print, Prophecy, Key to the Future, is a must-have for every Latter-day Saint and Christians everywhere. ISBN: 0-882-90781-6, SIZE: 6x9", paperback
A Reason for Faith: Navigating LDS Doctrine and Church History
Laura Harris Hales - 2016
Before the Internet, historical and doctrinal questions not addressed in LDS Church curriculum were mostly found in the scholarly articles of academic journals. This is no longer the case. These topics are now widely debated and discussed online and in other forums. And when members of the LDS Church come across information that is unfamiliar, they may feel surprise, fear, betrayal, or even anger. Laura Harris Hales has assembled a group of respected LDS scholars to offer help in A Reason for Faith: Navigating LDS Doctrine and Church History. Together these authors have spent an average of 25 years researching these topics. Their depth of knowledge and faith enables them to share reliable details, perspective, and context to both LDS doctrine and Church history. The information in these essays can begin an exciting process of discovery for readers as they learn from a source they can trust. Each chapter is engaging and thought-provoking, providing an invaluable resource for both the merely curious and the seriously concerned.
The Spirit of Revelation
David A. Bednar - 2021
As we seek to discern truth amidst the clamor of dissenting voices in order to worship, minister, and lead our families effectively, we rely on the Spirit’s help every day.”The roles of both the mind and the heart in personal revelation are crucial,” writes Elder David A. Bednar, “and no simple formulas or recommended action steps can guide us through this rigorous spiritual process. Indeed, this book is not an attempt to define how revelation works. Rather, it is a witness and a testimony that revelation does work―and in a multitude and variety of ways.”In this landmark book, Elder Bednar outlines several principles of revelation, then provides a host of examples in which we can observe these principles in action for ourselves. As we come to recognize the role of revelation in our lives, we can move forward in confidence that the Lord is guiding our steps. As Elder Bednar writes, “If we are striving to be and become good―not perfect right now, but gradually getting better, . . .then indeed we can have the constant companionship of the Holy Ghost. We are not ‘preparing to receive revelation’; we are ‘living in revelation.’”
Living on the Lords Side of the Line
Sheri Dew - 2001
She uses that frightening personal experience to encourage listeners to stand well back from the line that separates the Lord’s territory from Lucifer’s. Plus, in a special bonus second talk, she reflects on the good that resides in the sisters of the Church. Includes bonus talk, "If We Build It, They Will Come."
The Unexpected Deliverer
David Butler - 2021
We know how it all turns out. But imagine if you were the people living it. If you didn't know He was coming back. If you were Mary and Martha after Lazarus died, you would have thought He came too late. If you were Peter, you would have been appalled that the Master would lower Himself into your mess to wash your feet. If you stood at the foot of the cross and heard it was finished, you would have believed it was.What shifted? What allowed them to discover hope within the hopelessness? The witness of their change in perspective teaches us of an unexpected Christ. One who shows up, turning defeat into victory, and despair into deliverance.If He did it for them, He will do it for you. The story of Easter teaches us the truth of Jesus in every unexpected season. Through Him, you can expect hope in unlikely places.
Real Moms: Making It Up As We Go
Lisa Valentine Clark - 2015
I spray-painted them and tried them out for three hours at church where they held up perfectly. I felt pretty good about myself. “Suckers who buy gold shoes when they could just spray-paint them,” I thought, congratulating myself for my frugality and my foresight for testing them out.As moms, we improvise. We get along. We make things word. And we make a lot of things up as we go along because, let’s face it, no manual is ever going to cover all the bases a real mom needs to touch. But if laughter and perspective and a renewed energy to face the day are what you’re after—if you too are a “real mom”—this is the book for you!
The Life of Nephi, the Son of Lehi, Who Emigrated from Jerusalem, in Judea, to the Land Which Is Now
George Q. Cannon - 1983
It may have numerous typos or missing text. However, purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original rare book from the publisher's website ( You can also preview excerpts of the book there. Purchasers are also entitled to a free trial membership in the General Books Club where they can select from more than a million books without charge. Title: The Life of Nephi: the Son of Lehi, Who Emigrated From Jerusalem, in Judea, to the Land Which Is Now Known as South America, About Six Centuries Before the Coming of Our Savior; Original Publisher: Salt Lake City: The Contributor Co.; Publication date: 1888; Subjects: Book of Mormon;
Living a Covenant Marriage
Douglas E. Brinley - 2004
Brinely received his Ph.D. in family studies from Brigham Young"mso-spacerun: yes"> He is an author or co-author of six books on marriage and family, including Between Husband and Wife: Gospel Perspectives on Marital Intimacy. He is a professor of Church History and Doctrine at Brigham Young University. He and his wife, Geri Rosine Brinley, are the parents of six children and a foster"mso-spacerun: yes"> The family resides in Provo, Utah.
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Daniel K. Judd received an M.S. degree in family science and a Ph.D. in counseling psychology from Brigham Young University. He is an associate professor and department chair of ancient scripture at Brigham Young University. He and his wife, Kaye Seegmiller Judd, are the parents of four children and live in Orem, Utah.
Contributors to this Volume
Elder Bruce C. Hafen, Douglas E. Brinley, Daniel K. Judd, Marlene Williams, Kent Brooks, Terrance Olsen, Brent A. Barlow, Kenneth Matheson, Charles. B. Beckert, Rory Reid, Sherrie Mills Johnson, Guy Dorius, and John Livingstone.
The Holy Covenants: Living Our Sacred Temple Promises
Anthony Sweat - 2022
Parenting the Strong-Willed Child: Fortifying Our Youth and Healing Our Prodigals
Kevin Hinckley - 2008
As a bishop, counselor, and parent. Kevin Hinckley has watched the painful process of rebellion occur over and over as he has worked to help those who are scarred by sin come back. From a foundation of gospel-based concepts and clinical experience, he identifies things parents can do to avoid the heartache of rebellion and offers help and hope to parents of children who have already strayed. Sharing experiences from other parents, he shows how to teach children to rely on divine guidance as they confront the challenge of growing up in a world that seems bent on their destruction. This book presents practical solutions and profound insights that will help any parent fulfull this most sacred of all responsibilities.
Contentment: Inspiring Insights for LDS Mothers
Maria Covey Cole - 2009
And out of small things proceedeth that which is great.” —D&C 64:33Caring for small children or keeping track of teenagers often leaves many women struggling to find contentment in their calling as mothers. In this inspirational text, Maria Covey Cole discusses the importance of gaining perspective on motherhood, shunning comparisons with others, and allowing our natures to be changed through the grace of Christ.This beautiful book provides a valuable perspective on the trials and joys of raising a family and the noble calling of motherhood by intertwining heartwarming stories, quotes from prophets and Apostles, and numerous scripture verses.