Jung and the Lost Gospels: Insights into the Dead Sea Scrolls and the Nag Hammadi Library

Stephan A. Hoeller - 1989
    The Nag Hammadi Library consists of writings found by two peasants who unearthed clay jars in 1945 in upper Egypt. These did not appear in English for 32 years, because the right to publish was contended by scholars, politicians, and antique dealers. The Dead Sea Scrolls, discovered in clay jars in Palestine by a goat herder in 1947, weathered similar storms. The first team of analysts were mostly Christian clergy, who weren't anxious to share material that frightened church leaders. As Dr. Hoeller shows, they rightly feared the documents would reveal information that might detract from unique claims of Christianity. Indeed, the Dead Sea Scrolls and Nag Hammadi Library both contradict and complement accepted tenets of the Old and New Testaments.As to the connection with Jung, Dr. Hoeller states, "Jung knew that the one and only tradition associated with Christianity that regarded the human psyche as the container of the divine-human encounter was that of the Gnostics of the the first three centuries of our era. For this reason he called for a renewed appreciation of this ancient tradition, and particularly for a return to the Gnostic sense of God as an inner directing and transforming presence." Dr. Hoeller goes on in his preface, "His sympathetic insight into the myths, symbols, and metaphors of the Gnostics, whom by his own admission he regarded as long-lost friends, continues as the brightest beacon of our day..."Chapters include such topics as Saintly Rebels: The People of the Scrolls, The Dancing Savior: The Myth of the Gnostic Christ and The Secret Sayings of Jesus: The Gospel of Thomas. The book also includes a thorough notes section as well as an index.

The Adam and Eve Story: The History of Cataclysms

Chan Thomas - 1993

Surviving the Dragon: A Recent History of Tibet Through the Looking Glass of a Tibetan Lama

Arjia Rinpoche - 2010
    In his gripping memoir, Rinpoche relates the story of having been abandoned in his monastery as a young boy after witnessing the torture and arrest of his monastery family. In the years to come, Rinpoche survived under harsh Chinese rule, as he was forced into hard labor and endured continual public humiliation as part of Mao’s Communist "reeducation." By turns moving, suspenseful, historical, and spiritual, Rinpoche’s unique experiences provide a rare window into a tumultuous period of Chinese history and offer readers an uncommon glimpse inside a Buddhist monastery in Tibet.

Banned Money Secrets (Banned Secrets Book 3)

Richard Dotts - 2014
    As he admits candidly, his primary goal when he started out was to have more money to do the things which he enjoys. But beyond his wildest imagination, what ensued was a 10-year period in which he struggled to make these Universal principles work for himself. After business failures, personal disappointments and walking away from these teachings several times in bitterness and anger, he finally gained an even deeper understanding about how these principles work at creating our reality. In Banned Money Secrets of the Hidden Rich, Richard explains how there is a group of individuals in our midst, coming from almost every walk of life, who have developed a special relationship with money. These are the individuals for whom money seems to flow easily at will, which has allowed them to live exceedingly creative and fulfilled lives unlimited by money. More surprisingly, Richard discovered that there is not a single common characteristic that unites the “hidden rich” except for their unique ability to focus intently on their desires to the exclusion of everything else. Some of the “hidden rich” are the most successful multi-millionaires and billionaires of our time, making immense contributions in almost every field. In this latest book, Richard explains how his personal struggles with manifesting money in his own life led him on a wonderful journey that taught him so much more. While most advocate a narrow-minded approach focused solely on using “outer-directed” actions / tricks / mind hacks to “attract” money (resulting in once-off results that only work sporadically)… Richard teaches using his own life examples that the only true, lasting source of abundance comes from behaving like one of the hidden rich, and from developing an extremely conducive inner state that allows financial abundance to easily flow into your life. Learn as Richard explains how he was able to completely let go of all his negative emotions of guilt and shame, fears and worries surrounding money… and how in the moment he did so, outer reality matched up to reflect his new inner understanding. If you are reading this book to find once-off money manifestation hacks and techniques, you’ll probably not find them here. But if you have tried everything else and are prepared to embark on an abundance journey from the inside out… if you are finally willing to do the “inner work” necessary just as Richard realized in the end… this close to 200-page book could be the last money manifestation book you’ll ever need.

Beyond Belief: The Secret Gospel of Thomas

Elaine Pagels - 2003
    This book explores how Christianity began by tracing its earliest texts, including the Gospel of Thomas, rediscovered in Egypt in 1945.When her infant son was diagnosed with fatal pulmonary hypertension, Pagels' spiritual and intellectual quest took on a new urgency, leading her to explore historical and archaeological sources and to investigate what Jesus and his teachings meant to his followers before the invention of Christianity. The discovery of the Gospel of Thomas, along with more than 50 other early Christian texts, some unknown since antiquity, offers clues. She compares such sources as Thomas' gospel (which claims to give Jesus' secret teaching and finds its closest affinities with kabbalah) with the canon to show how Christian leaders chose to include some gospels and exclude others from the collection many call the New Testament. To stabilize the emerging church in times of persecution, church fathers constructed the canon, creed and hierarchy - and, in the process, suppressed many of its spiritual resources.Drawing on new scholarship - her own and that of an international group of scholars - that has come to light since the 1979 publication of The Gnostic Gospels, she shows that what matters about Christianity involves much more than any one set of beliefs. Traditions embodied in Judaism and Christianity can powerfully affect us in heart, mind and spirit, inspire visions of a new society based on practising justice and love, even heal and transform us.Provocative and moving, Beyond Belief, the most personal of her books to date, shows how the impulse to seek god overflows the narrow banks of a single tradition. She writes, "What I have come to love in the wealth and diversity of our religious traditions - and the communities that sustain them - is that they offer the testimony of innumerable people to spiritual discovery, encouraging us, in Jesus' words, to 'seek, and you shall find.'"CONTENTSFrom the feast of Agape to the Nicene CreedGospels in conflict: John and Thomas God's word or human words?The canon of truth and the triumph of JohnConstantine and the Catholic Church AcknowledgementsNotesIndex

The Gospels of Mary: The Secret Tradition of Mary Magdalene, the Companion of Jesus

Marvin W. Meyer - 2006
    De Boer, the long-suppressed story of Mary's vital role in the life of Jesus and in the formative period after his crucifixionpresents as authentically as possible the real Mary Magdalene

Love, Service, Devotion, and the Ultimate Surrender: Ram Dass on The Bhagavad Gita

Ram Dass - 2011
    In the summer of 1974, inside a balmy Boulder, Colorado, warehouse that served as the main hall of the fledgling Naropa Institute, some say that a minor miracle occurred: the reawakening of the Gita's living presence, as it unfolded in a series of wisdom teachings led by Ram Dass. With Love, Service, Devotion, and the Ultimate Surrender, you are invited to experience these legendary gatherings.The tale of the warrior Arjuna and his divine friend Krishna serves as metaphor for the recurring dilemmas that we encounter as we spiral into the depths of our spiritual journey. In these sessions, Ram Dass illuminates the Gita’s essential verses with insights spanning many traditions, from Rumi's ecstatic poetry to Basho's koans, from devotional chant to monastic silence, from Sri Ramana's self-inquiry to Saint Paul's devotion to Christ. The destination? A new perspective on the crucial moments of contradiction and questioning that all spiritual seekers must face again and again: If it's all Divine perfection, why bother with the search at all? Is it possible to awaken without a teacher or guru? Why am I experiencing these strange spiritual "gifts”? Will I get lost in their power? If I'm conscious and kind, why not indulge in all of life's pleasures? Since everyone suffers and dies, will my compassion ultimately matter?With irrepressible love and intellect (and a good dose of skillful mischief), this epic meeting with Ram Dass yields new answers with every revisit, like a lifelong friend that comes to meet us at each turning of our journey.Highlights:A 12-hour odyssey with Ram Dass into his timeless Yogas of the Bhagavad Gita Naropa sessionsThree ways to enter the wisdom of the Bhagavad Gita• Karma yoga—reincarnation, dharma, service, sadhanas• Jnana yoga—inquiry, the critical mind, the koan• Mind, illusion, and Brahman• Sacrifice and mantra—trappings and benefits of ritual and form• Renunciation and purification—ashtanga yoga, kundalini, the chakras, austerities, the "witness," desire, sexual energy• Devotion and the guru—bhakti ("devotion"), surrender, siddhis ("powers"), Maharajji• Death and dying—What is born, what dies? How do you live in the present moment?

Be Your Own Shaman

Deborah King - 2011
    You might not realize it, but just about everyone is a natural-born healer! In fact, you probably already have some of the paranormal abilities related to this gift. For example, you may know who’s calling before you answer the phone, or be able to sense what others are thinking or feeling. But you can further develop your inner talents and become your own shaman, capable of healing whatever ails you and effecting change in someone else’s energy field and body. In Master Healer Deborah King’s uniquely informative work, you will learn both Eastern and Western concepts and techniques from the earliest recorded healing practices some 5,000 years ago all the way up to modern times with John of God in Brazil and King’s own powerful cutting-edge approach. You’ll find out how to protect yourself from psychic attack, and how to get beyond any limiting beliefs you may hold. Self-knowledge leading to self-mastery is the ultimate quest, the pivotal adventure of a lifetime. Become the person you always knew you could be by taking this magical tour into the heart of healing!

The Laughing Jesus: Religious Lies and Gnostic Wisdom

Tim Freke - 2005
    An Incendiary Wake-Up Call to the WorldWhat if the Old Testament is a work of fiction, Jesus never existed, and Muhammad was a mobster?What if the Bible and the Qur'an are works of political propaganda created by Taliban-like fundamentalists to justify the sort of religious violence we are witnessing in the world today?What if there is a big idea that could free us from the us-versus-them world created by religion and make it possible for us to truly love our neighbors—and even our enemies?What if it is possible to awaken to a profound state of oneness and love, which the Gnostic Christians symbolized by the enigmatic figure of the laughing Jesus?Discover for Yourself Why the Gnostic Jesus Laughs

Vistas of Infinity - How to Enjoy Life When You Are Dead

Jurgen Ziewe - 2015
    Jurgen Ziewe has spent over forty years refining his OBE skills via a lifelong practice of deep meditation. The author projects his consciousness into parallel dimensions and non-physical reality systems whilst retaining full waking awareness throughout. He probes into the infinite vistas of human consciousness and brings back detailed accounts of his journeys and observations. The reports gathered followed a strict research protocol, where the author interviewed dead people and visited the higher dimensional realities, from the darkest places to the most illuminated regions of cosmic consciousness and realms which are traditionally referred to as 'Heaven'. These are lively, first-hand accounts providing a narrative which is destined to revolutionize old concepts and perspectives.

Way of God: Derech Hashem (Torah Classics Library) (English and Hebrew Edition)

Moshe Chayim Luzzatto - 1981
    With Rabbi Yosef Begun's marginal notes. Vowelized, facing Hebrew and English texts.

Adi Shankaracharya: Hinduism's Greatest Thinker

Pavan K. Varma - 2018
    In a short life of thirty-two years, Shankaracharya not only revived Hinduism, but also created the organisational structure for its perpetuation through the mathas he established in Sringeri, Dwaraka, Puri and Jyotir Mathas.Adi Shankaracharaya: Hinduism’s Greatest Thinker is a meticulously researched and comprehensive account of his life and philosophy. Highly readable, and including a select anthology of Shankaracharya’s seminal writing, the book also examines the startling endorsement that contemporary science is giving to his ideas today. A must read for people across the ideological spectrum, this book reminds readers about the remarkable philosophical underpinning of Hinduism, making it one of the most vibrant religions in the world.

Kybalion: A Study of the Hermetic Philosophy of Ancient Egypt and Greece

Three Initiates - 1912
    This concise guide offers a modern interpretation of the doctrine, distilling its teachings with seven compelling principles that can be applied to self-development in daily life.

The History of Joseph Smith by His Mother

Lucy Mack Smith
    It was originally titled Biographical Sketches of Joseph Smith, the Prophet, and His Progenitors for Many Generations and was published by Orson Pratt in Liverpool in 1853.Shortly following the death of Joseph Smith in 1844, and into 1845, Lucy Mack Smith dictated her recollections and family story to Nauvoo schoolteacher Martha Jane Coray. Coray worked with her husband to compile these books of notes and other sources into a manuscript, which was then copied.

The Seven Types of Spirit Guide: How to Connect and Communicate with Your Cosmic Helpers

Yamile Yemoonyah - 2020
    Starting with a quiz to discover their type of spirit guide, readers will then learn how to communicate with their spirit guides to work through any challenges--be it healing ancestral trauma, growing their business soulfully, or living a life with purpose. This is the first-ever exploration of seven different kinds of cosmic helpers that have communicated with shamans, mediums, priests, and everyday people across cultures and throughout human history. This refreshing guide reveals that the key to success lies in adapting (not appropriating) the proven techniques developed by other spirit communicators around the world. This book is unique in that it not only answers the question of what spirit guides are but helps the reader identify their very own team of guides. Best of all, it reassures the reader that they don't need to be a shaman, witch, priest, or other professional spirit worker, nor have any special abilities to connect with their guides. All they need is an open mind.