Girlosophy 2: The Love Survival Kit

Anthea Paul - 2002
    An essential handbook on a favorite topic—love—it will help women understand the wider meaning of love as a tool, a resource, and a force. It encourages girls to love themselves first and then reflect on the significance of love outside the common perceptions of romantic love and its role in their friendships and the world at large. It is a road map for every woman to navigate long-distance relationships, determine the real Prince Charmings, overcome icon infatuations, rediscover childhood dreams, and rule in all affairs of the heart.

The Priest and the Medium

Suzanne R. Giesemann - 2009
    Anne Gehman gave her first spirit readings to her teddy bears at age five. Raised in the Mennonite tradition, she left home at age 14 to finish her schooling. A life-changing near-death experience led Anne to develop her natural gifts, including an uncanny ability to predict future events. She has gained international attention for her help in solving crimes, locating oil and missing persons, healing illnesses, and connecting family members with their loved ones in spirit. She has worked with top government agencies and officials, police departments, judges, and corporate CEOs. While remarkable for her spiritual gifts and experiences, Anne’s life is all the more fascinating due to an unusual twist: she is married to Wayne Knoll, Ph.D., a former Jesuit priest. A brilliant student devoted to his faith, Wayne also left home at 14 to join a Roman Catholic seminary. Even while pursuing his life’s dream as a professor of literature at Georgetown University, Wayne felt an emptiness that only a woman could fill. After more than a decade of religious training, he made the wrenching decision to leave the priesthood, not knowing if he would find the love he sought. The Priest and the Medium shares the remarkable story of two soul mates on parallel paths with divergent beliefs, yet united in their love for God and each other.

Oneness: The Destination You Never Left

John Greven - 2005
    The intent of this book is to look afresh at one’s daily experience, to point to something that the mind may have overlooked. It is not pointing to anything new, anything that you can achieve, or anything you can add to yourself. It is not pointing to the good deeds you have done in your life to emphasize what a wonderful person you must be. It is pointing to something so simple, something so obvious, that when it is pointed out and seen, you wonder how it was ever missed. How could the mind have taken something so obvious for granted? How did the mind so easily toss out the valuable jewel in favor of its reflections? You may have been searching for self realization, enlightenment, the Buddha Mind, God, or some other goal implying the same thing. You may have been searching for many years, or you may just be getting started on a search; Whether you’ve been traveling a path for a while or you’re just taking the first step makes no difference. This book invites you to take a look at the space that has been overlooked, to see what is obvious, and to bring that search to an end—right now.

Gods of the New Millenium

Alan F. Alford - 1997
    This interventionist solution identifies them as the builders of the Pyramids, Sphinx and other ancient sites. Up-to-date evidence is that the gods were real and came from within the Solar System.

The World of Psychics: Hay House Psychics on the Topics that Matter Most

David Wells

The Power of Love: Connecting to the Oneness

James Van Praagh - 2016
    Yet, like many a courageous soul who has chosen to tackle this difficult task, you may need to be reminded to activate this innate force that dwells inside you.In this fascinating book, internationally acclaimed medium James Van Praagh demonstrates that love knows no limits—it is the power that holds together everything. Through vivid examples of various everyday situations in life—and knowledge gleaned from the Other Side—James shows you the process for activating this power . . . and thereby fulfilling your life purpose.Anxiety and worry will start to fade as you align yourself with loving thoughts. Decisions that might have preoccupied you before will become easier to make. Difficult events and people will not be drawn to you, because you are learning to release that magnetic energy. When you begin to consciously surround yourself with the energy of love and acceptance—which is your natural state of being—your journey in this physical dimension becomes much smoother, more purposeful, and more powerful. Be empowered with love . . .

My Spiritual Inheritance: Walking in your destiny

Juanita Bynum - 2004
    You can experience salvation and receive a new heart but still miss receiving your full spiritual inheritance. Juanita Bynum, best-selling author of Matters of the Heart, minces no words in explaining the scriptural significance for believers to understand the role spiritual authority plays in your inheriting all God destines for you. Your Spiritual inheritance comes only from submission. Looking in-depth at the lives of Samson, Saul, Uzziah, and Jesus, as well as her own life, Bynum explains the pattern for receiving - and not squandering - the mantle of anointing from God. Discover how submission to instruction and receiving correction from spiritual authority can draw you into destiny. The Bible's pattern is clear - spiritual leaders are to lead, and believers are to submit to their leadership for spiritual direction. Your spiritual inheritance - reserved especially for you - is awaiting your full obedience. Will you embrace the greatness God has put within you?

Medicine of the Cherokee: The Way of Right Relationship

J.T. Garrett - 1996
    With stories of the Four Directions and the Universal Circle, these once-secret teachings offer us wisdom on circle gatherings, natural herbs and healing, and ways to reduce stress in our daily lives.

The Book of Ho'oponopono: The Hawaiian Practice of Forgiveness and Healing

Luc Bodin - 2012
    The process is deceptively simple--first you must recognize your own responsibility for creating the events in your life, then you are ready to apply the mantra of Ho'oponopono: I’m sorry, Forgive me, Thank you, I love you. Repeated several times over a dedicated interval, the negativity is replaced with inner peace, love, and harmony--and, as the stories in this book show, sometimes even miracles take place. In this step-by-step guide, the authors explain how to apply Ho'oponopono to traumatic past events, destructive thought patterns, family dynamics, daily annoyances, or any other disagreeable event in your life, from traffic jams to relationship break-ups. Drawing on quantum physics and epigenetics, they explore how Ho'oponopono works--how thoughts and consciousness can affect the expression of your DNA, the materialization of your goals, and the behavior of those around you. They explain how negative thought patterns and memories unconsciously guide your life and draw more negativity to you, perpetuating the cycle of bad events and clouding your recollection of the past. By apologizing to yourself, your memory, and the event in question, you can forgive yourself, heal your memories, and cleanse your perceptions. By reconciling with yourself, you open your heart to love for your experiences, yourself, and others and bring harmony to your mind, body, and the world around you.

Afterlife: 3 Easy Steps To Connecting And Communicating With Your Deceased Loved Ones (3 Easy Steps Psychic Series)

Blair Robertson - 2015
    They are always around and continue to love you from beyond and they continuously send us signs that they are okay! Are you missing them? In this no-nonsense and no-fluff book, Blair teaches you 3 simple steps to connecting and communicating with your loved ones in spirit. An easy read, this book can change your life! In this book you'll discover: * 3 easy ways to connect with your loved ones in spirit, each method being easy to do. * a simple way to connect with loved ones while you sleep * how to recognize the special signs from spirit in your daily life * how to differentiate what is--and what is not--a genuine sign * discover how to confirm the signs you do receive * Blair's unique T.A.L.K. method of literally having a conversation with your deceased loved one * and much more... This book is brief and to-the-point. No fluff. No filler. Get it and start connecting with your loved ones today! Blair Robertson is a best-selling author and psychic medium who helps people live happier and fuller lives by demonstrating that love never dies. He offers live events, online seminars and courses designed to help people reach new levels of spiritual understanding. A Canadian of Scottish descent, he resides in Arizona with his wife. His website is

Spirits of the Earth: A Guide to Native American Nature Symbols, Stories, and Ceremonies

Bobby Lake-Thom - 1997
    If you seek for guidance, you will discover truth." —Bobby Lake-ThomMuch of the ancient knowledge that has been passed down from Native American medicine men, or shamans is in danger of being lost. Bobby Lake-Thom, a Native American healer known as Medicine Grizzly Bear, has sought to preserve this powerful heritage by sharing his wisdom and experience learning from the world around us. The result is Spirits of the Earth, an extraordinary compilation of legends and rituals about nature's ever-present signs. From the birds that soar above us to the insincts beneath our feet, Bobby Lake-Thom shows how the creatures of the earth can aid us in healing and self-knowledge.What does it mean if a hawk appears in a dream? What are the symbolic interpretations of a deer, a skunk, a raccoon? Lake-Thom, who has studied with the elders of many tribes, explains the significance of animal figures as manifestations of good or evil, and shows how we can develop our own powers of awareness and intuition. The first book of its kind, this practical and enlightening resource includes dozens of fashinating animal myths and legends, as well as exercises and activities that draw upon animal powers for guidance, healing, wisdom, and the expansion of spiritual influences in our lifes. You'll discover here:How animals, birds, and insects act as signs and omensThe significance of vision questsHow to make and use a medicine wheelThe role of spirit symbols—and how they affect the unconsciousExcercises for creative dreamingThe power of the earth-healing ceremonyHow to increase your spiritual strength and create sacred spacesAnd more

Passport to the Cosmos: Human Transformation and Alien Encounters

John E. Mack - 1999
    Mack, M.D. demonstrates how alien abduction phenomena demand a new way of examining the nature of reality & our place in the cosmos. Mack shook the world when he published in Abduction the results of his research involving clients who reported they'd had encounters with alien life-forms. In Passport to the Cosmos, Mack, who has done additional research with abductees in the USA & around the world, asserts that this phenomenon is part of a new era in consciousness, a time in which we must be willing to embrace the idea that alien visitation is real on some level. The alien abduction phenomenon is a cosmic wake-up call that we live in a world filled with spirits & beings who can cross the barrier we've made between the material & immaterial worlds. Drawing on traditiona of non-Western & indigenous cultures, which more readily accept a multidimensional cosmos, he shows that by broadening definitions of what is real we can begin to explore a phenomenon that has deep & lasting implications. By sharing the encounters of experiencers, he illuminates a phenomenon that's changed the worldviews of those who've experienced it. Time & again, experiencers from all cultures say their lives have been altered by their encounters with aliens in ways both traumatic & transformative. This transformation seems to be an intrinsic part of the phenomenon, which is marked by a variety of elements that go beyond the physical manifestation of alien visitation. Passport to the Cosmos solidifies his reputation as an authoritative pioneer of the science of human experience.

The Sacred Pipe: Black Elk's Account of the Seven Rites of the Oglala Sioux

Black Elk - 1953
    Shortly before his death in August, 1950, when he was the "keeper of the sacred pipe," he said, "It is my prayer that, through our sacred pipe, and through this book in which I shall explain what our pipe really is, peace may come to those peoples who can understand, and understanding which must be of the heart and not of the head alone. Then they will realize that we Indians know the One true God, and that we pray to Him continually."Black Elk was the only qualified priest of the older Oglala Sioux still living when The Sacred Pipe was written. This is his book: he gave it orally to Joseph Epes Brown during the latter's eight month's residence on the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota, where Black Elk lived. Beginning with the story of White Buffalo Cow Woman's first visit to the Sioux to give them the sacred pip~, Black Elk describes and discusses the details and meanings of the seven rites, which were disclosed, one by one, to the Sioux through visions. He takes the reader through the sun dance, the purification rite, the "keeping of the soul," and other rites, showing how the Sioux have come to terms with God and nature and their fellow men through a rare spirit of sacrifice and determination.The wakan Mysteries of the Siouan peoples have been a subject of interest and study by explorers and scholars from the period of earliest contact between whites and Indians in North America, but Black Elk's account is without doubt the most highly developed on this religion and cosmography. The Sacred Pipe, published as volume thirty-six in the Civilization of the American Indian Series, will be greeted enthusiastically by students of comparative religion, ethnologists, historians, philosophers, and everyone interested in American Indian life.

Choices and Illusions: How Did I Get Where I Am, and How Do I Get Where I Want to Be?

Eldon Taylor - 2007
    Whether you’re interested in the science of thinking and beliefs, how your own mind works, how others control your thoughts, why things just don’t work out in your life, how you can create the life you’ve always wanted, or on a grander scale, how you can help make the world a better place, Choices and Illusions provides insights for all. Simply reading this book will open your eyes to new worlds of possibilities. Once exposed to the illusions most live under and by, you will change, and putting into practice any of these very simple teachings will open the door for you to achieve your highest potential.Choices and Illusions tells the story of one man’s journey into the workings of the human mind and our reason for being. The adventure is every bit as exciting as the best of scientific discoveries. Eldon Taylor’s approach is scientific and pragmatic, and his conclusions are inspirational and soul enhancing. Along the journey you’ll hear fantastic stories of divine intervention, learn why you think and do what you do not wish to do, and understand the very clear message that it’s never too late to be happy and succeed, regardless of your past actions.

Healed of Cancer

Dodie Osteen - 1986
    She ministers alongside her husband, Pastor John Osteen, at Lakewood Church in Houston, Texas, known as "An Oas