Book picks similar to
30 Days of Discipline by Victor Pride
Maximize Your Mental Power
David J. Schwartz - 1965
He shows readers how to break bad habits such as selling themselves short and blaming others. He also shows how to learn to move out of the past into the future and learn to accept and enjoy full responsibility for one’s life and actions.Schwartz has written a classic in the league of THINK AND GROW RICH by Napoleon Hill. He shows readers how to:Influence people• Achieve goals faster• Feel happy and fulfilled
Danger & Play: Essays on Embracing Masculinity
Mike Cernovich - 2015
Mike Cernovich is considered one of the most controversial men on the Internet, as he tells the truth without fear of offending the politically correct or weak-minded. Cernovich has been attacked by Gawker, Newsweek, and other anti-men publications. MSNBC had a guest on to discuss Cernovich’s “offensive” views on how men want to live. Danger & Play, Cernovich’s flagship website, has been read by millions of people worldwide and his book Gorilla Mindset became an immediate best seller. In Danger & Play: Essays on Embracing Masculinity, you’ll learn how to eliminate slave emotions like guilt and shame. You will begin – perhaps for the first time ever – living life on your terms. Be forewarned. While you will agree with one essay, you will disagree with another. No one agrees with everything Cernovich writes, which is a point of pride for him. Cernovich does not write for the slow or the weak. He writes for independent men (and even some women) who aren’t afraid to have their ideas about the world challenged. Find out what millions of others have learned by reading Danger & Play: Essays on Embracing Masculinity by Mike Cernovich.
You Are a Bad Ass
Willow Archer - 2018
And create it NOW, Make some damn money already. The kind you've never made before. By the end of You Are a Badass, you'll understand why you are how you are, how to love what you can't change, how to change what you don't love, and how to use The Force to kick some serious ass.
Work Energy: Finish What You Start and Fearlessly Take On Any Goal
Jim Harmer - 2019
He had worked hard for his goals, but there was no assurance in sight that he would ever achieve them.During that year, he learned a key truth that changed the way Jim viewed himself. He found the one unique quality inside him- one we all have- that gave him a reason to work. He didn’t know it then, but that secret ingredient was his Work Energy.Now, after creating a digital brand that has attracted over 70 million people and made him financially free, Jim has constructed the framework behind his success. Within this book, you will discover your own Work Energy: the drive behind everything you do and the reason you can take on any goal. Jim Harmer is the founder of Improve Photography and several other successful blogs. His current company, Income School, has helped thousands provide for their families through blogging and YouTubing. Jim lives in Star, Idaho, with his wife, Emily, and their three children.
Playful Intelligence: The Power of Living Lightly in a Serious World
Anthony Debenedet - 2018
Learning the work of marriage. Navigating the bumpy terrain of parenting. Maintaining social relationships. Facing grave hardship. Finding contentment in our career.As the years pass by, we sense how the good things in life are so often eclipsed by stress. We find ourselves doing everything we can just to endure adulthood, all the while wondering whether we are actually enjoying it. This is exactly why Dr. Anthony T. DeBenedet decided to write Playful Intelligence: The Power of Living Lightly in a Serious World, to show readers how playfulness helps us counterbalance the seriousness of adulthood."Five years ago, my life was becoming more intense and stressful," DeBenedet says. "My relationships, clinical work as a physician, and basic interactions with the world were blurring into a frazzled mosaic. Going through the motions became my norm, and every day brought busyness and exhaustion. I thought about whether I was depressed. I didn't think I was. Anxious? Sure, but aren't we all anxious on some level? I also thought about the lifestyle factors that could be making me feel this way. Was I getting enough sleep? Was I exercising regularly? Was I eating healthy? Was I playing and remembering to be playful?"Today, we live in a taxing world. The endless pressure to keep up with our responsibilities and the daily headlines swarming around us can be overwhelming. DeBenedet's work comes at a time when stress, uncertainty, and intensity levels are high. Playful Intelligence shows adults that there is a way to live lighter--and smarter--as we navigate the seriousness of adulthood. It's not about taking life less seriously; it's about taking ourselves less seriously.The book's core chapters are devoted to exploring the effects and benefits of five playful qualities: imagination, sociability, humor, spontaneity, and wonder. By examining playfulness as a sum of its parts, readers will gain a working awareness of its power and be able to apply playful principles to their own lives, bringing the magic of childhood back into their day-to-day existence. The book also offers practical suggestions on how to make life more playful in nature.
Showing Our True Colors
Mary Miscisin - 2001
Based on Don Lowry's True ColorsÒ model, you will discover tips for understanding, appreciating and relating to each style. Lighthearted anecdotes convey concepts in �real life� situations, offering immediately useful methods for resolving conflicts, opening lines of communication, and enhancing personal effectiveness. Convenient reference lists and a set of color character cards are included for easy determination of your True Colors spectrum. The end result is a celebration of the uniqueness in yourself and others.
How To Read A Book A Day: The Ultimate Guide To Quickly Retain And Absorb Information
Thomas Dev Brown - 2015
Instead you'll be able to absorb the most important content and begin applying it immediately after just one day!
The Science of Self-Discipline: The Willpower, Mental Toughness, and Self-Control to Resist Temptation and Achieve Your Goals
Peter Hollins - 2017
Learn to scientifically engineer a disciplined life, become relentless, and never give up. Whatever you want in your life, self-discipline is the missing piece. Goals will remain dreams if you make the mistake of relying on motivation and your best drawn plans.
The Science of Self-Discipline
is a deep look into what allows us to resist our worst impulses and simply execute, achieve, produce, and focus. Every principle is scientifically-driven and dissected to as be actionable and helpful as possible. You’ll learn how top performers consistently exercise self-discipline, as well as what drives us on an instinctual, psychological level to act. This isn’t just a book; it’s a roadmap to the human psyche and will allow you to accomplish exactly what you set out to do, every time. When you understand what drives your cravings and the true roots of self-discipline, you’ll be able to rise above your temporary discomfort and focus on what really matters. Discover every factor that impacts self-discipline for better or worse. Break free of excuses, distractions, laziness, and temptations. Peter Hollins has studied psychology and peak human performance for over a dozen years and is a bestselling author. He has worked with dozens of individuals to unlock their potential and path towards success. His writing draws on his academic, coaching, and research experience. Beat instant gratification and create limitless motivation. • The biological basis of self-discipline - and why it’s beneficial to you. • Discipline tactics for high performers such as Navy SEALs. • Diagnosing what motivates you, what drains you, and what moves you emotionally. • Engineering an environment and social circle that boosts self-discipline. Form productive habits to increase your focus, strengthen your resolve, and stop giving up from boredom or frustration. • Why choosing two marshmallows over one matters. • Four questions for any potential lapse in willpower. • The interplay between habits, motivation, and self-discipline. Self-discipline and willpower will fundamentally change your life. A goal without the self-discipline necessary to enact it will remain just a dream or fantasy. Does this describe you more often than not? It doesn’t matter what you want to do - you might want to become a CEO or just clean more consistently - self-discipline is one of the most important life skills because it is the skill of doing and executing. Pick up your copy today by clicking the BUY NOW button at the top of this page.
Affirmations: How to Expand Your Personal Power and Take Back Control of Your Life
Stuart Wilde - 1987
It will give you a transcendent view that you can use for any endeavor you choose. Many great people in history have understood the simplicity of this power and used it to exhibit genius."--Stuart WildeOnce you understand the concepts taught in Affirmations, you will be able to rightly affirm, "My expectations are truly limitless."
Ageless Brain: Think Faster, Remember More, and Stay Sharper by Lowering Your Brain Age
Julia VanTine - 2018
But what if there was away to eat, exercise, and live that could eliminate these “senior moments?” Ageless Brain offers a plan to sharpen your memories and mind so that at 40, you have the quick, agile brain you had at 30. Based on groundbreaking scientific research, this plan is filled with brain-healthy foods, exercises, and little ways that you can positively impact your most vital organ every day by de-stressing, adjusting your attitude, and constantly interacting with the world through play.Scientists have discovered that the human brain continually generates new neurons—forging new pathways and connections in our minds—well into old age, as long as we pursue brain-healthy lifestyles from what we eat and how much we sleep, to how we exercise and handle stress. Exercising and nourishing our brains just like we do any other ailing organ encourages this growth—improving not only our mental fitness but also our physical fitness as a side effect.With Ageless Brain, you will:· Discover the 10 Commandments of an ageless brain· Reduce key risk-factors for Alzheimer’s· Identify and avoid brain poisons lurking in food, medicines, and home· Learn to play and engage your brain more in everyday life· Drop unsafe levels of blood pressure, cholesterol, and sugar—as well as belly fat· Keep your brain nourished with 45 recipes
The Underdog Advantage - Rewrite Your Future By Turning Your Disadvantages Into Your Superpowers
Dean Graziosi
Do things look good on the outside but on the inside, you feel like a prisoner trapped in mediocrity? Or maybe you feel like you missed your chance, or you can’t find your starting point and no matter what you do, nothing moves you forward? You’re the underdog—dismissed, counted out, lacking the right resources and unsupported. This book changes all that by taking you on a journey and showing you what successful "Underdogs" throughout time have already discovered. Your so called disadvantaged are the fuel and the hidden superpower to accomplish anything you know the secret on how to flip the success switch on in your life... This Book will show you that as an underdog (Something we all are) you’re actually in a great position, and with one or two small shifts, you can unlock limitless potential. Being an underdog means you don’t have to worry about what other people think, you have a lot of room to improve, you can get easy momentum, you can sneak up on competitors, and you have incredible sources of motivation. Soon you will learn that being an underdog is actually your ultimate unfair advantage to next level wealth, prosperity, happiness and joy...
A Great Day at the Office: Simple Strategies to Maximize Your Energy and Get More Done More Easily
John Briffa - 2014
Areas he will cover include: diet, hydration, the amount of alcohol you drink, and the relation these bear to your quantity and quality of sleep. Many of his solutions go against conventional wisdom, but are based on the most recent and cutting-edge studies.
Advanced Rhinocerology: "to help you through the jungle" (The Rhino Books)
Scott Alexander - 1981
Thank you, Scott, for a wonderful book that has changed my life!" --Scott Alexander"Compelling...startling...I recommend it for everyone!" --Scott Alexander
The Lighthouse Effect: How Ordinary People Can Have an Extraordinary Impact in the World
Steve Pemberton - 2021
Our polarized, divisive culture seems to be without heroes and role models. We are adrift in a dark sea of disillusionment and distrust and we need "human lighthouses" to give us hope and direct us back to the goodness in each other and in our own hearts. Steve Pemberton found a lighthouse in an ordinary man named John Sykes, his former high school counselor. John gave Steve a safe harbor after Steve escaped an abusive foster home and together they navigated a new path that led to personal and professional success. Through stories of people like John and several others, you will identify how the hardships you have overcome equip you to be a "human lighthouse," inspiring those around you. The humble gestures of kindness that change the course of our lives can shift the course for America too. With a unique vision for building up individuals and communities and restoring trust, The Lighthouse Effect opens your eyes to those who are quietly heroic. You will reflect on the lighthouses in your own life and be reminded that the greatest heroes are alongside us--and within us.
Confident You: An Introvert's Guide to Success in Life and Business
S.J. Scott - 2015
The world applauds extroverts, so it's easy to feel left out in the cold. As an introvert, you know it's important to be outgoing, social and a good leader, yet these behaviors don't seem natural. The truth is that success in life often comes down to how well you sell yourself. This means behaving in a manner that doesn't seem congruent with what's inside. In simple terms, the world around us requires introverts to behave in an extroverted manner. LEARN:: How to Harness Your Introverted "Powers" Introversion "can" be a good thing. Without introverts, society would be full of outgoing and social people but a lot fewer artists, analysts, scientists, doctors, writers, engineers, and designers. On the other hand, the world often celebrates and rewards extroverts, often leaving introverts out in the cold. Instead of trying to make you an extrovert, the goal of "Confident You" is to help you capitalize on all the positive aspects of being an introvert, while helping you overcome the less positive aspects of introversion. DOWNLOAD:: Confident You - An Introvert's Guide to Success in Life and Business "Confident You" provides 15 strategies to help you become more extroverted in business and social situations. You will discover: A 10-Minute Test That Identifies Your "Type" of Introversion Simple Lessons from Famous Introverts How to Deal with a Lack of Confidence (or Shyness) in Social Situations The Secret to Making a Good First Impression How to Have Your ACCOMPLISHMENTS Recognized at Work The Best Ways to Nurture Relationships with Extroverts Unique Leadership Qualities of Introverts How to Engage in Small Talk That MATTERS 4 Ways to Overcome the "Dull Perception" You "can" thrive in a world that prefers extroverts. All you need is an action plan for social situations at work and in life. Would You Like To Know More? Download now to learn how to become more confident and successful introvert. Scroll to the top of the page and select the "buy now" button.