Book picks similar to
Signals and Systems For Dummies by Mark Wickert
Principles Materials Science Engineering
William F. Smith - 1986
It provides up to date information on structural properties, the processing of materials and their applications.
Introduction to Physical Metallurgy
Sidney H. Avner - 1974
The main ideas and applications of the metallurgy are provided in this book.
Operational Amplifiers and Linear Integrated Circuits
Robert F. Coughlin - 1982
It provides many detailed, practical design and analysis examples intended to relate theory to the workplace. Chapter topics include first experiences with an op amp; inverting and noninverting amplifiers; comparators and controls; selected applications of op amps; signal generators; op amps with diodes; differential, instrumentation, and bridge amplifiers; DC performance: bias, offsets, and drift; AC performance: bandwidth, slew rate, noise; active filters; modulating, demodulating, and frequency changing with the multiplier; integrated-circuit timers; digital-to-analog converters; analog-to-digital converters; and power supplies. For design engineers rs
Microwave Engineering
David M. Pozar - 1990
The author successfully introduces Maxwell's equations, wave propagation, network analysis, and design principles as applied to modern microwave engineering. A considerable amount of material in this book is related to the design of specific microwave circuits and components, for both practical and motivational value. It also presents the analysis and logic behind these designs so that the reader can see and understand the process of applying the fundamental concepts to arrive at useful results. The derivations are well laid out and the majority of each chapter's formulas are displayed in a nice tabular format every few pages. This Third Edition offers greatly expanded coverage with new material on: Noise; Nonlinear effects; RF MEMs; transistor power amplifiers; FET mixers; oscillator phase noise; transistor oscillators and frequency multiplier.
Electronic Gadgets for the Evil Genius
Bob Iannini - 2004
Build more than 20 of your own inexpensive yet highly impressive electronic devices!
Total Quality Management
Dale H. Besterfield - 1994
* NEW-Provides four new chapters on: * Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA). * Total Productive Maintenance (TPM). * ISO 14000. * Management Tools. FEATURES * Covers the principles and practices that make up the backbone of TQM, with insightful analyses of such areas as: * Leadership (i.e., the role of senior management, core values, seven habits of highly effective people, communication, and strategic planning). * Customer satisfaction (including their perception of quality, feedback, and translating needs into requirements). * Employee involvement (motivation, empowerment, team training, unions, and more). * Performance measures (its basic concepts, quality costs). * Fully explores TQMs tools and techniques, with informativ
Faraday, Maxwell, and the Electromagnetic Field: How Two Men Revolutionized Physics
Nancy Forbes - 2014
This is the story of how these two men - separated in age by forty years - discovered the existence of the electromagnetic field and devised a radically new theory which overturned the strictly mechanical view of the world that had prevailed since Newton's time.The authors, veteran science writers with special expertise in physics and engineering, have created a lively narrative that interweaves rich biographical detail from each man's life with clear explanations of their scientific accomplishments. Faraday was an autodidact, who overcame class prejudice and a lack of mathematical training to become renowned for his acute powers of experimental observation, technological skills, and prodigious scientific imagination. James Clerk Maxwell was highly regarded as one of the most brilliant mathematical physicists of the age. He made an enormous number of advances in his own right. But when he translated Faraday's ideas into mathematical language, thus creating field theory, this unified framework of electricity, magnetism and light became the basis for much of later, 20th-century physics.Faraday's and Maxwell's collaborative efforts gave rise to many of the technological innovations we take for granted today - from electric power generation to television, and much more. Told with panache, warmth, and clarity, this captivating story of their greatest work - in which each played an equal part - and their inspiring lives will bring new appreciation to these giants of science.
Calculus for Dummies
Mark Ryan - 2003
Others who have no intention of ever studying the subject have this notion that calculus is impossibly difficult unless you happen to be a direct descendant of Einstein. Well, the good news is that you can master calculus. It's not nearly as tough as its mystique would lead you to think. Much of calculus is really just very advanced algebra, geometry, and trig. It builds upon and is a logical extension of those subjects. If you can do algebra, geometry, and trig, you can do calculus.Calculus For Dummies is intended for three groups of readers:Students taking their first calculus course - If you're enrolled in a calculus course and you find your textbook less than crystal clear, this is the book for you. It covers the most important topics in the first year of calculus: differentiation, integration, and infinite series.Students who need to brush up on their calculus to prepare for other studies - If you've had elementary calculus, but it's been a couple of years and you want to review the concepts to prepare for, say, some graduate program, Calculus For Dummies will give you a thorough, no-nonsense refresher course.Adults of all ages who'd like a good introduction to the subject - Non-student readers will find the book's exposition clear and accessible. Calculus For Dummies takes calculus out of the ivory tower and brings it down to earth. This is a user-friendly math book. Whenever possible, the author explains the calculus concepts by showing you connections between the calculus ideas and easier ideas from algebra and geometry. Then, you'll see how the calculus concepts work in concrete examples. All explanations are in plain English, not math-speak. Calculus For Dummies covers the following topics and more:Real-world examples of calculus The two big ideas of calculus: differentiation and integration Why calculus works Pre-algebra and algebra review Common functions and their graphs Limits and continuity Integration and approximating area Sequences and series Don't buy the misconception. Sure calculus is difficult - but it's manageable, doable. You made it through algebra, geometry, and trigonometry. Well, calculus just picks up where they leave off - it's simply the next step in a logical progression.
Mechanical Vibrations
Singiresu S. Rao - 1986
This text gives expanded explanations of the fundamentals of vibration including history of vibration, degree of freedom systems, vibration control, vibration measurement, and more. For engineers and other professionals who want a clear introduction to vibration engineering.
Elements Of Electrical And Mechanical Engineering
B.L. Theraja - 1999
Fluid Mechanics with Engineering Applications
E. John Finnemore - 1985
This book is for civil engineers that teach fluid mechanics both within their discipline and as a service course to mechanical engineering students. As with all previous editions this 10th edition is extraordinarily accurate, and its coverage of open channel flow and transport is superior. There is a broader coverage of all topics in this edition of Fluid Mechanics with Engineering Applications. Furthermore, this edition has numerous computer-related problems that can be solved in Matlab and Mathcad.
The 8088 and 8086 Microprocessors: Programming, Interfacing, Software, Hardware, and Applications
Walter A. Triebel - 1991
This volume offers thorough, balanced, and practical coverage of both software and hardware topics. Develops basic concepts using the 8088 and 8086 microprocessors, but the 32-bit version of the 80x86 family is also discussed. Examines how to assemble, run, and debug programs, and how to build, test, and troubleshoot interface circuits. Provides detailed coverage of floating-point processing and the single instruction multiple data (DIMD) processing capability of the advanced Pentium processor. Includes added material on number systems, logic functions and operations, conversion between number systems, and addition/subtraction of binary numbers. Includes new advanced material such as floating Point Architecture and Instructions, Multimedia (MMX) Architecture and Instructions, and the hardware and hardware architecture of the Pentium 3 and Pentium 4 processors. Covers the Intel architecture microprocessor families: 8088, 8086, 80286, 80386, 80486, and the latest Pentium(R) processors. Illustrates commands of the DEBUG program and how to assemble, disassemble, load, save, execute, and debug programs on the IBM PC. Introduces the contents of the 8088's instruction set. Explores practical implementation techniques, covering the use of latches, transceivers, buffers, and programmable logic devices in the memory and I/O interfaces of the microcomputer system. A valuable handbook for self-study in learning microprocessors, for electrical engineers, electronic technicians, and all computer programmers.
Minecraft Ultimate Secrets Handbook: Over 300 Unbelievable Minecraft Secrets & Cheats. All In One Tricks and Survival Tips for Minecrafters! (Unofficial Minecraft Guideļ¼
Tony Pagan - 2014
*Become a Pro in Minecraft!*Extremely Easy to Read*Superior Survival Techniques & Tips*Outstanding Tricks to Help You Master The Game*Explore New Minecraft World You Never Knew About!
Engineering Thermodynamics: A Computer Approach (Si Units Version) (Revised)
R.K. Rajput - 2009
Pure Substances, The First And Second Laws, Gases, Psychrometrics, The Vapor, Gas And Refrigeration Cycles, Heat Transfer, Compressible Flow, Chemical Reactions, Fuels, And More Are Presented In Detail And Enhanced With Practical Applications. This Version Presents The Material Using SI Units And Has Ample Material On SI Conversion, Steam Tables, And A Mollier Diagram. A CD-ROM, Included With The Print Version Of The Text, Includes A Fully Functional Version Of Quickfield (Widely Used In Industry), As Well As Numerous Demonstrations And Simulations With MATLAB, And Other Third Party Software.
Environmental Engineering Vol. I Water Supply Engineering
Garg Sk
The simple and lucidlanguage adopted by the author has already made this publication to be highlypopular amongst the students and teachers of the various engineering colleges inIndia and abroad. It has also become the first choice of the professional fieldengineers. The student appearing for the competitive examinations, particularlythose appearing at the Engineering Services, Civil Services (IAS), and GATEexaminations, will find this book of immense utility and highlysecuring, paving their way for an excellent success in these competitions. Thetext matter has been thoroughly revised and updated in this edition, and issupported by about 500 Objective Questions and a vast number of numericalexamples, including those from the various universities and competitiveexaminations. Complete hydraulic design of a Water Treatment Plant has also beenadded in this new edition.