Best of
Kelly: More Than My Share of It All
Clarence L. Johnson - 1985
“Kelly” Johnson led the design of such crucial aircraft as the P-38 and Constellation, but he will be more remembered for the U-2 and SR-71 spy planes. His extraordinary leadership of the Lockheed “Skunk Works” cemented his reputation as a legendary figure in American aerospace management.
Fighter Combat: Tactics and Maneuvering
Robert L. Shaw - 1985
Full discussions of fighter aircraft and weapons systems performance are provided along with an explanation of radar intercept tactics and an analysis of the elements involved in the performance of fighter missions.
Machine Elements In Mechanical Design
Robert L. Mott - 1985
Extensive updating for the fourth edition includes new photographs of commercially available machine components, new design data for some elements, new or revised standards, new end-of-chapter references, and listings of Internet sites. Strengths of this text include: The three-part structure that was introduced in the third edition has been maintained. Part I focuses on reviewing and upgrading readers' understanding of design philosophies, the principles of strength of materials, the design properties of materials, combined stresses, design for different types of loading, and the analysis and design of columns. Part II is organized around the design of a complete power transmission system, emphasizing the interrelationships among machine elements in addition to their unique characteristics. Included are belt drives, chain drives, gears, shafts, keys, couplings, seals, rolling contact bearings, and completion of the design of a power transmission. Part III presents methods of analysis and design of plain surface bearings, linear motion elements, fasteners, springs, machine frames, bolted connections, welded joints, electric motors, controls, clutches, and brakes. A CD-ROM for the mechanical design software MDESIGN is included with each book. This powerful software enables users to quickly complete the design of many of the machine elements discussed in the book. Extensive lists of Internet sites and references at the end of eachchapter assist readers in accessing additional information about the concepts presented in this book and in finding data for commercially available products that can be applied to designs. Computer spreadsheets facilitate the design and analysis of many machine elements. The Big Picture, You Are the Designer, and Objectives features help readers draw on their own experiences and appreciate what competencies they will acquire from the study of each chapter.
Industrial Motor Control
Stephen L. Herman - 1985
Comprehensive and up to date, this book provides crucial information on basic relay control systems, programmable logic controllers, and solid state devices commonly found in an industrial setting. Written by a highly qualified and respected author, you will find easy-to-follow instructions and essential information on controlling industrial motors and commonly used devices in contemporary industry. INDUSTRIAL MOTOR CONTROL 7E successfully bridges the gap between industrial maintenance and instrumentation, giving you a fundamental understanding of the operation of variable frequency drives, solid state relays, and other applications that employ electronic devices.
Engineer to Win
Carroll Smith - 1985
Covers all forms of racing cars and includes a thorough analysis of metallurgy, metal fatigue and general materials technology. Details specific components and specific activities such as heat treatments, stress relieving, etc. Plus aerodynamics, ground effects, brakes, tools, and more. ...excellent information. Popular Cars magazine.
Intermolecular and Surface Forces: With Applications to Colloidal and Biological Systems (Colloid Science)
Jacob N. Israelachvili - 1985
The book provides a thorough grounding in theories and concepts of intermolecular forces, allowing students and researchers to recognize which forces are important in any particular system and how to control these forces.Key Features• Surface-force measurements• Solvation and structural forces• Hydration and hydophobic forces• Ion-correlation forces• Thermal fluctuation (steric and undulation) forces• Particle and surface interactions in polymer melts and polymer solutions• Contains worked examples, discussion topics, and more than 100 problems
Materials Science and Engineering: An Introduction
William D. Callister Jr. - 1985
For examples see chapters 3, 4, 5 and 9. * Mechanical property coverage The Sixth Edition maintains its extensive, introductory level coverage of mechanical properties and failure--the most important materials considerations for many engineers. For examples see chapters 6, 7, & 8. * A picture is worth 1000 words! The Sixth Edition judiciously and extensively makes use of illustrations and photographs. The approximate 500 figures include a large number of photographs that show the microstructure of various materials (e.g., Figures 9.12, 10.8, 13.12, 14.15 and 16.5). * Current and up-to-date Students are presented with the latest developments in Material Science and Engineering. Such up-to-date content includes advanced ceramic and polymeric materials, composites, high-energy hard magnetic materials, and optical fibers in communications. For examples see sections 13.7, 15.19, 16.8, 20.9, and 21.14. * Why study These sections at the beginning of each chapter provide the student with reasons why it is important to learn the material covered in the chapter. * Learning objectives A brief list of learning objectives for each chapter states the key learning concepts for the chapter. * Resources to facilitate the materials selection process. Appendix B, which contains 11 properties for a set of approximately 100 materials, is included which be used in materials selection problems. An additional resource, Appendix C, contains the prices for all materials listed in Appendix B. * The text is packaged with a CD-ROM that contains 1) interactive software modules to enhance visualization of three-dimensional objects, 2) additional coverage of select topics, and 3) complete solutions to selected problems from the text in order to assist students in mastering problem-solving.
Principles of CMOS VLSI Design: A Systems Perspective
Neil H.E. Weste - 1985
The book deals the technology down to the layout level of detail, thereby providing a bridge from a circuit to a form that may be fabricated. The early chapters provide a circuit view of the CMOS IC design, the middle chapters cover a sub-system view of CMOS VLSI, and the final section illustrates these techniques through the use of a case study. This capstone section ties together the preceding chapters and gives the student a feel for real-world design. Features Updates all the technology sections to sub-micron CMOS, technology that has played an increasingly important part in the integrated circuit industry. Emphasizes semi-custom and other design approaches. Expands the subsystem section to include more building blocks. Provides an introductory section to familiarize the reader with the terminology and some important building blocks. Covers performance estimation in detail. Features New to this Edition Addresses the growing need designers to produce a VLSI product correctly and within a specified time frame and budget. Expanded section on testing.
Introduction to Statistical Quality Control
Douglas C. Montgomery - 1985
It provides comprehensive coverage of the subject from basic principles to state-of-art concepts and applications. The objective is to give the reader a sound understanding of the principles and the basis for applying them in a variety of both product and nonproduct situations. While statistical techniques are emphasized throughout, the book has a strong engineering and management orientation. Guidelines are given throughout the book for selecting the proper type of statistical technique to use in a wide variety of product and nonproduct situations. By presenting theory, and supporting the theory with clear and relevant examples, Montgomery helps the reader to understand the big picture of important concepts. Updated to reflect contemporary practice and provide more information on management aspects of quality improvement.
Internal Combustion Engine in Theory and Practice, Volume 1: Thermodynamics, Fluid Flow, Performance
Charles Fayette Taylor - 1985
The fundamentals and the topical organization, however, remain the same. The analytic rather than merely descriptive treatment of actual engine cycles, the exhaustive studies of air capacity, heat flow, friction, and the effects of cylinder size, and the emphasis on application have been preserved. These are the basic qualities that have made Taylor's work indispensable to more than one generation of engineers and designers of internal-combustion engines, as well as to teachers and graduate students in the fields of power, internal-combustion engineering, and general machine design.
The Production of Houses
Christopher W. Alexander - 1985
His seminal books--The Timeless Way of Building, A Pattern Language, and The Oregon Experiment--defined a radical and fundamently new process of environmental design. Alexander now gives us the latest book in his series--a book that puts his theories to the test and shows what sort of production system can create the kind of environment he has envisioned. The Production of Houses centers around a group of buildings which Alexander and his associates built in 1976 in northern Mexico. Each house is different and the book explains how each family helped to lay out and construct its own home according to the family's own needs and in the framework of the pattern language. Numerous diagrams and tables as well as a variety of anecdotes make the day-today process clear. The Mexican project, however, is only the starting point for a comprehensive theory of housing production. The Production of Houses describes seven principles which apply to any system of production in any part of the world for housing of any cost in any climate or culture or at any density. In the last part of the book, "The Shift of Paradigm," Alexander describes, in detail, the devastating nature of the revolution in world view which is contained in his proposal for housing construction, and its overall implications for deep-seated cultural change.
Diagnosing the System for Organizations
Stafford Beer - 1985
His writingis as much art as it is science. He is the most viable system Iknow." Dr Russell L Ackoff, The Institute for InteractiveManagement, Pennsylvania, USA."If anyone can make it [Operations Research] understandablyreadable and positively interesting it is Stafford Beer everyone inmanagement ..should be grateful to him for using clear and at timeselegant English and even elegant diagrams." The Economist In Brain of the Firm and The Heart of Enterprise Stafford Beerworked out the scientific laws that govern any viable system. Theyconstitute the basis for this book which is concerned solely withthe application of those laws to the understanding of anyparticular enterprise. In the form of a Handbook or Manager sGuide, Diagnosing the System deals with the fundamental problem ofmanagement how to cope with complexity itself. It shows you how todesign (or redesign) an enterprise in conformity with the laws ofviability, and will help you to diagnose faults in yourorganizational structure.
Stepping Motors and Their Microprocessor Controls
Takashi Kenjo - 1985
Found in a diverse range of machines such as clocks, typewriters, automatic draughting machines, numerically controlled machine tools, and computer peripherals, stepping motors offer easy compatibility with digital equipment and ease of control. This thoroughly updated second edition of Stepping Motors offers a practical approach to the subject and relates the workings, design, and construction of these motors to underlying electromagnetic principles. The reader is taken through a brief history of stepping-motor development and is provided with expert treatments of the theory, terminology, control systems, and likely applications associated with the devices. The text is copiously illustrated with clear and helpful diagrams and contains much detailed information. It is the perfect introduction for students and professionals in electrical and electronic engineering.
Radar Cross Section (Scitech Radar and Defense)
Eugene F. Knott - 1985
Radar cross section (RCS) is a comparison of two radar signal strengths. One is the strength of the radar beam sweeping over a target, the other is the strength of the reflected echo sensed by the receiver. This book shows how the RCS "gauge" can be predicted for theoretical objects and how it can be measured for real targets. Predicting RCS is not easy, even for simple objects like spheres or cylinders, but this book explains the two "exact" forms of theory so well that even a novice will understand enough to make close predictions. Weapons systems developers are keenly interested in reducing the RCS of their platforms. The two most practical ways to reduce RCS are shaping and absorption. This book explains both in great detail, especially in the design, evaluation and selection of radar absorbers. There is also great detail on the design and employment of indoor and outdoor test ranges for scale models or for full-scale targets (such as aircraft).In essence, this book covers everything you need to know about RCS, from what it is, how to predict and measure, how to test targets (indoors and out) and how to beat it.
Thomas Telford
L.T.C. Rolt - 1985
At the age of 14, he was apprenticed to a stonemason. He worked for a time in Edinburgh and in 1782 he moved to London. By this time, Telford had established a good reputation as an engineer and in 1790 was given the task of building a bridge over the River Severn at Montford. This was followed by a canal that linked the ironworks and collieries of Wrexham with Chester and Shrewsbury. On the Pontcysyllte Aqueduct, Telford used a new method of construction consisting of troughs made from cast-iron plates and fixed in masonry. With the success of these structures, Telford began his rise to fame that eventually made him one of the greatest engineers in Victorian Britain. His bridges, aqueducts, roads, and canals combined aesthetic grace with brilliant engineering, and perhaps no other single individual contributed more to making Britain the "workshop of the world."
Mechanics of Materials
Russell C. Hibbeler - 1985
Hibbeler continues to be the most student friendly text on the market. The new edition offers a new four-color, photorealistic art program to help students better visualize difficult concepts. Hibbeler continues to have over 1/3 more examples than its competitors, Procedures for Analysis problem solving sections, and a simple, concise writing style. Each chapter is organized into well-defined units that offer instructors great flexibility in course emphasis. Hibbeler combines a fluid writing style, cohesive organization, outstanding illustrations, and dynamic use of exercises, examples, and free body diagrams to help prepare tomorrow's engineers.
Principles of Geotechnical Engineering
Jonathan Wickert - 1985
With more figures and worked out problems than any other text on the market, this text also provides the background information needed to support study in later design-oriented courses or in professional practice.
Clinical Mechanics Of The Hand
Paul W. Brand - 1985
This edition includes new information on the tendons of the wrist and extensor mechanism of the fingers and the illustrations have been updated and expanded.
Reference Data for Engineer's Radio
Edward C. Jordan - 1985
Originally published as a limited private edition, this book is now available to engineers worldwide. Features contributions from 70 professionals. Originally used only by engineers, physicists, and mathematicians at ITT.
Introduction to Aerospace Structural Analysis
David H. Allen - 1985
Introduction to Aerospace Structural Analysis by David H. Allen and Walter E. Haisler.
The Material World
Rodney M.J. Cotterill - 1985
Using the cosmos as a backdrop, this volume delivers a fascinating journey of Nature's materials, transitioning from the atom to the living organism to consciousness itself. Rodney Cotterill seamlessly blends the physics, chemistry, astronomy and biology of Nature to portray matter with all its elegance and flaws. He connects concepts and pinpoints commonalities between the inorganic and organic domains. Written with the non-specialist in mind, end of chapter summaries provide succinct overviews of individual topics. Through the breadth of topics and engaging prose, this book is a superb introduction to those intrigued by the material world we live in.
Electrical Engineer's Reference Book
M.G. Say - 1985
The Electrical Engineer's Reference Book, 15th edition, long established as an ideal reference, has been revised and includes complete rearrangement to take in chapters on new topics and regroup the subjects covered for easy access to information.