Best of
Metamagical Themas: Questing for the Essence of Mind and Pattern
Douglas R. Hofstadter - 1985
Hofstadter's collection of quirky essays is unified by its primary concern: to examine the way people perceive and think.
The Shape of Space: How to Visualize Surfaces and Three-Dimensional Manifolds
Jeffrey R. Weeks - 1985
Bridging the gap from geometry to the latest work in observational cosmology, the book illustrates the connection between geometry and the behavior of the physical universe and explains how radiation remaining from the big bang may reveal the actual shape of the universe.
I Want to Be a Mathematician: An Automathography
Paul R. Halmos - 1985
The main message i absorbed from it was a set of conditions required for success in mathematics: talent, yes; single-mindedness, almost as obvious; sense of humour, essential when the going gets tough; and love, yes that is the right word - you must love mathematics, and that means all the ingredients, passion, pain and loyalty." The Mathematical Gazette#1"The book is written in a very personal, but plain and honest way, result of reflected experience and mature self-assessment of a wise man. It avoids palliation as well as exaggerated modesty.- It should be a document for history and sociology of science." (R. Fischer) Zentralblatt für Mathematik#2
To Mock a Mockingbird and Other Logic Puzzles
Raymond M. Smullyan - 1985
It contains many puzzles and their solutions and aims to attract many readers in an age where computer science, logic, and mathematics are becoming increasingly important and popular.
Calculus with Analytic Geometry
George F. Simmons - 1985
It takes an intuitive approach to calculus and focuses on the application of methods to real-world problems. Throughout the text, calculus is treated as a problem solving science of immense capability.
Mathematics Form and Function
Saunders Mac Lane - 1985
A survey of the whole of mathematics, including its origins and deep structure
Matrix Analysis
Roger A. Horn - 1985
In this book the authors present classical and recent results of matrix analysis that have proved to be important to applied mathematics. Facts about matrices, beyond those found in an elementary linear algebra course, are needed to understand virtually any area of mathematical science, but the necessary material has appeared only sporadically in the literature and in university curricula. As interest in applied mathematics has grown, the need for a text and reference offering a broad selection of topics in matrix theory has become apparent, and this book meets that need. This volume reflects two concurrent views of matrix analysis. First, it encompasses topics in linear algebra that have arisen out of the needs of mathematical analysis. Second, it is an approach to real and complex linear algebraic problems that does not hesitate to use notions from analysis. Both views are reflected in its choice and treatment of topics.
Ordinary Differential Equations
Morris Tenenbaum - 1985
Subsequent sections deal with integrating factors; dilution and accretion problems; linearization of first order systems; Laplace Transforms; Newton's Interpolation Formulas, more.
Quick Calculus: A Self-Teaching Guide
Daniel Kleppner - 1985
Nevertheless, countless students and others who need quantitative skills limit their futures by avoiding this subject like the plague. Maybe that's why the first edition of this self-teaching guide sold over 250,000 copies. Quick Calculus, Second Edition continues to teach the elementary techniques of differential and integral calculus quickly and painlessly. Your calculus anxiety will rapidly disappear as you work at your own pace on a series of carefully selected work problems. Each correct answer to a work problem leads to new material, while an incorrect response is followed by additional explanations and reviews. This updated edition incorporates the use of calculators and features more applications and examples. .makes it possible for a person to delve into the mystery of calculus without being mystified. --Physics Teacher
Aspects of Symmetry
Sidney Coleman - 1985
Delivered over the past two decades at the International School of Subnuclear Physics in Erice, Sicily, the lectures help to organize and explain material that a the time existed in a confused state, scattered in the literature. At the time they were given they spread new ideas throughout the physics community and proved very popular as introductions to topics at the frontiers of research.
Introduction to Statistical Quality Control
Douglas C. Montgomery - 1985
It provides comprehensive coverage of the subject from basic principles to state-of-art concepts and applications. The objective is to give the reader a sound understanding of the principles and the basis for applying them in a variety of both product and nonproduct situations. While statistical techniques are emphasized throughout, the book has a strong engineering and management orientation. Guidelines are given throughout the book for selecting the proper type of statistical technique to use in a wide variety of product and nonproduct situations. By presenting theory, and supporting the theory with clear and relevant examples, Montgomery helps the reader to understand the big picture of important concepts. Updated to reflect contemporary practice and provide more information on management aspects of quality improvement.
Introduction to Linear Algebra (Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics)
Serge Lang - 1985
In the first chapter, Lang discusses the relation between the geometry and the algebra underlying the subject, and gives concrete examples of the notions which appear later in the book. He then starts with a discussion of linear equations, matrices and Gaussian elimination, and proceeds to discuss vector spaces, linear maps, scalar products, determinants, and eigenvalues. The book contains a large number of exercises, some of the routine computational type, while others are conceptual.
Communicating Sequential Processes (Prentice Hall International Series in Computing Science)
C.A.R. Hoare - 1985
Most suitable application of this new field is to the specification, design and implementation of computer systems which continuously act and interact with their environment.
Discrete Mathematics for Computer Scientists and Mathematicians
Joe L. Mott - 1985
Rotating Fields in General Relativity
Jamal Nazrul Islam - 1985
The account begins with a short introduction to the relevant aspects of general relativity, written at a level accessible to a beginning graduate student in theoretical physics. There follows a detailed derivation of the Wehl-Lewis-Papapetrou form of the stationary axially symmetric metric. The Kerr and Tomimatsu-Sato forms of the rotating interior and exterior solutions of the Einstein equations are then discussed. The last three chapters of the book illustrate the applications of the theory to rotating neutral dust, rotating Einstein-Maxwell fields, and rotating charged dust. The author has drawn on his own research work to produce a timely discussion of this important area of research.
Anticipatory Systems: Philosophical, Mathematical, And Methodological Foundations
Robert Rosen - 1985
Ramanujan's Notebooks: Part I
Bruce C. Berndt - 1985
His story is quite unusual: although he had no formal education inmathematics, he taught himself, and managed to produce many important new results. With the support of the English number theorist G. H. Hardy, Ramanujan received a scholarship to go to England and study mathematics. He died very young, at the age of 32, leaving behind three notebooks containing almost 3000 theorems, virtually all without proof. G. H. Hardy and others strongly urged that notebooks be edited and published, and the result is this series of books. This volume dealswith Chapters 1-9 of Book II; each theorem is either proved, or a reference to a proof is given.
Collected Papers on Mathematics, Logic, and Philosophy
Gottlob Frege - 1985
Widely published on logic, analysis, geometry, and arithmetic, which he regarded as the purest form of thought, Frege's analytic approach to philosophy set the stage for the field's eventual linguistic turn. Collected Paper on Mathematics, Logic, and Philosophy is a compilation of his collected works across fields, allowing readers to share in his evolution of thought and catch a glimpse of a legendary mind at work.
Applied Differential Geometry
William L. Burke - 1985
The intended audience is physicists, so the author emphasises applications and geometrical reasoning in order to give results and concepts a precise but intuitive meaning without getting bogged down in analysis. The large number of diagrams helps elucidate the fundamental ideas. Mathematical topics covered include differentiable manifolds, differential forms and twisted forms, the Hodge star operator, exterior differential systems and symplectic geometry. All of the mathematics is motivated and illustrated by useful physical examples.
Calculus Tutoring Book
Carol Ash - 1985
This book fills an educational void by adapting unique classroom-tested techniques that students find most congenial...that strip the shroud of mystery from an esoteric subject...that prepare students for applications of calculus in later courses.
Solutions: Enhancing Love, Sex, and Relationships
Leslie Cameron-Bandler - 1985
The practical and effective solutions presented in the following pages will enable you, if you choose, to convert the promise of personal satisfaction and fulfillment into reality. Although the material in this book is used by clinicians in the field of psychology, all of the concepts and methods are discussed in everyday terms. Each important point is amplified with anecdotes and actual examples from my rich background in helping people achieve happier and more fulfilling lives. Even though the presentation of this material is oriented around couple relationships and sexual functioning, it is important to know that these techniques are just as effective in producing desired change in all of the other significant areas of life. The following set of resources is a therapist's guidebook that anyone can use to resolve problems and make their life more of what they want it to be. This revised and expanded edition of this work (formerly titled They Lived Happily Ever After) contains all of the methods and techniques formulated by my colleagues and me during our development of the field of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP). That remains unchanged; none of the original book has been deleted since each item has proven its value in creating positive change. But while this book has received a generous and enthusiastic response over the years, time has not stood still and even an excellent product of the past needs updating and improvement. In addition to stylistic revisions, I have added several important new techniques that I developed during the past few years. These techniques work to remedy problems that were generally considered unsolvable when I first wrote this book. The new sections on the threshold pattern in relationships (Chapters 9 and 17) are especially relevant to anyone who wants to understand the process of falling in and out of love, and to everyone who wants to know what to do to maintain a loving an supportive relationship. I have written this book for anyone who wants the experience of sexual fulfillment and nurturing relationships to reside within the realm of choice and control. The information contained in the following pages is for seekers and doers, people who will not settle for less when they know that more is within reach. Be comfortable and curious as you read this book. Recognize yourself and others in the descriptions and stories. Practice the techniques--they work. Use what you are about to learn, and enjoy.
Methods of Mathematics Applied to Calculus, Probability, and Statistics
Richard Hamming - 1985
This text focuses on the most widely used applications of mathematical methods, including those related to other important fields such as probability and statistics. The four-part treatment begins with algebra and analytic geometry and proceeds to an exploration of the calculus of algebraic functions and transcendental functions and applications. In addition to three helpful appendixes, the text features answers to some of the exercises. Appropriate for advanced undergraduates and graduate students, it is also a practical reference for professionals. 1985 edition. 310 figures. 18 tables.
Discrete Thoughts: Essays on Mathematics, Science and Philosophy
Mark Kac - 1985
To be sure, our store of accurate facts is more plentiful now than it has ever been, and the minutest details of history are being thoroughly recorded. Scientists, - men and scholars vie with each other in publishing excruciatingly definitive accounts of all that happens on the natural, political and historical scenes. Unfortunately, telling the truth is not quite the same thing as reciting a rosary of facts. Jos6 Ortega y Gasset, in an adm- able lesson summarized by Antonio Machado's three-line poem, prophetically warned us that the reason people so often lie is that they lack imagination: they don't realize that the truth, too, is a matter of invention. Sometime, in a future that is knocking at our door, we shall have to retrain ourselves or our children to properly tell the truth. The exercise will be particularly painful in mathematics. The enrapturing discoveries of our field systematically conceal, like footprints erased in the sand, the analogical train of thought that is the authentic life of mathematics. Shocking as it may be to a conservative logician, the day will come when currently MATHEMATICS, IN vague concepts such as motivation and purpose will be made formal and accepted as constituents of a revamped logic, where they will at last be allotted the equal status they deserve, si- by-side with axioms and theorems.
Mathematics and the Search for Knowledge
Morris Kline - 1985
He probes our existing world of mathematics and illuminates its workings as a science enabling us to penetrate the secrets of the world's natural phenomena.
Statistical Mechanics
Shang-Keng Ma - 1985
This book conveys to the reader that statistical mechanics is a growing and lively subject. It deals with many modern topics from a physics standpoint in a very physical way. Particular emphasis is given to the fundamental assumption of statistical mechanics S=1n and its logical foundation. Calculational rules are derived without resorting to abstract ensemble theory.
The Boundary Value Problems of Mathematical Physics
Olga A. Ladyzhenskaya - 1985
This was done with the aim of illustrating the possibilities of the methods contained in the book, as well as with the desire to make good on what I have attempted to do over the course of many years for my students-to awaken their creativity, providing topics for independent work. The source of my own initial research was the famous two-volume book Methods of Mathematical Physics by D. Hilbert and R. Courant, and a series of original articles and surveys on partial differential equations and their applications to problems in theoretical mechanics and physics. The works of K. o. Friedrichs, which were in keeping with my own perception of the subject, had an especially strong influence on me. I was guided by the desire to prove, as simply as possible, that, like systems of n linear algebraic equations in n unknowns, the solvability of basic boundary value (and initial-boundary value) problems for partial differential equations is a consequence of the uniqueness theorems in a "sufficiently large" function space. This desire was successfully realized thanks to the introduction of various classes of general solutions and to an elaboration of the methods of proof for the corresponding uniqueness theorems. This was accomplished on the basis of comparatively simple integral inequalities for arbitrary functions and of a priori estimates of the solutions of the problems without enlisting any special representations of those solutions.
History of Algebraic Geometry
Jean Alexandre Dieudonné - 1985
Fuzzy Set Theory--And Its Applications
Hans-Jürgen Zimmermann - 1985
Applications of fuzzy technology can be found in artificial intelligence, computer science, control engineering, decision theory, expert systems, logic, management science, operations research, robotics, and others. Theoretical advances have been made in many directions. The primary goal of Fuzzy Set Theory - and its Applications, Fourth Edition is to provide a textbook for courses in fuzzy set theory, and a book that can be used as an introduction. To balance the character of a textbook with the dynamic nature of this research, many useful references have been added to develop a deeper understanding for the interested reader. Fuzzy Set Theory - and its Applications, Fourth Edition updates the research agenda with chapters on possibility theory, fuzzy logic and approximate reasoning, expert systems, fuzzy control, fuzzy data analysis, decision making and fuzzy set models in operations research. Chapters have been updated and extended exercises are included.
Advanced Econometrics
Takeshi Amemiya - 1985
It will also be valuable to those doing statistical analysis in the other social sciences. Its main features are a thorough treatment of cross-section models, including qualitative response models, censored and truncated regression models, and Markov and duration models, as well as a rigorous presentation of large sample theory, classical least-squares and generalized least-squares theory, and nonlinear simultaneous equation models.Although the treatment is mathematically rigorous, the author has employed the theorem-proof method with simple, intuitively accessible assumptions. This enables readers to understand the basic structure of each theorem and to generalize it for themselves depending on their needs and abilities. Many simple applications of theorems are given either in the form of examples in the text or as exercises at the end of each chapter in order to demonstrate their essential points.
Logic for Computer Science: Foundations of Automatic Theorem Proving (Dover Books on Computer Science)
Jean H. Gallier - 1985
The self-contained treatment is also useful for computer scientists and mathematically inclined readers interested in the formalization of proofs and basics of automatic theorem proving. Topics include propositional logic and its resolution, first-order logic, Gentzen's cut elimination theorem and applications, and Gentzen's sharpened Hauptsatz and Herbrand's theorem. Additional subjects include resolution in first-order logic; SLD-resolution, logic programming, and the foundations of PROLOG; and many-sorted first-order logic. Numerous problems appear throughout the book, and two Appendixes provide practical background information.
Computational Geometry: An Introduction
Franco P. Preparata - 1985
... ... The book is well organized and lucidly written; a timely contribution by two founders of the field. It clearly demonstrates that computational geometry in the plane is now a fairly well-understood branch of computer science and mathematics. It also points the way to the solution of the more challenging problems in dimensions higher than two." #Mathematical Reviews#1 "... This remarkable book is a comprehensive and systematic study on research results obtained especially in the last ten years. The very clear presentation concentrates on basic ideas, fundamental combinatorial structures, and crucial algorithmic techniques. The plenty of results is clever organized following these guidelines and within the framework of some detailed case studies. A large number of figures and examples also aid the understanding of the material. Therefore, it can be highly recommended as an early graduate text but it should prove also to be essential to researchers and professionals in applied fields of computer-aided design, computer graphics, and robotics." #Biometrical Journal#2
Physics of Waves
William C. Elmore - 1985
Topics include fundamentals, Bessel functions, waveguides, elasticity theory, hydrodynamic waves, and special phenomenon of wave diffraction. With problems.
Groups: A Path to Geometry
R.P. Burn - 1985
Burn's previous book on number theory, this text consists of a carefully constructed sequence of questions that will enable the reader, through participation, to study all the group theory covered by a conventional first university course. An introduction to vector spaces, leading to the study of linear groups, and an introduction to complex numbers, leading to the study of M�bius transformations and stereographic projection, are also included. Quaternions and their relationships to 3-dimensional isometries are covered, and the climax of the book is a study of the crystallographic groups, with a complete analysis of these groups in two dimensions.
General Theory of Functions and Integration
Angus E. Taylor - 1985
1966 edition.
Finite Groups of Lie Type: Conjugacy Classes and Complex Characters
Roger W. Carter - 1985
The Ins and Outs of Peg Solitaire
John D. Beasley - 1985
Beasley, an internationallyknown expert on Peg Solitaire, surveys the history of the game, shows how to play it simply and well, explains the theory behind it, and offers over 200 problems and their solutions in over 550 diagrams. Mathematical game fans aged twelve and over will find hours of enjoyment in this book.
Stochastic Differential Equations: An Introduction with Applications
Bernt Øksendal - 1985
Many readers have requested this, because it makes the book more suitable for self-study. At the same time new exercises (without solutions) have beed added. They have all been placed in the end of each chapter, in order to facilitate the use of this edition together with previous ones. Several errors have been corrected and formulations have been improved. This has been made possible by the valuable comments from (in alphabetical order) Jon Bohlin, Mark Davis, Helge Holden, Patrick Jaillet, Chen Jing, Natalia Koroleva, MarioLefebvre, Alexander Matasov, Thilo Meyer-Brandis, Keigo Osawa, Bjorn Thunestvedt, Jan Uboe and Yngve Williassen. I thank them all for helping to improve the book. My thanks also go to Dina Haraldsson, who once again has performed the typing and drawn the ?gures with great skill. Blindern, September 2002 Bernt Oksendal xv Preface to Corrected Printing, Fifth Edition The main corrections and improvements in this corrected printing are from Chapter 12. I have bene?tted from useful comments from a number of p- ple, including (in alphabetical order) Fredrik Dahl, Simone Deparis, Ulrich Haussmann, Yaozhong Hu, Marianne Huebner, Carl Peter Kirkebo, Ni- lay Kolev, Takashi Kumagai, Shlomo Levental, Geir Magnussen, Anders Oksendal, Jur ] gen Pottho?, Colin Rowat, Stig Sandnes, Lones Smith, S- suo Taniguchi and Bjorn Thunestvedt. I want to thank them all for helping me making the book better. I also want to thank Dina Haraldsson for pro?cient typing.
Metric Spaces: Iteration and Application
Victor Bryant - 1985
Knowledge of metric spaces is fundamental to understanding numerical methods (for example for solving differential equations) as well as analysis, yet most books at this level emphasise just the abstraction and theory. Dr Bryant uses applications to provide motivation and to sustain the development and discusses numerical procedures where appropriate. The reader is expected to have had some exposure to elementary analysis, but the author provides examples throughout to refresh the student's memory and to test and extend understanding. In short, this is an introductory textbook that will appeal to students of mathematics and engineering and will give them the required background for more advanced courses in both analysis and numerical analysis.