Best of
Effective C++: 55 Specific Ways to Improve Your Programs and Designs
Scott Meyers - 1991
But the state-of-the-art has moved forward dramatically since Meyers last updated this book in 1997. (For instance, there s now STL. Design patterns. Even new functionality being added through TR1 and Boost.) So Meyers has done a top-to-bottom rewrite, identifying the 55 most valuable techniques you need now to be exceptionally effective with C++. Over half of this edition s content is new. Templates broadly impact C++ development, and you ll find them everywhere. There s extensive coverage of multithreaded systems. There s an entirely new chapter on resource management. You ll find substantial new coverage of exceptions. Much is gained, but nothing s lost: You ll find the same depth of practical insight that first made Effective C++ a classic all those years ago. Bill Camarda, from the July 2005 href=" Only
Paradigms of Artificial Intelligence Programming: Case Studies in Common LISP
Peter Norvig - 1991
By reconstructing authentic, complex AI programs using state-of-the-art Common Lisp, the book teaches students and professionals how to build and debug robust practical programs, while demonstrating superior programming style and important AI concepts. The author strongly emphasizes the practical performance issues involved in writing real working programs of significant size. Chapters on troubleshooting and efficiency are included, along with a discussion of the fundamentals of object-oriented programming and a description of the main CLOS functions. This volume is an excellent text for a course on AI programming, a useful supplement for general AI courses and an indispensable reference for the professional programmer.
The Art of the Metaobject Protocol
Gregor Kiczales - 1991
The authors, who developed the metaobject protocol andwho were among the group that developed CLOS, introduce this new approach toprogramming language design, describe its evolution and design principles, andpresent a formal specification of a metaobject protocol for CLOS.Kiczales, desRivi?res, and Bobrow show that the "art of metaobject protocol design" lies increating a synthetic combination of object-oriented and reflective techniques thatcan be applied under existing software engineering considerations to yield a newapproach to programming language design that meets a broad set of designcriteria.One of the major benefits of including the metaobject protocol inprogramming languages is that it allows users to adjust the language to better suittheir needs. Metaobject protocols also disprove the adage that adding moreflexibility to a programming language reduces its performance. In presenting theprinciples of metaobject protocols, the authors work with actual code for asimplified implementation of CLOS and its metaobject protocol, providing anopportunity for the reader to gain hands-on experience with the design process. Theyalso include a number of exercises that address important concerns and openissues.Gregor Kiczales and Jim des Rivi?res, are Members of the Research Staff, andDaniel Bobrow is a Research Fellow, in the System Sciences Laboratory at Xerox PaloAlto Research Center.
The Standard C Library
P.J. Plauger - 1991
A companion volume to Kernighan & Ritchie's C PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE. A collection of reusable functions (code for building data structures, code for performing math functions and scientific calculations, etc.) which will save C programmers time and money especially when working on large programming projects. The C Library is part of the ANSI (American National Standard Institute) for the C Language. This new book contains the complete code for the library. It covers elements of the library with which even the most experienced C programmers are not familiar such as internationalization (the ability to write programs that can adapt to different cultural locales, for example, using the C library, programmers can write software that manipulates large character sets such as Kanji). Structured like the Standard C Library, it contains 15 headers declaring or defining all of the names in the library. A separate chapter covers each header, including excerpts from relevant portions of the C Standard showing all codes needed to implement each portion of the library and explaining why it is necessary. The book teaches readers the concepts and design issues associated with library building. Using this book, programemrs will be less likely to re-code something that already exists in a given program. Plauger is one of the world's leading experts on C and the C Library.
How to Program the Skill That Will Sharpen Your Thinking
Chris Crawford - 1991
It argues that programming is a vital skill for all users, for three compelling reasons: it teaches the importance of communicating clearly; it actually improves the clarity and quality of thinking; and, like any other creative endeavor, it can be fun.
Algorithms and Data Structures: Design, Correctness, Analysis
Jeffrey H. Kingston - 1991
This book provides a look at the central algorithms and data structures of computer science, together with an introduction to the techniques of design, correctness and analysis required for understanding them.
Discrete Mathematics: An Introduction for Software Engineers
Mike Piff - 1991
The materials presented cover much of undergraduate algebra with a particular bias toward the computing applications. Topics covered include mathematical logic, set theory, finite and infinite relations and mapping, graphs, graphical algorithms and axiom systems. It concludes with implementations of many of the algorithms in Modula-2 to illustrate how the mathematics may be turned into concrete calculations. Numerous examples and exercises are included with selected solutions to the problems appearing in the appendix.
Macsbug Reference and Debugging Guide: For Macsbug 6.2
Apple Inc. - 1991
The Apple Technical Library provides Macintosh developers with the official treatment of all the major new technologies that Apple releases. Timely, accurate, and clear, this collection of books is the essential resource for anyone developing software for the Macintosh. You'll find definitive coverage of the newest and most important technologies, such as QuickDraw 3D and Apple Guide. You'll also find the classic cornerstones of Macintosh development, like Macintosh Human Interface Guidelines, MacsBug Reference and Debugging Guide, and Planning and Managing AppleTalk Networks. Care has been taken to provide the information using the most appropriate medium. From the multimedia presentations of Electronic Guide to Macintosh Human Interface Design to the electronic reference included with Advanced Color Imaging on the Mac OS, the material is presented in the way that allows you to access it most effectively. 0201567679B04062001
Programmer's Guide to the EGA and VGA Cards
Richard F. Ferraro - 1991
Written for programmers and hardware designers creating EGA- and VGA-compatible products, this revised and updated edition of this bestselling resource contains new information covering the most recent developments in the graphics board industry.
Introduction to Neural and Cognitive Modeling (2nd Edition)
Daniel S. Levine - 1991
Research since the publication of the first edition has been systematically incorporated into a framework of proven pedagogical value. Features of the second edition include: * A new section on spatiotemporal pattern processing * Coverage of ARTMAP networks (the supervised version of adaptive resonance networks) and recurrent back-propagation networks * A vastly expanded section on models of specific brain areas, such as the cerebellum, hippocampus, basal ganglia, and visual and motor cortex * Up-to-date coverage of applications of neural networks in areas such as combinatorial optimization and knowledge representation As in the first edition, the text includes extensive introductions to neuroscience and to differential and difference equations as appendices for students without the requisite background in these areas. As graphically revealed in the flowchart in the front of the book, the text begins with simpler processes and builds up to more complex multilevel functional systems. For more information visit the author's personal Web site at
DB2 for the COBOL Programmer: An Introductory Course
Steve Eckols - 1991
So you go through most of the book trying to figure out how the DB2 information you're learning can be applied to your programs.But DB2 for the COBOL Programmer, Part 1 makes it easy for you to master the essentials of DB2 programming. Written from the programmer's point of view, it focuses right from the start on what you need to know to access and process DB2 data in your application programs using embedded SQL.You'll learn: -- the basics of how DB2 works so you can program more easily and logically-- how to design and code DB2 programs-- how to use basic error handling and data integrity techniques to protect DB2 data-- how to work with tables defined with referential integrity support-- how to use joins and unions to combine data from two or more tables-- how to use column functions to extract summary data from a table-- how to work with variable-length data and nulls-- how to develop DB2 programs interactively (using DB2I, a TSO facility) or in batch-- and more!Eleven complete programs -- with source code, structure chart, and sample input and output -- let you see clearly how the DB2 code you're learning fits into an actual program. And the examples are all realistic enough that they'll make handy references for you to use on the job every day. In fact, if you use them as models for your own programs, you'll save yourself hours of coding, testing and debugging.So get your copy of DB2, Part 1 Today. I think you'll be delighted at how quickly its programmer-based approach will have you writing DB2programs."I originally used your DB2 books as training material for embedded SQL using Oracle. From the programmer's perspective, embedded SQL is embedded long as you adhere to the ANSI standard, the programmer really doesn't care what flavor of RDBM he will be using". -- J.O., Data Base Administrator, Jackson, MS
Graphics Gems II
James Arvo - 1991
This follow-up volume to Graphic Gems, contains over 70 new gems - computer graphics programming techniques and insights, contributed by professional graphics programmers on many of the same topics as in the first volume (ray tracing, rendering, image processing, curves and surfaces).
Unix Desktop Guide to Emacs (Programming Series)
Ralph Roberts - 1991
This work explores Emacs customization on UNIX, showing, by means of a tutorial approach, how to access, customize and load Emacs and how to carry out basic editing operations.
Applicative High Order Programming
Steve Sokolowski - 1991
Macintosh Pascal Programming Primer: Inside the Toolbox Using Think Pascal (Macintosh Pascal programming primer)
Dave Mark - 1991
Programmers new to the Macintosh but with some previous programming experience will learn how to use the powerful Toolbox, resources, and the Macintosh interface to create stand-alone applications with distinctive Macintosh look and feel. The authors present concepts involved in building an application- starting with the most basic and progressing to the more complex aspects of event-driven programming-and show you how to enter, compile, and run the programs you have created. You will learn how to: display and manipulate windows use ResEdit to build Macintosh programs manage scroll bars and dialog boxes create Hyper Card XCMDs create pull-down, pop-up, and hierarchical menus. Five useful appendices include a glossary, commented code listings for each application presented, and important information on debugging techniques. When you have completed the Macintosh Pascal Programming Primer you will possess the essential skills needed to build yourown full-scale Macintosh applications.
The Design of OS/2
Harvey Deitel - 1991
The comprehensive coverage provides insights into the decisions and philosophy underlying the design of OS/2.
Programming with Data: A Guide to the S Language
John M. Chambers - 1991
Programming With Data describes a new and greatly extended version of S, written by the chief designer of the language itself. It is a guide to the complete programming process, starting from simple, interactive use, and continuing through ambitious software projects. The focus is on the needs of the programmer/user, with the aim of turning ideas into software, quickly and faithfully. The new version of S provides a powerful class/method structure, new techniques to deal with large objects, extended interfaces to other languages and files, object-based documentation compatible with HTML, and powerful new interactive programming techniques. This version of S underlies the S-Plus system, versions 5.0 and higher.