Book picks similar to
The Map Is Not the Journey: Renewing Faith while Hiking the Alps by Richard Dahlstrom
Bittersweet: Thoughts on Change, Grace, and Learning the Hard Way
Shauna Niequist - 2010
Bittersweet is the idea that in all things there is both something broken and something beautiful, that there is a moment of lightness on even the darkest of nights, a shadow of hope in every heartbreak, and that rejoicing is no less rich even when it contains a splinter of sadness. It’s the practice of believing that we really do need both the bitter and the sweet, and that a life of nothing but sweetness rots both your teeth and your soul. Bitter is what makes us strong, what forces us to push through, what helps us earn the lines on our faces and the calluses on our hands. Sweet is nice enough, but bittersweet is beautiful, nuanced, full of depth and complexity. Bittersweet is courageous, gutsy, audacious, earthy. This is what I’ve come to believe about change: it’s good, in the way that childbirth is good, and heartbreak is good, and failure is good. By that I mean that it’s incredibly painful, exponentially more so if you fight it, and also that it has the potential to open you up, to open life up, to deliver you right into the palm of God’s hand, which is where you wanted to be all long, except that you were too busy pushing and pulling your life into exactly what you thought it should be. I’ve learned the hard way that change is one of God’s greatest gifts, and most useful tools. Change can push us, pull us, rebuke and remake us. It can show us who we’ve become, in the worst ways, and also in the best ways. I’ve learned that it’s not something to run away from, as though we could, and that in many cases, change is a function of God’s graciousness, not life’s cruelty.” Niequist, a keen observer of life with a lyrical voice, writes with the characteristic warmth and honesty of a dear friend: always engaging, sometimes challenging, but always with a kind heart. You will find Bittersweet savory reading, indeed. “This is the work I’m doing now, and the work I invite you into: when life is sweet, say thank you, and celebrate. And when life is bitter, say thank you, and grow.”
Of Mess and Moxie: Wrangling Delight Out of This Wild and Glorious Life
Jen Hatmaker - 2017
Women have been demonstrating resiliency and resolve since forever. They have incredibly strong shoulders to bear loss, hope, grief, and vision. She laughs at the days to come is how the ancient wisdom writings put it.But somehow women have gotten the message that pain and failure mean they must be doing things wrong, that they messed up the rules or tricks for a seamless life. As it turns out, every last woman faces confusion and loss, missteps and catastrophic malfunctions, no matter how much she is doing "right." Struggle doesn't mean they're weak; it means they're alive.Jen Hatmaker, beloved author, Big Sister Emeritus, and Chief BFF, offers another round of hilarious tales, frank honesty, and hope for the woman who has forgotten her moxie. Whether discussing the grapple with change ("Everyone, be into this thing I'm into! Except when I'm not. Then everyone be cool.") or the time she drove to the wrong city for a fourth-grade field trip ("Why are we in San Antonio?"), Jen parlays her own triumphs and tragedies into a sigh of relief for all normal, fierce women everywhere who, like her, sometimes hide in the car eating crackers but also want to get back up and get back out, to live undaunted "in the moment" no matter what the moments hold.
The Secret Life of a Fool: One Man's Raw Journey from Shame to Grace
Andrew Palau - 2012
Until one intense night in the Jamaican Blue Mountains that allowed him to see himself in the mirror of grace, changing everything. The Secret Life of a Fool is Andrew Palau's unforgettable journey of running from God -- and the crushing, freeing experience of coming back to Him. It is a story of getting high, burning up cars, being stranded in Europe, surviving a near-fatal plane crash, and utter despair overcome by simple grace and a father's love, expressed in excerpted letters throughout this book.
The Collected Sermons of Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Dietrich Bonhoeffer - 2012
The gospel is proclaimed,but for it to be received as gift depends on whether or not the hearer is in a position to do so. Offered here are thirty-one of Pastor Bonhoeffer's sermons, in new English translations, which he preached at various times of the year and in a variety of different settings. Each is introduced by Bonhoeffer translator Isabel Best who also provides a brief biography of Bonhoeffer. The foreword is by Victoria J. Barnett, general editor of the Dietrich Bonhoeffer Works, English edition, published by Fortress Press, from which these sermons are selected.In his preaching, Bonhoeffer' strong,personal faith�the foundation for everything he did�shines in the darkness of Hitler's Third Reich and in the church struggle against it. Though not overtly political,Bonhoeffer's deep concern for the developments in his world is revealed in his sermons as he seeks to draw the listener into conversation with the promises and claims of the gospel�a conversation readers today are invited to join.
The Holy Spirit
Stanley Hauerwas - 2015
You'll come to understand that the Holy Spirit is who God is and what God does as the Trinity. And you'll learn how to prayerfully embrace this gift that created the church and become empowered to live out holy love and friendship in the world."Hauerwas and Willimon are among the most reliable teachers of the church. Ours is a time when faithful teaching is urgent in the church that is compromised, bewildered and domesticated. This study by these trustworthy teachers on the Holy Spirit is a robust affirmation of the way in which core claims made concerning God's Spirit matter concretely in the life of the church. This book is an invitation to fresh learning, to repentance, and to the recovery of missional nerve." -Walter Brueggemann, Columbia Theological Seminary"For too long many Christians have neglected the Holy Spirit; some even fear the Holy Spirit. Hauerwas and Willimon challenge them to rediscover the Comforter, the Advocate, for the renewal of the Christian church and the world. This is a welcome and much needed corrective to common Christian forgetfulness of the Spirit." -Roger E. Olson, Foy Valentine Professor of Christian Theology and Ethics, George W. Truett Theological Seminary, Baylor University"The Holy Spirit is too often considered the junior partner of the Trinity. Therefore, this book by two eminent churchmen is a cause for celebration, reminding us of the importance and vitality of an orthodox view of God's Spirit." -Tony Jones, author of Did God Kill Jesus? andtheologian-in-residence at Solomon's Porch in Minneapolis. He teaches theology at Fuller Theological Seminary and United Theological Seminary of the Twin Cities."When these two long-time theologian-friends and disciples of Jesus, gather in a room to write, you can be sure that you will hear a sound of a rushing mighty wind, feel the heat of holy fire, and be ignited by dynamite on the page as you read. Whether it be theTrinity, Pentecost, holiness, or the last things, this is not just another book, this is literary bread from heaven fed to you by anointed servants of the Holy Spirit. Take, eat and be filled with the Spirit of Christ!" -Luke A. Powery, Dean of the Chapel and Associate Professor of Homiletics, Duke UniversityThis engaging and accessible pneumatological overview, written by two leading voices of theological wisdom and church renewal, is a rich collaborative discussion, which weaves together poignant and wide-ranging doctrinal insight (from the historic creeds, to the Wesleyan heritage, to contemporary Pentecostalism), punctuated by perceptive liturgical applications, fresh biblical expositions, memorable testimonial observations, and passionate pastoral appeals - all driving toward the earnest prayer of its authors, "Come, Holy Spirit!" -Rickie D. Moore, Associate Dean of the School of Religion, Professor of Old Testament, Lee University
Abba's Heart: Finding Our Way Back to the Father's Delight
Neal Lozano - 2015
We bury ourselves in pursuits big and small, afraid to face the shame, unworthiness or loneliness echoing in the silence of a question unasked.Yet something in us needs to know. We long to feel that we are unconditionally, extravagantly, irresistibly loved. This book is your invitation to experience that lavish love finally and fully. In these pages you will begin a journey of discovering the good news Jesus revealed: that the Father loves you. You will uncover the lies that have kept you from Him and from His mercy. And you will sense the incredible joy of the strength, acceptance and love flowing from His heart into yours.
You are loved. You are accepted. You are home.
"A powerful invitation to know God as our Father, to experience His fatherly love and to witness that love to others in our everyday lives."--Charles J. Chaput, O.F.M. Cap., archbishop of Philadelphia"A wonderful, enlightening and moving book."--Randy Clark, D.Min., founder and president, Global Awakening and the Apostolic Network of Global Awakening "For those who feel empty, lonely or thirsty. . . . it would be impossible to read this book and not fall more deeply in love with God."--Mary Healy, associate professor of sacred Scripture, Sacred Heart Major Seminary"This is a beautiful and hope-filled book."--from the foreword by John Eldredge, president, Ransomed Heart; bestselling author
Hinds Feet on High Places: Devotional
Darien Cooper - 1999
That's why you are considering this devotional. Some of you even feel your heart aching for more of His Presence in your life.This allegory with the devotionals will help satisfy the yearning of your heart. He is challenging you to keep saying "yes" to your Lord as He beckons you on in your own journey to the High Places.
Choosing Your Faith: In a World of Spiritual Options
Mark Mittelberg - 2008
Yet, while we hear these pleas, we're already functioning with existing beliefs—even if they are beliefs by default. So how do we choose what to believe—especially in the area of faith? Do we need to choose? In "Choosing Your Faith, " Mark Mittelberg encourages us, as Socrates does, not to lead an unexamined life. He invites us to examine why we believe what we believe. This examination will resonate with Christians and seekers alike.
Go and Sin No More: A Call to Holiness
Michael L. Brown - 1999
Bill Bright called this book, "Magnificent. . . . One of those rare, life-changing books." The sad truth is that holiness is one of the most misunderstood topics in the Church today, with one side preaching legalistic bondage and the other side preaching false grace. In Go And Sin No More, Dr. Michael L. Brown strikes a biblical balance and points the way to a grace-filled, Spirit-e empowered holiness, revealing how you can overcome temptation and live a passionate life of holiness that will fill God's heart with joy. Drawing on years of Scripture study and and personal experience, Brown's book is filled with practical steps, biblical guidance, and inspirational quotes that will give you strength to boldly and aggressively overcome sin and walk in the liberty and freedom that Jesus purchased for you by His blood. Begin living a life that is pleasing in God's eyes and experience a deeper level of spiritual strength, hunger and effectiveness. It's time to experience the beauty of holiness today!
The Love of Impermanent Things: A Threshold Ecology
Mary Rose O'Reilley - 2006
She is determined, now, not to sacrifice or waste her self. She has struggled for years along the paths set by her suburban childhood, her Catholic upbringing, her failed marriage, and the mute duties of daughterhood. Now, she is trying to see the world through the eyes of the deer that stop outside her window and look in at her. As a wildlife rehabilitator, she feels a closer connection to the natural world as experienced by animals. As an apprentice potter, she sees in a Japanese tea bowl the ultimate balance of action and contemplation. As a Quaker, she can both sit still and sing. And as a writer, O'Reilley can speak clearly to readers at midlife who are expected to know it all, but don't.
Found Art: Discovering Beauty in Foreign Places
Leeana Tankersley - 2009
After a whirlwind courtship, a move across the world, and the unexpectedly difficult re-entry from a year overseas, Leeana finds her life (and her soul) has been changed forever.With an artist’s eye, Tankersley uses each chapter to piece together moments and memories from her journey—a handwritten note from Kuwait, a braid of fringe from a Persian rug, an original poem, a bit of basting thread, a swatch of black silk from a borrowed abaya, a mesquite leaf, a Navy SEAL trident, a receipt from the Russian-Georgian restaurant on Louisiana Street—to create a work of unexpected beauty.Found art emerges … a literary collage created from salvaged stories of loss, hope, and belief that just might change your soul, too.
Low: An Honest Advent Devotional
John Pavlovitz - 2019
In this honest Advent devotional, best-selling progressive Christian author John Pavlovitz reminds us that God came to meet us in the low places of our lives — and that Jesus continues to come low this Advent season. When we plant our feet firmly in the dirt of everyday life, we see Jesus meeting us in the low places: when we live humbly, when we seek forgiveness, in our grief and suffering, when we act on behalf of someone else, when we pray. As we walk the road of Advent, Jesus reminds us the invitation is not to escape this world to an elevated Heaven somewhere else, but to bring Heaven down. “God with us” is Jesus, getting low. Each devotional includes a scripture and Advent reflection on Jesus meeting us on the ground.
Mornings with Jesus 2021: Daily Encouragement for Your Soul
Guideposts - 2020
Lifting up their voices in heartfelt gratitude, twelve writers consider the character and teachings of Jesus and share how He enriches and empowers them daily and how He wants to do the same for you. Every day you will enjoy a Scripture verse, a reflection on Jesus's words, and a faith step that inspires and challenges you in your daily walk of living a Christlike life.In just five minutes a day, Mornings with Jesus 2021 will help readers experience a closer relationship with Jesus. It's full of inspiring and lasting motivation and spiritual nourishment that fill readers with hope and direction.
Scarred Faith: When Doubts Become Allies of Deep Faith
Josh Ross - 2013
Simon & Schuster has a great book for every reader.
The Voting Booth: A new vision for Christian engagement in a post-Christian culture
Skye Jethani - 2016
But are those a Christian’s only options? The Voting Booth presents a third path for a new generation of Christians seeking to love both God and their neighbor. Written as a fictional dialogue between Christian, a confused voter, and three spirits of cultural engagement—Exodus, Exile, and Incarnation—The Voting Booth addresses many of the questions being asked by those struggling to follow Christ in our post-Christian age like: -How do I respond to those who view Christian faith as oppressive? -Why has Christianity become so political? -What role does fear have in Christian cultural engagement? -How should I interact with neighbors of other faiths? -Have Christians lost the “Culture War”? -How should I think about voting as a Christian? -What is the role of the Church in the culture? With engaging writing and surprising twists, The Voting Booth will challenge your assumptions and leave you with a new way of imagining your place in the culture. What others are saying about "The Voting Booth" "As an immigrant-turned-citizen facing only my second chance to vote in a presidential election, I am troubled by the options presented. Opinions from Christians abound, complete with blogs and Bible verses, but no clear path emerges. Skye’s allegory tale succinctly— if also slightly simplistically— represents the two dominant paradigms of Christian response: the call to escape, and the call to engage. He then offers a third perspective rooted in the incarnation. While the tale stops short of instruction, it is abounding in wisdom. This is an accessible read that provides a thoughtful way to name and evaluate the subconscious grids that undergird our approach to political engagement or disengagement. Best of all, it offers us a way to reflect on our perspective, posture, and purpose in a Christ-shaped way." -Glenn Packiam, Pastor at New Life Downtown "Skye Jethani is one of the most clear-headed, sober voices writing on faith and culture today. The Voting Booth raises questions many Christians wrestle with and provides answers that challenge and delight. In a time of political unrest and cultural upheaval, we can't afford to ignore what this book has to say." - Jonathan Merritt, author of Jesus is Better Than You Imagined; contributing writer for The Atlantic “In a creative and compelling way, Skye Jethani has written yet another book that pushes the American church in the right direction. His uncanny ability to put his finger up to the wind and chart the right direction forward is a huge help to our community as we navigate the increasingly treacherous waters of the secular west.” - John Mark Comer, pastor for teaching and vision at Bridgetown Church and author of Loveology. "In The Voting Booth, Skye Jethani beautifully crafts a dialogue between ‘Christian' and three personified postures we can take toward our culture. Eye-opening and thought provoking, Skye clearly illuminates the dominant but destructive attitudes that have dominated the American church for the last 100 years, and then shines a light on a better way. Highly recommended!” - Phil Vischer, creator of VeggieTales, What’s In The Bible, and The Phil Vischer Podcast.