Book picks similar to
The Rubaiyat of Sarmad by Sarmad Shaheed
The Calling: Unleash Your True Self
Priya Kumar
It is an encounter with the truth, the wisdom and the force that is innate to us all. At the brink of a divorce and personal breakdown, Arjun took a trip into the heart of the Himalayas, on the insistence of a sadhu, who predicted that the journey up to Hemkund Sahib would align him to his purpose and change his life forever. At every turn the mountains holds secrets and tests that urge Arjun to evolve into the person he had denied to be - himself. Pretenses, falsities, confusions and untruths fall apart as Arjun is forced to confront the mess he had created in his life. What started off as an opportunity to escape reality, turned out to be an opportunity to escape from the dwindling spiral of self-created misery. Filled with spiritual insights and sprinkled with light humor, this story will help you find your calling, your voice and who knows, even your true self.
Kalopsia: The Best Contemporary, Modern Poetry for Young People
Andrea Michelle - 2015
'Kalopsia' is filled with brand-new quotes and poems about life, love, truth and the journey of being imperfectly human. Often compared to R.M Drake and Christopher Poindexter, Andrea Michelle writes with an elegance sure to touch the heart and soul. Kalopsia is the first book in the Beautiful Words series. The sequel, Meraki, is available on Amazon now! Take action now and download Kalopsia for free! More Books by Andrea Michelle: Meraki Between Sips
Beelzebub's Tales to His Grandson
G.I. Gurdjieff - 1950
I. Gurdjieff (1866-1949) has come to be recognized as one of the most original, enduring, and penetrating of our century. While Gurdjieff used many different means to transmit his vision of the human dilemma and human possibility, he gave special importance to his acknowledged masterwork, Beelzebub's Tales to His Grandson. Beelzebub's Tales is an "ocean of story" and of ideas that one can explore for a lifetime. It is majestic in scale and content, challengingly inventive in prose style, and, for those very reasons, often approached with apprehension. The first English language edition of the Russian original appeared in 1950. Since then, readers have recognized the need for a revised translation that would clarify the verbal surface while respecting the author's own thought and style. This revised edition, in preparation for many years under the direction of Gurdjieff's closest pupil, Jeanne de Salzmann, meets this need. Originally published in 1992, this translation offers a new experience of Gurdjieff's masterpiece for contemporary readers. It is presented in a sturdy cloth edition that echoes its original publication.
Melissa Bernstein - 2021
Now, more than ever, Melissa's message is needed by others, and her promise to all who journey with her is that YOU ARE NOT ALONE.Who would ever guess that Melissa Bernstein, happily-married mother of 6, creator of over 5,000 toys which have sold over a billion dollars, begins many days the same way far too many others do, wondering if she'll make it to tomorrow? Melissa shows us that when darkness descends, and it seems there's no escape, there actually is a way out, there actually is hope, and there actually is a path that can lead to meaning and purpose.Melissa takes us on her path through depression, revealing how her "lifelines" transformed despair into a beacon of hope. Filled with prose, gorgeous photography, and many of Melissa's verses that express her struggles and breakthroughs, LifeLines is committed to helping others who are "stuck" develop a plan for themselves to survive and thrive.A book of struggle and salvation, connection and community, LifeLines is a framework for people seeking to understand their emotional lives and to develop their own path to self-discovery and inner transformation.
Just Peace: A Message of Hope
Mattie J.T. Stepanek - 2006
What began as a casual discourse, not too different from others I have had with inquisitive young people who have reached out to me, became a treasured and enlightening friendship that changed my life forever. With the purity of heart that only a child can possess, and the indomitable spirit of one who has survived more physical suffering than most adults will ever know, Mattie convinced me that his quest was not inconceivable. Inspired by his enthusiasm and without reservation, I committed to a partnership with him. . . . These words of wisdom and inspiration came from the most remarkable person I have ever known." --Jimmy Carter Sometimes the most important messages come from the most unlikely places. Mattie J.T. Stepanek, a 13-year-old boy, made a difference before he died with his Heartsongs poetry. He continues to impact the world through Just Peace. This poet, best-selling author, peace activist, and prominent voice for the Muscular Dystrophy Association fervently believed in and promoted world peace not just as a concept, but as a reality.Mattie was working on this manuscript with Jimmy Carter when he died in June 2004. His mother, Jeni, who edited the material and wrote a preface for the book has published it at her son's request. Just Peace explores Mattie's concept of the world and all people as a unique mosaic of gifts. War and injustice shatter the mosaic, which can only be made whole again by planning and actively pursuing peace. The young visionary's essays, poetry, and photographs appear throughout the book. Jimmy Carter has written a special foreword for the book.Just as important to the book and enlightening to the reader are Mattie's many correspondences. Central to these are his personal e-mails to and from former president Jimmy Carter, Mattie's peace "hero" and role model. The Nobel Peace Prize winner met Mattie, considered him an angel, messenger, and hero in his own right, and was genuinely affected by Mattie's passion and drive. Just Peace is an intimate portrait of a president, a young man of hope, and peace itself.
The QurAn & Bible : In The Light Of Science
Zakir Naik - 2001
Zakir Naik's rejoinder to Dr. William Campbell in dispelling many misconceptions about Islam in relation to established science. As well as acquainting the people with the present Bible, which is not, in fact, the Injeel which the Muslims believe as the sacred book descended upon Jesus Christ.
Narendra Modi: The Man, The Times
Nilanjan Mukhopadhyay - 2013
Despite polarizingGujarat and India in more ways than one, Modibrilliantly does what it takes to survive in ademocracy: win elections.Written by veteran journalist and writer, NilanjanMukhopadhyay, after several indepth interviews,meticulous research and extensive travel throughGujarat, this book reveals hitherto unknownaspects of Narendra Modis psyche: as a sixyearold boy selling tea to help out his fatherand distributing badges and raising slogans atthe behest of a local political leader; abandoninghis family and wife in search of his definition oftruth; initiation into the RSS as a fledgling who ranerrands for his seniors; his idea of Gujarati prideand Indianness; and finally, his meteoric risewhich gave him a distinct identity post the 2002Godhra riots.Narendra Modi: The Man, The Times is a definitivebiography of a man who may have challenged thebasic principles of a sovereign secular nation butemerged as an undisputed and largerthanlifeleader. About The Author: Nilanjan Mukhopadhyay is the author of TheDemolition: India at the Crossroads, andhas written for several newspapers and magazinesincluding The Economic Times, Hindustan Times,Outlook and The Statesman. He currently also presents a weekly show Page From History on LokSabha TV which showcases historical debates.
A New Harmony: The Spirit, the Earth, and the Human Soul
J. Philip Newell - 2011
PhilipNewell emphasized the Celtic view of the oneness of creationand humanity as expressed through Christ. In that poetic treatmentof the wisdom of Celtic spirituality, Newell pointed the way to amore peaceful, harmonious, integrated Christianity. A New Harmonytakes the next step forward in emphasizing the need to overcomedivisions and find common ground and to reclaim the best of ancientChristian spirituality and a more holistic, natural way of thinkingabout faith.Offers a view of spirituality rooted in ancient insights thatincludes and extends beyond ChristianityPresents the case for the need for "a new harmony" that is bothmystical and relationalThe author J. Philip Newell is a well-known expert on CelticChristianity and the author of the acclaimed Listening for theHeartbeat of God.
Vedanta: A Simple Introduction
Pravrajika Vrajaprana - 1999
A concise, and delightful introduction to Vedanta, the philosophical backbone of Hinduism.Written with verve and charm by a Western nun for a Western audience, this brief book gives a comprehensive overview of Vedanta philosophy while emphasizing its practical Western application.
القرآن الكريم
The Quran is composed of verses (Ayat) that make up 114 chapters (suras) of unequal length which are classified either as Meccan (المكية) or Medinan (المدنية) depending upon the place and time of their claimed revelation. Muslims believe the Quran to be verbally revealed through the angel Jibrīl (Gabriel) from God to Muhammad gradually over a period of approximately 23 years beginning on 22 December 609 CE, when Muhammad was 40, and concluding in 632 CE, the year of his death.Muslims regard the Quran as the main miracle of Muhammad, the proof of his prophethood and the culmination of a series of divine messages that started with the messages revealed to Adam, regarded in Islam as the first prophet, and continued with Suhuf Ibrahim (Scrolls of Abraham), the Tawrat (Torah or Pentateuch) of Moses, the Zabur (Tehillim or Book of Psalms) of David, and the Injil (Gospel) of Jesus. The Quran assumes familiarity with major narratives recounted in Jewish and Christian scriptures, summarizing some, dwelling at length on others and in some cases presenting alternative accounts and interpretations of events. The Quran describes itself as a book of guidance, sometimes offering detailed accounts of specific historical events, and often emphasizing the moral significance of an event over its narrative sequence.
Drinking Arak off an Ayatollah's Beard: A Journey Through the Inside-Out Worlds of Iran and Afghanistan
Nicholas Jubber - 2010
Setting out to gain insight into the lives of Iranians and Afghans today, Nicholas Jubber is surprised to uncover the legacy of a vibrant pre-Islamic Persian culture that has endured even in times of the most fanatic religious fundamentalism. Everywhere—from underground dance parties to religious shrines to opium dens—he finds powerful and unbreakable connections to a time when both Iran and Afghanistan were part of the same mighty empire, when the flame of Persian culture lit up the world. Whether through his encounters with poets and cab drivers or run-ins with “pleasure daughters” and mujahideen, again and again Jubber is drawn back to the eleventh-century Persian epic, the Shahnameh (“Book of Kings”). The poem becomes not only his window into the region’s past, but also his link to its tumultuous present, and through it Jubber gains access to an Iran and Afghanistan seldom revealed or depicted: inside-out worlds in which he has tea with a warlord, is taught how to walk like an Afghan, and even discovers, on a night full of bootleg alcohol and dancing, what it means to drink arak off an Ayatollah’s beard.
Mothering A Muslim
Nazia Erum - 2018
What does it mean to be a middle-class Muslim kid in India today? Talking to over a hundred children and their parents across twelve cities, Nazia Erum uncovers stories of religious segregation in classrooms and rampant bullying of Muslim children in many of the country’s top schools.
Prayers of Honoring
Pixie Lighthorse - 2015
Prayer, among other things, has become a private practice for those of us who don't congregate for spiritual purposes. Our language for connection to something greater than ourselves has become truncated to basic iterations and generalized affirmations. Perhaps this is so that no one will be offended by our approach, or so our spiritual personalities- who we are when we talk to and reach for God- can remain under a cloak of mystery and intrigue. Maybe it has something to do with our collective intolerance for vulnerability.Prayers of Honoring is an expression of creative, environmental, energetic and spiritual possibilities. When we're open to receive the heart's intelligence, we offer acceptance to ourselves and others and shift our patterns of isolation and loneliness. The challenge is to share ourselves and our words without fearing we're doing it wrong.Prayer is very much still a sullied concept. To some ears, the word "prayer" results in triggersome memories whether personal or cultural/collective. The bitter taste of yesterday's experiences of over-organized religions, forced practice, penance, rigid disciplines bearing harsh consequences, and heavy-handed authorities on the laws of God, leave little room for welcoming prayer back into the heart, home and psyche.Prayers of Honoring can help an individual overcome prayer trauma and begin to speak the words of spirit from the heart out loud again.
Close Enough to Hear God Breathe: The Great Story of Divine Intimacy
Greg Paul - 2011
Our stories matter to Him. Your story matters to Him. Reading the Bible ought to be like putting one's head on God's chest and listening to His heartbeat.