Best of
The Qur'an and Modern Science, Compatible or Incompatible
Zakir Naik - 2001
Muslims also believe that it contains guidance for all mankind. Since the message of the Qur’aan is believed to be for all times, it should be relevant to every age. Does the Qur’aan pass this test? In this booklet, I intend to give an objective analysis of the Muslim belief regarding the Divine origin of the Qur’aan, in the light of established scientific discoveries.
The Search for Beauty in Islam: A Conference of the Books
Khaled Abou El Fadl - 2001
In this updated and expanded edition of The Search for Beauty in Islam, Abou El Fadl offers eye-opening and enlightening insights into the contemporary realities of the current state of Islam and the West. Through a "conference of the books," an imagined conference of Muslim intellects from centuries past, Abou El Fadl examines the ugliness that has come to plague Muslim realities and attempts to reclaim what he maintains is a core moral value in Islam-the value of beauty. Does Islamic law allow, or even call for, the gruesome acts of ugliness that have become so commonly associated with Islam today? Has Islam become a religion devoid of beauty, compassion and love? Based on actual cases, this book tackles different issues and problems in each chapter through a post-9/11 lens, discussing such topics as marriage, divorce, parental rights, the position of women, the veil, sexual abuse, wife-beating, terrorism, bigotry, morality, law, and the role of tradition. Abou El Fadl argues that the rekindling of the forgotten value of beauty is essential for Muslims today to take back what has been lost to the fundamentalist forces that have denigrated their religion.
Du'a: The Weapon of the Believer
Abu Ammaar Yasir Qadhi - 2001
In the most comprehensive work yet to be written in Engish on this topic, the author discusses, amongst other matters: the excellence and benefits of du'a; the types of dua; the pre-conditions that are needed in order for the dua to be accepted; the recommended etiquette of performing du'a; the timings and situations in which a du'a is more likely to be answered; the various factors that aid or prevent a du'a from being accepted; the relationship of du'a with the Divine Decree (qadr); the wisdom behind a delayed response, and many other relevant topics.A highly informative and essential book for every Muslim household.
Great Women of Islam
Mahmood Ahmad Ghadanfar - 2001
There are good examples in the lifestyle of the Mothers of The Believers and women Companions especially for the Muslim women. It is necessary for all of us to study the Seerah of these noble and fortunate women. Besides the Mothers of The Believers, the compiler of the book has included the description of those sixteen women who had been given the good News of the Paradise in this world by the Prophet Muhammad (salallahu alayhi wasallam). Although the original book is in the Urdu language, the efforts of the translator have made it more beneficial for the readers.
Jerusalem in The Qur'an
Imran N. Hosein - 2001
It is a world in which the cause of Islam appears to be a lost cause. But having read this book the reader would now know, if he or she had not already known it, that the reality is quite different. When they know for certain that it is the destiny of Jerusalem to give a spectacular validation of Islam's claim to Truth, Muslim should be able to summon the strength to resist the present war on Islam in which the godless world is makng the greatest possible effort to destroy their faith in Allah Most High.
The Poetry of Allama Iqbal
Muhammad Iqbal - 2001
He wrote his poetry in Urdu and Farsi (1873-1938), and that bridged and encompassed the past many centuries of man's endeavours in the realms of thought and intuition. He emblazoned the high standards set by Mirza Asadullah Khan 'Ghalib', and glorified the literature in his own way. He was a scholarly personality, and wrote on various subjects, from philosophy to politics, from romance to emotions and so on. He wrote world famous poem 'sare jahan se acha Hindustan hamara' and many other such 'nazams' which are even today considered as great poetical creations. He was honoured with the title 'sir' by the British Government for his contributions to the literature.The present collection is a representative of Iqbal's Urdu poetry, which has been transliterated into English verses, with translation into Devanagari (Hindi) and Roman script. The English translation has been done by Khwaja Tariq Mahmood, who earlier translated the poems of Mirza Ghalib and Sahir Ludhianvi, and is now working on many other collections.
If I Should Speak
Umm Zakiyyah - 2001
Months after it was released, it quickly became a bestseller. Used in college classrooms and in book clubs, readers express the profound impact the story has had on their lives.
Speaking in God's Name: Islamic Law, Authority and Women
Khaled Abou El Fadl - 2001
Khaled Abou El Fadl cites a series of injustices in Islamic society and ultimately proposes a return to the original ethics at the heart of the Muslim legal system.
Love for Allah
Zulfiqar Ahmad - 2001
Most importantly however, the book delves into how a person can develop a sincere love for their Creator. The remaining chapters of the book explore the signs that mark those believers that truly love Allah and the benefits that are reaped for that love. These themes are explored through the stories of the companions of the Prophet (May Peace and Blessings Be Upon Him) and the successive generations of righteous believers. Interspersed throughout the text are English translations of Arabic and Urdu poems, which highlight the concepts discussed.
The Heirs of the Prophets عليهم السلام
ابن رجب الحنبلي - 2001
In addition to huge multi-volume compendiums, many scholars also composed shorter treatises that focused, for example, on one particular statement (hadith) of the Prophet Muhammad. This volume is such a work. Imam Ibn Rajab, who is considered one of the foremost authorities of Prophetic tradition of his day, wrote this deeply inspiring commentary on one hadith of the Prophet in which he said, "The scholars are the heirs of the Prophets." Ibn Rajab was able to bring together the ethics, authentic stories, and penetrating insights that relate to the noble enterprise of true learning.Author Biography: Imam ibn Rajab al-Hanbali was known as the leading scholar of his era, an eminent Quran master, a jurist of repute, a moving sermonizer, and a major historian. He was born in Baghdad in 1335. At the age of eight, he moved to Damascus along with his father. In Damascus, he began his religious studies, first memorizing the Quran in its variant canonical readings. He then began the study of hadith, a pursuit that would take him to Makkah, Egypt, and other Islamic centers of learning. Ibn Rajab studied with the leading scholarly authorities of his day. He was especially influenced by the great Hanbali scholar, Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyya, one of the most renowned names in Muslim history.
2500 حكمة للإمام علي
علي بن أبي طالب - 2001
To the one who filled life with his wisdom, and hugged the minds, the minds of his companions, and delivered them to the wider upper fields, I mean knowledge. To the one who enriched the Arabic language with his eloquent speech. To the master of eloquent ones and the prince of the wise men. To the prince of believers To him... I raise this little of what was collected from the pearls of his wisdom and the magnificent of his sermons.
The QurAn & Bible : In The Light Of Science
Zakir Naik - 2001
Zakir Naik's rejoinder to Dr. William Campbell in dispelling many misconceptions about Islam in relation to established science. As well as acquainting the people with the present Bible, which is not, in fact, the Injeel which the Muslims believe as the sacred book descended upon Jesus Christ.
Knowledge and Wisdom
الحبيب عبد الله بن علوي الحداد الحضرمي الشافعي - 2001
With these essays, Imam al-Haddad offers pinpoint reminders about what the spiritual aspirant needs to focus on in the moments and days of his or her brief life-all in preparation for the Last Day and the eternal abode that follows. For the last two centuries, this book has been a popular spiritual treatise of Muslims throughout the Islamic world. "Life is short, time is precious, death near, and the distance to travel great, while the moment of standing before God to account for everything, however insignificant, is daunting and hard," writes Imam al-Haddad.Author Biography: Imam Abdullah ibn Alawi al-Haddad was a late 17th and early 18th century Islamic scholar and spiritual master who lived in Yemen. To this day, he has a large following of admirers and is widely known for the breadth of his knowledge and the profundity of insight. Imam al-Haddad died in 1720.
Radical Reform: Islamic Ethics and Liberation
Tariq Ramadan - 2001
In this new book, Ramadan addresses Muslim societies and communities everywhere witha bold call for radical reform. He challenges those who argue defensively that reform is a dangerous and foreign deviation, and a betrayal of the faith. Authentic reform, he says, has always been grounded in Islam's textual sources, spiritual objectives, and intellectual traditions. But thereformist movements that are based on renewed reading of textual sources while using traditional methodologies and categories have achieved only adaptive responses to the crisis facing a globalizing world. Such readings, Ramadan argues, have reached the limits of their usefulness.Ramadan calls for a radical reform that goes beyond adaptation to envision bold and creative solutions to transform the present and the future of our societies. This new approach interrogates the historically established sources, categories, higher objectives, tools, and methodologies of Islamic lawand jurisprudence, and the authority this traditional geography of knowledge has granted to textual scholars. He proposes a new geography which redefines the sources and the spiritual and ethical objectives of the law creating room for the authority of scholars of the social and hard sciences. Thiswill equip this transformative reform with the spiritual, ethical, social and scientific knowledge necessary to address contemporary challenges. Ramadan argues that radical reform demands not only the equal contributions of scholars of both the text and the context, but the critical engagement andcreative imagination of the Muslim masses. This proposal for radical reform dramatically shifts the center of gravity of authority. It is bound to provoke controversy and spark debate among Muslims and non-Muslims alike.
The Prophet of Mercy Muhammad Scenes From His Life
Osman Nuri Topbaş - 2001
He has received both a traditional and a modern education. He has written many books on different aspects of Islam as a religion and as a civilization. One recurring theme in his writings bears on the importance of mercy, love, and care in our social relations as the very fabric of an authentic Islamic way of life.
Islamic Beliefs: A Brief Introduction to the 'Aqeedah of Ahl Assunnah wal-Jamaa'ah
Abd-Allah al-Athari - 2001
Without this checking, a Muslim may live his whole life, following a deviant, heretic path, thinking that he is doing the right thing, only to find out--when it is too late--that this path only leads to hell.Many books have been written by the scholars explaining, in great detail, the path of the Prophet (BPUH) and the path of the early generation of Islam. Many of these books are lengthy and written in a complex and difficult style that is only understood by those who have a great deal of knowledge about the deviant sects and their ideas, which puts them beyond the reach of most ordinary readers. In contrast, this book Islamic Beliefs-A Brief Introduction to the Aqeeqah (belief, creed) of the Righteous Salaf, is written in a straightforward style, distilling the knowledge of the scholars and making it accessible to the ordinary Muslim. It touches on the main points of 'aqeeqah and explains the main features of the path of the Prophet (BPUH) and the early generation, with brief references to the deviant groups in order to show the contrast between the path of the Prophet(BPUH) and the paths of the deviant groups, between light and darkness, guidance and misguidance. The straightforward approach of this book will allow the reader to follow its arguments and develop a clear picture of the proper approach to and interpretation of the Qur'aan and Sunnah.This book which should be on every Muslim's bookshelf, so that he will have, at his fingertips, a concise and readily-accessible reference for the basic issues of his religion.
Dying And Living For Allah
Khurram Murad - 2001
In accordance with the Qur'an and Sunnah, this Will is a nasihah - advising, commending and enjoining a life based on loyalty to Allah, striving for the Akhirah, being particular to one's responsibilities towards others and sharing the divine message with all human beings. The forty gems that make up this call are Khurram Murad's last gift. They provide a window to his heart and soul - spelling out clear cut guidelines for self purification and preparation for the struggle of life. This work is a great Sadaqah jariyyah and will, for years to come be a beacon of light in a world haunted by darkness and gloom.
Tell Me About the Prophet Musa
Saniyasnain Khan - 2001
This book presents the life and times of the Prophet Musa, upon whom be peace, from the days of his infancy, when he was put in a box in the river Nile, to the period of his divine mission and preaching of Allah's words.
At the Entrance to the Garden of Eden: A Jew's Search for Hope with Christians and Muslims in the Holy Land
Yossi Klein Halevi - 2001
Louis Post-Dispatch
While religion has fueled the often violent conflict plaguing the Holy Land, Yossi Klein Halevi wondered whether it could be a source of unity as well. To find the answer, this religious Israeli Jew began a two-year exploration to discover a common language with his Christian and Muslim neighbors. He followed their holiday cycles, befriended Christian monastics and Islamic mystics, and joined them in prayer in monasteries and mosques in Israel, the West Bank, and Gaza.At the Entrance to the Garden of Eden traces that remarkable spiritual journey. Halevi candidly reveals how he fought to reconcile his own fears and anger as a Jew to relate to Christians and Muslims as fellow spiritual seekers. He chronicles the difficulty of overcoming multiple obstacles—theological, political, historical, and psychological—that separate believers of the three monotheistic faiths. And he introduces a diverse range of people attempting to reconcile the dichotomous heart of this sacred place—a struggle central to Israel, but which resonates for us all.
Contemplation of the Holy Mysteries: Contemplation of the Holy Mysteries and the Rising of the Divine Lights
Ibn Arabi - 2001
With helpful notes based on Ibn 'Arabi's own oral commentary, the work is presented for the first time in English.
Maulana Hifz-ur-Rehman Seoharvi - 2001
It is the translation of the four volume original in Urdu by Maulana Hifz al-Rahman Seoharvi. Includes color photos of related historical locations.
The Way of Illumination (The Sufi Teachings of Hazrat Inayat Khan Book 1)
Hazrat Inayat Khan - 2001
The Sufi Teachings of Hazrat Inayat Khan, in a friendly and conversational manner, provide the reader not only a deep understanding of Sufi thought and practice, but melds the traditions of East and West – Judaism–Hinduism–Christianity–Buddhism – in a way demonstrating our profound interrelationship.
An Introduction to Islamic Finance
Muhammad Taqi Usmani - 2001
As long as a person advancing money expects to share in the profits earned (or losses incurred) by the other party, a stipulated proportion of profit is legitimate. The philosophy is enshrined in the traditional Islamic concepts of musharakah and mudarabah, along with their specialized modern variants murabahah, ijarah, salam, and istisna'. This invaluable guide to Islamic finance clearly delineates the all-important distinctions between Islamic practices and conventional procedures based on interest. Justice Usmani of Pakistan, who chairs several Shari'ah supervisory boards for Islamic banks, clearly explains the various modes of financing used by Islamic banks and non-banking financial institutions, emphasizing the necessary requirements for their acceptability from the Shari'ah standpoint and the correct method for their application. He deals masterfully with practical problems as they arise in the course of his presentation, and offers possible solutions in each instance.
Nasir Khusraw, the Ruby of Badakhshan: A Portrait of the Persian Poet, Traveller and Philosopher
Alice C. Hunsberger - 2001
Writing exclusively in Persian, his writings have been preserved through the centuries by the Ismaili communities of the upper Oxus and Badakhshan, now situated in Tajikistan and Afghanistan. This is the first comprehensive study in English of Nasir Khusraw's life and aspects of his theological and philosophical thought in the context of his times. Alice C Hunsberger, who has devoted more than ten years of study to this subject, also presents in this book a detailed classification of Nasir Khusraw's different writings, and a summary of medieval as well as modern biographical studies.
A Hand Through the Door for My New Sister
Yasmin bint Ismail - 2001
It also, however, equally concerns Muslim ladies of all backgrounds and levels who desier to learn various aspects of their religion.Of the matters this book discusses are the pillars of Islam, the articles of faith, tawhid (monotheism), and its opposite (shirk), the dress of a believing lady, rulings pertaining to mense, assocations and interaction with family members, marriage, divorce, the food of the believers, repentance, death, paradise and hell, and a number of other aspects of the religion.A significant feature of this book is that the author has relied on and provided textual evidence from the Qur'an and authentic Sunnah for the many rulings presented throughout the discourse. We pray that Allah rewards the author for her work and concern and may this book of good use to all those who read it.
The Heart of Islamic Philosophy: The Quest for Self-Knowledge in the Teachings of Afdal Al-Din Kashani
William C. Chittick - 2001
Afdal al-Din Kashani was a contemporary of a number of important Muslim thinkers, including Averroes and Ibn al-Arabi. Kashani did not write for advanced students of philosophy but rather for beginners. In the main body of his work, he offers especially clear and insightful expositions of various philosophical positions, making him an invaluable resource for those who would like to learn the basic principles and arguments of this philosophical tradition but do not have a strong background in philosophy. Here, Chittick uses Kashani and his work to introduce the basic issues and arguments of Islamic philosophy to modern readers.
Cross & the Crescent
Jerald F. Dirks - 2001
Dirks, a former ordained minister (deacon) in the United Methodist Church, a graduate of Harvard Divinity School and with a doctorate in clinical psychology, reaches out to the Christians and the Muslims for an interfaith dialogue. Drawing on his seminary education and thirty years of interaction with Muslims in America and overseas, the author digs deep into the roots of Christianity to bring out obscure information that highlights what was once common between Christianity and Islam. He envisioned that, "In writing this book, I would like to touch the lives of those Christians who have not been given the knowledge that I have gained both about Islam, from my direct contact with Muslims, and about Christianity from my seminary education. I want to share with those Christians, who are willing to listen, what is so often known by their clergy and church leaders, but seldom finds its way into their knowledge of their own religion. Likewise, I would like to reach out to the Muslims, in order to help them understand the religious commonality that they share with Christians".
My people uprooted
Tathagata Roy - 2001
Gives An Overview Of Bengal Society And Hindu-Muslim Relations In Bengal From The First Partition Of The Province In 1905 - Traces The Events Leading To The Partition Of The Province In 1947 - Describes The Persecution And The Exodus Of The Hindus From East Bengal In Different Phases - Analyses The Course Of Events Why Hindus Could Not Resist - Why There Was No Recipocal Movement As In Punjab - Why Bengali Hindus Swallowed The Insult And Ignonminy And Why Interested Quarters Sought To Obliterate This Sad Chapter Of History .
The Meccan Revelations
Ibn Arabi - 2001
He was born into the cultural and religious crucible of Andalusian Spain in 1165, a place and time in which Muslim, Jewish and Christian scholars learned from each other and from the Greek classics that were then being translated and circulated. Drawing from the most advanced philosophical and metaphysical thinking of his time and from his extensive knowledge of the religion of Islam, Ibn 'Arabi created an extraordinary mystical theology that essentially sprang from his own spiritual realization. Because of the advanced nature of his teachings he has been known for 800 years as the Sheikh al-Akbar, or the Greatest Master.Ibn 'Arabi was the author of more than 350 books, but his foremost is generally thought to be The Meccan Revelations, a massive work of 560 chapters. Because of the subtlety of his language and the complexity of his thought, access to Ibn 'Arabi has always been difficult and translation daunting. Previously only short extracts were available in English. This volume, the first of two, contains 22 key chapters of this Sufi summa mystica, on such issues as Ibn 'Arabi's doctrine of the Divine Names, the nature of spiritual experience, the end of time, the resurrection and the stages of the path that lead to sanctity.This great book soars beyond time, culture and any particular form of religion. Describing what is fundamental to our humanity, it is astonishingly universal. Finally readers in the West have an entree into one of the most important and profound works of world literature.
The Creed of the Four Imaams
محمد بن عبد الرحمن الخميس - 2001
There was no disagreement between these imaams and the likes over the principles of the religion” Shaykh al- Islaam ibn TaymiyyahEnlightening clarification from the four imaams themselves – from their own words about the correct position on vital issues of creed, such as tawheed, eemaan, and qadr, as well as the position of Ahlul-Sunnah on theological rhetoric and the honor and respect due to the companions of the Prophet (sullulahu 3layhi wa sallim)It is sincerely hoped that all Muslims who claim adherence to the teachings of these greats imaams will truly embrace the most important aspects of their teachings: the correct beliefs they understood from the texts of the Book and the Sunnah based on the understanding of the Companions and their followers.(Taken from the back cover)
Becoming Muslim
Nuh Ha Mim Keller - 2001
This is the story of a young American Catholic university student who became a Muslim interpreter in the Middle East. A spiritual odyssey of philosophical readings, working at sea, and traveling abroad, it is above all an encounter with people, from weathered fishermen, to worldly professors, to veiled women in Egypt. In a world in which men are deemed bound by their earliest enculturation, it tells the unforgettable tale of a one man's farewell to Christianity, passage through atheism, and finding of the Divine Reality in an Arabic revelation sent down in Mecca fourteen centuries ago.
Who Is A Hindu?: Hindu Revivalist Views Of Animism, Buddhism, Sikhism, And Other Offshoots Of Hinduism
Koenraad Elst - 2001
thesis, updated and adapted for general publication. It can best be read in conjunction with the main part of the thesis, now in print under the title *Decolonizing the Hindu Mind*.The author thanks Mrs. Yamini Liu, Mr. Gopi Maliwal, Mr. Krishan Bhatnagar, Mr. Pradeep Goel, Mr. Satinder Trehan, Dr. Tushar Ravuri and Mr. Vishal Agarwal, as well as the late Prof. Kedar Nath Mishra. Corrections and other feedback are welcomed.
Tajweed Qur'an (Whole Quran, With Meaning Translation and Transliteration in English) (Arabic and English)
Dar Al-Ma'arifah - 2001
It was in this way that the holy Quran was revealed to prophet Mohammed (PBUH) and also the manner in which he recited it. Therefore, the reader of the holy Quran longs to achieve the promise of Prophet Mohammed (PBUH): "whoever recites the Quran correctly and proficiently will be with the bountiful dutiful writers (the angels of the preserved tablet - Al lauh Al Mahfuz).Based on a practical understanding of phonology, we have color-coded the place of some letters to facilitate the correct recitation of the holy Quran. This had enabled us to classify these letters within 3 possible categories to enhance the reader's knowledge and remembrance of tajweed rules.The letters which requires expanded vocalization. We used red color to highlight these letters. The letters which is nasalized. These letters are green in color. the dark blue color indicates the emphatic of the letter (R), the blue color indicates the unrest letters-echoing sound- (qualquala)While the letters which are written but are not pronounced. These letters are gray in color. The reader will get used to reciting the Quran by using color just as he got used to stopping at red lights and passing though green lights. By engaging I this sublime act, the reader will find him self applying 24 rules of tajweed with ease and precision while his mind is left free to contemplate and understand the meaning of holy Quran.Additional InformationPublisher Dar-Al-Maarifah Format Audio CD Size 7 x 9.5 inch Product TagsAdd Your Tags: Add Tags Use spaces to separate tags. Use single quotes (') for phrases.
The Most Beautiful Names of Allah
Samira Fayyad Khawaldeh - 2001
In defining these names, the author has relied on the verses of the Qur'an and the Traditions of the Prophet (Hadith) and, from these verses and traditions, she has deduced many meaning which make it possible for the reader to experience the glory and greatness of Allah, and to derive many other meanings from Allah's Beautiful Names. (Back Cover)
He Came to Teach You Your Religion: The Hadith of the Angel Gabriel Explaining the Foundations of Islam, Imaan and Ihsaan
Jamaal al-Din M. Zarabozo - 2001
And God Knows the Soldiers: The Authoritative and Authoritarian in Islamic Discourses
Khaled Abou El Fadl - 2001
Beginning with the case study of a Muslim basketball player who refused to stand up while the American national anthem was playing, the author documents the disintegration of the Islamic juristic tradition, and the prevalence of authoritarianism in contemporary Muslim discourses. The author analyzes the rise of what he describes as puritan and despotic trends in modern Islam, and asserts that such trends nullify the richness and diversity of the Islamic tradition. By declaring themselves the true soldiers of God and the defenders of religion, Muslim puritan movements are able to degrade women, eradicate critical thinking, and empty Islam of its moral content. In effect, the author argues, the self-declared protectors of Islam become its despots and oppressors who suppress the dynamism and vigor of the Islamic message. Anchoring himself in the rich Islamic jurisprudential tradition, the author argues for upholding the authoritativeness of the religious text without succumbing to authoritarian methodologies of interpretation. Ultimately, the author asserts that in order to respect the integrity of the Divine laws it is necessary to adopt rigorous analytical methodologies of interpretation, and to re-investigate the place of morality in modern Islam.
Biographies of the Rightly-Guided Caliphs
Ibn Katheer, At-Tabari, As-Syooti and Other Historians - 2001
These caliphs, known collectively as the Four Rightly Guided Caliphs, led the Islamic world and greatly expanded its territory for the next 29 years.
Ali bin Abi Talib (R): The Fourth Caliph of Islam
Abdul Basit Ahmad - 2001
He lived in the Prophet's (sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam) house and imitated him in all he did and led a humble life till the last moment of his life. The Prophet (sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam) loved him very dearly. He took him as his brother in Islam. He praised him on many occasions as being the "Lion of Allah". No one of the Companions of the Prophet was as much heroic as Ali (may Allah be pleased with him) was in every battle he fought for the support of the cause of Islam.
The Politicization of Islam: Reconstructing Identity, State, Faith, and Community in the Late Ottoman State
Kemal H. Karpat - 2001
It views privatization of state lands and the increase of domestic and foreign trade as key factors in the rise of a Muslim middle class, which, increasingly aware of its economic interests and communal roots, then attempted to reshape the government to reflect its ideals.
Islam and Dhimmitude: Where Civilizations Collide
Bat Ye'or - 2001
Bat Ye'or examines various religious and historical sources, using the new term "dhimmitude" to describe their common history and legal status. Some of the laws derive from the special status institutionalized by the Church Fathers for Jews; once Islamized, these laws were incorporated into Muslim jurisprudence applicable for Christians and Jews alike. Dhimmitude is thus discussed from the perspective of Muslim theology, and also in regard to Christian attitudes to both Jews and Zionists.
Children of Abraham: An Introduction to Judaism for Muslims
Reuven Firestone - 2001
Descended from a common ancestor, Jews and Muslims share a special relationship and practice religions that exhibit remarkable moral and theological resemblance. But most Muslims know little about Judaism. In his volume, Rabbi Firestone presents Judaism with a Muslim sensibility in mind, and thus establishes unprecedented intimacy between Jewish and Muslim consciousness and worldviews. His work is the first of its kind to offer a comprehensive introduction to Judaism with a special emphasis on issues of particular concern to Muslims. A publication of the Harriet and Robert Heilbrunn Institute for International Interreligious Understanding of the American Jewish Committee.
The Gardens of Their Dreams: Desertification and Culture in World History
Brian Griffith - 2001
The author seeks to understand how the great civilizations in the original green lands of North Africa, Ancient Egypt, the Middle East, South Asia and China responded and changed under the pressure of invaders fleeing growing environmental degradation in the surrounding deserts.
The Jamaat Tableegh and the Deobandis: A Critical Analysis of their Beliefs, Books and Dawah
Sajid Abdul-Kayum - 2001
This book highlights the errors of the Jamaat Tableegh and the Deobandis based purely upon quotations from their books, especially those referred to, by the common readers like, the Fazaail-e-Aamaal.
The Ark Of Nuh
Saniyasnain Khan - 2001
It will capture the interest of children both at home and in the classroom. It's a wonderful way to explain the greatest stories of the Quran to children and encourage them to explore the meaning and purpose of the word of Allah.
Mullahs on the Mainframe: Islam and Modernity among the Daudi Bohras
Jonah Blank - 2001
Combining orthodox Muslim prayer, dress, and practice with secular education, relative gender equality, and Internet use, this community serves as a surprising reminder that the central values of "modernity" are hardly limited to the West.
Khalid bin Al-Waleed (R): The Sword Of Allah
Abdul Basit Ahmad - 2001
He led several battles and was always victorious. He conquered the apostates, especially Musailamah Al-Kadhab (the Liar) and restored order and peace to the Arabian Peninsula.He devised military tactics, which, by the help of Allah, made him defeat the huge Roman army. He was very tough with his enemies but at the same time very lenient with his brother Muslims.When he died, Umar bin Al-Khattab (may Allah be pleased with him) cried and said: "Women would never give birth to one like you."
A History of the Prophets of Islam, Volume 2: Derived from the Quran, Ahadith and Commentaries
Suzanne Haneef - 2001
The series contains substantial material about the teachings of Islam with special emphasis on Jesus[----[[ prophethood and the role of Muhammad () and the Quran. Amply footnoted and referenced.
Religious Extremism in the Lives of Contemporary Muslims
ʻAbd al-Raḥmān ibn Muʻallā Luwayḥiq - 2001
Abdur-Rahmaan al-Luwaihiq has concentrated on many of the manifestations of extremism found in the Arab world. However, upon closer inspection, one will readily note that many of the ideas which al-Luwaihiq critiques can be found in many Muslim communities. Indeed, the author touches upon many topics of direct concern to Muslim minorities living in the West. For example, he addresses the following topics:The definition of extremism and its parameters from an Islamic perspective, the place and importance of the hijrah, the ruling for the hijrah under different circumstances, the definition of taqleed and the question of making an oath of allegiance to a group's leader, the ruling of taking a governmental post under a tyrant Muslim ruler, the Islamic conditions and parameters for declaring another Muslim a disbeliever.These are the kinds of issues that Muslims are often confused about. Dr. al-Luwaihiq has also done an excellent job in the way that he handles these issues. He does not simply present the views of the extremists and critique them. Instead, he presents the issue from the point of view of the scholars of the Ahl-us-Sunnah wal-Jamaa'ah. If there is a difference of opinion on an issue, he presents the issue in detail, giving all of the relevant proofs for each viewpoint. Then he tries to determine the strongest view on the issue. It is only after presenting the correct view that he evaluates the extremists. He allows them, by quoting them at length, to present their own viewpoint. After that, he gives a critical analysis of their viewpoints and clearly shows where and how they have erred.
Islam: Religion of Life
Abdul Wadod Shalabi - 2001
Written by an Islamic scholar who combines traditional religious training from al-Azhar University and Western education from the University of Cambridge, where he received his doctorate, this book provides an introductions to Islam for an educated readership.
The Legacy of Arab-Islam in Africa: A Quest for Inter-religious Dialogue
John Alembillah Azumah - 2001
Drawing on a wealth of sources, from the colonial period to the most up-to-date scholarship, the author challenges the widely held perception th at, while Christianity oppressed and subjugated the African people, Islam fitted comfortably into the indigenous landscape. Instead, this penetrating account reveals Muslim settlers to be as guilty of enforcing slavery and conversion as those of their more maligned sister tradition. Only with an acknowledgement of the true roles of both faiths in African history, suggests Azumah, can the people of both traditions move themselves and their continent towards a new future of tolerance and self-awareness.
The Spiritual Roots of Restorative Justice
Michael L. Hadley - 2001
It reflects the close collaboration of scholars and professionals engaged in multifaith reflection on the theory and practice of criminal law. A variety of traditions are explored: Aboriginal spirituality, Buddhism, Chinese religions, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism, and Sikhism. Drawing on a wide range of literature and experience in the field of Restorative Justice and recognizing the ongoing interdisciplinary research into the complex relationships between religion and violence, the contributors clarify how faith-based principles of reconciliation, restoration, and healing might be implemented in pluralistic multicultural societies.
Hajj and Umrah According to the Qur'an and Sunnah
Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips - 2001
Bilal Philips is packed with explanations, descriptions of the rulings and conditions governing the pilgrimage, and even transliterations of the supplications and phrases to be recited by the pilgrim. It is truly a practical booklet for any pilgrim to study and then take along on his or her spiritual journey to the House of Allah.
Abdullah bin Umar (R): The Jurist
Abdul Basit Ahmad - 2001
One of these auspicious personalities was Abdullah bin Umar, the son of Umar bin Al-Khattab (may Allah be pleased with them). His close accompanying of the Prophet (sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam) and memorization of the Prophet's sayings and actions eventually led to his attainment of great scholarship, even amongst the Prophet's Companions. In these pages you will read the amazing saga of Abdullah bin Umar's (may Allah be pleased with him) life amongst Allah's chosen party of believers.
Hippocrene Children's Illustrated Arabic Dictionary
Hippocrene Books - 2001
500 entries, each accompanied by a large illustration.
Commanders of the Muslim Army
Mahmood Ahmad Ghadanfar - 2001
They struck terror in the hearts of the enemy and the strong forts and palaces of Caesar and Chosroes trembled before their might. However in this compilation, there are not only the stories of the battlefields but also the stories of bravery and courage, valor and piety, austerity and simplicity. These stones describe the true circumstances that led the Muslims to fight snore powerful enemies than they were at that time.
Tales from the Land of the Sufis
Mojdeh Bayat - 2001
The tales are retold from the celebrated works of Sufi poets and spiritual masters such as Rumi, Attar, Nizami, and Jami, as well as anecdotes about these famous masters.
The Signs of God
Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee - 2001
Mystical consciousness is an awareness of the real nature of life -- of the secret purpose of creation. The mystic should no longer stay hidden on the fringes of our culture, but should work to make life's deeper meaning accessible to humanity. The mystic can help us awaken to the oneness that is essential to life, and to recognize the signs of God that will guide us and reveal our true purpose.
Allah's Best Friend
Saniyasnain Khan - 2001
It’s a wonderful way to explain the greatest stories of the Qur’an to children and encourage them to explore the meaning and purpose of the word of Allah. A simple text and magnificent color illustration will captivate young, active minds.Allah’s Best Friend is a beautifully illustrated and creatively written story about the Prophet Ibrahim (pbuh). It will capture the interest of Children both at home and in the classroom.