Somebody Should Have Told Us!

Jack Pransky - 2006
    Jack Pransky's latest literary work has the ability to change the lives of those who follow the simple, yet powerful, wisdoms stored in this book. If what you seek is a better, more joyous way of being, what is contained in these pages can indeed transform your life. Unlike listening to Dr. Phil, Dr. Laura, or Dr. Joy Brown, this book contains no advice. It offers no skills, nor any techniques. Initially, to some this may be disconcerting, but advice, skills and technique all reside in the outside world. This book contains something far more valuable. True change happens only from within, from one's own insight. It is far more comforting to realize there really is nothing to do because we already have everything we are looking for inside us, and it is always available to us no matter what difficult life situations we encounter if we know how to access it. This book points people in the direction of true self help.

Buddhism Plain and Simple

Steve Hagen - 1997
    It is about being awake and in touch with what is going on here and now. When the Buddha was asked to sum up his teaching in a single word, he said, "Awareness." The Buddha taught how to see directly into the nature of experience. His observations and insights are plain, practical, and down-to-earth, and they deal exclusively with the present. In Buddhism Plain and Simple, Steve Hagen presents these uncluttered, original teachings in everyday, accessible language unencumbered by religious ritual, tradition, or belief.

Deep Listening: A Healing Practice to Calm Your Body, Clear Your Mind, and Open Your Heart

Jillian Pransky - 2017
    For much of her life, she subscribed to a relentless work hard/play hard mentality, burying parts of herself beneath the pursuit of busy-ness and accomplishment. It wasn’t until a devastating personal loss and health crisis thrust her into suffocating anxiety that she stopped racing around. As she began to pause and examine her actions and emotions, she found herself able to unlock deeply seated tension in her mind and body. Since then, Pransky has been devoted to studying and teaching mindfulness practices, deep relaxation, and compassionate listening.In Deep Listening, Pransky presents her signature Calm Body, Clear Mind, Open Heart program—a 10-step journey of self-exploration that she’s taught around the world. Derived from the techniques that healed her, the practice of Deep Listening invites you to pay close attention to your body, mind, and heart. You’re taught how to tune inward and relax into a state of openness, ease, and clarity. This is the new frontier in integrative wellness—mindfulness designed for healing.Pransky doesn’t ask you to “be your best self,” or “do more!” She asks you to “be here” and “do less.” She guides you gently through the stages of Deep Listening, from being present and noticing your tension to welcoming what you discover with softness and compassion. She integrates tools like guided meditations, journaling prompts, and restorative yoga poses to help you regard yourself with kindness and curiosity. Immersing yourself in the practice of Deep Listening will allow you to nurture your own well-being.

Don't Just Sit There!: 44 Insights to Get Your Meditation Practice Off the Cushion and Into the Real World

Biet Simkin - 2019
    Drawing on hard-won wisdom from her journey through addiction, personal tragedy, and the New York rock-n-roll scene, Biet shares the guidance you’ll need to move from meltdowns to miracles. Don’t Just Sit There! is a guidebook that will empower you to dive into meditation by helping you work through the not-so-peaceful side of achieving peace. With insights on forty-four laws of human experience, it provides week-by-week instructions to process each one. From the Law of Focus to the Law of Desire, these aspects of spiritual life can become obstacles without the tools to properly face them. Experienced and novice meditators alike can benefit from Biet’s frank, freeing advice on how to establish a lifelong practice in an often chaotic modern world. By confronting the disruptive quality of spiritual life, you can motivate yourself to realize the meditative practice of your dreams.

The Book of Joy: Lasting Happiness in a Changing World

Dalai Lama XIV - 2016
    And it inspired two close friends to get together in Dharamsala for a talk about something very important to them. The friends were His Holiness the Dalai Lama and Archbishop Desmond Tutu. The subject was joy. Both winners of the Nobel Prize, both great spiritual masters and moral leaders of our time, they are also known for being among the most infectiously happy people on the planet.From the beginning the book was envisioned as a three-layer birthday cake: their own stories and teachings about joy, the most recent findings in the science of deep happiness, and the daily practices that anchor their own emotional and spiritual lives. Both the Dalai Lama and Archbishop Tutu have been tested by great personal and national adversity, and here they share their personal stories of struggle and renewal. Now that they are both in their eighties, they especially want to spread the core message that to have joy yourself, you must bring joy to others.Most of all, during that landmark week in Dharamsala, they demonstrated by their own exuberance, compassion, and humor how joy can be transformed from a fleeting emotion into an enduring way of life.

Cutting Through Spiritual Materialism

Chögyam Trungpa - 1973
     The universal tendency, he shows, is to see spirituality as a process of self-improvement—the impulse to develop and refine the ego when the ego is, by nature, essentially empty. "The problem is that ego can convert anything to its own use," he said, "even spirituality." His incisive, compassionate teachings serve to wake us up from this trick we all play on ourselves, and to offer us a far brighter reality: the true and joyous liberation that inevitably involves letting go of the self rather than working to improve it. It is a message that has resonated with students for nearly thirty years, and remains fresh as ever today. This new edition includes a foreword by Chögyam Trungpa's son and lineage holder, Sakyong Mipham.

Succulent Wild Woman

S.A.R.K. - 1997
    It's a little bit like reading my diary -- with permission. Succulence is powerFull! and so are we as women.

Energy Medicine: Use Your Body's Energies

Donna Eden - 1998
    Describes how manipulating the body's energy systems can strengthen the immune system, relieve pain, improve memory and alleviate depression.

The Compassionate Mind

Paul A. Gilbert - 2009
    Developing our sense of compassion can affect many areas of our lives, in particular our relationships with other people. In this book, Professor Paul Gilbert explores how our minds have developed to survive in dangerous and threatening environments by becoming sensitive and quick to react to perceived threats. This can sometimes lead to problems in how we respond to life's challenges and scientific evidence has demonstrated that compassion towards oneself and others can lead to an increased sense of happiness and wellbeing - particularly valuable when we are feeling stressed. Based on evolutionary research and scientific studies of how the brain processes emotional information, this compassionate approach offers an appealing alternative to the traditional western view of compassion, which sometimes sees it as a sign of weakness and can encourage self-criticism and a hard-nosed drive to achieve.

Be Here Now

Ram Dass - 1971
    Illustrated.The book is divided into four sections:Journey: The Transformation: Dr Richard Alpert, PhD into Baba Ram DassFrom Bindu to Ojas: The Core BookCookbook for a Sacred Life: A Manual for Conscious BeingPainted Cakes (Do Not Satisfy Hunger): Books

Light is the New Black: A Guide to Answering Your Soul's Callings and Working Your Light

Rebecca Campbell - 2015
    These women are modern day lightworkers, who agreed at soul level to be here at this time in history, to bring us into the Age of Light (lead by spirit and the divine feminine).   At the Peace Conference in Canada in 2009, when the Dalai Lama said ‘The world will be saved by the western woman’, it was a call to action for women throughout the West. Light Is The New Black is a response to that call. It guides these women to come back home to who they are at soul level, and embrace their uniqueness so they can light up the world in a way that only they can. Gone are the days of following someone else’s well-trodden path. In order to succeed in this new age, everything must be an authentic expression of who we truly are. A down-to-earth, relatable mix of one girl’s journey, channeled messages from The Universe, practical tools, and metaphysical marketing for this new social age, this book will reconnect you to the core of your being, so that you can use it to change the world.

Buddhism for Busy People: Finding Happiness in an Uncertain World

David Michie - 2004
    After incorporating simple Buddhist practices into his daily life, the author now teaches others how to understand the difference between temporary pleasure and lasting fulfillment. His profound and uncomplicated suggestions, such as meditation and cultivating compassion, provide strategies for a heartfelt serenity that comes from connecting with our inner nature.

Four Chapters on Freedom: Commentary on the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali

Satyananda Saraswati - 1976
    The Yoga Sutras, containing 196 epithets or threads of Yoga, is the most respected treatise on Yoga. In his commentary on each verse, Swami Satyananda Saraswati fully explains the text and the path of raja yoga.

Gift from the Sea

Anne Morrow Lindbergh - 1955
    Drawing inspiration from the shells on the shore, Lindbergh’s musings on the shape of a woman’s life bring new understanding to both men and women at any stage of life. A mother of five, an acclaimed writer and a pioneering aviator, Lindbergh casts an unsentimental eye on the trappings of modernity that threaten to overwhelm us: the time-saving gadgets that complicate rather than simplify, the multiple commitments that take us from our families. And by recording her thoughts during a brief escape from everyday demands, she helps readers find a space for contemplation and creativity within their own lives.With great wisdom and insight Lindbergh describes the shifting shapes of relationships and marriage, presenting a vision of life as it is lived in an enduring and evolving partnership. A groundbreaking, best-selling work when it was originally published in 1955, Gift from the Sea continues to be discovered by new generations of readers. With a new introduction by Lindbergh’s daughter Reeve, this fiftieth-anniversary edition will give those who are revisiting the book and those who are coming upon it for the first time fresh insight into the life of this remarkable woman.The sea and the beach are elements that have been woven throughout Anne Morrow Lindbergh’s life. She spent her childhood summers with her family on a Maine island. After her marriage to Charles Lindbergh in 1929, she accompanied him on his survey flights around the North Atlantic to launch the first transoceanic airlines. The Lindberghs eventually established a permanent home on the Connecticut coast, where they lived quietly, wrote books and raised their family.After the children left home for lives of their own, the Lindberghs traveled extensively to Africa and the Pacific for environmental research.

The Universe Is Talking to You: Tap into Signs & Synchronicity to Reveal Magical Moments Every Day

Tammy Mastroberte - 2020
    This book shows you how to decipher the messages the universe is giving you and helps you reaffirm your faith, live with more joy, and experience life as a series of wondrous miracles. Join author Tammy Mastroberte as she shares a powerful five-step process for reaching a higher vibration that resonates with the universe and the spirit realm. These simple techniques connect you with powerful energies that provide direction when you are lost, reassurance when you are on the right track, and faith that everything in life serves a greater purpose.