Book picks similar to
Rapid Review Pathology by Edward F. Goljan
Robbins & Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease
Vinay Kumar - 1974
No other resource has been able to match its outstanding coverage of pathophysiology and disease. Now renamed Robbins and Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease, the new, 7th Edition of this classic text delivers a host of improvements that make it an even clearer choice for students and practitioners!
First Aid for the USMLE Step 2 CK
Tao Le - 1999
Written by medical students and reviewed by top faculty, this unique book provides practical, tested advice for acing the USMLE Step 2 CK.
Textbook of Medical Physiology
Arthur C. Guyton - 1969
Guyton & Hall's Textbook of Medical Physiology covers all of the major systems in the human body, while emphasizing system interaction, homeostasis, and pathophysiology. This very readable, easy-to-follow, and thoroughly updated, 11th Edition features a new full-color layout, short chapters, clinical vignettes, and shaded summary tables that allow for easy comprehension of the material.The smart way to study!Elsevier titles with STUDENT CONSULT will help you master difficult concepts and study more efficiently in print and online! Perform rapid searches. Integrate bonus content from other disciplines. Download text to your handheld device. And a lot more. Each STUDENT CONSULT title comes with full text online, a unique image library, case studies, USMLE style questions, and online note-taking to enhance your learning experience.Presents short, easy-to-read chapters in keeping with the Guyton and Hall tradition.Provides shaded summary tables for easy reference.Includes clinical vignettes, which allow readers to see core concepts applied to real-life situations.Offers specific discussions of pathophysiology in most clinical areas of medicine.Ensures a strong grasp of physiology concepts through well-illustrated discussions of the most essential principles.Now in full color! Offers access to the full text and other valuable features online via the STUDENT CONSULT website.Uses full-color illustrations throughout, including 486 figures, 277 charts and graphs, 100 brand-new line drawings, and 36 ECGs.Features a new full-color design that makes information more engaging and even easier to read.Updated throughout to reflect the latest knowledge in the field.
Robbins and Cotran Review of Pathology
Edward C. Klatt - 2000
More than 1,000 questions cover everything from the fundamentals of gross and microscopic pathology to the latest findings in molecular biology and genetics. Based on two of the best-selling, most authoritative pathology textbooks-Robbins and Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease, 7th Edition and Basic Pathology, 7th Edition-Robbins and Cotran Review of Pathology, 2nd Edition is an ideal aid for coursework, self-assessment, and examinations in pathology.Offers more than 1,000 questions that follow the clinical vignette style, emphasizing problem solving over rote memorization. Presented in both single-best-answer and extended-matching formats, they reflect levels of difficulty that prepare students for both examinations and the practice of medicine.Provides an answer and a detailed explanation for every question at the end of each chapter.Includes page references and a parallel organization to both Robbins and Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease and Basic Pathology, making additional information easy to locate.Presents correlative laboratory, radiologic, and physical diagnostic data to enhance readers' understanding of pathophysiology and to integrate pathology with other medical disciplines.Uses numerous full-color illustrations to test readers' diagnostic skills.Delivers a 73-question chapter covering all subjects that mimics a comprehensive final examination.
Step-Up to Medicine
Steven Agabegi - 2004
This book was originally written by third-year medical students searching for the perfect review book--not finding it on the market, they wrote it themselves! Now in its third edition, Step-Up to Medicine boils down the full scope of tested pathology in a single ingenious tool. Each element is tailored for immediate content absorption, and an all-new, full-color interior differentiate elements for even faster, more efficient review. And,
Step-Up to Medicine
, third edition provides two types of self-assessment--the kinds of questions you will ask yourself as a clinician plus USMLE-style practice questions. This review book gives you just the Step-Up to the medicine clerkship, accompanying shelf exams, and USMLE Step 2 that you need! NEW Features for this blockbuster edition: Full-color, updated interior design brings the content to you in a rousing, memorable style. Full-color, updated art program illustrates concepts when a picture says it best--plenty of clinical images also supplement topics. New content on evidence-based medicine keeps you current and informed to guide your clinical decision making. Expanded content on drug dosing is added where relevant.CLASSIC Features students swear by: Complete coverage of high-yield medical topics ensures you are test ready Clinical Pearls boxes help you "file away" clinical medicine connections for handy retrieval at test time Quick Hits glimmering in the margins highlight highly testable material--just see how the sparks fly at test timeBONUS Material and study resources: eBook with the fully searchable text is available via thePoint . NEW 300 USMLE-style questions provide another means of self-assessment and practice for those exams NEW Audio clips of breath and heart sounds also available on thePoint
BRS Pathology
Arthur S. Schneider - 1992
Chapters parallel most standard pathology texts and each chapter ends with a review test. Topics covered include general and basic pathology, major concepts of disease processes, and systemic pathology surveying principal disorders of each organ system. A comprehensive examination at the end of the book contains 500 USMLE-format questions. USMLE questions have all been updated to current USMLE format.The text is written in outline format for effective review. Icons indicate high-yield information that correlates with key pathology concepts.
Basic Histology: Text & Atlas
Luiz Carlos Uchôa Junqueira - 2005
Revised to reflect the latest research in the field, this book emphasizes the relationships and concepts that link cell and tissue structures with their functions. A bonus image library CD-ROM featuring all the photos and illustrations from the text with "zoom in" and "zoom out" capability is also included.
Case Files: Internal Medicine
Eugene C. Toy - 2004
Each case includes an extended discussion, definition of terms, clinical pearls, and USMLE format review questions. This interactive learning system is proven to improve shelf-exam scores and helps students to learn in the context of real patients insted of simply memorizing.
Blueprints Obstetrics & Gynecology
Tamara L. Callahan - 1997
This popular Blueprints book has been refined and updated while keeping the concise, organized style and clinical high-yield content of previous editions. Features include USMLE-style questions and answers with full explanations; Key Points in every section; and a color-enhanced design that increases the usefulness of figures and tables.This edition's completely revised art program includes many additional illustrations. Each chapter in this edition ends with evidence-based references (journals) for students to do additional reading/research.
Essential Clinical Anatomy
Keith L. Moore - 1992
This streamlined book is an excellent review for the larger text and an ideal primary text for health professions courses with brief coverage of anatomy.This edition features new full-color surface anatomy photographs and new diagnostic images. A new design makes the book visually appealing and easier to navigate.Accompanying the book is an Online Student Resource Center, which includes interactive clinical cases, USMLE-style review questions, and more.
Langman's Medical Embryology
Thomas W. Sadler - 1963
The brand-new Tenth Edition covers all aspects of embryology of interest to medical students and instructors and includes clinical correlates that provide information on birth defects and other clinical entities directly related to embryologic concepts.This extensively revised edition features new full-color photographs of clinical conditions and updated embryo images/photographs created using newer technologies. It also features new online USMLE-style review questions through Connection / The Point. A new introduction chapter on development includes molecular biology. This edition's larger page size improves readability.A bound-in CD-ROM, Simbryo, presents animations of embryologic system development.
Medical Physiology [with Student Consult Online Access]
Walter F. Boron - 2002
The most up-to-date and beautifully illustrated text on the market, it has a strong molecular and cellular approach, firmly relating the molecular and cellular biological underpinnings of physiology to the study of human physiology and disease. Contributions from leading physiologists ensure authoritative, cutting-edge information, and thorough and consistent editing have produced a readable and student-friendly text.The smart way to study!Elsevier titles with STUDENT CONSULT will help you master difficult concepts and study more efficiently in print and online! Perform rapid searches. Integrate bonus content from other disciplines. Download text to your handheld device. And a lot more. Each STUDENT CONSULT title comes with full text online, a unique image library, case studies, USMLE style questions, and online note-taking to enhance your learning experience.
Atlas of Human Anatomy
Frank H. Netter - 1989
In over 540 beautifully colored and easily understood illustrations, it teaches the complete human body with unsurpassed clarity and accuracy. This new edition features 45 revised, 290 relabeled and 17 wholly new plates, drawn fully in the tradition of Frank Netter, and includes more imaging and clinical images than ever before. Six Consulting Editors have worked together to ensure the new edition's accuracy and usefulness in the lecture theatre, classroom and dissection lab. Ninety plates from the book as well as a powerful and varied bank of ancillary material, unique to this atlas, are available online through uniquely informative drawings that allow you - and have allowed generations of students - to learn structures with confidence. Associates normal anatomy with an application of that knowledge in a clinical setting. Offers a strong selection of imaging to show you what is happening three dimensionally in the human body, the way you see it in practice.Provides clinically applicable information right from the start, to mirror the way that most anatomy courses are now taught.At, you'll access...- Over 90 of the most important anatomy illustrations from the book.- Interactive Anatomy Dissection Modules.- Radiographs, CT scans, MRIs, and angiograms, with labels on/off buttons for self testing.- QuickTime movies of stacked, transverse, and sectional images from the Visible Human Project (VHP).- Review Center with Identification Spot Tests and USMLE-style multiple-choice questions.- Integration links to other STUDENT CONSULT titles.- and more!
Dr. Pestana's Surgery Notes: Top 180 Vignettes for the Surgical Wards
Carlos Pestana - 2013
But time in the wards is limited, and clerkship covers only a tiny sample of the surgical universe. Dr. Pestana's Surgery Notes, by distinguished surgery instructor Dr. Carlos Pestana, is a proven guide to ensure your surgical knowledge. With a concise, comprehensive review and 180 high-yield surgical vignettes for self-testing, it contains the surgery knowledge you need to excel on the Surgery shelf exam and USMLE Step 2 CK.Features:— Concise high-yield review of core surgery material— 180 vignettes for self-testing— Used by med students for over a decade— Fully up-to-date— Pocket-sized to carry with you in the wards
Junqueira's Basic Histology: Text and Atlas [with CD-ROM]
Anthony L. Mescher - 2009
Updated to reflect the latest research in the field, and enhanced with more than 1,000 illustrations, most in full-color, the 12th Edition is the most comprehensive and modern approach to understanding medical histology available anywhere.Features: NEW full-color micrographs that comprise a complete atlas of tissue sections highlight the important features of every tissue and organ in the human body. New full-color, easy-to-understand drawings provide just the right level of detail necessary to clarify the text and make learning easier A valuable introductory chapter on laboratory methods used for the study of tissues, including the most important types of microscopy A logical organization that features chapters focusing on the cytoplasmic and nuclear compartment of the cell, the four basic tissues that form the organs, and each organ system Expanded legends that accompany each figure emphasize important points and eliminate the need to jump from image to text Medical applications explain the clinical relevance of each topic Complete coverage of every tissue of the body CD-ROM with all the images from the textVisit to access valuable resources and study aids