Book picks similar to
The New Christian Zionism: Fresh Perspectives on Israel and the Land by Gerald R. McDermott
Isaiah 53 Explained
Mitch Glaser - 2009
Do you have questions about the meaning of life and spirituality? Maybe it is time to go right to the source and rethink your relationship with the Creator? "Isaiah 53 Explained" will help kick start your personal pilgrimage and introduce you to a chapter in the Scriptures that has the potential to revolutionize your life! "Isaiah 53 Explained" makes the story of the Bible understandable, practically and simply explaining how you can have a soul-satisfying relationship with God and revealing the surprising key that makes this relationship possible.
Paul, Apostle of God's Glory in Christ: A Pauline Theology
Thomas R. Schreiner - 2001
"The goal of writing a Pauline theology," he writes, "is to unearth Paul's worldview and to present it to contemporaries. Our task is not merely to reproduce Paul's thinking on various topics but to rightly estimate what is most important in his thinking and to set forth the inner connections between the various themes." Like most writers of a Pauline theology, Schreiner discerns something at the heart and soul of Paul's theology. As Schreiner puts it, "The passion of Paul's life, the center and foundation and capstone of his vision, and the animating motive of his mission was the supremacy of God in and through the Lord Jesus Christ." Schreiner has stitched this theme into the fabric of his book, and the result is a Pauline theology that is not only informative, but spiritually uplifting, as well. Here is a Pauline theology eminently suited to the needs of theological students and preachers.
Finally Alive: What Happens When We Are Born Again?
John Piper - 2009
It would seem nothing has changed. Today 'born again Christians' fill churches that are seen as ineffectual at best, and even characterised by the 'mosaic' generation as 'unchristian'.The term 'born again' has been devalued both in society and in the church. Those claiming to be 'born again' live lives that are indistinguishable from those who don't; they sin the same, embrace injustice the same, covet the same, do almost everything the same.Being 'born again' is now defined by what people say they believe. The New Testament however defines Christians very differently."When Jesus said to Nicodemus, "You must be born again" (John 3:7), he was not sharing interesting and unimportant information. He was leading him to eternal life... If he does that for you (or if he already has), then you are (or you will be) truly, invincibly, finally alive." John Piper
Progressive Covenantalism: Charting a Course between Dispensational and Covenantal Theologies
Stephen J. WellumJohn Meade - 2016
Wellum and Brent E. Parker have assembled a team of scholars who offer a fresh perspective regarding the interrelationship between the biblical covenants. Each chapter seeks to demonstrate how the covenants serve as the backbone to the grand narrative of Scripture. For example, New Testament scholar Thomas Schreiner writes on the Sabbath command from the Old Testament and thinks through its applications to new covenant believers. Christopher Cowan wrestles with the warning passages of Scripture, texts which are often viewed by covenant theologians as evidence for a "mixed" view of the church. Jason DeRouchie provides a biblical theology of “seed” and demonstrates that the covenantal view is incorrect in some of its conclusions. Jason Meyer thinks through the role of law in both the old and new covenants. John Meade unpacks circumcision in the OT and how it is applied in the NT, providing further warrant to reject covenant theology's link of circumcision with (infant) baptism. Oren Martin tackles the issue of Israel and land over against a dispensational reading, and Richard Lucas offers an exegetical analysis of Romans 9-11, arguing that it does not require a dispensational understanding. From issues of ecclesiology to the warning passages in Hebrews, this book carefully navigates a mediating path between the dominant theological systems of covenant theology and dispensationalism to offer the reader a better way to understand God’s one plan of redemption.
There Really is a Difference!: A Comparison of Covenant and Dispensational Theology
Renald Showers - 1990
It explores the differences between the premillennial, amillennial, and postmillennial views of the Kingdom of God and presents an apology for dispensational-premillennial system of theology. The book is written in easy-to-understand, nontechnical language and has received favorable response form lay people, pastors, students, and reviewers.
The Day the Revolution Began: Reconsidering the Meaning of Jesus's Crucifixion
N.T. Wright - 2016
S. Lewis contemplates the central event at the heart of the Christian faith—Jesus’ crucifixion—arguing that the Protestant Reformation did not go far enough in transforming our understanding of its meaning.In The Day the Revolution Began, N. T. Wright once again challenges commonly held Christian beliefs as he did in his acclaimed Surprised by Hope. Demonstrating the rigorous intellect and breathtaking knowledge that have long defined his work, Wright argues that Jesus’ death on the cross was not only to absolve us of our sins; it was actually the beginning of a revolution commissioning the Christian faithful to a new vocation—a royal priesthood responsible for restoring and reconciling all of God’s creation.Wright argues that Jesus’ crucifixion must be understood within the much larger story of God’s purposes to bring heaven and earth together. The Day the Revolution Began offers a grand picture of Jesus’ sacrifice and its full significance for the Christian faith, inspiring believers with a renewed sense of mission, purpose, and hope, and reminding them of the crucial role the Christian faith must play in protecting and shaping the future of the world.
Has the Church Replaced Israel?: A Theological Evaluation
Michael J. Vlach - 2010
Vlach evaluates the doctrine of replacement theology (also known as supersessionism) down through history but ultimately argues in favor of the nonsupersessionist position. Thoroughly vetting the most important hermeneutical and theological issues related to the Israel/church relationship, Vlach explains why, "there are compelling scriptural reasons in both testaments to believe in a future salvation and restoration of the nation Israel."
Randy Alcorn - 2004
Randy Alcorn has the answers.In the most comprehensive and definitive book on Heaven to date, Randy invites you to picture Heaven the way Scripture describes it-- a bright, vibrant, and physical New Earth, free from sin, suffering, and death, and brimming with Christ's presence, wondrous natural beauty, and the richness of human culture as God intended it. God has put eternity in our hearts. Now, Randy Alcorn brings eternity to light in a way that will surprise you, spark your imagination, and change how you live life today. If you've always thought of Heaven as a realm of disembodied spirits, clouds, and eternal harp strumming, you're in for a wonderful surprise. This is a book about real people with real bodies enjoying close relationships with God and each other, eating, drinking, working, playing, traveling, worshiping, and discovering on a New Earth. Earth as God created it. Earth as he intended it to be. And the next time you hear someone say, "We cant begin to imagine what Heaven will be like," you'll be able to tell them, "I can."
Christianity Is Jewish
Edith Schaeffer - 1975
Exploring the historical and spiritual significance of the Jewish race, this treatment presents the Bible as a unified document in which God has progressively unfolded the plan of salvation.
Daily Devotions: Walking Daily in the New Testament and Proverbs: In just minutes per day - read through the New Testament and the book of Proverbs - easy to read format - modern english
Brad Haven - 2015
The New Testament gives you an up-close-and-personal glimpse at the life of Jesus.The Gospels present a testimony of the miracle of His birth, the impact of His life, and the power of His death & resurrection.The succeeding New Testament books offer a deeper reflection of Jesus Christ and the ministry we, as His followers, are called to. The book of Proverbs is known as the “Book of Wisdom” because it provides instructions on how to live happily, successfully, and victoriously. It is jam-packed with tips, advice, and insight that if applied can change your relationships, attitudes, and life.The Plan is Simple.There are 89 chapters in the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. By reading one chapter of the Gospels each day, and then two chapters of the rest of the New Testament (Acts – Revelation) for a total of three chapters per day, you will go through the New Testament in just 89 Days. This plan is called "The cell rule of Optina." The monks of the Optina Monastery enter into a daily Scripture discipline: one chapter from the Gospels and two chapters from the rest of the New Testament, reading daily in order beginning with the book of Acts and ending with the last chapter of Revelation.By following this plan, Matthew 1 and Acts 1-2 are on the first day, and then the last gospel, John 21, is read on the very same day as Revelation 21-22.I have added a slight twist by including a section from the book of Proverbs with each day’s reading.Daily Devotions: Walking Daily in the New Testament and Proverbs - is simple, organized, and easy to use. Start today, and you will begin to develop a good habit that will help you in your spiritual walk with Christ.
Hidden in Plain View: Undesigned Coincidences in the Gospels and Acts
Lydia McGrew - 2017
An undesigned coincidence is an apparently casual, yet puzzle-like -fit- between two or more texts, and its best explanation is that the authors knew the truth about the events they describe or allude to. Connections of this kind among passages in the Gospels, as well as between Acts and the Pauline epistles, give us reason to believe that these documents came from honest eyewitness sources, people -in the know- about the events they relate. Supported by careful research yet accessibly written, Hidden in Plain View provides solid evidence that all Christians can use to defend the Scriptures and the truth of Christianity.
Blessed Hope
George Eldon Ladd - 1955
At their sharpest, these disputes can lead to the breakdown of fellowship among those who should be standing firmly together against unbelief. Through its many printings, this book by George Eldon Ladd has proved to be a helpful guide for Christians who want to discern clearly the basic biblical teachings about the Blessed Hope. Writing not for his fellow scholars as much as men and women in the pews, Ladd, whose numerous studies of New Testament interpretation earned him the reputation of being one of contemporary evangelicalism?'s leading thinkers, sketches the history of interpretations of Christ?'s second coming and then carefully and lucidly examines the biblical passages on which this doctrine is based. Ladd?'s conclusion is that the blessed hope is the second coming of Jesus Christ, not a pretribulation rapture of believers in a secret coming of Jesus. Yet he concludes, too, that there should be liberty and charity within the Christian community for all who hold to the expectation of the blessed hope and appearing in glory of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ.
Seven Things I Wish Christians Knew about the Bible
Michael F. Bird - 2021
It is a must read for any serious Bible reader who desires an informed and mature view of the Bible that will enrich their faith.
He Shall Have Dominion: A Postmillennial Eschatology
Kenneth L. Gentry Jr. - 2008
Gentry's classic study of postmillennialism, you will sense anew the powerful message of Psalm 72 that Christ "shall have dominion from sea to sea" (Psa 72:8). You will learn that God's word promises that "the whole earth will be filled with his glory" (72:19) so that "all nations will call him blessed" (72:17) before Christ returns.Many evangelicals today are concerned about those being Left Behind on this Late Great Planet Earth as it collapses into absolute chaos. But the postmillennialist optimistically believes that He Shall Have Dominion throughout the earth. In this book you will find the whole biblical rationale for the postmillennial hope, from its incipient beginning in Genesis to its glorious conclusion in Revelation. Your faith will be re-invigorated as you begin to recognize that "the gospel is the power of God unto salvation" (Rom 1:16) and that our Lord Jesus really meant it when he commanded us to "go and make disciples of all the nations" (Matt 28:19).The Third edition includes an enlarged appendix on the Errors of Hyper-preterism; both theological and exegetical.
Old Testament Theology: A Thematic Approach
Robin Routledge - 2009
Robin Routledge's Old Testament Theology is gauged to meet the needs of readers who want to dine on the meat of Old Testament theology but do not have time to linger over hors d'oeuvres and dessert. And his thematic approach makes it easy for selective readers to find what they need. Routledge provides a substantial overview of the central issues and themes in Old Testament theology. In a style that is clear, concise and nuanced, Routledge examines the theological significance of the various texts within their wider canonical context, noting unity and coherence while showing awareness of diversity. Readers looking for a substantial overview of the central issues and themes in Old Testament theology will find that in the main body of the text, and those with more specific interests will find more detailed discussion and references to further reading in the numerous and expansive footnotes.