Genesis 1-4: A Linguistic, Literary, and Theological Commentary

C. John Collins - 2005
    They are front-loaded with all manner of vital topics--such as God's work of creating the world and mankind; what it means to be human; why our present experience is so different from what we find in Genesis 2; how we come to know God and to be sure of his love. Collins employs a literary-theological method informed by contemporary discourse analysis in order to read passages as coherent wholes. He shows how later biblical and inter-testamental writers have used Genesis 1-4 and reflects on how these chapters shape a Christian worldview today.

The Gospel according to Matthew

Leon L. Morris - 1992
    Containing Jesus' Sermon on the Mount and a uniquely rich collection of parables, among many other things, Matthew has made a major contribution to the church throughout the centuries, and it still has much to say to the church today. This superb commentary in the Pillar series explores the meaning and relevance of Matthew in an eminently straightforward fashion. Leon Morris writes for readers who use commentaries to discover further what the Bible means. Throughout, he makes clear what he considers to be the meaning of the Greek text that Matthew has bequeathed to the church. A perceptive introduction precedes Morris's warmhearted verse-by-verse exposition of Matthew, an exposition based on his own literal translation of the text. Now a standard reference work on the Gospel of Matthew, this mature, evangelically oriented commentary will continue to meet the needs of students, pastor, and general readers alike.


Thomas R. Schreiner - 1998
    Its features are designed to help pastors, scholars, and students.

The Gospel according to Mark

James R. Edwards - 2001
    Written by a biblical scholar who has devoted thirty years to the study of the second Gospel, this commentary aims primarily to interpret the Gosepl of Mark according to its theological intentions and purposes, especially as they relate to the life and ministry of Jesus and the call to faith and discipleship. Unique features of James Edwards's approach include clear descriptions of key terms used by Mark and revealing discussion of the Gospel's literary features, including Mark's use of the "sandwich" technique and of imagistic motifs and irony. Edwards also proposes a new paradigm for interpreting the difficult "Little Apocalypse" of chapter 13, and he argues for a new understanding of Mark's controversial ending.

Be Delivered (Exodus): Finding Freedom by Following God

Warren W. Wiersbe - 1998
    It’s become a rallying cry for people, groups, even entire nations. But freedom without boundaries can be costly. Based on the book of Exodus, this study offers an eye-opening look at the pitfalls of deliverance without discipline, and shares the freedom found through a loving submission to God and His will for us. Part of Dr. Warren W. Wiersbe’s best-selling “BE” commentary series, BE Delivered has now been updated with study questions and a new introduction by Ken Baugh. A respected pastor and Bible teacher, Dr. Wiersbe explores the need to balance freedom with responsibility. Filled with real-world examples that resonate today, this study uncovers how you can experience true freedom in [every area of] your life.

The Epistle to the Romans

Douglas J. Moo - 1996
    Prepared by some of the world's leading scholars, the series provides an exposition of the New Testament books that is thorough and fully abreast of modern scholarship yet faithful to the Scriptures as the infallible Word of God.

1 Samuel for You

Tim Chester - 2014
    It recounts the history of Israel as it moved from no king, to the king it demanded, to the king God knew his people needed.But its greatest excitement lies not in the events and characters, but in the person they all point to. 1 Samuel presents us with a wonderful picture of Jesus. Seeing him in and through this Old Testament book enables us to see him with fresh color and texture, and see afresh what it means for us to follow him today as our Ruler and Rescuer. 1 Samuel is a book about ancient times, that speaks directly into ours.Written for people of every age and stage, from new believers to pastors and teachers, 1 Samuel For You can be used to:- READ: As a guide to this wonderful letter, exciting and equipping you to live out the truth in your life.- FEED: As a daily devotional to help you grow in Christ as you read and meditate on this portion of God's word.- LEAD: As notes to aid you in explaining, illustrating and applying 1 Samuel as you preach or lead a Bible study.

From Creation to the Cross: Understanding the First Half of the Bible

Albert H. Baylis - 1996
    Now revised and updated to include all the book of the Old Testament.

The Acts of the Apostles

Ben Witherington III - 1997
    Written in a readable style, with more detailed interaction with scholarly discussion found in the various excursuses, this commentary draws on the best new insights from a number of disciplines (narratological studies of Luke-Acts, archaeological and social scientific study of the New Testament, rhetorical analysis of Acts, comparative studies in ancient historiography) to provide the reader with the benefits of recent innovative ways of analyzing the text of Acts. In addition there is detailed attention to major theological and historical issues, including the question of the relationship of Acts to the Pauline letters, the question of early Christian history and how the church grew and developed, the relationship between early Judaism and early Christianity, and the relationship between Christianity and the officials of the Roman Empire. Acts is seen as a historical monograph with affinities with the approaches of serious Greek historians such as Thucydides and Polybius in terms of methodology, and affinities with some forms of Jewish historiography (including Old Testament history) in terms of content or subject matter. The book is illustrated with various pictures and charts, which help to bring to light the character and setting of these narratives.

The Treasury of David, Volumes #1-3(The Treasury of David #1-3)

Charles Haddon Spurgeon - 1885
    1. Psalm 1-57 v. 2. Psalm 58-110 v. 3. Psalm 111-150Charles Haddon Spurgeon, the "Prince of Preachers," composed and polished The Treasury of David over the span of nearly half his ministry. This incomparable commentary and omnibus on the Psalms has been prized by Christians ever since. Spurgeon's own commentary on every verse of the Psalms is extremely insightful, and by itself it would have been rich enough for posterity. But there's much more in The Treasury of David. You'll find a wealth of illuminating extracts and quotes from hundreds of commentators--contemporaries of Spurgeon as well as the great Puritan expositors of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. Preachers and teachers will appreciate the homiletical hints on almost every verse, concise sermon outlines, and provocative seed thoughts. Useful bibliographies and an index of authors offer more practical help. Whether you're teaching on the Psalms, studying them for personal devotions, or simply intrigued by the writings of Spurgeon, you'll enjoy this splendid classic.

The Message of 1 Peter

Edmund P. Clowney - 1989
    He saw the people of the young church of the first century as strangers, aliens who were only temporary residents, travelers heading for their native land. Peter speaks to our own pilgrimage when he tells of suffering now and glory to come. Stormy seasons of persecution were beginning for the churches in Asian Minor. These storms rage on in the modern world. Edmund Clowney believes that no true Christian can escape at least a measure of suffering for Christ's sake. Out of his firsthand knowledge as an apostle of Christ, Peter shows us what the story of Jesus' life means for us as we take up our cross and follow him.

Why Everything Matters: The Gospel in Ecclesiastes

Philip Graham Ryken - 2015
    The author of Ecclesiastes had his doubts, too, and these have enabled him to speak to skeptics as well as believers down through the centuries.Ecclesiastes is a book rich in literary artistry and multi-layered depths of spiritual meaning. Philip G. Ryken explores this wonderful Old Testament book, and reminds us again of the need to trust God with the questions, even when we do not have all the answers.

Ephesians: An Exegetical Commentary

Harold W. Hoehner - 2002
    He now brings that experience to bear on this important work.He begins with a helpful introduction to the letter of Ephesians in which he addresses issues of authorship, structure and genre, historical setting, purpose, and theology. At the end of the introduction, the author includes a detailed bibliography for further reading. Hoehner then delves into the text of Ephesians verse by verse, offering the Greek text, English translation, and detailed commentary. He interacts extensively with the latest scholarship and provides a fair and thorough discussion of every disputed point in the book.Pastors, students, and scholars looking for a comprehensive treatment on Ephesians will be interested in this commentary. Hoehner's interaction with the latest scholarship combined with his detailed exegesis will make this new commentary the only resource they will need to consult.

Daniel: The Key to Prophetic Revelation

John F. Walvoord - 1970
    Companion to The Revelation of Jesus Christ, this major contribution to prophetic research emphasizes the value and genuineness of Daniel. It considers alleged historical inaccuracies, difficult-to-interpret phrases, apocryphal additions, major textual problems, use of Persian and Greek words, historical background of Bible events, and past and future fulfillments of specific prophecies. Daniel goes beyond a mere presentation of the author's interpretation of Old Testament prophecy. It quotes Bible scholars from different corners of the theological ring to help the reader discover the meaning of Scripture for himself. Unusually thorough and well outlined, this commentary captures the heartbeat of a young prophet who spoke boldly for God.

An Exposition of Hebrews (Arthur Pink Collection)

Arthur W. Pink - 1954
    Where its teachings are believed, understood, and embodied in the life, ritualism and legalism (the two chief enemies of Christianity) receive their death blow. In no other book of Scripture are the sophistries and deceptions of Romanism so clearly and systematically exposed. So fully and pointedly are the errors of Popery refuted, it might well have been written since that satanic system became established. Well did one of the Puritans say, "God foreseeing what poisonous heresies would be hatched by the Papacy, prepared this antidote against them."▶ CONTENTS1. Introduction2. The Superiority of Christ over the Prophet3. Christ Superior to Angels4. Christ Superior to Moses5. Christ Superior to Joshua6. Christ Superior to Aaron7. Infancy and Maturity8. Apostasy9. The Twofold Working of the Spirit10. The Two Classes of Professors11. Two Christians Described12. Christian Perseverance13. The Anchor of the Soul14. Melchizedek15. The Priesthood Changed16. Judaism Set Aside17. The Perfect Priest18. The Two Covenants19. The Typical Tabernacle20. The Contrasted Priests21. Eternal Redemption22. The Mediator23. The New Testament24. The Great Sacrifice25. The Typical Sacrifice26. The Divine Incarnation27. Christ's Dedication28. The Perfecting of the Church29. Sanctification30. Access to God31. Christian Perseverance32. Apostasy33. The Apostates' Doom34. The Path of Tribulation35. The Saving of the Soul36. The Excellency of Faith37. The Faith of Abel38. The Faith of Enoch39. The Faith of Noah40. The Call of Abraham41. The Life of Abraham42. The Faith of Sarah43. The Perseverance of Faith44. The Reward of Faith45. The Faith of Abraham46. The Faith of Isaac47. The Faith of Jacob48. The Faith of Joseph49. The Faith of Moses’ Parents50. The Faith of Moses51. The Faith of Israel52. The Faith of Rahab53. The Faith of the Judges54. The Achievements of Faith55. The Pinnacle of Faith56. The Family of Faith57. The Demands of Faith58. The Object of Faith59. A Call to Steadfastness60. Divine Chastisement61. A Call to Steadfastness62. A Call to Diligence63. A Call to Examination64. A Warning against Apostasy65. The Inferiority of Judaism66. The Superiority of Christianity67. The Call to Hear68. The Passing of Judaism69. The Establishing of Christianity70. The Kingdom of Christ71. The Final Warning72. Brotherly Love73. Marriage74. Covetousness75. Contentment76. Motives to Fidelity77. The Heart Established78. The Christian's Altar79. Christ Our Sin Offering80. Outside the Camp81. The Christian's Sacrifices82. Christian Rulers83. A Good Conscience84. Praying for Ministers85. The Apostle's Prayer86. Divine Exhortations87. Spiritual Freedom88. Conclusion89. Other Books▶ AUTHORArthur W. Pink was born in Nottingham England in 1886, and born again of the Spirit of God in 1908 at the age of 22.