The Secrets of Polyglots

Konrad Jerzak vel Dobosz - 2014
    Are you also struggling with the same problems as other people who learn languages? Do you recognize any of these? Many of us have families, a full-time job, and problems finding enough time to study. It’s difficult to ensure that we study regularly and make progress in the new language. We try to force ourselves to study regularly, so we register for language courses and pay for access to Internet apps, but this artificial motivation becomes quickly a flash in the pan. When we try to study we don’t know how to do it efficiently. What techniques should we use? How can we remember the vocabulary? How do we deal with the grammar? We try different solutions, but none brings the desired results. Why is it that some people are able to master more than ten languages? How do the polyglots find the time? What do they do to learn any language in a matter of months? As a teenager, Konrad Jerzak vel Dobosz wanted to become a polyglot, but like most of us he needed to deal with the same challenges: lack of time, lack of an efficient method of learning, difficulties memorizing the vocabulary, lack of motivation and the fear of making mistakes. He decided to analyze the methods of well-known polyglots, including Heinrich Schliemann, Emil Krebs and Giuseppe Mezzofanti. He took a close look at the approaches proposed by modern language learning experts Richard Simcott, Luca Lampariello, Moses McCormick and Benny Lewis. This book, The Secrets of Polyglots is the result of his analysis of the methods developed by the greatest polyglots. You can find here the description of the techniques used by the biggest experts, and also a step-by-step method, which Konrad Jerzak vel Dobosz used himself to learn more than ten languages. The Secrets of Polyglots was written especially for people who: - Need to learn a foreign language, but don’t have much time to study - Have registered for language courses, but aren’t happy with the results - Learn by themselves, but want more efficient techniques - Want to learn several languages simultaneously, but don’t know how to - Desire to be able to master any foreign language in a couple of months The first part is a description of 17 extremely efficient techniques and concepts that will improve your language learning process. The second part explains, step-by-step, the learning system used by the author, including a practical example of how to apply all the “secrets” described in the first part. Testimonials: “I need to say that I skip all kind of self-help guide type of books. But ‘The Secrets of Polyglots’ grabbed immediately my attention and, after reading just a couple of pages, I knew that I needed to buy this book. And it was worth it, because it opened my eyes to many different aspects of language learning that I had ignored previously. The great advantage of this book is lack of catchy slogans promising us language fluency just after a month of study. Instead, the author delivers reliable and very useful knowledge on how to gradually learn vocabulary and grammar, and also how to find motivation and develop our linguistic skills. I myself used the advice from Konrad’s book, and I can proudly say that after 1.5 years of studying Portuguese, I began communicating fluently in this language.

The Underdog Advantage - Rewrite Your Future By Turning Your Disadvantages Into Your Superpowers

Dean Graziosi
    Do things look good on the outside but on the inside, you feel like a prisoner trapped in mediocrity? Or maybe you feel like you missed your chance, or you can’t find your starting point and no matter what you do, nothing moves you forward? You’re the underdog—dismissed, counted out, lacking the right resources and unsupported. This book changes all that by taking you on a journey and showing you what successful "Underdogs" throughout time have already discovered. Your so called disadvantaged are the fuel and the hidden superpower to accomplish anything you know the secret on how to flip the success switch on in your life... This Book will show you that as an underdog (Something we all are) you’re actually in a great position, and with one or two small shifts, you can unlock limitless potential. Being an underdog means you don’t have to worry about what other people think, you have a lot of room to improve, you can get easy momentum, you can sneak up on competitors, and you have incredible sources of motivation. Soon you will learn that being an underdog is actually your ultimate unfair advantage to next level wealth, prosperity, happiness and joy...

The Old Farmer's Almanac 2021

Old Farmer's Almanac - 2020
    Always timely, topical, and distinctively “useful, with a pleasant degree of humor,” the Almanac is consulted daily by users from all walks of life, throughout the year.   The 2021 edition contains the fun facts, predictions, and feature items that have made it a cultural icon: traditionally 80 percent–accurate weather forecasts; notable astronomical events and time-honored astrological dates; horticultural, culinary, fashion, and other trends; historical hallmarks; best fishing days; time- and money-saving garden advice; recipes for refreshment; facts on folklore, farmers, home remedies, and husbandry; amusements and contests, plus too much more to mention—all in the inimitable way that the Almanac has done since 1792.   • Beloved by generations for being “useful, with a pleasant degree of humor,” The Old Farmer’s Almanac features everything under the Sun, including its much-in-demand long-range weather predictions, essential astronomical timetables, 2021 holidays, fascinating trends, best fishing days, valuable gardening information, tantalizing recipes, fun folklore, amusements, contests, and much more! • Exclusive: 32 reference pages, covering such popular topics as full Moon names, hurricane names, flowers that attract birds and butterflies, U.S./metric measurement conversions, and many more! • Easy-to-read edition, with crisp, white paper and larger type than the regular paperback version • Includes 112 full-color pages • Hard cover with dust jacket helps to protect the pages—a plus for those who collect the Almanac each year!

The Comfortable Kitchen: 105 Laid-Back, Healthy, and Wholesome Recipes

Alex Snodgrass - 2021
    Her eagerly awaited new book will make that goal a reality.What does comfort mean in The Comfortable Kitchen? These are recipes you’ll feel comfortable making and comfortable feeding your family—and although these meals may fit the bill when it comes to “comfort food,” Alex’s eager audience expects a healthy angle from her cooking. Though many of her meals are fully Whole30, or at the very least Whole30-ish, they are recipes with simple ingredient swaps for a cleaner meal everyone will love and perfect for people who are on the “food freedom” stage of their Whole30 health journey as well. She provides food for every occasion, from one-pot meals to not-so-junky junk food, even including cocktails and desserts, with recipes including:Cajun Chicken and Wild Rice SoupGreen Curry Poached Halibut with HerbsSpicy Chicken Dan Dan NoodlesTexas Style Brisket TacosSheet Pan Honey-Sesame CauliflowerClayton’s Margarita7-Ingredient Almond Butter Cookies With 105 approachable and nutritious recipes for real, busy life, The Comfortable Kitchen is a must-have cookbook for everyone who cares about what they eat and what they make.

SEO 2013 & Beyond: Search Engine Optimization Will Never Be The Same Again

Andy Williams - 2012
    Panda was designed to remove low quality content from the search engine results pages. The surprise to many were some of the big name casualties that were taken out by the update. On 24th April 2012, Google went in for the kill when they released the Penguin update. Few SEOs that had been in the business for any length of time could believe the carnage that this update caused. If Google's Panda was a 1 on the Richter scale of updates, Penguin was surely a 10. It completely changed the way we need to think about SEO. On September 28th 2012, Google released a new algorithm update targeting exact match domains (EMDs). I have updated this book to let you know the consequences of owning EMDs and added my own advice on choosing domain names. While I have never been a huge fan of exact match domains anyway, many other SEO books and courses teach you to use them. I'll tell you why I think those other courses and books are wrong.The EMD update was sandwiched in between another Panda update (on the 27th September) and another Penguin update (5th October).Whereas Panda seems to penalize low quality content, Penguin is more concerned about overly aggressive SEO tactics. Stuff that SEOs had been doing for years, not only didn't work any more, but now can actually cause your site to be penalized and drop out of the rankings. That’s right, just about everything you have been taught about Search Engine Optimization in the last 10 years can be thrown out the Window. Google have moved the goal posts. I have been working in SEO for around 10 years and have always tried to stay within the guidelines laid down by Google. This has not always been easy because to compete with other sites, it often meant using techniques that Google frowned upon. Now, if you use those techniques, Google is likely to catch up with you and demote your rankings. In this book, I want to share with you the new SEO. The SEO for 2013 and Beyond.

TEAM Textbook

Chris Brady - 2007
    This book walks through every aspect of Community Building and the MonaVie opportunity. Includes the DVD "Textbook Talks".

Django for Beginners: Learn web development with Django 2.0

William S. Vincent - 2018
    Proceed step-by-step through five progressively more complex web applications: from a "Hello World" app all the way to a robust Newspaper app with a custom user model, complete user authentication flow, foreign key relationships, and more. Learn current best practices around class-based views, templates, urls, user authentication, testing, and deployment. The material is up-to-date with the latest versions of both Django (2.0) and Python (3.6). TABLE OF CONTENTS: * Introduction * Chapter 1: Initial Setup * Chapter 2: Hello World app * Chapter 3: Pages app * Chapter 4: Message Board app * Chapter 5: Blog app * Chapter 6: Forms * Chapter 7: User Accounts * Chapter 8: Custom User Model * Chapter 9: User Authentication * Chapter 10: Bootstrap * Chapter 11: Password Change and Reset * Chapter 12: Email * Chapter 13: Newspaper app * Chapter 14: Permissions and Authorizations * Chapter 15: Comments * Conclusion

Healthy Meal Prep: Time-saving plans to prep and portion your weekly meals

Stephanie Tornatore - 2017
    Planning ahead is the best way to ensure success when you're trying to eat healthy, but figuring out what to make and eat each week can be overwhelming. Healthy Meal Prep does the work for you with 12 clean-eating meal plans that guide you through preparing a week's worth of wholesome, balanced meals in just a few hours. Learn simple strategies for making meal prep work for your goals, budget, and lifestyle. Stock your fridge with single-serving breakfasts, pre-portioned lunches, and ready-to eat-snacks-- and you won't be tempted to grab unhealthy meals on the go. Head-start staples and delicious prep-ahead dinners keep weeknight cooking to a minimum. Complete nutritional information for every recipe and meal plan are also included.

Radical Frugality: Living in America on $8,000 a Year

Nic Adams - 2011
    Radical Frugality tells the story of 5 people who did it: Paul, 27, discovering how to overcome student loan debt; David and Winona, late 40's, living their retirement dream today; and Dan and Charlotte, family of 4, with an underwater mortgage. Waking up every morning debt-free with cash in your pocket helps your brain feel safe, secure, and smart. Embracing the concepts in this book frees you from the overwhelming anxiety of the consumer lifestyle by showing you how to take control. You can start today. What if you could spend 66% less money than you spend today setting yourself up to live a self-determined lifestyle doing exactly what you love to do regardless of financial compensation? Radical Frugality shows you exactly how to achieve those goals within one to five years. Using our step-by-step common sense plan, we teach you what to do (break the spell of the consumer credit con), when to do it (planning and preparation), and most importantly where to do it (discover the 5 top cities for living frugally). We'll help you evaluate your financial situation. Are you in the Yellow Zone, the Orange Zone, the Red Zone, or even the Dead Zone (paying debt with debt)? This book lays out a plan for how to pay off your debt and get into the Neutral Zone (getting back to monthly break-even), the Green Zone (debt free with $1,000 a month free cash-flow) or even the Golden Zone (living a self-determined life). Whether you are desperate right now about your financial situation, facing retirement, just starting out, or just plain tired and worn-out from struggling to pay bills, Radical Frugality can show you over 100 tips for feeling better today. Radical Frugality offers a soup to nuts plan for living a self-determined life that will leave you happier and healthier than ever before. CHAPTER ONE: IT'S NOT ABOUT WHAT YOU EARN—IT'S ABOUT WHAT YOU SPEND. HOW TO TAKE CONTROL CHAPTER TWO: THE CONSUMER CREDIT CON. HOW MARKETERS PLAY TRICKS ON YOUR BRAIN CHAPTER THREE: WHY FRUGALITY? GETTING STRAIGHT ABOUT WHY YOU'RE ON THE PLANET CHAPTER FOUR: WHO ARE YOU TODAY? EVALUATE YOUR SPENDING PROFILE CHAPTER FIVE: HOW TO DO IT. YOUR STEP BY STEP PLAN TO GAIN CONTROL CHAPTER SIX: GOING GREEN AND NEVER LOOKING BACK. THIS IS YOUR BRAIN ON CASH CHAPTER SEVEN: WHEN WILL YOU BE READY? LEARNING TO ASK THE RIGHT QUESTIONS CHAPTER EIGHT: LIVING THE DREAM. WHERE YOU LIVE DETERMINES HOW YOU LIVE

Male vs. Man: How to Honor Women, Teach Children, and Elevate Men to Change the World

Dondré T. Whitfield - 2020
    Men look to be of service. Emmy Award–nominated actor best known for his role on Queen Sugar and transformational speaker Dondré Whitfield challenges us to be real men in this provocative look at the power found in serving others.Too many males abuse the power they have.Often those males grow up without healthy role models and so, while they look like men, they act like boys. Only now there are adult consequences to their actions.And many of us are caught in the shifting cultural ideas about manhood, unsure of how to make sound decisions or truly be a man. Every day we find evidence that the role of men at home, at work, and out in the world is deeply misinterpreted.In Male vs. Man, Dondré Whitfield equips us to become men rather than simply "grown males." Men are healthy and productive servant-leaders who bring positive change to their communities. Males are self-serving and stuck in negative cycles that we hear and read about daily. They create chaos instead of cultivating calm.Male vs. Man is an uplifting playbook for men who want to level up. It will help men and women alike understand what real manhood is, based on biblical wisdom as well as hard-earned lessons from someone who has been there. With practical guidance and a strong spiritual foundation, Dondré shows how to cultivate the life-changing spiritual, emotional, and psychological attributes of servant leadership at home, at work, and in our communities.

LinkedIn Unlocked: Unlock the Mystery of LinkedIn To Drive More Sales Through Social Selling

Melonie Dodaro - 2018
     The sad fact is, there are very few who are using LinkedIn to build meaningful connections that translate into measurable sales results. Forget the old sales and marketing gimmicks. In this eye-opening book, Melonie Dodaro explains how to master social selling on LinkedIn to generate B2B leads and clients. LinkedIn Unlocked is a social selling roadmap that will help you generate a consistent flow of quality leads. You’ll learn: • How to turn your LinkedIn profile into a client attracting magnet • Social selling best practices and LinkedIn etiquette • How to send LinkedIn messages that command a response • The RIGHT and WRONG way to use content marketing to build Authority, Credibility and Trust • How to stay ‘top of mind’ in your network and more importantly with your potential prospects • How to convert cold LinkedIn prospects into high-value clients • How to turn LinkedIn into a lead generation machine for your business From the author of the #1 Amazon bestseller The LinkedIn Code, LinkedIn Unlocked is the new, updated, and definitive book on attracting more leads, clients, and sales from LinkedIn. FROM THE AUTHOR The purpose of my book is simple. I want to help you successfully generate leads, clients, and sales using LinkedIn. To do this, I will share my knowledge and experience from years of experience operating a leading digital sales and marketing company. LinkedIn Unlocked is for you if: • You have a LinkedIn profile but aren’t sure how to use it as a lead generation tool. • You’ve noticed that few people look at your profile or connect with you. • You don’t know how to move from a LinkedIn connection to a client. • Or you want more leads, clients, and sales. Here are some professions that will immediately benefit from the information I share in LinkedIn Unlocked: • Sales Professionals and Sales Leaders • B2B Business Owners and Entrepreneurs • Professional Service Providers • Coaches, Consultants, Trainers • Speakers and Authors • Subject Matter Experts and Emerging Thought Leaders • Marketing Professionals • Business Advisors • Anyone who wants to generate leads and clients using LinkedIn! Bonus Package  LinkedIn Unlocked comes with a bonus package ($221 value), including a free companion workbook (includes all of the exercises, worksheets and templates), video training and a masterclass to help you maximize your results with social selling on LinkedIn. • 60-Minute LinkedIn Masterclass where I will help you generate more leads, clients and sales • Comprehensive SEO Training where you’ll learn how to create content your ideal clients love and that gets ranked high in Google search results • FREE Companion Workbook that includes all of the exercises, worksheets and templates from LinkedIn Unlocked Claim your book bonuses now:

Help for the Harried Homeschooler: A Practical Guide to Balancing Your Child's Education with the Rest of Your Life

Christine M. Field - 2002
    Between their children’s educational needs; their roles as spouse, parent, and more; and their own individual desires and goals, these mothers and fathers struggle to accomplish all that must be done. In Help for the Harried Homeschooler, experienced homeschooler, author, and mother of four Christine Field offers sound advice for parents who want not only to achieve homeschooling success but also to reach a balance in their lives.

Spanish: Short Stories for Beginners + Audio Download: Improve your reading and listening skills in Spanish (Spanish Short Stories Book 1)

Claudia Orea - 2016
     Brush up on your Spanish, improve your reading and listening skills, and make learning new vocabulary so much easier with 11 fun and engaging Spanish stories. Reading and listening to short stories is an effective and enjoyable method to learning Spanish. The audio is FREE! For those of you who can’t just slip away from life, travel to Spain and immerse yourself in the language in order to learn it, this is your solution! Reading and listening to native-spoken Spanish stories is the next best thing. You have at your fingertips the written word AND its accompanying audio recording that allows you to: Gain a greater vocabulary that you can use immediately, every day. You will add 1,500+ Spanish words and expressions to your repertoire through the encounter of descriptive sentences and casual conversations woven throughout the stories. Sharpen your comprehension of the spoken word by listening to a native Spanish speaker. Learn how to pronounce Spanish words properly by comparing the written word to the audio recording. Familiarize yourself with a wide range of grammar structures and put them to use today. Avoid the monotonous task of memorizing grammar rules. How awesome is that?! Recommended for beginning and intermediate level Spanish learners. The stories are written for new Spanish learners. However, a basic understanding of Spanish is highly recommended to achieve maximum enjoyment and effectiveness of the lessons. This program is perfect for those who want to brush up on their Spanish language skills. How will this book improve your Spanish language skills: Each story is recorded by a professional. The speaker speaks slowly to help beginners improve their pronunciation. You receive 2 hours of MP3 audio recording! There is no need for a separate dictionary. Each story is broken down with a Spanish and English glossary that introduces you to the words and phrases you might not understand.Any Spanish to English translations needed to understand the stories are included in a mini dictionary, perfect for Kindle. A vocabulary recap at the end of each chapter allows you to review what you have read and listened to so you don’t forget the essential words and expressions taught throughout the lesson. All stories are written using vocabulary that you could easily use in your day-to-day conversations. With these 11 great Spanish short stories and the accompanying audio you can start improving your Spanish today!

The Easy Pressure Cooker Cookbook

Diane Phillips - 2011
    And this welcome guide will help them do it with more than four hundred easy-to-follow recipes from stocks and sauces to vegetables and tender meats, and even elegant desserts like cr�me br�l�e--plus tips on selecting and safely using pressure cookers. This authoritative compendium offers a modern take on a tried-and-true method, with recipes that prove that less cooking time doesn't mean less delicious. Who knew cooking could relieve so much pressure?"A must-have for any first-time pressure cooker user with a family that includes young children. I don't know many cookbooks that adapt themselves to a baby's needs but this one does, and superbly too." --Pressure Cooker Pros, "Best Pressure Cooker Cookbooks"

Family Meal: Recipes from Our Community

Penguin Random House - 2020
    While they’re closed, we need to nourish them.Beyond the basics of providing food and drink, restaurants fulfill a human need for connection. They’re a gathering place for family and friends, for first dates and breakups and birthdays and weddings. They’ve been there for us in good times and bad. Now it’s time for us to give back.To help support America’s restaurant industry, Penguin Random House is publishing Family Meal: Recipes from Our Community, a digital-only collection featuring 50 easy recipes from our family of food and drink authors that you can’t find anywhere else. Readers will get an exclusive look at what these culinary masters are cooking at home right now–recipes that feed, sustain, and provide connection to the world outside. From Mushroom Bolognese to Shrimp and Chorizo White Bean Stew to Chocolate Chip Olive Oil Cookies to Quarantine Wine Pairings, learn what Ina Garten, Samin Nosrat, Hugh Acheson, Dan Barber, Bobby Flay, Alison Roman, Christina Tosi, Kwame Onwuachi, Ruth Reichl, Claire Saffitz, Danny Trejo, and many others are cooking for comfort. All proceeds from Family Meal will benefit the Restaurant Workers’ Covid-19 Emergency Relief Fund, which supports on-the-ground efforts in the restaurant community during this challenging time.