Moving Through Parallel Worlds To Achieve Your Dreams

Kevin L. Michel - 2013
    This is most blatantly revealed in the mind shattering 'double-slit' experiment and is at the core of what is called 'the measurement problem,' in quantum physics. The results are startling, but this is what the science is clearly showing. It is human awareness that causes matter to fix into a single position, and reveal a single reality. The science is showing that at every moment we become aware of our reality, the universe splits into unseen parallel dimensions and we become trapped in just one of these many parallel realities. This is all powerful stuff but what does this mean for our lives? What if you could learn how to access these parallel worlds that are being created? What if you could do what many billionaires and great minds in history have done but have only hinted at. What if you could move through parallel realities in order to achieve unfathomable greatness. Abraham Lincoln, Albert Einstein, Michelangelo, Nikola Tesla, Isaac Newton, John D. Rockefeller and many others all used this quantum mind power that is now available to you. This is one of the most powerful books you shall ever read. With research from quantum physics, psychology, biology and behavioral epigenetics, as well as many great spiritual teachings, 'Moving Through Parallel Worlds' will guide you on a path to achieving your grandest ambitions. The title, 'Moving Through Parallel Worlds To Achieve Your Dreams,' is literal - based on the 'Many Worlds Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics,' and it is also a metaphor suggesting positive life transformation. This very night, you shall be reading and then applying the concepts in this book, and that moment will be the starting point of your mastery of wealth, romance, creation, and mastery of all things in the physical world. 'Moving Through Parallel Worlds' draws on science and timeless wisdom, to guide you on a path to unlimited power and enlightenment. 'Moving Through Parallel Worlds To Achieve Your Dreams' will allow you to bridge the discontinuity in your life from the point where you are at right now, to the point where you dream that you can be. This book shall put you into alignment with all that you have imagined possible for yourself and shall show you a path even to that which you may have considered impossible. This book has emerged so that you may be lifted up, and that you may come to realize the power you have to exist in a world that is exactly as you imagine it should be. This is your moment and this book is here, just for you. Enjoy the journey!

The Richest Girl in the World: The Extravagant Life and Fast Times of Doris Duke

Stephanie Mansfield - 1992
    But those headlines do not even begin to tell one of the most compelling and fascinating stories of our time. A maverick from an early age, the strikingly attractive and eccentric heiress thumbed her nose at society, all the while forging an incredible life as a renegade with an appetite for adventure, a weakness for pleasure, and a penchant for privacy. Duke and her lifelong rival Barbara Hutton--with whom she would have to compete for the love of several men, most notably international playboy Porfirio Rubirosa-were dubbed "the Gold Dust Twins." Her father, James B. Duke, namesake of Duke University and one of the richest men in the country, was a rough-edged businessman whose greatest love was for his only daughter. Denied affection from her mother, a glamorous socialite concerned mainly with public appearances, Doris Duke led a sheltered adolescence, seeking friendship with those ignored by high society. Later, as her marriage to the politically ambitious son of a prominent grande dame of society crumbled, her concern with secrecy would develop nearly obsessive dimensions. Duke maintained dictatorial control over her four extravagant homes across the country, and she gained a reputation for excess as well as seeming pettiness. Her phenomenal wealth enabled her to withdraw from the world, even to distance herself from the university that bears her family name, and ignore its responsibilities. Recently she adopted a thirty-five-year-old former Hare Krishna who was a confidante also of Imelda Marcos. Here is revealed for the first time Doris Duke's fascination with those who embraced the spotlight she always shunned, especially Imelda Marcos, who found an ardent and fin

The Search for Bridey Murphy

Morey Bernstein - 1956
    The story of Ruth Simmons, who while under hypnosis recounts the story of the life of Bridey Murphy under the care of one of the leading hypnotherapist of the day.

Soul Remembers Hiroshima

Dolores Cannon - 1993
    The memories were triggered in the following settings. On an ordinary day as she walked into her living room, a program was playing on the television where survivors of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima were being interviewed. There were no scenes of the bombing, simply the interviewer discussing the event with the guests. As she viewed the images of the survivors describing their experiences, without explanation, she suddenly began experienced scenes flashing through her mind of the actual bombing as it occurred in real time. As well as experiencing visual images of the event, additional senses were stimulated as she could also hear the screams of people and feel the deep pain of the experience. Intuitively, she knew she had been present when the event occurred. In the days and weeks that followed after watching the program, the horrific scenes of the explosion itself and the resulting aftermath continued to persistently flood her mind. She was able to push them to the back of her mind for a brief period of time so she could function in everyday life, however, this became too exhausting a process which provided no explanation to what was happening to her or why. At this point, she contacted Dolores and she sought her help via a session. This book is the story of how Dolores carefully traced these experiences back to her life as a Japanese man named Nogorigatu living in Hiroshima during WWII. It tells the story of what the Japanese people experienced during the war and is a side of history that has neither been fully explored nor written about. At the time, it was Dolores most challenging case because she was unsure of how the young lady would react to reliving dying in an atomic explosion. It had to be handled with extreme care. The resulting story cries out to our time, "Do not let this horror happen again!"

In Search of Ancient Gods: My Pictorial Evidence for the Impossible

Erich von Däniken - 1973
    Staked with pictures of ancient artifacts like the Japanese Dogu sculpture and archeological findings across the globe.

Cards as Weapons

Ricky Jay

Nothing in This Book Is True, But It's Exactly How Things Are: The Esoteric Meaning of the Monuments on Mars

Bob Frissell - 1994
    The newly revised and expanded edition of this cult classic features photos and illustrations throughout, and adds the Lucifer Rebellion, the solar storm, and the final three breaths of the merkaba meditation. The author emphasizes the importance of meditation for promoting the understanding of and connection to the metaphysical.

The Natural Science of Stupidity

Paul Tabori - 1959
    Examines the price we have paid for the stupidity of greed, doubt, red tape, the law, myth & wish-dreams.

Tapping the Source: Using the Master Key System for Abundance and Happiness

William Gladstone - 2010
    At the same time, these volumes don't offer a practical daily process for attaining your goals-and that's exactly what "Tapping the Source" provides. It teaches a daily method that stimulates the process for manifesting your dreams outlined in "The Secret." These techniques can be applied to any aspect of life, from sex to career to creativity. Just "tap into the source"-daily Manifestation Sessions, each totaling no more than three to five minutes-and live the life you want!What is the MASTER KEY SYSTEM?The genesis of the ideas in "Tapping the Source"-which are a natural extension of the concepts expounded upon in "The Secret"-is Charles Haanel's classic 1912 work, "The Master Key System." Although Napoleon Hill is popularly considered the father of the "law of attraction," a letter from Hill to Charles Haanel, reproduced in "Tapping the Source," thanks Haanel for his illuminating ideas. The letter is dated 1919, 18 years before "Think and Grow Rich" was published.

A Course in Astral Travel and Dreams

Belzebuub - 2004
    Imagine floating up into the air, flying to distant places, or meeting with spiritual beings. Imagine all this happening while you are out-of-body, knowing that it isn’t a fantasy, but very real. This book offers the best astral travel techniques put together in a step-by-step guide by Belzebuub who has nearly 20 years of experience, and has today reached an advanced level of proficiency in astral projection and explorations out of the body.Already proven by thousands of people over the last decade, A Course in Astral Travel & Dreams by Belzebuub will prepare and train you to successfully achieve an out-of-body experience. You will receive precise guidance to help you to master the different stages of astral projection so that you can make the best use of your time out-of-body. In just nine chapters find out how to astral project when you want to, experience lucid dreaming and dream recall, and receive guidance from the astral plane and dreams. Belzebuub has included a bonus dream symbol guide to interpret your dreams.Ancient texts from all over the world have referred to out of body experiences, as they are an intrinsic part of human spiritual experience, and have been used by mystics since the beginning of humanity to experience the greater multidimensional reality of life. Now, in A Course in Astral Travel and Dreams by Belzebuub, make them a part of yours.

Flying Without a Broom: Astral Projection and the Astral World

D.J. Conway - 1995
    You can visit any point in time, any point in space. And imagine that you can do this easily, anytime you want. Many people thought that Witches could do this by riding on a broom. The broom ride was only symbolic, but Witches do know how to travel on the astral plane. So who better than a Wiccan to explain how you can travel just like a Witch? Author D. J. Conway will teach you how to visit the astral plane and more in "Flying Without a Broom. "In this book you will learn that astral travel is natural. You do it whenever you sleep. You will learn how to meditate, and then astral travel from within the meditative state. It's fun and easy. But what really sets this book apart is that it shows you many of the amazing things you can do while on the astral plane. You will learn how to do astral healing of others. You will discover how to let other people see your astral body (bi-location). You will be able to choose any time and any place to visit: the oracle at Delphi, the Mystery School at Dodona, the Acropolis at Athens-- with this experience you can deepen your own spirituality. The book also tells you how to do magick while on the astral plane. Several rituals are described, including rituals for success, divination, spiritual growth and more. You will also discover that you are not alone on the astral plane. You will meet other travelers and other entities. Some of them you may not like, so the book gives you ways to defend yourself against them. If you want to learn astral projection from a Wiccan viewpoint, this is the book for you.

Messages from Michael

Chelsea Quinn Yarbro - 1979
    Recounts the first contact made by a group of friends with a mass of spirits known as Michael, sharing the voices' messages on life and beyond.

The Mary-El Tarot (With Landscapes of the Abyss)

Marie White - 2012
    She was born and raised in Southern California and presently lives with her three children in the sultry piedmont forest of North Carolina.I began the Mary-el Tarot in late 1997 when I had my first baby Sophia. 15 years later it is finally being released to the world via Schiffer Books. What a journey! In the early days I decided my big goal with this tarot was to have one that was powerful, beautiful and balanced between male and female energies. This idea grew and evolved as this tarot unfolded, and at the end, I think, represents the greatness of the balanced human soul, which is itself a reflection of the balanced universe. A journey from perfection in innocence to experience and enlightenment. What you should know about the Mary-el Tarot: It has a traditional structure, 22 major arcana, 56 minor arcana, standard names for all. It is built on traditional symbolism. I took the symbolism as found in tarot and illustrated those ideas the best I could. It is not a clone of other tarots, rather a parallel.The whole Mary-el Tarot is built on the symbolism in modern tarot. The Major Arcana is traditional and the Minor Arcana is built on the ideas, symbolism and numerology of the Major Arcana. For example, the 5s are elemental extensions of the Hierophant. The 4s of the Emperor. The 7s the Chariot. Taking this even further the Court cards are, the Pages - Strength. The Knights - the Hanged Man, the Queens-Death. The Kings -Temperance. While there are a lot of associations, ideas and symbolism in these cards the above is the most basic of them - number and element. I think that there is a great objective truth that underlies reality. We can't always see it clearly, though we do feel it, sense it, and are made of it. We each try to describe it using the tools available to us, the trappings of our culture and experience, and this gives rise to different mythologies and religions and systems, esoterics included. Its all the same. I have tried to illustrate that common underlying reality, sometimes using what I thought were the best representative examples of that idea, like Raven Stealing the Sun for the 7 of Swords.The Mary-el tarot is not perfect, not by far!! These things keep evolving!! But it is a journey and hopefully what you find inside will help illuminate a little bit of what you are looking for.

Compendium Maleficarum: The Montague Summers Edition

Francesco Maria Guazzo - 1970
    First published in 1608, the commentaries came at an appropriate time. Contemporary accounts noted that witchcraft and sorcery had "spread in all directions," leaving "no country, town, village, or district, no class of society" free from the practice. This probing work, by a distinguished writer and scholar who perceived the devil as an evil force seeking to destroy men's bodies and souls, was an attempt to help man live piously and devoutly, thus guarding against such seductions and manipulations.Reproduced from a rare limited edition published in 1929 and supplemented with many erudite editorial notes by the Rev. Montague Summers, the Compendium Maleficarum includes profoundly serious discussions of witches' pacts with the devil, finely detailed descriptions of witches' powers, poisons, and crimes; sleep-inducing spells and methods for removing them, apparitions of demons and specters, diseases caused by demons, and other topics. Also examined in detail are witches' alleged powers to transport themselves from place to place, create living things, make beasts talk and the dead reappear; witches' use of religion to heal the sick, laws observed by witches to cause and cure illness, differences between demoniacs and the bewitched, and other subjects from the realm of the supernatural.Here is an encyclopedic tract of incalculable worth to the historians and student of the occult and anyone intrigued by necromantic lore, sabbats, sorceries, and trafficking with demons.

The 72 Angels of Magick: Instant Access to the Angels of Power

Damon Brand - 2016
    The angels are ready to listen and ready to work for you. All you have to do is ask in the right way. The 72 Angels of Magick brings together the content of Magickal Angels and The Greater Magickal Angels. For the first time, all the information is included in one volume. If you already own those books, you don’t need this one. If you’re new to angel magick, everything you need for success is here.When you contact the angels listed in this book you will have the power to dominate success and fortune, obtain what you wish, protect yourself and stop enemies. These mighty angels can be contacted easily, instructed directly and will gladly fulfill your desires. You don’t need to believe anything or belong to any religion. You don’t need to be pure or worthy. All you need is a strong desire for something to change in your world. If you have that desire, the angels will take you where you want to go. It is their purpose to give you the power to express the life you dream of living. Whether you are seeking fame, money, wisdom, healing or peace, the angelic powers can help you to improve your life in the ways that matter to you most. The angels in this book can help you to carry out difficult tasks, strengthen your will power and increase your popularity.You can attract love, find harmony, increase fame, find strength, break through adversity, sleep well, heal yourself and obtain clear thought. There are angelic powers that enable you to invent, discover new methods, improve your business and find new supporters.You can increase the loyalty of friends and lovers. The power to improve prosperity, win awards, write well, be stable, reduce anxiety, learn easily, understand in new ways and dominate strong personalities is at your hand. The angels can help you to excite new passion, discover more about yourself and see the past, present and future with clarity.They will protect, uncover truth, stop liars, inspire artists and spread the word about your creative works. Debtors can be made to pay up. You can turn enemies into friends. Whether you are making deals, learning a trade, trying to pass exams or working to increase your income, these angels can bring the help you need. You will discover:A unique talisman that opens the gateway to angelic contact The Words of Power that establish an angelic connection Seventy-Two unique sigils for contacting angels Over two hundred angelic powers that can be used in thousands of ways Information on how to choose the right angel Methods for communicating directly with angels Ancient secrets for contacting angels that can’t be found anywhere else.