A Statin Nation - Damaging Millions in a Brave New Post-Health World

Malcolm Kendrick - 2018
    Dr Kendrick, a well-known statin sceptic and author of the bestselling The Great Cholesterol Con, has returned to the diet-heart-cholesterol battlefield to warn that people are being conned.In relaxed and humorous style, he lifts the rock to allow the reader to peer underneath. He points out that statins, even in high-risk individuals, increase life expectancy by a mere four days after five years of treatment. Yet adverse effects have been swept under the carpet by researchers who are closely tied to the industry.The way to avoid heart disease, and strokes, is simple - but, as this riveting book shows, it has nothing to do with lowering cholesterol levels.

Clean & Lean Diet Cookbook: Over 100 Delicious Healthy Recipes with a 14-Day Menu Plan

James Duigan - 2012
    Illustrating what you should be eating to keep your body in its best-ever shape, 'Clean & Lean Cookbook' takes you through lunch and dinner with ideas for quick, easy meals that won't impact on your waistline.

Super Juice Me!: 28 Day Juice Plan

Jason Vale - 2014
    'Super Juice Me! 28-Day Juice Plan' has been specifically designed for those who need to lose a lot of weight and/or who need to make considerable changes to their health. Jason Vale challenges anyone suffering from overweight or a lifestyle disease, to try it on for size. His most comprehensive juice programme to date comes off the back of his ground-breaking and critically acclaimed film, 'Super Juice Me! The Big Juice Experiment'. In the film eight people with twenty-two different diseases between them, lived on nothing but freshly extracted juice for 28 days. Jason wanted to test what effect, if any, living on a juice only diet for 28-days would have on their diseases and overall health. At the end of the Super Juice Me! Big Juice Experiment every person experienced positive changes to their health conditions; one person even lost 38lbs in just those 28 days. Jason says 'Give Me 28-Days and I ll Give You Back Your Life.' The book contains: The Full 'Super Juice Me! 28-Day Juice Plan', the 28-Day Journal To Track Your Progress, The Right Psychology For Success, Why Medical Drugs Aren t Always The Answer, Exactly What To Do After You ve Been Super Juiced!, a Full Q&A Section plus a Full Shopping List And Much More ..

Dumping Iron: How to Ditch This Secret Killer and Reclaim Your Health

P.D. Mangan - 2016
    The accumulation of excess iron in the body, a condition that affects perhaps the majority of adults, leads to much higher risk of heart disease, cancer, diabetes, obesity, brain diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s, and shorter lifespan. Dumping Iron shows how to measure your iron levels, what the test numbers mean, and how to go about lowering iron if necessary. Humans are adapted to a low-iron environment, so once iron is in our bodies, it virtually never goes away. Our new, high-iron environment leads to iron accumulation, and to ill health and early death. Iron is the secret killer that no one is telling you about. Finally, in Dumping Iron, the scientific and medical data that indicts iron is assembled in one place. What the experts say about Dumping Iron: “Dumping Iron by P. D. Mangan is a must read by anybody interested in maintaining optimal health, including those in the medical field. Iron overload is an exceedingly common malady in the population and it is easily diagnosed, but it is under-addressed. It leads to heart disease, diabetes, cancer and numerous other chronic and debilitating illnesses. The good news is that iron excess can be prevented and readily treated, which results in a decreased risk of many diseases and improvement in overall health and vitality. Dumping Iron clearly tells us how to achieve these goals.” — Luca Mascitelli, M.D., Lieutenant Colonel, Italian Army, and author of numerous scientific papers on iron and health. “In Dumping Iron, Dennis Mangan has provided the reader access to a massive scientific data pool linking body iron overload to major diseases of mankind… I submit that Dumping Iron should be required reading in science and nutrition for high school and above. The ultimate triumph of Dumping Iron might be an informed public that will increasingly access ferritin test screening, and health care providers better prepared to interpret tests of iron status, particularly the ferritin level. Acknowledgment of risks of iron overload and proper product labeling might lead to reduced public iron intoxication and improved population health to a degree that would be no less than monumental!” — Leo Zacharski, M.D., Professor of Medicine, Geisel School of Medicine, Dartmouth College. Dr. Zacharski has written extensively on the connection between iron and disease, and has conducted clinical trials of lowering iron. “Iron has been compared to fire. A small amount of fire is quite useful in our stoves and furnaces. But when fire is ravaging the contents and walls of our home… BEWARE. In this informative book, Dennis Mangan makes clear the devastation that can be caused by excessive/misplaced iron in the tissues and walls of our bodies. We learn that for essentially all diseases — infections, cancers, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, diabetes, gout, osteoporosis, cardiovascular ills, and more — that the iron burden is a dangerous risk factor. But equally important, the author describes a variety of well tested methods that are readily available to neutralize the iron peril. Adoption of even a few of these methods can remarkably decrease iron-catalyzed disease episodes, enhance well being, and, not least, increase longevity.” — E. D. Weinberg, PhD, Professor Emeritus of Biology at Indiana University, and the author of over 140 scientific papers, many of them on the role of iron in disease.

Healthy and Free: A Journey to Wellness for Your Body, Soul, and Spirit

Beni Johnson - 2015
    Beni Johnson received a life-changing revelation about how anyone can start walking in holistic health—including you! Jesus died for your spirit, soul, and body. This means you can experience His resurrection life in all three areas! Christians should be the healthiest people on Earth because they understand God has made their bodies His temple. Unfortunately, many people focus on one area of health while neglecting another. This can lead to spiritual disconnection, bad eating habits, depression, poor rest, and lack of exercise. In Healthy and Free, Beni shows you how to:Find your why: Learn the motivating secret to pursuing a healthy lifestyle as your new normal.Unlock the connection: Discover the many ways your spirit, soul and body are interconnected and how health in one areas directly effects another.Start simple: Receive practical and easy-to-implement steps to begin walking in health right now.The Great Physician desires you to walk in Heaven’s health. Get aligned with God’s divine design today and experience freedom—body, soul and spirit!

Nourish Glow: The 10-Day Plan: Kickstart a lifetime of healthy eating

Amelia Freer - 2017
    She will empower you to challenge any negative stories or attitudes you might have towards food and transform them into a positive lifelong love affair with eating well. The exclusive 10 day plan included in this book is a version of the plan Amelia gives to her clients, which has been developed and refined over her decade of work as a nutritional therapist. It is NOT about deprivation. It is a liberating, energising plan that will equip you with the building blocks needed to develop and implement a lifetime of balanced eating that is unique to you. Leaving behind all the confusion and negativity surrounding diets and healthy eating, this book helps you find out exactly how and what it means to eat well for you, for the rest of your life.This ultimate guide includes over 50 exclusive gluten, dairy and refined sugar free recipes, complete with vegan and vegetarian alternatives. Together with a unique and exclusively curated tool - Amelia's Positive Nutrition Pyramid - which will ensure you are unequivocally nourishing yourself with all of the essential ingredients needed for a happy, healthy body and mind.Give Amelia ten days and she will change how you think about food for life.

The Big Fat Truth: The Behind-the-scenes Secret to Weight Loss

J.D. Roth - 2016
    Who could help it? Here was a young woman who, just a few months earlier, had weighed in at 340 pounds on the hit ABC show Extreme Weight Loss. Now for all the world to see—and merely part way into her one-year effort to pare down—she’d (literally) gone further than she’d ever expected. From barely being able to walk up the stairs to running 26.2 miles in practically no time? The body is an amazing thing. And yet … it’s no match for the brain. It wasn’t the strength of Meredith’s body propelling her across the Niagara Falls finish line—it was the power of her mind.               No one knows that better than JD Roth, who as the number one producer of TV weight loss shows has helped countless overweight people change their bodies—and lives—for the better. Viewers of Extreme Weight Loss, The Biggest Loser, The Revolution and other transformational shows have seen the “technicians”—the trainers, the nutritionists, the doctors, and other health pros who appear on-screen—but they’ve never seen the heart and soul behind these amazing makeovers. That would be JD, whose production company not only created weight loss television, but who has produced more episodes in the genre than all other producers combined. He’s the behind-the-scenes wizard who gets inside the heads of the shows’ participants, encouraging, persuading, prodding, and inspiring them to succeed. Intimately involved in casting the shows’ contestants, then seeing them through the weight loss process, he’s the guy whose picture they tape onto their elliptical trainers and angrily scream at each night—then hug out of gratitude the next morning. He’s the guy who holds them when they cry and the one who tells them they need to get back on the treadmill even though they’re crying. JD is the shows’ tough-love dad—love being the operative word. Because it’s not just TV to JD; he’s on a mission to change people’s lives. Every fat person (yes, “fat person”—there’ll be no sugarcoating here) knows that you need to move more and eat less to shed pounds. Not exactly rocket science. Yet that simple formula doesn’t get to the root of what makes someone top out at 500 pounds, or sometimes just carry an extra fifty. The missing link in transformative weight loss is mental and emotional fortitude. Mining the same problem-solving and motivational skills JD has used so successfully with reality show contestants, The Big Fat Truth gets readers to address the real reasons they’re overweight (and nobody gets away with saying it’s because they love food). With his combination of enthusiasm, empathy, no-holds-barred style, and master story-telling abilities, JD helps them unearth and tackle the unresolved issues they’ve buried under the French fries and chocolate chip cookie. Presented in three parts, The Big Fat Truth includes short straight-to-the-point chapters that help readers identify their real issues, create their own reality show, and then shake up their lives to do the impossible. Included throughout are inspiring stories, advice, and before-and-after photos from people JD has helped to lose weight (both on camera and off), along with quick tips for how to stay accountable and a 30-day plan for putting this advice into action.

The Beauty Detox Solution

Kimberley Snyder - 2013

The Bodybuilder's Nutrition Book

Franco Columbu - 1985
    Franco Columbu, a well-known expert on nutrition and kinesiology (and two-time Mr. Olympia) presents the most successful strategies and diet plans for achieving a superior physique. How the body utilizes the basic nutrients and how to use that to your advantage is explained in detail.

Ageless: A Yogi's Secrets to a Long and Healthy Life

Sharath Jois - 2018
    Fast delivery through DHL/FedEx express.

The Carnivore Cookbook

Maria Emmerich - 2020
    But since then, our diets have drastically changed due to the invention of agriculture about 7,000 years ago and, within the last 100 years or so, the introduction of millions of food additives, the development of a year-round produce supply, and the hybridization of fruits and vegetables, making them higher in sugar and lower in nutrients. Carnivore Cookbook explores what our bodies were really designed to digest and gives compelling evidence that we were designed to be primarily meat-eaters.In this book, you will learn why all plants come with a downside. Antinutrients are chemicals and compounds that act as natural pesticides or defenses for the plants against being eaten. Maria explains how antinutrients can rob your body of minerals and other nutrients and lead to autoimmune issues and leaky gut. There is even a protocol for healing autoimmune issues called the Carnivore Autoimmune Protocol: a detailed system for stepping you through the various levels of carnivorous eating to find the point where your body responds best and is symptom free. You will also learn which foods are the highest in nutrient density to help your body heal.Carnivore Cookbook includes more than 100 tasty meat-focused recipes featuring innovative ways to add flavor and variety. There are even carnivore meal plans with grocery lists to make the diet easy to follow.

The Plant Based Runner: A Personal Guide to Running, Healthy Eating, and Discovering a New You

Jonathan Cairns - 2019
     He had never exercised and had zero energy but as a way of dealing with the pain and frustration of his separation, he decided to take up running. Or as he talks about in his book The Plant Based Runner: A Personal Guide to Running, Healthy Eating, and Discovering a New You, he started to 'put one foot in front of the other'. This book is raw and real. There is nothing in it that is not tried and tested by Cairns, and it has an authentic ring about it. This is a personal story, about his struggle to see his children in the face of a relentless, anti-father bias in the judicial system. He is running to solve problems, running to find solutions as opposed to running away from trouble. He takes responsibility for everything that is his. Straight-talking and funny, Jonathan takes you by the hand and chapter by chapter helps you to put your excuses aside and find a new appreciation for your body, your health and for the power of confidence. You feel like if you follow his steps you could do a lot more with your life. There are books that you will read that tell you how to live, or how to do something that will improve your life, and if you follow the advice, as you might for a time, it may work, for a while. And there are books that will leave you changed, transported to another place in yourself and in the world you inhabit because of the power of the story that you have read. Even if you are not a runner or a dad deprived of your kids, this is a read that has inspiration and hope.

Lose Weight Now: The Easy Way

Allen Carr - 2010
    Updated and set out in a clear, easy-to-read format, this book makes it simpler than ever before to get free. • A UNIQUE METHOD THAT DOES NOT REQUIRE WILLPOWER• REMOVE THE PSYCHOLOGICAL NEED TO EAT JUNK FOOD• BANISH EMOTIONAL EATING• REGAIN CONTROL OF YOUR LIFE• MAKE EATING A PLEASURE AGAINWhat people say about Allen Carr's Easyway method: "Your journey through Allen Carr's book will be a revelation in discovering how simple the answer to weight control can be."Dr PM Bray MB, CHb, MRCGP"The Allen Carr program was nothing short of a miracle." Anjelica Huston "I was exhilarated by a new sense of freedom." The Independent "A different approach. A stunning success." The Sun

What is CBD - The Truth about Cannabidiol - Medication

Ray Tokes - 2016
     Ray Tokes is challenging big pharma as well as the tobacco industry by putting fiction to rest with a fistful of facts about CBD and what it is as a medication. Ray Tokes evolves the conversation from his first book The Revolutionary Cannabidiol and answers the challenging questions about CBD such as: What is CBD? - Ray Tokes gives an informative summary about what CBD is and isn't. What does CBD stand for? - Most people know what it is, but what does it mean? Where does CBD come from? - An in-depth look into CBD. What Are the Benefits of Using CBD? - Are there benefits to CBD? Why is CBD so good for the body? - How are cancer patients able to use CBD? What is the Difference between CBD and THC? - Learn the differences between CBD and THC. What is the Difference between CBD and CBN? - A look at CBD and CBD. Is CBD Legal Everywhere? - The legality of CBD. Is CBD Really as Special as They Say? - Ray Tokes addresses the power of CBD. Why Does CBD Work as a Medication? - Learn how CBD works to help cancer patients. What is the Difference between Medical Marijuana and CBD? - Learn about the differences between Medical Marijuana and CBD. Is THC or CBD the Best Option? - Ray Tokes addresses the variety of options available. What Can CBD Be Used For? - Ray Tokes goes into length about the healing properties of CBD. What is CBD E-Liquid? - Find out what CBD E-Liquid is. What is the Future of CBD? - The future surrounding the debate and legality around CBD.

Don’t Lose Out Extracted from Don't lose out, Work out!

Rujuta Diwekar - 2016
    This extract from Rujuta Diwekar’s Don’t Lose Out, Work Out! is exactly what you will need to get motivated and stay motivated. In ‘Don’t Lose Out’, Rujuta outlines how exercise helps your body deal with all the changes (in your hormones, involuntary systems, skeleto-muscular structure) that come with the aging process. She explains how important it is to take that first step towards leading a more active life and setting up an exercise routine. After all, we all want not just to live long lives, but to be the healthiest we can be while doing so.