Please Explain

Karl Kruszelnicki
    avoid opinion ... facts are your single clue. Get the facts!' - time Enough for Love, Robert Heinlein Does eating celery make you lighter? Do you have to be dying to have a near-death experience? Is a yawn a silent, natural scream for air; and if a little oxygen is good for you is more oxygen better? Can the humble spud kill? Did Galileo drop his balls from the Leaning tower of Pisa? Did a NASA computer really prove a miracle in the Bible actually happened? Is there any substance harder than diamond, and do diamonds really last forever? And exactly how many Eskimo words for 'snow' are there? Wherever he goes, people always ask Dr Karl to explain stuff, and in this his 26th book (26 is the only number directly between a square and a cube), he explains more myths and curly questions. Visit Dr Karl at

Climate Change Reality Check: Basic Facts that Quickly Prove the Climate Change Crusade is Wrong and Dangerous

Calvin Fray - 2016
    Just the right amount of science. Common sense and rational.” -- Wayne R. The greenhouse effect is always quoted—but that is a METAPHOR. What is the fundamental physical process that drives it? And how exactly does human activity play such a powerful role with it? How did we go from worrying about global warming to climate change…to carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions? "Great book - should me mandatory reading for anyone that uses the term 'Climate Change' " - Amazon purchaser Macsugar Are there gases more powerful and influential in the greenhouse effect than CO2? Yes, by a lot! As you will learn in this book… Why aren’t we spending more time, money, and attention focusing on those? Smart people want to get to the point of a problem and solve it as quickly, inexpensively, and effortlessly as possible. They know about the Pareto Principle, and you will too after you read this book. It is also called the 80/20 rule. What happens when we apply that principle to the global climate change “consensus”? “Thank You! I always thought the numbers were small, but I never took the time to do the math.” -- Mike S. There are many books that are long, technical, and—frankly, irrelevant—on the topic of climate change. Here are the most important questions that nobody has bothered to answer in straightforward, simple and short language, until now: * What are basic facts about our planet’s atmosphere? And what do they tell us about the fundamental physics of climate change? * What are the basic physics and assumptions behind the anthropogenic global warming (AGW) hypothesis or belief? Are they valid? * What element or compound is the single greatest factor in temperature control in our atmosphere? Hint—it isn’t carbon dioxide. How does carbon dioxide compare with this other chemical? "Takes less than an hour to read... A must-read for every official policy-maker at every level... This deserves 6 stars out of 5!" -- Terry Dunleavy (Amazon reviewer) “Brilliant, what a refreshing approach.” -- Christopher K. Before we spend more time, money, and emotional energy on the presumed EFFECTS and CONSEQUENCES of global warming and climate change (things like rising temperatures, rising sea levels, etc., etc.), shouldn’t we all have a BASIC UNDERSTANDING of the FUNDAMENTAL PROCESSES AND PHYSICS of our planet’s atmosphere? If you have any questions, or doubts about that, this book is for you. “Very good. I am a geophysicist.” -- Ben B. Even better, you’ll learn (or re-learn) a very simple and indisputable fact about our atmosphere that makes the entire controversy look ridiculous. Use this information as a test (or a bet) the next time you talk with someone on the “other side” of the climate change debate. “A very useful contribution to bringing sanity and reason back to the analysis of AGW.” – Tom P. The climate change threat is consuming more of our precious time, energy, and resources. So is the debate about what to do about it. Don’t allow yourself be a part of the problem—get this book so that you can be a part of the solution! If you are convinced that AGW is the biggest threat facing our planet, this book has facts and

The Man Who Saved the V-8: The Untold Stories of Some of the Most Important Product Decisions in the History of Ford Motor Company

Chase Morsey Jr. - 2014
    joins Ford Motor Co. in 1948, he has no idea the part he'll play in automotive history. Morsey's arrival comes as Henry Ford II and other titans in the industry are about to kill the vaunted V-8 engine. He sees it as his sole mission to talk them out of it. In The Man Who Saved the V-8, he shares the never-before-told story of how his crusade saved the engine that would go on to power iconic cars like the Ford Thunderbird and Mustang. "To this day, I have no idea how a young, newly hired manager like myself...had the nerve to challenge the most powerful men inside Ford Motor Company and tell them they were wrong," Morsey says. "But that is exactly what I did." The twenty-nine-year-old executive embarks on massive market research. He works with manufacturing experts to find ways to produce the V-8 engine more efficiently. After finding success, he goes on to continue playing a central role in some of the most pivotal decisions that would ensure Ford remains one of the powerhouses in the automotive industry. The Man Who Saved the V-8 tells the story of his successes and lessons learned.

River Monsters: Picture and Fact Book for Kids

Speedy Publishing - 2015
    Those who believe that myths are something that exist only in the far distant path are incorrect. Anyone who knows a little bit about modern river monsters knows they are the root of 20th and even 21st century cryptozoology myths. For children, reading about these amazing creatures, both ones we know exist and those that are pure fantasy, opens many doors of imagination. The sense of wonder gained helps the young ones to think more broadly about the world.

Vengeance; at Midway and Guadalcanal (Aviator #2)

Leland Shanle - 2006
    World War II experienced from the cockpits of fighter aircraft, and through the eyes of men trapped in island Tropical Hells. Written by a retired Naval Aviator and former Paratrooper; the author puts the reader in the F-4F Wildcat and jungle, as warriors engage in a titanic struggle around the globe. A diverse and rich cast of characters reveal the sacrifice and frustrations of war. A no holds bar accounting of the actual battles, shown through the eyes of the novels characters, uncovers mistakes and even incompetence at the highest levels. Vengeance shows the disastrous results of these decisions, on the lowest common denominator; the war fighter. Closely following the actual battles of Midway and Guadalcanal the reader gets an insider’s view so vivid the smell of cordite will hang in the air. A rare perspective written by an author that flew modern fighters over the historic battlefields, even from the decks of aircraft carriers that fought in the Pacific. A riveting story, Vengeance tells of the impact at an individual level, a personal level; of an entire world at war. From the struggles of a young man in Officer Candidate School facing down a sadistic Drill Instructor; to entire fleets engaging in War At Sea. Vengeance will pull back the curtain of historical perspective and frame it in reality. The harsh reality will come as a shock to readers who have read of great victories. But know little of the tremendous cost; like fifteen hundred sailors lost in a single nights battle, all five of the Sullivan brothers among them. To the soldier, sailor or airman: war is about the small unit they are a part of and the struggle not only to stay alive, but protect their comrades. Sometimes, even to avenge their deaths. Shanle's latest novel; End Game in the Pacific, will be released in the new year.

Companion Planting: The Beginner's Guide to Companion Gardening (The Organic Gardening Series Book 1)

M. Grande - 2014
    It allows you to maximize the use of space while taking advantage of the natural abilities of each plant. This guide to companion gardening covers the following topics: What companion planting is and how it can benefit you. How good companion plants are discovered. Organic gardening and companion planting. Companion planting strategies. Allelopathy: The chemical abilities of plants. Beneficial insects in the garden and how to draw them in. How to repel pest insects. Planning your garden using companion planting. Companion planting information on more than 70 fruits, vegetables and herbs, including good and bad neighbors. This book provides a strong basis for those looking to learn companion planting and is guaranteed to be a reference guide you turn to time and time again when looking for companion plants to grow in your garden. Buy this book now and get started growing a bigger and better garden through companion gardening.

Sailing Close to the Wind: Reminiscences

Dennis Skinner - 2014
    Fiery and forthright, with a prodigious recall, Skinner is one of the best-known politicians in Britain. He remains as passionate and committed to the causes he champions as on the first day he entered the House of Commons back in 1970. In an age of growing cynicism about politicians, the witty and astute Skinner is renowned as a brightly burning beacon of principle. He has watched Prime Ministers come and go - Heath, Wilson, Callaghan, Thatcher, Major, Blair, Brown - and yet remains uncorrupted by patronage and compromise. Cameron discovered Skinner's popularity when a public backlash forced the current PM to apologise in Parliament for calling Skinner a dinosaur who should be in a museum. Skinner at eighty has a unique take on post-war Britain. A combatant in the great social, industrial and political upheavals of the last half century, he's resisted telling his extraordinary story. Until now.

12 Small Acts to Save Our World: Simple, Everyday Ways You Can Make a Difference

W.W.F. - 2018
    But small, easy actions, if taken by enough people, can move mountains – and save planets.Written in collaboration with leading environmental experts from WWF, this short book provides simple changes we can all make to our everyday lives, from morning to night.These aren’t the only things you can do. Nor are they things you have to do. But these 12 small acts are basic steps anybody can take, and if even one of them sticks, our children will inherit a better world.Acts like:– Turning off devices instead of leaving them on standby– Buying less cotton clothing (a T-shirt needs 2,400 litres of water to make!)– Using reusable straws when possible– Turning off the tap while you brush your teethwill take only moments, but if enough people commit to them, we can make a real difference to our planet._______________________________'Now really is the time to act. You don’t have to be a superhero – everyone can make a difference by following this book’ – Ben Fogle

The Space Race: A History From Beginning to End

Hourly History - 2018
     During fourteen years, from 1955 to 1969, the Soviet Union and the United States of America were engaged in a dramatic race against each other to conquer space. This period encompassed dramatic victories, humbling defeats, and more than one tragedy. This is a story of human courage and ingenuity at its best and political maneuvering at its worst, of almost unbelievable technological progress undertaken with the object not just of advancing human knowledge but also of proving the superiority of one country over another. Inside you will read about... ✓ From Missiles to Rockets ✓ Russia Takes the Lead ✓ Early American Failures ✓ The First Men in Space ✓ Fatalities on Both Sides ✓ The Moon Landing And much more! The space race culminated in man setting foot upon the moon, but each milestone on the way to that final goal was bitterly contested. Two powerful nations pledged a substantial part of their national resources to beat the other in a scientific and technological race to be the first to achieve new records. In terms of contests between major powers, there has never been anything quite as dramatic, public, and sustained as the space race; it remains one of the most fascinating and engaging episodes of the Cold War.

Pharmacology and the Nursing Process

Linda Lane Lilley - 1996
    With an eye-catching design, full-color illustrations, and helpful, practical boxed features that highlight need-to-know information, the new edition of this bestseller continues its tradition of making pharmacology easy to learn and understand.A focus on prioritization identifies key nursing information and helps in preparation for the NCLEX(R) Examination.Presents drugs and their classes as they relate to different parts of the body, facilitating integration of the text with your other nursing courses.Features numerous full-color photos and illustrations pertaining to drug mechanisms of action and step-by-step illustrations depicting key steps in drug administration for various routes, so you can clearly see how drugs work in the body and how to administer medications safely and effectively.Drug Profiles highlight the pharmacokinetics and unique variations of individual drugs.Includes Patient Teaching Tips in each chapter to foster patient compliance and effective drug therapy.Helpful summary boxes are integrated throughout, covering Evidence-Based Practice, Preventing Medication Errors, Laboratory Values Related to Drug Therapy, Cultural Implications, Herbal Therapies, Life Span Considerations, Points to Remember, and Legal and Ethical Principles.Illustrated Study Skills Tips in each unit cover study tips, time management, and test taking strategies related specifically to nursing pharmacology.Includes a convenient tear-out IV Compatibilities Chart that alerts you to drugs that are incompatible when given intravenously.Evolve Student Resources include online access to additional chapter-specific NCLEX(R) review questions, animations, medication errors checklists, IV therapy checklists, printable handouts with need-to-know information about key drug classes, calculators, an audio glossary, answers to case studies and critical thinking activities in the text, frequently asked questions, content updates, nursing care plans covering key drug classes, and online appendices. Critical Thinking Activities and Best Action Questions focus on prioritization, challenging you to determine the best action to take.NCLEX(R) Examination Review Questions now include Alternate-Item Format questions, preparing you for these new types of questions found on the NCLEX(R) exam.New case studies have been added, and all cases now include patient photos along with accompanying questions to provoke critical thinking.Pharmacokinetic Bridges to the Nursing Process sections now cover ACE inhibitors, iron, and women's health issues applying key pharmacokinetics information to nursing practice.

The Flat-Earth Conspiracy

Eric Dubay - 2014
    For almost 500 years, the masses have been thoroughly deceived by a cosmic fairy-tale of astronomical proportions. We have been taught a falsehood so gigantic and diabolical that it has blinded us from our own experience and common sense, from seeing the world and the universe as they truly are. Through pseudo-science books and programs, mass media and public education, universities and government propaganda, the world has been systematically brain-washed, slowly indoctrinated over centuries into the unquestioning belief of the greatest lie of all time. A multi-generational conspiracy has succeeded, in the minds of the masses, to pick up the fixed Earth, shape it into a ball, spin it in circles, and throw it around the Sun! The greatest cover-up of all time, NASA and Freemasonry's biggest secret, is that we are living on a plane, not a planet, that Earth is the flat, stationary center of the universe.

The Wretched

E.G. Michaels - 2018
    A top-secret research project goes terribly wrong. A new species, the Reapers, are unleashed onto the unsuspecting citizens of Philadelphia and soon the rest of the country. The Reapers are stronger, faster, and have no mercy for any humans who have the misfortune of crossing their paths. Philadelphia Cop Malcolm Foster quickly discovers a routine disturbance call is anything but ordinary. Foster soon finds himself scrambling to survive, gather together a rag-tag group of survivors, and get them out of the city. As Foster and his group fight to escape the city and find a Reaper-free sanctuary, a looming question prevails. Can anyone stop the Reapers from taking over the world? This is the story of the Wretched, a rag-tag group of survivors who may be the only ones that can keep the human race from becoming extinct.

Square Foot Gardening with Kids: Learn Together: - Gardening Basics - Science and Math - Water Conservation - Self-sufficiency - Healthy Eating

Mel Bartholomew - 2014
    In Square Foot Gardening with Kids, Mel reveals his tips, tricks, and fun projects in one of his most cherished pursuits: teaching youngsters to build and grow a SFG of their own. The easy geometry of the gridded box breaks the complex world of gardening into digestible bites for enthusiastic young learners, and the sequence of tasks required to grow plants from seeds is repeatable and reassuring. Kids learn many valuable life lessons when tending their own garden -- such as the importance of following instructions and doing your chores, basic skills like counting and water conservation, and learning to appreciate the nature of food and why it is important to respect it. Most importantly though, they learn that growing your own food is both fun and rewarding.


Dean M. Cole - 2021
    A lost race of advanced beings. An invading swarm of land-hungry sentient robots.An elite team of SAS special operators battle across the multiverse after a plague of land-hungry sentient robots invade today’s Earth. But, when an aircraft carrier-based counterattack goes horribly wrong, it traps the team in an alien universe with a top-secret group who’ve already saved the world twice. After discovering a dark plot that threatens humanity’s very existence, the two groups jump into action, fighting both on the surface and in orbit in a last-ditch effort to stop the enemy before time runs out.With the fate of two Earths hanging in the balance, the combined teams must pull a lost race of advanced beings off history’s scrapheap, or humanity will join them in oblivion.Magnitude combines sleek starships, strange aliens, and high-tech weaponry to pit heroes, zeroes, and a smart-assed battlebot against powerful enemies. Fans of Live Die Repeat, Expeditionary Force, the Bobiverse, and Dimension Space will love the thrilling action in this time-travel multiverse war epic.

The Dragon's Gap Series: Books 1-3

L.M. Lacee - 2018
    Lacee introduces her first omnibus edition in the popular Dragon's Gap Saga. This digital box set contains the first, second and third romantic adventures PLUS a bonus novella: Reighn & Sage's Story: Reighn had no idea when he woke one morning what the day was about to deliver. For a thousand years he had waited for his shadow and by the end of the day he would not only have his long desired mate but TWO YOUNG DAUGHTERS as well! Sharm & Edith's Story: This is the second fantasy dragon romance book in the series 'Dragon's Gap' where we meet Edith Black who is a full bear that grew up thinking she was human. Edith is a bear that, for so long, could not shift or communicate with her other half. After she has been at Dragon’s Gap for two months this all changes so whether it is the influence of all the other shifters or the Dragon magic that fills the air, Edith’s bear starts to talk to her. Storm and Charlie's Story: This is an inspirational romance fantasy about two people who deal in war. They must learn that they need to embrace their softer natures when their shape shifting young children need them to take on the roles of their parents. Both Charlie and her dragon shadow, Storm, find themselves rising to the occasion. Love's Catalyst: Lars and Claire met because Kammy, Claire's adopted daughter wanted her own daddy that can fly and her new awakening instincts as a tiger cub lead her to Lars. Lars Axton, Prime to the Dragon Lord, decides to visit the vibrant town of Dragon's Gap and finds, not only a good cup of coffee but a hesitant shadow and a little girl who informs him he is her new daddy. What is a dragon to do?