Book picks similar to
The Code of Extraordinary Change by Steve Errey


How to Eliminate Negative Thoughts and Emotions with One Simple but Powerful Technique

Beau Norton - 2016
    We easily get addicted to the high of achieving our goals. This isn't always a bad thing but it can be when we lose sight of the more important things in life.Many people never really feel satisfied in their regular day to day living and so they constantly strive for something outside of themselves to make up for their feelings of boredom, unworthiness, or whatever it may be.In our success-driven culture, it's very easy to miss out on the simple joys in life. Most people find it very difficult to be happy with a simple existence.First of all, there is nothing wrong with striving for bigger things. There is also nothing wrong with living a very simple and ordinary existence.What is truly important in the grand scheme of things is how we FEEL and how we make others feel, and this, believe it or not, has nothing to do with the outward circumstances of our lives.It costs absolutely nothing to be a kind and loving person. It costs nothing to focus on the brighter side of life. It's all a matter of perspective and our ability to release the negativity within ourselves.This book discusses a simple but powerful strategy for releasing these negative emotions that block us from experience the joy of the present moment. It shows you step by step how to be happy regardless of your life circumstances. It's easier than you think. Enjoy :)

30 Days of Discipline

Victor Pride
    But it’s not just an e-book, it is a way of life. It is a challenge. It is a bootcamp that you put yourself through. A way to discipline yourself, a way to tame those bad habits and institute new, Ass-kicking habits. To get the full benefit of the program requires work on your part. The only way you will succeed is to follow the instructions and MAKE THE DECISION to go through with it. Decide to never quit. It won’t be easy, but when you emerge 30 days later you will be amazed at the energy, creativity and vitality you will feel. You can become as you wish to be, it requires only a change of mindset, a smidgen of self-discipline and some will-power.

The Unofficial Author's Guide To Selling Your Book On Amazon: The Top 5 Cheat Sheet for Self Publishing Authors

Richard McCartney - 2016
     This Unofficial Guide unveils many of the hidden secrets to promoting your published book. How can I get my book into the Hot New Releases? How can I get my book to appear along side the Best Sellers on Amazon? How can I pick the best book category for my book, and why are they hidden from me in Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP)? I’m now going to show you the answers. I’m going to tell you what is really going on. This Kindle book is quite literally a cheat sheet, a short cut to your biggest challenge on Amazon: Getting discovered. Get your copy now!

The Nude Nutritionist: Stop obsessing about food and never diet again

Lyndi Cohen - 2019
    Learn how to listen to your hunger and calm your mind. Lyndi is one of Australia's most popular dietitians, known as The Nude Nutritionist of Channel 9's TODAY show. She started dieting as a young teenager, unhappy with her growing body, and gave up in misery, having steadily gained weight for more than a decade. Almost by accident she become a mindful and intuitive eater, and along the way she gently lost 20kg. With over 50 deliciously realistic recipes (no 'superfoods' required) you'll also be inspired to eat well to boost your mood and balance your hormones. Change starts today.

Bulletproof Confidence: The Art of Not Caring What People Think and Living Fearlessly

Patrick King - 2017
    Break out of your shell and live boldly. All the goals you have, all the people you are jealous of, and the life you want to live are unlocked by one simple key: Bulletproof Confidence . Everybody wants it, but how do you get it? Not just “fake it ‘til you make it” or “just smile more.” Bulletproof Confidence is filled with real, actionable advice for your life TODAY. It’s not generic, borderline useless advice you can read in any blog post online. This book will take you on a deep dive into the depth of confidence, self-perception, and the psychology of confidence – understand yourself so you can break through your mental barriers. Everything from psychology, biology, and even cognitive behavioral therapy is referenced in giving you the tools to feel more invincible on a daily basis. Finally feel comfortable in your own skin. Patrick King is an internationally bestselling author and sought-after social skills coach and trainer. He was also one of the plumpest children you’ve ever seen, and understands the pains and processes of confidence like few others. This book was written by someone who knows exactly what you’re facing and how you’re hurting. In addition, a companion workbook is here for your disposal: Quiet the voice in your head and live how you want to. - Learn the subconscious triggers that make you fearful and what to do about them. - Smash imposter syndrome, analysis paralysis, and perfectionism. - The life-changing magic of taking action. - How to change your self-perception and feedback loops. Become bolder, more fearless, and good enough. - How to prepare yourself for any obstacle. - Mindsets for success and mindsets to avoid. - How cognitive behavioral therapy can help you. - Why to embrace the zone of “mere discomfort.” Stop thinking about the “what ifs” in your life. Because confidence will turn them all into inevitabilities. Your goals, your social circle, your relationships, your career, and your life – confidence is the key. Confidence creates the life you want and lets you smash through goals, while making sure you never feel invisible, waste your potential, or feel paralyzed from anxiety. Say goodbye to fear and anxiety TODAY by scrolling up and clicking the BUY NOW button! Don't forget the Workbook as well:

The Motivation Switch: 77 Ways to Get Motivated, Avoid Procrastination, and Achieve Success

A.J. Winters - 2015
    The 77 tips contained in this book will help you bust through your motivational slump, and get to action! Imagine being constantly fuelled, and wanting to do all the things you know you “should”. Procrastination is a thing of the past, and anxiety issues no longer bother you! Short, Concisely-Explain Tips This book consists of the 77 tips that are most useful for getting motivated. The book is fluff-free: you won’t have to wade through pages of psychological jargon and case studies to get to the “good bits.”

Onboard French: Learn a language before you land

Eton Institute - 2013
    Learn the Alphabet and pronunciation as well as useful phrases in 8 categories, such as greetings, travel and directions, making friends to business and emergencies. Download, read and enjoy your vacation like never before.

Lord Deliver Me From Negative Self Talk 2: Unleash Your Power (Inspiration For Women)

Lynn R. Davis - 2014
    We have tremendous influence in the home; corporate world; the church; and society as a whole. But some how we have begun to lose sight of power and influence that we posses. God gave us the ability not only to birth life, but to speak life to every circumstance and situation that we face. It's time for us as women of God to embrace our purpose and power. Its time to stop bashing others and talking bad about ourselves. We have to take our words and communication more seriously. Just as Eve was a gift to Adam, we are a gift to the body of Christ. Its time for us to unleash the power of God's word in our lives.

Radical Frugality: Living in America on $8,000 a Year

Nic Adams - 2011
    Radical Frugality tells the story of 5 people who did it: Paul, 27, discovering how to overcome student loan debt; David and Winona, late 40's, living their retirement dream today; and Dan and Charlotte, family of 4, with an underwater mortgage. Waking up every morning debt-free with cash in your pocket helps your brain feel safe, secure, and smart. Embracing the concepts in this book frees you from the overwhelming anxiety of the consumer lifestyle by showing you how to take control. You can start today. What if you could spend 66% less money than you spend today setting yourself up to live a self-determined lifestyle doing exactly what you love to do regardless of financial compensation? Radical Frugality shows you exactly how to achieve those goals within one to five years. Using our step-by-step common sense plan, we teach you what to do (break the spell of the consumer credit con), when to do it (planning and preparation), and most importantly where to do it (discover the 5 top cities for living frugally). We'll help you evaluate your financial situation. Are you in the Yellow Zone, the Orange Zone, the Red Zone, or even the Dead Zone (paying debt with debt)? This book lays out a plan for how to pay off your debt and get into the Neutral Zone (getting back to monthly break-even), the Green Zone (debt free with $1,000 a month free cash-flow) or even the Golden Zone (living a self-determined life). Whether you are desperate right now about your financial situation, facing retirement, just starting out, or just plain tired and worn-out from struggling to pay bills, Radical Frugality can show you over 100 tips for feeling better today. Radical Frugality offers a soup to nuts plan for living a self-determined life that will leave you happier and healthier than ever before. CHAPTER ONE: IT'S NOT ABOUT WHAT YOU EARN—IT'S ABOUT WHAT YOU SPEND. HOW TO TAKE CONTROL CHAPTER TWO: THE CONSUMER CREDIT CON. HOW MARKETERS PLAY TRICKS ON YOUR BRAIN CHAPTER THREE: WHY FRUGALITY? GETTING STRAIGHT ABOUT WHY YOU'RE ON THE PLANET CHAPTER FOUR: WHO ARE YOU TODAY? EVALUATE YOUR SPENDING PROFILE CHAPTER FIVE: HOW TO DO IT. YOUR STEP BY STEP PLAN TO GAIN CONTROL CHAPTER SIX: GOING GREEN AND NEVER LOOKING BACK. THIS IS YOUR BRAIN ON CASH CHAPTER SEVEN: WHEN WILL YOU BE READY? LEARNING TO ASK THE RIGHT QUESTIONS CHAPTER EIGHT: LIVING THE DREAM. WHERE YOU LIVE DETERMINES HOW YOU LIVE

A New Earth

    Tolle describes how our attachment to the ego creates the dysfunction that leads to anger, jealousy, and unhappiness, and shows readers how to awaken to a new state of consciousness and follow the path to a truly fulfilling existence.The Power of Now was a question-and-answer handbook. A New Earth has been written as a traditional narrative, offering anecdotes and philosophies in a way that is accessible to all. Illuminating, enlightening, and uplifting, A New Earth is a profoundly spiritual manifesto for a better way of life—and for building a better world.

Speed Reading: How to Read a Book a Day - Simple Tricks to Explode Your Reading Speed and Comprehension (Accelerated Learning Series 2)

Ryan James - 2017
    Soon you will find that you can read an entire book each day! The more you read, the more knowledge you will gain that you can use to achieve your goals in life. Grab this book and become a speed reader today!

How to Quieten Your Mind: Tips, Quotes and Activities to Help You Find Calm

Anna Barnes - 2018
    A busy mind is one of the hazards of modern-day life, and it can be a huge drain on your energy and well-being. But be assured: whether you find it difficult to keep unwanted thoughts at bay or you've just got a hundred and one things to think about, there are ways to relax and unwind that can be learned, practised and perfected. Filled with helpful tips, soothing statements and calming activities, How to Quieten Your Mind will put you back in the driving seat and help you to feel relaxed, more in control and at peace with yourself.

Habits: 25 small habits, to improve wealth, health and happiness

Manoj Chenthamarakshan - 2018
    The problem is that when we are just beginning something fresh or trying to get into a routine that we are not used to, we may find ourselves running out of willpower. Most of us want to achieve great things in life, but fail because of the lack of willpower. Willpower drains so fast due to the amount of mental energy involved to begin something new. However, when you have a personal guide that takes you through all you need to do, step by step, and doubles as your reference source, you becomes less likely to experience the drain. You are better able to create life-changing habits that demand less energy from your brain and less effort and time to maintain. What you will learn: Expression of Gratitude Meditating Working out Goal writting Vision board gazing To do list Daily questionnaire etc..

A Stoic's Diary

Dipanshu Rawal - 2018
    Here's the link- have been both good and bad to people.Because,I have had ups and downs in my life.---I have been extremely happy whenever something good happened.And like everyone else, I have had my fair share of failures as well.I have been sad and depressed as well.There was a time when nothing went right.I know you might have witnessed such time in your life as well.So, at that moment,I started seeking life advices.While searching-“How to be happy in your life”,on Google,I stumbled upon a few philosophies.Out of those,stoicism was the one that attracted me the most.While researching on stoicism,I couldn’t help but notice that the simplicity and effectiveness of stoicism were lost in either the fancy words of contemporary writers or the outdated words by ancient stoic writers.So, here are my interpretations of stoicism in the simplest way possible.

This is Your Life, Not a Dress Rehearsal: Proven Principles for Creating the Life of Your Dreams

Jim Donovan - 1998
    My easy to use, simple ideas and techniques have become my trademark. I write easy to use books so people will read them and use the information they contain. The ideas in This Is Your Life, Not A Dress Rehearsal are not theory. They have been used by me and countless others to change our lives.