Book picks similar to
Shamanism: The Neural Ecology of Consciousness and Healing by Michael Winkelman
Howard Zinn on Race
Howard Zinn - 2011
As chairman of the history department at all black women’s Spelman College, Zinn was an outspoken supporter of student activists in the nascent civil rights movement. In "The Southern Mystique," he tells of how he was asked to leave Spelman in 1963 after teaching there for seven years. "Behind every one of the national government’s moves toward racial equality," writes Zinn in one 1965 essay, "lies the sweat and effort of boycotts, picketing, beatings, sit-ins, and mass demonstrations." He firmly believed that bringing people of different races and nationalities together would create a more compassionate world, where equality is a given and not merely a dream. These writings, which span decades, express Zinn’s steadfast belief that the people have the power to change the status quo, if they only work together and embrace the nearly forgotten American tradition of civil disobedience and revolution. In clear, compassionate, and present prose, Zinn gives us his thoughts on the Abolitionists, the march from Selma to Montgomery, John F. Kennedy, picketing, sit-ins, and, finally, the message he wanted to send to New York University students about race in a speech he delivered during the last week of his life.
The Developing Mind: How Relationships and the Brain Interact to Shape Who We Are
Daniel J. Siegel - 1999
Daniel J. Siegel presents a groundbreaking new way of thinking about the emergence of the human mind, and the process by which each of us becomes a feeling, thinking, remembering individual. Illuminating how and why neurobiology matters, this book is essential reading for clinicians, educators, researchers, and students interested in human experience and development across the life span.
Doctor Strange: Last Days of Magic #1
Jason Aaron - 2016
Jason Aaron brings you Doctor Strange and Wong's secret history and the ultimate sacrifice that Wong makes! Gerry Duggan shows Brother Voodoo's stand against the evil magic-eaters. James Robinson introduces a new magic figure in the Marvel U just in time for her last stand!
Guy Haley - 2016
and thrown into a battle for the fate of entire star systems.READ IT BECAUSEGuy Haley returns to tank action in a new tale of Honoured Lieutenant Bannick and his crew, weaving a tight and twisty tale as they face not only cunning enemies, but their own doubts about mankinds place in the galaxy.THE STORYArriving in the Geratomro warzone, Honoured Lieutenant Bannick and the crew of the Baneblade Cortein’s Honour are assigned as close support to a company of Shadowsword Titan hunters as they find themselves thrust into a deadly battle for the fate of three star systems. New and deadly allies throw into doubt all that Bannick has been told of the Imperium, while threatening not only his life, but also his soul...
The Concept of Mind
Gilbert Ryle - 1949
Ryle's linguistic analysis remaps the conceptual geography of mind, not so much solving traditional philosophical problems as dissolving them into the mere consequences of misguided language. His plain language and esstentially simple purpose place him in the traditioin of Locke, Berkeley, Mill, and Russell.
Seidways: Shaking, Swaying and Serpent Mysteries
Jan Fries - 1997
The author is inspired by the Nordic tradition of Seidr, said to have been taught to the human race by Odin. The book provides an extensive survey of the manifestation of this powerful technique through several related magical traditions - shamanism, mesmerism, draconian cults and even the nightside of European paganism. Seething is probably the most useful magical technique I have ever learned. I first was taken by the pleasure of it. My body felt warm and sensual, and seething in the hips felt quite sexual. I liked the feeling of my body taking over where the shaking was first voluntary - but I could still have some control, making the shaking stronger or more subtle. After a while I started to see visions - something that very rarely happens to me. I could see (with my physical eyes, not astrally!) the surface of the land in the centre of the circle rippling, like waves of energy. It was a really moving experience in a site that - until then - had not been particularly 'special' to me... it ..has had a major impact upon my magical work which used to be largely indoors, as at last I have found a way that I can work outdoors. This gives my magical work a potency that it simply didn't have before. - Shantidevi quoted in chapter twelve 'Rhythms and the Mind'
Sacred Ceremony: How to Create Ceremonies for Healing, Transitions and Celebrations
Steven D. Farmer - 2002
Rather than complex rituals or exacting formulas, this book also offers guidelines and suggestions for honoring the spiritual nature of these important milestones.
The Hold Life Has: Coca and Cultural Identity in an Andean Community
Catherine J. Allen - 2002
Allen's distinctive ethnography of the Quechua-speaking people of the Andes brings their story into the present. She has added an extensive afterword based on her visits to Sonqo in 1995 and 2000, and has updated and revised parts of the original text. The book focuses on the very real problem of cultural continuity in a changing world, and Allen finds that the hold life has in 2002 is not the same as it was in 1985.
Rogue Farm
Charles Stross - 2009
But when a bio-technological monstrosity known as a farm squats on their land, Joe and Maddie must confront not only it, but also their own hopes and dreams.Originally issued in print as part of the short story collection: Wireless. New York : Ace Books, 2009.1 sound disc (45 min.)
Consciousness and the Absolute : The Final Talks of Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj
Nisargadatta Maharaj - 1994
These talks, coming during the last days of his life, were the culmination of the rarest teachings he had to give us; they were the summit of the heights of his wisdom.
The Triumph of the Moon: A History of Modern Pagan Witchcraft
Ronald Hutton - 1999
The Triumph of the Moon is the first full-scale study of the only religion England has ever given the world--modern pagan witchcraft, otherwise known as wicca. Meticulously researched, it provides a thorough account of an ancient religion that has spread from English shores across four continents. For centuries, pagan witchcraft has been linked with chilling images of blood rituals, ghostlike druids, and even human sacrifices. But while Robert Hutton explores this dark side of witchery, he stresses the positive, reminding us that devotion to art, the natural world, femininity, and the classical deities are also central to the practice of wicca. Indeed, the author shows how leading figures in English literature--W.B. Yeats, D.H. Lawrence, and Robert Graves, just to name a few--celebrated these positive aspects of the religion in their work, thereby softening the public perception of witchcraft in Victorian England. From cunning village folk to freemasons and from high magic to the black arts, Hutton chronicles the fascinating process by which actual wiccan practices evolved into what is now a viable modern religion. He also presents compelling biographies of wicca's principal figures, such as Gerald Gardner, who was inducted into a witch coven at the age of 53, and recorded many clandestine rituals and beliefs. Ronald Hutton is known for his colorful, provocative, and always thoroughly researched studies on original subjects. This work is no exception. It will appeal to anyone interested in witchcraft, paganism and alternative religions.
Myth and Religion: A Thorn in the Flesh
Alan W. Watts - 1996
He then takes a revealing look at the mystical origins of Christianity in Jesus - His Religion, Or the Religion About Him? and explores how Christianity has diverged historically from those teachings in a brilliant and well researched critique of the Church. In Democracy in the Kingdom of Heaven Watts then carries his inquiry one step further, and asks if indeed a monarchical religion still makes sense in a democratic society. Watts takes a fascinating look at the ultimately anthropomorphic quality of man's view of his god in Images of Man. Here he is only half kidding when he says that "In the beginning there was Man, and he created God in his image," pointing to the highly subjective nature of our inquiry into the highest orders of reality. In the final chapter, Religion and Sexuality, Watts again looks at organized religion, but with more than a touch of humor as he suggests that churches today are sexual regulation societies, and precious little else. To make this point Watts asks, "How else can you get thrown out?" He then goes on to discuss the social implications of the Church's investment in moral issues, and demonstrates that this may in fact be a ploy to cover up for the lack of any substantial religious teaching in organized religion today.
Coffret Harry Potter en 8 tomes
J.K. Rowling - 2016
Contains the following volumes : Harry Potter, I : Harry Potter à l'école des sorciers - grand format [ Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone - large format ]Harry Potter, II : Harry Potter et la Chambre des Secrets - grand format [ Harry POtter and the Chamber of Secrets ] - large formatHarry Potter, III : Harry Potter et le prisonnier d'Azkaban - grand format [ Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban ] large formatHarry Potter, IV : Harry Potter et la Coupe de Feu - grand format [ Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire ] large formatHarry Potter, V : Harry Potter et l'Ordre du Phénix - grand format [ Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix ] large formatHarry Potter, VI : Harry Potter et le Prince de Sang-Mele - grand format [ Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince ] large formatHarry Potter, VII : Harry Potter et les Reliques de la Mort - grand format [ Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows ] large formatHarry Potter, VIII : Harry Potter et l'Enfant Maudit Parties un et deux
The Daemon
Anthony Peake - 2008
Anthony Peake apparently had met this witch and tickled her secret out of her – a brilliant and mind-boggling book.’MICHAEL MAAR, visiting professor of Comparative Literature at Stanford University, in praise of Anthony Peake’s Is There Life After Death?