Best of
The Practice of Magical Evocation
Franz Bardon - 1997
Detailed descriptions for evocation of beings from the spheres surrounding us. The aspirant learns how everything is possible through the appropriate spiritual laws and powers.Part I: magical aids and their uses: the circle, the mirror, the wand, the sword, the pentacle and the garment; advantages and disadvantages of evocational magic.Part II: explains in detail the hierarchy of the spheres, including the spirits of the four elements, planetary intelligences and communication with spirit beings.Part III: concludes with a complete set of illustrations of the seals of spirit beings.
Crystal Power, Crystal Healing: The Complete Handbook
Michael Gienger - 1997
Gaze at each crystal in dazzling color photographs, focusing on its shape and facets, and learn to reap its restorative effects with this easy-to-understand, precise guide. Find the most helpful healing stones for your needs, and the best ways to wear or use them. Place a crystal directly on your body; lie within a "stone circle"; meditate with stones resting against your skin; and take gem essences internally. They'll do wonders for grief, headaches, low self-confidence, and so much more. 416 pages (200 in color), 6 x 8.
The Theology of Time: The Secret of the Time
Elijah Muhammad - 1997
Book by Muhammad, Elijah, Elijah Muhammad
Earth, Air, Fire & Water: More Techniques of Natural Magic
Scott Cunningham - 1997
Born of the earth, possessing inherent power, they await only our touch and intention to bring their magical qualities to life.The four elements are powerful magical tools. Using their energies, we can transform ourselves, our lives, and our world. This much-loved, classic guide offers more than seventy-five spells, rites, and simple rituals you can perform using the marvelous powers of the natural world.Scott Cunningham was a greatly respected teacher and one of the most influential members of the modern Craft movement. A practitioner of elemental magic for twenty years, he wrote more than fifty books, including the seminal Wicca: A Guide for the Solitary Practitioner.
Tantric Visions of the Divine Feminine: The Ten Mahavidyas
David R. Kinsley - 1997
David Kinsley's new book documents a highly unusual group of ten Hindu tantric goddesses, the Mahavidyas, many of whom are strongly associated with sexuality and violence. What is one to make of a goddess who cuts her own head off, or one who prefers sex with a corpse? The Mahavidyas embody habits, attributes, or identities usually considered repulsive or socially subversive and can be viewed as "antimodels" for women. Yet it is within the context of tantric worship that devotees seek to identify themselves with these forbidding goddesses. The Mahavidyas seem to function as "awakeners"—symbols which help to project one's consciousness beyond the socially acceptable or predictable.Drawing on a broad range of Sanskrit and vernacular texts as well as extensive research in India, including written and oral interpretations of contemporary Hindu practitioners, Kinsley describes the unusual qualities of each of the Mahavidyas and traces the parallels between their underlying themes. Especially valuable are the many rare and fascinating images he presents—each important to grasping the significance of the goddesses. Written in an accessible, engaging style, Kinsley's book provides a comprehensive understanding of the Mahavidyas and is also an overview of Hindu tantric practice.
The Halloween Tarot Deck
NOT A BOOK - 1997
The Minor Arcana suits are Pumpkins, Imps, Ghosts, and Bats.
Circles of Power: Ritual Magic in the Western Tradition
John Michael Greer - 1997
Using this accessible book, you will be able to feel for yourself the difference those techniques can make in your life. "Circles of Power" takes the Golden Dawn system and, for the first time, removes the links to the lodges. This makes powerful Golden Dawn methods available for anyone. You will learn the nature of ritual magic and the tools used in this philosophy, science, and spiritual path. Then you will learn practical, usable techniques of magic which can be done by anyone, adept or novice, with very powerful results. Included are the secrets of: - Invoking and banishing - Middle Pillar exercises - Consecrating and working with the magical tools - Making and using talismans - Invisibility and transformation - Spiritual development - The formula of the Equinox "Circles of Power" is written in a lucid and entertaining style, revealing previously unknown aspects of the magical rites of the Golden Dawn. You will have a chance to explore dozens of new rituals that have been developed from fragments and core documents of the greatest magical order in the history of the modern Western world. "Circles of Power" actually revitalizes Western ceremonial magic by removing the unnecessary rhetoric and obscure jargon. Everything is plainly and simply explained, and all the information you need to begin working within this magical system is presented in a clear and concise manner. Reading "Circles of Power" is the next best thing to actually joining a Hermetic lodge. Get your copy today.
Legend Kit: The Arthurian Tarot [With 78 Full-Color Cards]
Anna-Marie Ferguson - 1997
The beautiful designs-all related to the Arthurian legends-will thrill you with their depth and subtle symbolism, adding new layers of meaning and interpretation to your readings.The 304-page book, A Keeper of Words, is your key to accessing the divinatory power of the deck. The book and deck reveal the Arthurian myths and imagery, and offer deep layers of interpretation of the Tarot that you may have not seen before.There are four sets of myths which make up the Arthurian legend. Here they are easy to follow and understand by using the 78 images that illustrate scenes or characters from the myths. The book describes the divinatory meaning of all the cards and gives sample layouts you can use.Finally, the layout sheet--a beautiful Celtic design with a massive tree at the center--gives a special joy to the readings.If you work with the Tarot, the myths illustrated on these cards will allow you to produce deeper meanings from the cards. And if you want to learn the legends of Camelot, these cards will help you learn and recall the adventures of the tales. For any of these reasons, this set is a must
Angels, Demons & Gods of the New Millenium: Musings on Modern Magick
Lon Milo DuQuette - 1997
A delightfully entertaining liberal arts education in Western Hermeticism with one of America's most knowledgeable and engaging authorities! Each chapter is a self-contained monograph on one of 7 topics critical tounderstanding modern magick.
The Serpent Power: The Ancient Egyptian Mystical Wisdom of the Inner Life Force
Muata Ashby - 1997
This volume shows how the discipline of spiritual evolution through life force cultivation-known as Kundalini in India- was actually known about and practiced in ancient Egypt-Africa thousands of years before. This Volume specifically deals with the latent life Force energy of the universe and in the human body, its control and sublimation. How to develop the Life Force energy of the subtle body. This Volume will introduce the esoteric wisdom of the science of how virtuous living acts in a subtle and mysterious way to cleanse the latent psychic energy conduits and vortices of the spiritual body.
Tarot and the Tree of Life: Finding Everyday Wisdom in the Minor Arcana
Isabel Kliegman - 1997
Simple, accessible, and easy to understand, these "overlooked mirrors" of everyday life can help us access our inner knowing and learn more about ourselves. In refreshingly down-to-earth terms and with a joyous, commonsense wisdom, Kliegman demystifies the Tarot by revealing its "small secrets."
The Shining Paths: An Experiential Journey Through the Tree of Life
Dolores Ashcroft- Nowicki - 1997
Pathworking is the occult term for a specific kind of visualization exercise in which the mind-self is projected into a series of situations and landscapes that can be viewed on a mental screen, or, once the mind has been trained, experienced as a participant with full sensory perception. Each working is preceded by a discussion of the individual path and of the experiences, correspondences and symbolism associated with it.
The New Golden Dawn Ritual Tarot: Keys to the Rituals, Symbolism, Magic and Divination
Chic Cicero - 1997
This book provides a card-by-card analysis of the deck's intricate symbolism, an introduction to the Qabalah, and a section on the use of the deck for practical rituals, meditations and divination procedures.
Helrunar: A Manual Of Rune Magick
Jan Fries - 1997
Its roots lie in the ancient pagan beliefs of our ancestors, who built many thousands of stones circles, long barrows and dolmens throughout ancient Europe. These same symbols and techniques were used by the pagan Celts and Germans. This book is a complete manual of magick based upon arcane symbolism and secret techniques. Contents: Meaning /Urda /Origins /Futhorc /Magical inscriptions / Memorial stones /Fascism / Titles / Cosmology / Nature / Qabala / Vision / Werdandi / Rune stance / Breathing/ Vowel song / Problems / Tune in / Health? / Divination / Alignments / Sigil sorcery / Seior and Seething / Energy /lda / Rune companion / Sources Jan Fries lives in Frankfurt near the Taunus Mountains. He is a musician, artist and magician. '...eminently practical and certainly breaks new ground.' - Ronald Hutton (author Pagan Religions of the Ancient British Isles) Recommended by The Cauldron 'a very meaty read...' PJ in Gippeswic Preface to the new edition When I went to school, my history teacher told us about the old Germani. In her opinion, the Taunus mountains were populated by a bunch of brawny brawlers who wore horned helmets and small pieces of pelt. They lived in hilltop settlements which were fortified by ringwalls. Barely able to manage agriculture, they had to rely on hunting to fill their stomachs. They lived in shabby huts with mud-plastered walls and when the Romans came, they fought the invaders with crude swords, pointy sticks and by hurling rocks at them... Nowadays, the ringwalls of the Taunus are known as the work of La Tene Celts, who lived on the heights in well organised cities. For this new edition much of the text has been rewritten and updated. A large section on the bronze ages, the Celts, Germani and the later Vikings added. The theme of Wodan and Helja has been elaborated with more detail on pagan Scandinavia. The chapter on magical rune inscriptions has been extended, on Seior/seething trances rewritten, the bibliography updated and twelve pages of new illustrations added.
Qabalistic Concepts: Living the Tree
William G. Gray - 1997
Gray discusses the value of "nothing," the purpose of the cross, the tree of life, and path working. His work makes Qabalah accessible to the Westerner, presenting it as a way of working with the inner principles of life to reveal one's ultimate identity and activate it in one's everyday awareness.
Legend Tarot Deck: The Arthurian Tarot
Anna-Marie Ferguson - 1997
The Tarot, a powerful spiritual and divinatory tool, also works with the subconscious and conscious minds. It was only natural that the two should be combined. That is exactly what Anna-Marie Ferguson has done with her beautiful deck, Legend: The Arthurian Tarot.The cards are meticulously painted in beautiful watercolor and framed by Celtic knotwork with jewels. The deck follows the traditional Tarot structure of 22 Major Arcana cards and 56 Minor Arcana cards. The traditional Tarot card name, such as the Seven of Swords, appears at the top of the card, while the Arthurian scene depicted (in this case the Sword in the Stone) appears at the bottom. The beauty of these designs will thrill you with their depth and add new layers of meaning and interpretation to your Tarot readings.Included is a 72-page booklet which describes the mythic image on each card along with the divinatory meanings. The Horned One (formerly The Devil) is here named Cernunnos. You will learn who this deity is and his history. The Universe becomes The Giant's Dance, which relates to the mythic construction of Stonehenge. The Three of Swords is Palomides, the Saracen Knight who laments for his lost love, Isolt. The Nine of Cups is the Healing of the Maimed King, which describes how the Wasteland is renewed with the healing of its King on the sacred isle of Avalon. The booklet also includes instructions for two spreads.If you work with the Tarot, you will find that the myths illustrated on these cards will allow you to glean new interpretations and ideas from the cards. If you collect Tarot decks, the beauty and meaning of this deck will make you want to add this deck to your collection. If you love the Arthurian myths, you will want this deck for its beautiful depictions of the events in the Arthurian legends. And if you want to learn the legends of Camelot, these cards can even function as flash cards, allowing you to easily learn and recall the adventures of the Arthurian knights. Let this deck, with its exquisitely rendered water color paintings, draw you into a compelling world of characters, places, and tales from all four branches of the ancient Arthurian legend.
The Metaphysics of Experience: A Companion to Whitehead's Process and Reality
Elizabeth M. Kraus - 1997
Hence its internal difficulty, its quasi-inaccessibility, is all the more tragic, since, unlike most metaphysical endeavors, it is capable of interpreting and unifying theories in the above sciences in terms of an organic world view, instead of selecting one theory as the paradigm and reducing all others to it. Because Alfred North Whitehead is so crucial to modern philosophy, The Metaphysics of Experience plays an important role in making Process and Reality accessible to a wider readership.
Alien Agenda: Investigating the Extraterrestrial Presence Among Us
Jim Marrs - 1997
16 pages of photos.
The White Road
Ron Weighell - 1997
In this new Sarob Press edition a few of the minor, or otherwise readily available stories from the original have been left out and ‘replaced’ by a novella bringing together two of Ron Weighell’s most popular characters, ‘James Calder-Stuart’ and ‘Vallance’, and taking ideas in its plot from one of the ‘lost novels’ mentioned in the introduction to the original edition ... “Out of the Hidden Land” has been written especially for this volume. The original stories have been newly typeset and re-imagined.THE WHITE ROAD is a Hand Numbered Lithographically Printed Limited Edition Hardcover, Bound in WHITE wibalin (fine linen style) with a blocking design to the front boards. Spine Blocking. Full Colour Dust Jacket with wrap cover art, premium Munken Cream 80gsm Bookwove, 16pp section sewn binding, head/tailbands, ribbon marker and, a first for Sarob Press, gorgeous illustrated end-papers.
Atlantis and Lemuria: Their History and Civilization
Rudolf Steiner - 1997
This information was divined from the Akashic Records and contains fascinating accounts of these forgotten epochs. This version has been custom formatted for Kindle and includes an interactive table of contents.
Symbolon Deck
Peter Orban - 1997
Unlike oracle decks, Symbolon is designed for summoning the past rather than diving the future. The cards, which depict historical scenes from European daily life as well as mythological stories, can be used in two different ways to explore memories of the past. The cards can be interpreted with a purely psychological approach, which does not require any knowledge of Astrology. Alternatively, Symbolon can be used a remembrance tool using Astrology. Each possible astrological constellation in the horoscopes is illustrated by the cards as an expression of deep, spiritual activity.The booklet describes each card with both the psychological and the astrological meaning. In addition, each card is interpreted by one of three positions in a spread: as the problem, the way through the problem, or as the outcome.
Seidways: Shaking, Swaying and Serpent Mysteries
Jan Fries - 1997
The author is inspired by the Nordic tradition of Seidr, said to have been taught to the human race by Odin. The book provides an extensive survey of the manifestation of this powerful technique through several related magical traditions - shamanism, mesmerism, draconian cults and even the nightside of European paganism. Seething is probably the most useful magical technique I have ever learned. I first was taken by the pleasure of it. My body felt warm and sensual, and seething in the hips felt quite sexual. I liked the feeling of my body taking over where the shaking was first voluntary - but I could still have some control, making the shaking stronger or more subtle. After a while I started to see visions - something that very rarely happens to me. I could see (with my physical eyes, not astrally!) the surface of the land in the centre of the circle rippling, like waves of energy. It was a really moving experience in a site that - until then - had not been particularly 'special' to me... it ..has had a major impact upon my magical work which used to be largely indoors, as at last I have found a way that I can work outdoors. This gives my magical work a potency that it simply didn't have before. - Shantidevi quoted in chapter twelve 'Rhythms and the Mind'
An Introduction to Ritual Magic
Dion Fortune - 1997
In Dion Fortune's day the conventions of occult secrecy prevented her from being too explicit on the practical details of magic, except in works of fiction. These veils of secrecy having now been rolled back, Gareth Knight has taken the opportunity to fill in much practical information that Dion Fortune might well have included had she been writing today. In short, in this unique collaboration of two magical practitioners and teachers we are presented with a valuable and up-to-date text on the practice of ritual or ceremonial magic "as it is." That is to say, as a practical, spiritual and psychic discipline, far removed from the lurid superstition and speculation that are the hallmark of its treatment in sensational journalism and channels of popular entertainment.
Cataclysm!: Compelling Evidence of a Cosmic Catastrophe in 9500 B.C.
D.S. Allan - 1997
Crustal shifting, the tilting of Earth's axis, mass extinctions, upthrusted mountain ranges, rising and shrinking land masses, and gigantic volcanic eruptions and earthquakes--all indicate that a fateful confrontation with a destructive cosmic visitor must have occurred. The abundant geological, biological, and climatological evidence from this dire event calls into question many geological theories and will awaken our memories to our true--and not-so-distant--past.
Predicting Your Future: The Complete Book of Divination
Jane Struthers - 1997
There are sections on Tarot, Chinese Astrology, Palmistry and Numerology and there are also compatibility charts for love and business.
Magick without Peers: A Course in Progressive Witchcraft for the Solitary Practitioner
David Rankine - 1997
Witchcraft is composed of three main elements Magic, Mysticism and Religion - each treated in depth, and integr
The Elements of the Kabbalah in Ten Lessons (Golden Dawn Studies No 13)
Éliphas Lévi - 1997
Montant, which explain many Kabbalistic concepts in a concise manner. Edited, with an introduction, by Darcy Kuntz. Translated by J.W. Hamiltion-Jones. Golden Dawn series 13.
Inside Degrees: Developing Your Soul Biography Using the Chandra Symbols
Ellias Lonsdale - 1997
The degree symbols are most useful in elaborating a personal birth chart. One can learn about personal cycles from studying the place of a transiting or progressed planet by degree at a given time, revealing collective as well as personal timings.The Zodiac degrees also act as an oracle. One can open the collection anywhere for a given day, or in response to a question. The degrees will reveal what is happening now and, if we are attentive and responsive to the cues, what is required of us. By comparing charts of friends and famous people who are known for certain qualities, one can gradually discriminate among the degrees. These beautifully written and fully imagined readings of the Chandra degree symbols speak to a deep level of personal change and authenticity.
Kabbalah of the Golden Dawn
W. Wynn Westcott - 1997
Golden Dawn series 16.
Not by Fire but by Ice: Discover What Killed the Dinosaurs...and Why It Could Soon Kill Us
Robert W. Felix - 1997
One day you'll wake up--or won't wake up, rather -- buried beneath nine stories of snow as the climate of Greenland descends on Canada, Britain, Norway and most of the north..practically overnight. It's all part of a dependable, predictable, natural cycle that returns like clockwork every 11,500 years.?
Tibetan Astrology
Philippe Cornu - 1997
This comprehensive introduction to the topic includes: • Historical roots and influences from China and India as well as the Buddhist Kalachakra teachings and the ancient Bön religion of Tibet • The two main branches of Tibetan astrology: Nagtsi, or "black astrology," based on the Chinese system, and Kartsi, or "white astrology," derived from Indian astrology • The twelve- and sixty-year cycles and the twelve animals and five elements associated with them • The mewa, or magical squares, which are numerological factors used to calculate the auspiciousness of days or years • The parkha, or eight trigrams of the I Ching, representing the elements, directions, seasons, and fundamental universal forces • How to analyze the character of hours, days, months, and years, so as to determine auspicious times for various activities • How to cast and interpret a Tibetan horoscope Also included are numerous diagrams and charts that are indispensable to the practice of Tibetan astrology, including tables for converting Western dates to dates on the Tibetan calendar.