Chemistry: An Introduction to General, Organic, and Biological Chemistry

Karen C. Timberlake - 1976
    Now in it's tenth edition, this text makes chemistry exciting to students by showing them why important concepts are relevant to their lives and future careers.

Atlas of Anatomy

Anne M. Gilroy - 2008
    Packed with over 2,400 full-color illustrations, this atlas guides you step-by-step through each region of the body, helping you master the details of anatomy.Key Features:Exquisite full-color illustrations with clear, thorough labeling and descriptive captionsEven more clinical correlations help students make the connection between anatomy and medicineCoverage of each region intuitively arranged to simplify learning: beginning with the skeletal framework, then adding muscles, organs, vasculature, and nerves, and concluding with topographic illustrations that put it all togetherOver 170 tables summarize key anatomic information for ease of study and reviewInnovative, user-friendly format in which each two-page spread is a self-contained guide to a topicSurface anatomy spreads now include regions and reference lines or planes in addition to landmarks and palpable structures to develop physical exam skillsMuscle Fact spreads ideal for memorization, reference, and review organize the essentials about muscles, including origin, insertion, innervation, and actionNew sectional anatomy spreads at the end of units build familiarity with 2D views of anatomic regionsAccess to PLUS, with over 500 images from the book for labels-on and labels-off review and timed self-tests for exam preparationAtlas of Anatomy is the student's choice:Thieme is the best anatomy atlas by far, hands down. Clearer pictures, more pictures, more realistic pictures, structures broken up in ways that make sense and shown from every angle...includes clinical correlations and summary charts of innervations and actions. That's about all there is to it. Just buy it. Thank you Thieme!!! Ok, now back to studying...In my opinion this book surpasses them all. It's the artwork. The artist has found the perfect balance of detail and clarity. Some of these illustrations have to be seen to be believed.... The pearls of clinical information are very good and these add significance to the information and make it easier to remember. Easier to remember is key.

Understanding Pathophysiology

Sue E. Huether - 2008
    The most current information on the mechanisms, manifestations, and treatments of disease are clearly and concisely presented. Accessible writing, numerous illustrations in full-color, and complete and separate treatment of pediatric pathophysiology are the hallmarks of this popular and respected text. The new third edition features extensively revised and updated content and an enhanced art program.The book is divided into two parts. Part One presents the general principles of pathophysiology, including cell injury and repair; genetics; fluids and electrolytes, acids and bases; immunity, inflammation, and infection; stress; and cancer. Part Two is organized by body system, and for each system it covers normal anatomy and physiology, alterations of function in adults, and alterations of function in children.• Complete but concise coverage provides a thorough discussion of general pathophysiology and specific disease processes. • Outstanding full-color art program illustrates normal anatomy and physiology, disease processes, and clinical manifestations of disease. • Pediatric content is presented in 9 separate chapters to provide thorough coverage of how disease processes specifically affect children. • Health Alert boxes present brief discussions of new research, diagnostic studies, preventative care, treatments, or other developments related to health or specific diseases. • Quick Check questions appear at the end of major sections of text and are designed to promote critical thinking. Suggested answers to the questions are found on the CD companion included with the text. • Risk Factor boxes illustrate how certain risk factors are associated with specific diseases. • Did You Understand? chapter summaries provide students with a comprehensive review of the major concepts presented in each chapter. • Aging content is identified with a special icon within the adult chapters. • Algorithms are used throughout the text to illustrate normal and compensatory physiology and pathophysiology. • Key terms are boldface in text and listed with page numbers at the end of each chapter for easy reference and chapter review.• Approximately 250 new full-color drawings have been added. • An Introduction to Pathophysiology included in the front matter defines pathophysiology — and related terms such as etiology and epidemiology — and explains why it is important. • Extensive updates, based on the most current research, have been made throughout the book. • To reflect the latest developments, the Biology of Cancer chapter has been completely rewritten. • Several chapters, including Fluids and Electrolytes, Acids and Bases and Alterations of the Reproductive Systems have been extensively edited.

Anatomy & Physiology

Rod R. Seeley - 2008
    Great care has been taken to select important concepts and to perfectly describe the anatomy of cells, organs, and organ systems. The plan that has been followed for eight editions of this text is to combine clear and accurate descriptions of anatomy with precise explanations of how structures function and examples of how they work together to maintain life. To emphasize the concepts of anatomy and physiology, the authors provide explanations of how the systems respond to aging, changes in physical activity, and disease, with a special focus on homeostasis and the regulatory mechanisms that maintain it. Timely and interesting examples demonstrate the application of knowledge in a clinical context.

Human Anatomy

Frederic H. Martini - 1994
    Time-saving study tools help readers arrive at a complete understanding of human anatomy. KEY TOPICS: An Introduction to Anatomy, The Cell, Tissues and Early Embryology, The Integumentary System, The Skeletal System: Osseous Tissue and Skeletal Structure, The Skeletal System: Axial Division, The Skeletal System: Appendicular Division, The Skeletal System: Articulations, The Muscular System: Skeletal Muscle Tissue and Muscle Organization, The Muscular System: Axial Musculature, The Muscular System: Appendicular Musculature, Surface Anatomy and Cross-Sectional Anatomy, The Nervous System: Neural Tissue, The Nervous System: The Spinal Cord and Spinal Nerves, The Nervous System: The Brain and Cranial Nerves, The Nervous System: Pathways And Higher-Order Functions, The Nervous System:  Autonomic Division, The Nervous System: General and Special Senses, The Endocrine System, The Cardiovascular System: Blood, The Cardiovascular System: The Heart, The Cardiovascular System: Vessels and Circulation, The Lymphoid System, The Respiratory System, The Digestive System, The Urinary System, The Reproductive System, The Reproductive System: Embryology and HumanDevelopment. MARKET: For all readers interested in human anatomy.

Semiconductor Device Fundamentals

Robert F. Pierret - 1995
    Problems are designed to progressively enhance MATLAB-use proficiency, so students need not be familiar with MATLAB at the start of your course. Program scripts that are answers to exercises in the text are available at no charge in electronic form (see Teaching Resources below). *Supplement and Review Mini-Chapters after each of the text's three parts contain an extensive review list of terms, test-like problem sets with answers, and detailed suggestions on supplemental reading to reinforce students' learning and help them prepare for exams. *Read-Only Chapters, strategically placed to provide a change of pace during the course, provide informative, yet enjoyable reading for students. *Measurement Details and Results samples offer students a realistic perspective on the seldom-perfect nature of device characteristics, contrary to the way they are often represented in introductory texts. Content Highlig

Anatomy & Physiology

Boundless - 2013
    Boundless works with subject matter experts to select the best open educational resources available on the web, review the content for quality, and create introductory, college-level textbooks designed to meet the study needs of university students.<br><br>This textbook covers:<br><br><b>Human Anatomy and Physiology Introduction</b> -- Anatomy and Physiology Overview, Life, Homeostasis, Anatomical Terms, Clinical Cases<br><br><b>General Chemistry</b> -- Matter and Energy, Element Properties: Atomic structure, Chemical Bonds, Chemical Reactions, Inorganic Compounds, Organic Compounds<br><br><b>Cellular Structure and Function</b> -- the study of cells, Cell membranes and the fluid mosaic model, Transport across membranes, How reception works in cell signaling, Nucleus and Ribosomes, Organelles, The Cytoskeleton, External cellular components, Cell division: process and importance, The cell cycle, Transcription and translation, RNA processing, Translation to a polypeptide, Transcription, Apoptosis signals an orderly cell death<br><br><b>Tissues</b> -- Epithelial Tissue, Cell Junctions, Clinical Cases, Tissue Repair, Tissue Development, Cancer, Connective Tissue, Membranes, Nervous Tissue<br><br><b>The Integumentary System</b> -- The Skin, Accessory Structures of the Skin, Functions of the Integumentary System, Wound Healing, Integumentary System Development, Skin Disorders, Imbalances, Diseases, and Clinical Cases<br><br><b>Skeletal Tissue</b> -- Cartilage, Bone Classification, Bone Formation, Bone and Calcium, Bone Development, Bone Diseases, Disorders, Imbalances, and Clinical Cases<br><br><b>The Skeletal System</b> -- Overview of the Musculoskeletal system, Divisions of the Skeletal System, The Axial Skeleton, Skull, Hyoid Bone, Vertebral Column, Thorax, Clinical Cases of the Axial Skeleton, The Appendicular Skeleton, The Pectoral (Shoulder) Girdle, Upper Limb, The Pelvic (Hip) Girdle, Lower Limb, Skeletal System Development, Clinical Cases of the Appendicular Skeleton<br><br><b>Joints</b> -- Classification of Joints, Synovial Joints, Joint Development, Clinical Cases<br><br><b>Muscle Tissue</b> -- Overview of Muscle Tissue, Skeletal Muscle, Control of Muscle Tension, Muscle Metabolism, Exercise and Skeletal Muscle Tissue, Smooth Muscle, Clinical Cases: Muscle Disorders, Development of Muscle<br><br><b>The Muscular System</b> -- Overview of the Muscular System, Head And Neck Muscles, Trunk Muscles, Muscles of the Upper Limb, Muscles of the Lower Limb, Clinical Cases and Muscular System Disorders<br><br><b>Nervous Tissue</b> -- Overview of the Nervous System, Neuroglia, Neurons, Collections of Nervous Tissue, Neurophysiology<br><br><b>Central Nervous System (CNS)</b> -- The Brain, Consciousness, Sleep, Language, and Memory, Protection of the Brain, Parts of The Brain Stem, The Cerebellum, The Diencephalon, Cerebral Cortex (or Cerebral Hemispheres), Functional Systems of the Cerebral Cortex, Development of the CNS, Brain Disorders and Clinical Cases, The Spinal Cord, Spinal Cord Anatomy, Disorders and Clinical Cases of the Spinal Cord<br><br><b>Peripheral Nervous System (PNS)</b> -- Sensation, Sensory Receptors, Somatosensory System, Nerves, Cranial Nerves, Spinal Nerves, Distribution of Spinal Nerves, Motor Activity, Motor Pathways, Reflexes, Pain, Development of the Nervous System, Disorders of Spinal Nerves and Clinical Cases<br><br><b>Autonomic Nervous System (ANS)</b> -- Autonomic Nervous System, ANS Anatomy, Physiology of ANS,

Antibiotics Simplified

Jason C. Gallagher - 2008
    This practical text reviews basic microbiology and how to approach the pharmacotherapy of a patient with a presumed infection. It also contains concise Drug Class Reviews with an explanation of the characteristics of various classes of antibacterial drugs and antifungal drugs. Antibiotics Simplified, Third Edition simplifies learning infectious disease pharmacotherapy and condenses the many facts that are taught about antibiotics into one quick reference guide. This guide will help students learn the characteristics of antibiotics and why an antibiotic is useful for an indication. With an understanding of the characteristics of the antibiotics, students will be able to make a logical choice to treat an infection more easily. With helpful figures and flow charts, Drug Class Reviews, a Spectra of Activity chart, and an index for reference, this is an ideal handbook for students as well as practicing pharmacists, physicians, and other clinicians!

Textbook of Radiographic Positioning and Related Anatomy

Kenneth L. Bontrager - 1987
    It presents positioning and projection information in an easy-to-read, bulleted format on one side of the page spread, with corresponding positioning photos, radiographic images and anatomical drawings on the other side. Expert content covers pathology, geriatric and pediatric patient populations, survey information, and 100 new positioning photographs for the latest in radiographic positioning. The 6th edition contains a new chapter on digital imaging, and digital imaging information is incorporated where appropriate throughout the book. New photographs and redrawn illustrations create a consistent, visual appearance throughout the book.- Characterized by a clear, easy-to-follow organization that features one projection per page. Positioning and projection information is presented in an easy-to-read bulleted format on the left side of the page, and positioning photos, radiographic images and anatomical drawings are aligned on the right. This show and tell style helps students visualize anatomy and understand positioning.- Includes about 200 of the most commonly requested projections. Competency in performing these projections is necessary for all entry-level practitioners. By contrast, Merrill's Atlas includes over 400 projections and much more information on advanced imaging.- Critique Radiographs provide the basis of classroom or lab discussion. The WB/LM contains questions specific to these radiographs.- Pathologic Indications in appropriate chapters - Introducing pathology with positioning helps students understand the whole patient and improves their ability to produce radiographs that make diagnosis easy for the physician.- Pediatric Applications in appropriate chapters prepare technologists to deal competently with the special needs of their pediatric patients.- Geriatric Applications in appropriate chapters - Important information for technologists to understand the varying needs of their patient base.- Alternative Modalities or procedures inform students of which projections can better demonstrate certain anatomical parts or pathology, or which may be necessary if patient is unable to cooperate fully.- Radiographic Criteria on positioning pages help students develop a routine for evaluating radiographic quality.- Pathology Demonstrated provides students with a larger frame of reference, and therefore a greater understanding, of each projectionA new chapter on digital imaging discusses basic principles, applications, and image quality - digital imaging information essential for making appropriate positioning adjustments - to ensure readers are prepared to encounter new technology in clinical practice.Content updates include a totally new section on surgical radiography, new sections in all chapters on digital imaging considerations, an expanded section on bone densitometry, and a new introduction to positron emission tomography (PET).Updated and revised chapters cover angiography and interventional procedures, and computed tomography.More than 150 new positioning photos, in addition to many updated images, complement the new material.

Discrete-Event System Simulation

Jerry Banks - 1983
    This text provides a basic treatment of discrete-event simulation, including the proper collection and analysis of data, the use of analytic techniques, verification and validation of models, and designing simulation experiments. It offers an up-to-date treatment of simulation of manufacturing and material handling systems, computer systems, and computer networks. Students and instructors will find a variety of resources at the associated website,, including simulation source code for download, additional exercises and solutions, web links and errata.

The Biology Coloring Book

Robert D. Griffin - 1986
    Whether studying biology on your own or enrolled in a course in high school or college, you will find this book indispensable.More than 50% of your brain is devoted to vision and movement. Use the unique and highly effective Coloring Concepts method to experience for yourself how the action of coloring allows for more complete understanding than passive reading. Allow yourself to be tutored step-by-step through the fundamental concepts of biology and the evidence and reasoning processes which lead to them, while the colors and your movements form strong mental associations which greatly improve comprehension and memory. Students will learn:About the basic chemistry of lifeHow organisms fit into their environmentsClassification and organization of animalsIntroductory genetics and the genetic codeNucleic acids: DNA and RNAThe Scientific Method; Observations and Hypotheses

Business Data Communications and Networking

Jerry FitzGerald - 1995
    Updated with the latest advances in the field, Jerry FitzGerald and Alan Dennis' 10th Edition of Business Data Communications and Networking continues to provide the fundamental concepts and cutting-edge coverage applications that students need to succeed in this fast-moving field.Authors FitzGerald and Dennis have developed a foundation and balanced presentation from which new technologies and applications can be easily understood, evaluated, and compared.

Cope's Early Diagnosis of the Acute Abdomen

William Silen - 1972
    Despite its relatively narrow focus, it is chock full of the pearls of clinical wisdom that students and practitioners treasure, and many of these lessons apply to medicine in general. The book was well characterized by a reviewer of an earlier edition for The New England Journal of Medicine: If only one book about surgery could be made available to physicians from all specialties, it should probably be Silen's recent revision of Cope's Early Diagnosis of the Acute Abdomen. Since the book first appeared more than 30 years ago, it has remained the classic treatise on the initial approach to abdominal pain. Because acute, severe abdominal pain is still a common problem whose misdiagnosis can result in quick death, each generation of beginning physicians is faced with the urgency of learning to make a diagnosis in this high anxiety situation and they appreciate the wise, humane, precisely detailed guidance offered by Cope and Silen. For the 21st Edition, Dr. Silen has again updated the text in a respectful but significant way. He has strengthened its emphasis on pitfalls in the interpretation of CT and ultrasound scans, on misadventures caused by over-reliance on blood tests and radiographs, and on careful history-taking to avoid the costs of inappropriate lab tests. He has also reviewed the data from a randomized clinical trial indicating that patients should receive adequate analgesia while awaiting a definitive diagnosis, a dictum that is contrary to traditional teaching


Echo Heron - 2015
    EMERGENCY 24/7: Nurses of the Emergency Room, portrays thirty-one nurses, each with a distinctive voice and unique view of what really goes on behind the closed doors of the secret and chaotic world of the emergency room. Also included are the moment-by-moment chronicles of eleven nurses who worked in New York City and Washington, D.C., on September 11, 2001. These compelling accounts give new perspectives on the horrors and heroics of that tragic day. Ranging from inspiring to heart-rending to outrageously funny, these gripping narratives make EMERGENCY 24/7 a fascinating and provocative book—a fitting tribute to the frontline nurses.

Mechanical Engineering Reference Manual for the PE Exam

Michael R. Lindeburg - 1994
    Dozens of key charts, tables, and graphs, including updated steam tables and two new charts of LMTD heat exchanger correction factors, make it possible to work most exam problems using the Reference Manual alone. A complete, easy-to-use index saves you valuable time during the exam as it helps you quickly locate important information needed to solve problems._____________________________Since 1975 more than 2 million people preparing for their engineering, surveying, architecture, LEED®, interior design, and landscape architecture exams have entrusted their exam prep to PPI. For more information, visit us at